The Last Love Song (123 page)

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Authors: Tracy Daugherty

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Bank of Credit & Commerce

Bantam Books

Barbizon Hotel for Women, New York

Barnard College, New York

Barnes, Djuna

Barthelme, Donald

Bates, Charles

Bath, James R.

Batista, Fugencio

Baudelaire, Charles

Bay of Pigs

the Beach Boys

the Beatles

the Beat Movement

Beattie, Ann

Beatty, Warren

Beckett, Samuel

Bedtime for Bonzo

Beers, David

Bellow, Saul

The Bell Jar

Bennington College, Vermont

Benson, Corrine

Bergman, Ingrid

Berkeley College.
University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley Gazette

Berkeley, George

“Berkeley's Giant: The University of California” (Didion)

Berman, Jeffrey

Bernhardt, Michael

Bernstein, Carl

The Bevatron (particle accelerator)

Bianchini, Paul


bin Laden, Salem

bin Mahfouz, Khalid

Birillo, Ben

Biskind, Peter

Bisset, Jacqueline

the Bistro, Beverly Hills

Black Cultural Association

Black Dahlia

Black, Gertrude

Black, Joe

Black Panthers

Blackwell, Betsy Talbot

Blake, William

Bloomingdale, Betsy

Blue Nights

approach to

on parenting skills

on Quintana's adoption

on Quintana's birth family

on Quintana's depression

on Quintana's maturation

Blue Sky Dream, Sputnik

Blum, David

Bob (Didion boyfriend)

The Body in Pain

Bogart, Humphrey


Bonner, Raymond

A Book of Common Prayer

characters, basis of, in

narrative of

reception of

themes of

titling of

voice of

Book World

Bork, Robert

The Boston Globe

Bourke-White, Margaret

Bouvier, Jacqueline.
Onassis, Jacqueline Bouvier

Bowles, Jane

Boyle, Peter

The Boys in the Band

Braman, Sandra

Brand, Stewart

Brandt, Carl

Braudy, Susan

Brenda (cousin)

Breslin, Jimmy

Breslin, Rosemary

Briffault, Herman

Brinkley David

Broder, David

Brokaw, Tom

Brown, Barbara

Brown, Jerry

Brown, Nicole

Brown, Pat

Brown, Tina

Brussell, Mae

Bryan, C. D. B.

Bryant, Bear

Bryant, Kobe

Buckley, Priscilla

Buckley, William F., Jr.


Buffalo Springfield

Bugliosi, Vincent

the Bummers (band)

Bunshaft, Gordon

“The Burdens of Biography” (Schorer)

Burg, William

Burroughs, William

Burroway, Janet

Burton, Richard

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Abu Ghraib scandal and

9/11 attacks and

Bush v. Gore


Butler, Phyllis

Butts, Calvin O.

Byck, Samuel

the Byrds

Cain, James M.

See also
Hollywood; University of California, Berkeley

as America's infrastructure model


grape workers' strike in

Inland Empire in

Latin ties to

nostalgia tied to

Sacramento Valley in

San Francisco

transformation/history of

California's El Dorado Yesterday and Today

Calley, William L., Jr.

Camellia Society, Sacramento

Campbell, Mary

Canby, Vincent

Cannes Film Festival

Cannon, Lou

Cantwell, Mary

Capone, Al

Capote, Truman

Captain Newman, M.D.

Carby, Norman

Caron, Leslie

Caro, Robert

Carroll, Jon

Cartagena Film Festival

Carter, Graydon

Carter, Jimmy

Casey, Constance

Cassini, Oleg

Castro, Fidel

Cat Ballou



CB Commercial


Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Abu Ghraib and

Bay of Pigs and

Cuban exile movement ties to

LSD experimentation by

Symbionese Liberation Army ties to

Central Park Jogger assault

Cerf, Bennett

Chaffee, Roger

Champlin, Charles

Chandler, Dorothy Buffum

Chandler, Harry

Chandler, Raymond

Chaney, James

Chaplin, Charlie

Chateau Marmont, Los Angeles

Chavez, Cesar

mechanization's impact and

RFK's support of

Cheever, John

Cheney, Dick

Chicago (band)

Chicago, Judy

Chicago Sun-Times

Chilly Scenes of Winter


Christa and Jeann-Claud

The Christian Science Monitor

Chrysler Theatre

Central Intelligence Agency

Cinque (SLA).
DeFreeze, Donald

Cinqué, Joseph (Sengbe Pich)

Citizen Kane

The City Sun

Civil Rights Act

Civil Society Project

C. K. McClatchy Senior High School, Sacramento

Clinton, Bill

impeachment hearings for



Cocks, Jay

Cohen, Allen

Cohen, Sidney

Coldwell Banker

Color in Your Garden

Colton, Larry

Columbia, David Patrick

Columbia Spectator

Come Back, Dr. Caligari

“Coming Home” (Didion)

narrative of


The Community Builder's Handbook

Condit, Gary

Congressional Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments

Connolly, Anna

Conrad, Joseph

Cooper, Amy

Coplans, John

Cork, Bruce

Cornwall, Josephus Adamson

Cornwall, Nancy Hardin


Cowley, Malcolm

Crawford, Cindy

Creative Artists Agency

Crosby, David

Crowe, Cameron

Crowley, Mart

Cuban exile community, Miami

Cukor, George

See also
Vietnam War;
specific branches

anti-Semitism in

the Beat Movement in

conspiracies' impact on

disguised narratives in

gender bias in

global events shaping


LSD's impact on

movies in



racism in

underground press in

visual arts in

writing style influenced by

Cunningham, Michael

Cuomo, Mario

Curtis, Tony

Daily Californian

Daily World

the Daisy, Beverly Hills

d'Aubuisson, Roberto

Daum, Meghan

Daves, Jessica

Davidson, Sara

Davies, Russell

Davis, Belva

Davis, Bette

Davis, Gray

Davis, Martin

Davison, Peter

Dawson, Pic

DBA Company

A Death in the Family

Death of a Salesman

de Beauvoir, Simone

Deemer, Earl

The Deer Park

DeFreeze, Donald (Cinque)

de Garis, Kirsty

Degnan, Suzanne

de Kooning, Willem

(Dunne, J.)

reception of

Delman, Sue

Delta King



characters, basis of, in

foreign rights to

point of view in

reception of

research of

themes/narrative of

Democratic Party

centrist moves by

Demy, Jacques

The Denver Quarterly

Desmond, Jim

Des Pres, Terrence

Diaghilev, Serge

Dialogue Conspiracy

The Diary of a Mad Housewife

Dickey, Christopher

Dickey, James

Dickinson, Emily

The Dictionary of Literary Biography

Didion, Eduene Jerrett (mother)

death of

Didion's childhood and

granddaughter's relationship with

influence of

Didion, Ethel Mira Reese

Didion, Frank (father)

alcohol use by

anti-Semitism and

background of

breakdown of

death of

gambling by

granddaughter's relationship with

military service of

Didion, Genevieve

Didion, J. Frank

Didion, Jim (brother)

profession of

Didion, Joan.
See also
works, Didion; writing style, Didion

academic appointments of

acting, love of, by

alcohol use by

awards presented to

as Berkeley lecturer

as Berkeley student

birth of

California relocation, 1964, by

Central Park Jogger coverage by

childhood of


daughter's adoption by

daughter's death and

daughter's mental health and

contributions by

drug use by

Dunne's courtship of

Dunne's death and

Dunne's marriage to

editors, book, of


father's death and

gender bias and

health, mental, of

health, physical, of

homophobia and

influences on



guest editor

migraines experienced by

miscarriages and

mother's death and

movie reviews by

National Review

as The Nation

New York relocation, 1956, by

New York relocation, 1988, by

New York Review of Books


Parmentel's relationship with

political leanings of

pregnancy attempts and

product endorsements by

publisher shifts by

Reagan, Nancy, profile by

real estate company of

religious/spiritual observations by

Robbins's death and

Saturday Evening Post

screen writing by

smoking by


weight struggles by

WW II relocating by

Didion, Pearl

Didion, Robert

Diem, Ngo Dinh

Dietrich, Marlene

Di Giorgio, Robert

Dine, Jim

Distinguished Contribution to American Letters medal

Dixon, Mike “Willard”

Dixon, Trudy

Dr. Dolittle.
See also The Studio

Dodger Stadium

“Domination of Black” (Stevens)

Dominican Church of St. Vincent Ferrer, New York

Dominick Dunne: After the Party

Donadio, Rachel

Donleavy, J. P.

Donner Party

Donner, Tamsen

Dooley, Tom

the Doors

The Doors of Perception


Double Indemnity

Down and Out in Paris and London

Doyle, William

Dreiser, Theodore

Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter

Dropped Names

D'Souza, Dinesh

Duchamp, Marcel

Dunn, Ben

Dunne, Alex

Dunne, Dominick “Nick”

arrest of

Condit lawsuit against

daughter's murder and

death of

divorce of

documentary on

drug use by

Dunne, Greg, death and

Dunne, Greg, estrangement from

Dunne, Stephen, suicide and

films produced by

health of

Hollywood's evolution and

New York relocation, 1979, by

rehabilitation of

sexuality of

Skakel case and

suicidal thoughts by

Vanity Fair
contributions by

Dunne, Dominique

acting by

death of

Dunne, Ellen Beatriz Griffin “Lenny”

daughter's death and

death of

Dunne, Griffin

acting by

father's death and

Dunne, Harriet

Dunne, John Gregory “Greg”

alcohol use by

background of

California relocation, 1964, by

daughter's adoption by

death of


Didion courtship by

Didion's marriage to

Dunne, Nick, estrangement from

Dunne, Stephen, suicide and

Dutch Shea, Jr.



health issues of

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