The Last Goodbye (The Women of Independence) (10 page)

BOOK: The Last Goodbye (The Women of Independence)
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Andrea stood up as they came through the
door and launched herself at Grayson. Still glowing from his kiss, Danielle was
glad that Carmen had warned her about the actress. Andrea tried to kiss him on
the lips, but he averted his face and her kiss ended up somewhere on his cheek.
She glared at Danielle, and then turned back to Grayson, all smiles. “Aren’t
you glad to see me?”

“Of course I am.” He smiled down at her,
and drew Danielle forward. “This is Danielle Flynn. She lives here.”

Danielle stuck out her hand. “Welcome to
Green Lake Ranch.”

“Thanks.” Andrea gave her a smile that came
close to being genuine, but didn’t quite make it. Danielle hoped she was a
better actress when the cameras were on. Fuelled by her own agenda, the actress
latched onto his arm. “Listen, Grayson, I need to talk to you.” She pulled him down
the verandah, away from the group of people.

Danielle was too proud to turn and
watch. She gritted her teeth and was grateful to Sean when he motioned her over
to where he’d been talking with the two male actors.

“Danielle, come and meet Hayden and

She tried to forget about Grayson, and
answered the actors’ questions about growing up on the ranch. Recalling what
Carmen had told her, she asked Tyler about his new baby, and he dragged out a
photograph to show her, a proud daddy smile on his face.

After several moments, when Grayson
didn’t rejoin the group, she chanced a look. Andrea was seated on the verandah
railing, looking up at him with adoring eyes. He leaned over and appeared to
whisper something in her ear and she looked toward Danielle and giggled.

Danielle stiffened, and her fingernails
cut into her palms as her hands curled into fists. She had no right to be
jealous; after all, she had no claim on Grayson, but the sight of the actress
flirting so openly was almost more than she could stand, and he didn’t seem to
be discouraging her.

“Ignore her, Danielle.”

Carmen’s voice had a calming effect.
Sitting next to Jake, Danielle had thought that the older woman was oblivious
to what was happening, but the kind words were precisely what she needed to
regain her equilibrium.

Jake looked from Danielle to Grayson. As
usual, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but there was a new
understanding in his eyes. Carmen touched him on the arm, her hand lingering
possessively, and Jake covered it with his hand.

Carmen leaned toward Jake. “Danielle and
I had a talk this afternoon,” she murmured. “Let’s just say Andrea has a
reputation when she’s on location.”

Jake ignored the director and the
actress and focused his attention on Danielle. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Thanks, Uncle Jake. I’m

Jake rose, and offered his hand to
Carmen. “Well then, I’m hungry.” He clapped Sean on the back. “And I know this
guy is hungry.” They moved toward the dining table, which was laden with food.
“When we were in college, he never stopped eating.”

Danielle’s first instinct was to
disappear, but she forced herself to sit with the others. Tempting as the idea
was, she couldn’t run away every time something didn’t go her way, although the
idea of trying to eat while Andrea flirted with her man was enough to make her

Her man
? Where had that
notion come from? She looked up as Grayson and Andrea came into the dining room.
He pulled out a seat across from Danielle and the actress slid into it. Grayson
sat beside her, trying his best to get Danielle to look at him.

But she kept her attention riveted on a
conversation between Sean and Tyler about the comparative merits of California
wines. Grayson finally gave up and ate, while Andrea prattled on beside him.

As soon as it was polite, Danielle
excused herself, fled into the kitchen and was part way out the door when
Esperanza caught her.

We have cake for dessert.
You know you love my chocolate cake.”

Danielle shook her head and tried to
smile. If the housekeeper saw the pain in her eyes, she’d know something was
wrong. She was on the brink... so close to tears... and a kind word from
Esperanza would send her over the edge. She patted her stomach. “I ate too much
chicken, not to mention your scalloped potatoes. I might have some cake later,
if there’s any left.” She escaped through the back door, aware of the
housekeeper behind her, hands raised in frustration.

Chapter Eleven

Standing outside the kitchen door,
Danielle waited for her eyes to adjust to the pale evening light. She exhaled
slowly, feeling the tension drain from her body. Unsure of her destination, she
started to walk, enjoying the still night air. A bird flew overhead and she
watched it with a smile, recognizing the white wing bars and short, nasal call
of a Nighthawk. The birds weren’t often seen during the day, preferring to come
out at dusk to catch bugs for their offspring. There was a perfect spot at the
far end of the lake where she could watch them jink and dive over the surface
of the water and she headed there, pushing thoughts of Grayson to the back
corners of her mind.

But they wouldn’t stay there. Not
surprising, when her body still thrummed with the memory of his kiss. A kiss
that she’d asked for, and a kiss to which she could so easily become addicted.
With a sigh she settled on the bench and pulled up her feet, clasping her arms
around her bent legs and resting her chin on her knees.

She was being irrational, which was more
than a little disturbing. Back when she first started her business, she
discovered that she possessed a skill she hadn’t been aware of... the ability
to analyze situations with clear, rational thought. Some contractors compared
themselves to jugglers; sadly, those who didn’t succeed were the ones who
couldn’t keep all the balls in the air. But Danielle found she had a real knack
for detail, for scheduling, and for the myriad details of dealing with the
sub-trades. And when it was necessary, she could schmooze with the customers.
There was no room in her business life for indecision, and she liked it that

So why, all of a sudden, was she indecisive
when it came to Grayson? Was she willing to risk heartbreak for a few days of
happiness? She wasn’t sure, but what surprised her even more was that she was tempted
to become involved with a man who would be gone in a few days. That she would
even consider such a thing was testament to how powerfully she was drawn to him.
She watched idly as a Nighthawk swooped in front of her and she heard the
distinctive ‘snick’ as it caught an insect in its mouth.

Then again, now that Andrea was here,
her dilemma had probably been solved. It was unlikely that Grayson would want
to be more than friends after the beautiful actress had made her intentions so
clear. “Just as well,” she said to the birds, unconvinced even as the words
drifted out over the lake.

“Just as well what?”

She let her legs drop to the ground, and
placed a hand over her heart. “Grayson, you frightened me.”

“Sorry,” he said, grinning broadly. He
held up two plates. “Esperanza told me I’d probably find you here; I’ve brought

She looked behind him. “Where’s your

He sat down, handed her a plate, and
produced two forks from his shirt pocket. “Andrea can be very possessive.”

“Gee, d’you think?” She took a forkful
of cake and ate it with her eyes closed.

He watched her through hooded eyes.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous!”

“Of course not.” She looked out over the
lake. “Well, maybe a little.”

“I’m sorry, Danielle.”

She hadn’t expected that.

“Why are you sorry?”

“I should have warned you. Andrea is...
what’s the best way to describe it... needy.”

Danielle considered telling him what
Carmen had said, but decided not to share the other woman’s confidence. “She’s a
movie star, isn’t she? What does she have to be needy about?”

Grayson took another bite of cake and
thought for a moment. “I’m trying to think of one actress at the same point in
her career who
needy.” He looked at her and his eyes softened. “I
can see why you might not understand. You’re so... together. You don’t need to
have your ego stroked every five minutes.”

“Is that what that was? It looked to me
like she wanted you.” There, she’d said it.

He paused, fork half way to his mouth.
His eyes met hers, but he didn’t deny what she’d said.

“The truth?” he said after a moment.

She wasn’t quite sure what he meant, so she
remained silent.

He licked the remains of the chocolate
icing from the fork and placed it carefully on the plate. “You see, Andrea was
one of those Hollywood starlets you think exist only in novels. She slept her
way into her first few roles. In her case, it turned out that she’s a good actress.
After a while it wasn’t necessary for her to demean herself, but she can’t seem
to accept the fact that she’s talented.” His brows came together and he looked
angry. “And unfortunately, there are still people in Hollywood only too happy
to take advantage of an insecure actress.”

“It doesn’t sound like a very nice
place, your Hollywood.”

He shot her a quick look. “It’s not
Hollywood, but it’s where the work is.” He sat back against the bench and
admired the flying display put on by the birds. “I’d be happy if I never had to
go back there.” He watched the birds some more. “Nighthawks?”

Danielle nodded, still absorbing what
he’d said. “I suppose I should feel sorry for Andrea, but I have a feeling she
wouldn’t like that, either. Are you confident that you’ll get a good
performance from her?”

“I’m not worried about that. She may
require a bit more hand-holding than the average actor, but she’s good. And
she’s perfect for this part. We’re going to shoot the scene in the tack room
tomorrow. After that, there’s a long tracking shot of her riding a horse, and
then she can go home.”

He turned toward her and hooked an arm
over the back of the bench. “Let’s change the subject. I don’t know if you
recall, but I mentioned once that I’d like to cook for you.”

She remembered everything he’d ever
said, but this wasn’t the time to tell him that. “I remember something like that.”

He rubbed his palm on his jeans. “When
we go back to LA, there are a few more scenes to shoot, and then I’ll be in
post-production for a couple of months. But after that, would you come to my
ranch? I’d like you to see where I live.” He grinned. “And I’ll cook you the
best pasta you’ve ever had.” His hand stilled and he ducked his head, trying to
see in her eyes. “What do you say?”

Shouted the voice in her head.

“I can’t,” she whispered, allowing
herself to look into his eyes. “It sounds lovely, but I just don’t think I’m
ready for something like that.”

“Danielle,” he said quietly. “Do you
trust me?”

She lowered her gaze. “I want to. I
really want to, but it’s too soon.” She reached for his hand. “I’m sorry,

He sighed, and gave her hand a gentle
squeeze. “I understand.” He tried a smile. “I’m disappointed, but I understand.
If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.”

Danielle couldn’t speak. It was all she
could do not to cry.

He released her hand and stood. “This is
a beautiful spot, but from now on, I’ll be pulled in six directions at once. As
a matter of fact, I should be going over some paperwork right now.” He
collected the cake plates. “I promised Esperanza I’d return the plates, and I
don’t want to get in her bad books.” They started to walk back together.

“I’m tackling the roof at Silverton
tomorrow,” she said finally, mentally planning out her day.

He looked down at her. “Will Nick be
with you?”

“I’m not sure. He’s in the middle of a
project in town. He opened up the roof today.”

Grayson frowned. “I don’t like the idea
of you working out there alone. Will you at least contact me when you leave, so
I know where you are?”

“Okay, but I don’t want to disturb you. What
time are you shooting the tack room scene?”

“We’ll be there all morning. The natural
light is best around eleven.”

“I guess I won’t see you until the
evening, then.” They were approaching the back door. Esperanza had left the
outside light on, and insects hurled themselves at the light bulb.

“Guess not,” he said, opening the door
and ushering her inside. The room was dimly lit by under counter lighting,
throwing his face into shadow. He placed the plates in the sink and turned to

“Will you at least think about coming to
my ranch?” He trailed long, sensitive fingers down her cheek.

Desire raced through her body, but she
managed not to throw herself into his arms. She nodded, not trusting her voice.

“All right, then.” He brushed a thumb
over her bottom lip and headed for the stairs. “Good night,” he said, his foot
on the bottom stair.

She watched him ascend and disappear
into the gloom of the hall. ”Goodnight Gray,” she whispered.

* * *

The house was silent when Danielle came
downstairs the next morning. A sure sign that movie production was in full
swing. One day closer to Grayson’s departure.

Her cell rang just as she was about to
enter the kitchen.

“Hi Nick.”

“Hi, Boss. Sorry to bother you, but the
customers would like you to drop by as soon as possible.”

“Anything wrong?”

“No.” He hesitated. “But I think they
may want to make some changes.”

She groaned. “At this late date? Okay. I
was on my way to Silverton, but if they’re around, I’ll stop by now.”

“Thanks.” He consulted with the
customers and when he came back on, she could hear the relief in his voice.
“They’ll wait for you. See you soon.”

“Right.” She greeted Esperanza with a
quick kiss to her cheek. “Good morning. I see you made sweet rolls. My fave.”
She grabbed her thermos cup, fixed some coffee and grabbed a warm roll. “Gotta
run, I’ll eat in the car.” She headed for the back door.

The housekeeper had long since learned
not to argue. “Have a good day, little one.”

Danielle paused and smiled. Esperanza
hadn’t called her that for a long time. “By the way,” she said. “Have you seen
Grayson this morning?” She tried to keep her tone light, but she doubted that
she’d fooled the housekeeper.

When there was no response, she took a
couple of steps back into the kitchen. “Esperanza?”

The housekeeper refused to meet her
eyes. “He no eat breakfast today,” she said, wiping down an already clean
counter. “I think he’s busy.”

Danielle nodded slowly. Esperanza
obviously wasn’t going to volunteer anything else, and she knew better than to
push. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”

What had Esperanza been holding back?
Danielle walked to her truck, pondering the possibilities.

She placed her mug in the cup holder,
and checked to make sure she had everything she needed for the Silverton job.
She’d put the ladder in the back yesterday, and walked around the vehicle,
checking to ensure that the bungee cords were firmly in place.

Across the compound, under the shade of
a tall Ponderosa Pine, the door of one of the cabins opened. The movement
caught her eye, and her heart started to pound. Grayson stood on the small
front porch, looking up at the sky. His shirt was loose, and he tucked it in,
then turned back to speak to someone inside. A feminine hand reached out,
stroked him on the arm, and he gave her a goofy grin.

Danielle gasped, ran around the truck
and jumped into the driver’s seat, slamming the door. Grayson looked up, and
his smile disappeared. He looked back into the cabin, then at Danielle. If her
heart hadn’t been breaking, the look on his face might actually have been funny.
She squeezed her eyes shut and rocked back and forth a few times, trying to
block out the obvious implications... trying to deny what her eyes had

Who was she trying to kid? She’d have to
face up to it eventually, and now was as good a time as any. She opened her
eyes in time to see him trying to extricate himself from Andrea’s grasp. Giving
silent thanks to the actress for delaying him, she turned the key in the
ignition and drove away, pride and anger holding back her tears.

Chapter Twelve

Grayson cursed under his breath as
Danielle drove away. How much had she seen, and more importantly, how had she
interpreted it? His first instinct was to jump on one of the ATVs Jake had put
at their disposal and try to follow, but he had too much to do before shooting
the all-important scene. He could easily become angry... at himself, or at
Danielle, he wasn’t sure which... but today especially, he couldn’t afford the
distraction. He glanced back at the now closed cabin door and then walked down
the steps and focused on the day ahead. At least that was something he could

* * *

Danielle forced herself to drive slowly
as she passed the temporary buildings. It was dry out here, and the road was being
watered down several times a day to keep down the dust. Thankfully, she didn’t
see anyone she knew, and kept her eyes forward.

“Hello Kevin.” She’d almost called him
Green Eyes; that was how she thought of him. “I was wondering if you could do
me a favour.”

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