The Last Love Song (126 page)

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Authors: Tracy Daugherty

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Saarinen, Eero

Sack, John

Sacramento Junior College

Sacramento News and Review

The Sacramento Union

Sacramento Valley, California

class structure in

flooding within

history/transformation of


Saint John the Divine, New York

St. John, Jill

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Salinger, J. D.


narrative of

reception of

research of

Salvadori, Mario

Sanders, Ed

Sandoz Pharmaceuticals

San Francisco

LSD culture/era in

San Francisco Bay Guardian

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Examiner

San Jose Mercury News

San Juan Bautista Mission, California

Sankey, Janet

Sankey, Tom

The San Francisco News

Saroyan, William

Sartre, Jean-Paul

Saturday Club, Sacramento

Saturday Evening Post

bankruptcy of

Didion contributions to

Dunne contributions to

The Saturday Review

Savio, Mario

Savitch, Jessica

Sayre, Nora

Scarry, Elaine

Schary, Dore

Schatzberg, Jerry

Scheider, Roy

Schenley Industries

Schiavo, Terri

Schiller, Lawrence

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

Schlesinger, James R.

Schnabel, Julian

Scholes, Robert

Schorer, Mark

Schrader, Paul

Schwartz, Jack

Schwartz, Lynn Sharon

Schwerner, Michael

Scott, Campbell

Scott, Elizabeth

Screen Actors Guild

A Season in Purgatory
(Dunne, D.)

Sebring, Jay

“The Second Coming” (Yeats)

The Secret Agent

Segal, Lore

“September 1, 1939” (Auden)

Shackley, Theodore

Shapiro, Karl

Shaw, Clay

Shaw, George Bernard

Shearer, Norma

Sheed, Wilfrid

Sheehan, Neil

Sheehan, Nora

“The Sheik” (Babitz)

Sheil, Anthony

Shell, Joe

Shepard, Sam

Sherman, Camp, Oregon

Short, Elizabeth

Show Me a Hero
(Dunne, J.)

Siegel, Bugsy

Siegel, Don

Silberman, James

Silent Generation

Silverblatt, Michael

Silver, Joan Micklin

Silvers, Robert

Simon, Carly

Simon, John

Simon & Schuster

Didion's move to

royalty disputes with

Simpson, O. J.

Sinatra, Frank

Sinatra, Tina

Sinclair, Upton

Singlaub, John

Sipa USA

60 Minutes II

Skakel, Michael

Skakel, Tommy

Sky Above Clouds

Symbionese Liberation Army

Slouching Towards Bethlehem
(book) (Didion)

“Goodbye to All That” in

“John Wayne: A Love Song” in

“Letter from Paradise, 21° 19
N. 157° 52
W” in

“Los Angeles Notebook” in

“On Going Home” in

“On Keeping a Notebook” in

“On Morality” in

“On Self-Respect” in

reception of

release of

“Slouching Towards Bethlehem” in

“Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream” in

thematic elements of

titling of

voice of

“Slouching Towards Bethlehem” (essay) (Didion)

reception of

theme of

writing style in

Smant, Kevin

Smith, Carol Houck

Smith, Chris

Smith, Diana

Smith, Harold S., Sr.

Smith, Henry Nash

Smith, Ken

Smith, Patti

Smith, Rita

Snow Covered Wagons

Snyder, Dick

Snyder, Gary

Snyder, Rixford K.

The Soft Machine

Soltysik, Patricia

“Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream” (Didion)

Sons and Lovers

The Sons of Katie Elder

Sontag, Susan

Sophie's Choice

Sorenson, Theodore G.

The Sound of Music

Southern, Terry

Specktor, Matthew


Spector, Phil

Spenser, Edmund

Spicer, Jack

Spielberg, Steven

Sports Illustrated


Stafford, Jean

Stamberg, Susan

Stanley, Owsley

A Star Is Born

research of

Stardust Motel, Delano

Starr, Kenneth

Starting Out in the Evening

Steele, Tim

Steffens, Lincoln

Steinbeck, John

Stein, Ben

Stein, Jules

Stephens, John Lloyd

Stephenson, Shirley

Stevens, Wallace

Stiefel, Arnold

Stills, Stephen

Stimpson, Catharine

Stone, Oliver

Straight, Susan

Straus, Helen

Straus, Roger

Streisand, Barbra

Streisand, Jason

Streshinsky, Shirley

Streshinsky, Ted

“Strike” (Dunne, J.)

The Studio
(Dunne, J.)

Sturges, Sandy

Styron, William

Such Good Friends

Summer of Love

Sunday Times

“Sunset” (Didion)

Sunset Boulevard

Supreme Court

Sutter, John

Suzuki, D. T.

Suzuki, Shunryu

Swaim, Don

Swanson, H. N. “Swanie”

Sweeney, John Thomas

Sylbert, Richard

Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)

Szalay, Michael

Talbot, David

Talese, Gay

Talmey, Allene

Tan, Amy

Tanen, Ned

Tara, Bill

Tate, Sharon

Taylor, Charles

Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, James

Taylor, Peter


“Technique as Discovery” (Schorer)

Teena, Brandon

Tehran hostage crisis

Tender Is the Night


Tess of the d'Urbervilles

The Theory of Real Property Valuation

Thomas, Marlo

Thompson, Guy E.

Thompson, Hunter S.

Thumbheart, Frank


Didion features by

Dunne contributions to

Vietnam coverage by

of London

“Tinsel” (Dunne, J.)

Tolstoy, Leo

Too Much Money
(Dunne, D.)

Torrijos Herrera, Omar

Totem and Taboo

Tower Commission Report

The Tragic Muse

Tramont, Jean-Claude

Traylor, Susan

Traylor, William

Triay, Victor

Trillin, Calvin

True Confessions
(Dunne, J.)

narrative of

theme of

True Confessions

Truffaut, François

Truslow, Jane

Turner, Rob

Twain, Mark

Twentysix Gasoline Stations

UCLA (University of California Los Angeles)

Library Special Collections


underground press

United Press International

University of California, Berkeley

antiwar protests at

Didion as lecturer at

Didion as student at

Didion profile on

Farm Workers' strike and

Hearst kidnapping and

University of California, Los Angeles.

University of California, Riverside

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts

Up Close & Personal

Updike, John

U.S. Army Air Corps

USA Today

The Users

The Uses of the University


Blue Ridge

Coral Sea



U.S. Special Forces

Turner Joy



Vacaville State Prison, California

Van de Kamp, John

Vandercook, John W.

Vanderlip, Frank

van der Rohe, Mies

VanDevelder, Paul

Van Houten, Leslie

Vanity Fair

Didion profiles by

Dunne, Nick, contributions to

Varda, Agnès

Vazquez, Amado

(Dunne, J.)

thematic elements of


Veterans Administration


Vidal, Gore

Vietnam War

media coverage of

My Lai massacre in

protests of

refugees of

U.S. retreat from

The Village Voice


Didion contributions to

Prix de Paris contest by

Vollers, Maryanne

von Bülow, Claus

von Bülow, Sunny

Vreeland, Diana

Wagner, Robert

Wainright, Loudon

Waiting for Godot

Wakefield, Dan

Wald, Connie

Wald, Jerry

Walken, Christopher

Walker, Edwin

Wallace, Lois

The Wall Street Journal

Wanger, Shelley

Wanger, Walter

Warhol, Andy

Warner, Jack

Warren Commission

Warren, Earl

Warren, Nina

The Wars of Love

The Washington Post

Wasser, Julian

Wasserman, Lew

Wasserman, Steve

Watch on the Rhine


Waterston, Sam

Watson, Blake H.

Watson, Tex

Watts, Alan

Watts Riots

Watts, Robert

Waugh, Evelyn

Wayne, John

Didion interview with

Wayne, Pilar

The Way We Lived Then
(Dunne, D.)

the Weathermen

Weaver, Polly

Weber, Steven

Weed, Steven

Welch, Robert

Weld, Tuesday

“The Welfare Island Ferry” (Didion)

Wenner, Jann

Wesselmann, Tom

Westbrook, Colston

West, Louis Jolyon “Jolly”

Westmoreland, William C.

West, Nathaniel

Weyand, Fred C.

Whalen, Philip

Wharton, Edith

What a Way to Go

“When Did Music Come This Way?” (Didion)

Where I Was From

Run River
reconsidered in

theme of

titling of

voice/framing of

“White Christmas”

White, Edward

White, George Hunter

The White Album

“The Getty” in

“In Bed” in

“In Bogotá” in

“In Hollywood” in

“On the Morning After the Sixties” in

“Quiet Days in Malibu” in

reception of

thematic elements of

voice of

“The White Album” essay in

“Women's Movement” in

The White Album

The Whole Earth Catalog

Why Buildings Fall Down

“Why I Write” (Didion)

Wilde, Oscar

Wilder, Billy

William Morris Agency

Williams, William Carlos

Willoughby, Bob

Wills, Garry

Wilson, Dennis

Wilson, Sloan

Wind Bell

Winfrey, Oprah

Winn, Kitty

Wolfe, Tom

New Journalism and

Wolfe, William

Women and Men: Stories of Seduction

“Women's Movement” (Didion).
See also
gender bias

Women's Wear Daily

Wood, Natalie

Woods, James

Woodstock Festival

Woodstock Times

Woodward, Bob

Woolf, Virginia

works, Didion.
See also specific works

essays/short stories/lectures

“Berkeley's Giant: The University of California”

“Coming Home”

“Fixed Ideas”


“The Welfare Island Ferry”

“When Did Music Come This Way?”

“Why I Write”


A Book of Common Prayer


The Last Thing He Wanted

Play It As It Lays

Run River


After Henry

Blue Nights


Political Fictions


Slouching Towards Bethlehem

Where I Was From

The White Album

The Year of Magical Thinking


The Year of Magical Thinking


“Hills Like White Elephants”

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