The Last Riders - First Four Votes (99 page)

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“Shade, I need you.” One of her legs rubbed against his as she tried to tell him what she needed.

“You’re not hot enough yet.” Shade’s mouth moved to her breast again, taking her nipple back into his mouth.

“Yes, I am.” Lily heartily disagreed with him. If he kept rubbing her pussy, she was going to come before he’d even entered her.

Then understanding dawned on her, what he was trying to tell her. She was just lying there, letting him have sex with her. He wanted her to make love

Her hands left his shoulders, exploring every inch of his skin, discovering his body; how he trembled when her lips grazed the flesh at the base of his throat, how his lean body had stone-hard muscles.

As her teeth grazed his nipples, she learned how his body felt when he shifted to lay between her thighs. Her palms slid along his ribcage, circling his waist to hold him tighter as he slid his cock deep within her. Lily memorized how her breasts felt when she arched them against his chest, then when he crushed them beneath his chest.

She didn’t want to forget any moment from her wedding night, so when her monsters tried to threaten her, it would be Shade’s touch—his kiss, his image—that would drive every hurtful memory away until all that was left was him and this night. Their wedding night. Their first time.

Lily turned her head to whisper in his ear, “I love you, John Hunter.”

“Lily, I didn’t know a man could love a woman as much as I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I’m never going to let you go. I couldn’t survive without you in my life. I wouldn’t want to.”

His mouth covered hers as his thrusts increased, carrying them both into a climax that gave as much as it took. It gave them a way to express their love and took a part of their soul as it receded, crashing the two into one, forever entwined.

hade rolled over
, pulling Lily onto his chest.

“That was beautiful,” Lily said, nuzzling his neck.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, I never expected… Yes, I enjoyed it a lot.” She laughed against his neck.

“Good. That was for you. This time is for me,” Shade said, sitting up.

“What are you doing?” Lily asked curiously.

Shade slid out of the bed, picking her up and carrying her into the bathroom. There were three steps that led down into the massive shower. Shade turned the water and music on, and the water began to pulse to the music.

“Oh, heck no,” Lily said, giggling as she tried to get out of the shower. “I just blow-dried my hair.”

“I’ll help you when we get out, if I’m not too tired.” Shade’s hand went into her already-wet hair, turning her mouth up to his. His hand was already going for the lotions on the side of the shower.

“Lean up against the shower wall,” he ordered her, lifting his mouth and stepping away. With a grin, Lily went to the shower wall, leaning back against it.

He opened the bottle of lotion, spilling some of it on his hand before reaching out and rubbing it into her tiny, black curls.

Lily tried to smack his hand away. “What are you doing now?”

“I’m going to shave you,” Shade said, his hand returning to the tiny curls.

“Oh, no, you’re not,” Lily protested.

“Yes, I am. Now stand still or I’m going to go get my paddle. It’s my turn.”

Lily stood still, feeling his hand on her pubic hair, trying to decide whether to go along with him or not.

His hand went to the shelf again, pulling out a long, old-fashioned razor. That answered her question. She was not going to let him near her sensitive flesh.

“Let me do it. I’ll get a regular razor,” Lily attempted to stop him.

“But that won’t be any fun for me.” Shade went to his knees in the shower. “Don’t worry; I’m good at this. Not as good as Razer, but almost as good.” He scraped the first few curls away. “See. That didn’t hurt, did it?”

“What do you mean,
as good as Razer
?” Lily asked, his sentence making her pause in getting away from him.

“This is how Razer got his nickname.” Shade scraped away even more curls.

“Eww, that’s TMI. I didn’t need to know that about my brother-in-law. Wait a minute; does Beth know how Razer got his nickname?”

“What do you think?” His wicked voice was muffled with laughter.

“That’s definitely TMI, Shade. He used to shave the women in the house?” Lily couldn’t resist asking.

“Yep.” Shade continued at his task.

“So you’re almost as good as him now. I guess I don’t need to know who took over for him, do I?” Lily asked snidely.

“Nope.” Shade spread her legs, one at a time. Lily would have jerked away when he started shaving her, but once that lethal-looking razor was pressed against her crotch, she froze in place. When he finished, he took the showerhead, spraying the now clean-shaven pussy.

“Damn,” he said in appreciation.

“I thought you were a breast man?” Lily teased.

“I don’t play favorites.”

“Let me do you now,” Lily said with saccharin sweetness.

“No, it’s—”

“Not my turn,” Lily finished for him.

“Angel, when it’s your turn, you can do anything to me you want.” His eyes dared her.

“I’m going to hold you to that.” Her thoughts of revenge were side-tracked by his mouth going directly to her pussy. One second she was talking to him, the next he was devouring her, sliding his tongue through the fleshy pink lips of her cunt.

Lily’s hand grasped the back of his neck, pulling him closer as his tongue teased the opening of her pussy, plunging deep inside of her then pulling out before plunging back in again. He tongue-fucked her until her thighs started trembling.

Shade then stood up, dragging his tongue away with a final sweep across her clit. He turned her until she was facing the shower bench that was against one wall of the shower. “Bend over,” he groaned.

Lily bent over, placing her hands on the bench. His hand on her back pushed her down further until her face lay on her hands.

Shade rubbed the tip of his cock through the silky wetness of her pussy, sliding the long length between the lips. She felt the tip touch her clit, nearly making her come, but then he changed directions. On his next forward thrust, the momentum sent his cock tunneling through her cunt, burying himself deep within her. He leaned over her back, pushing himself inside of her to the hilt.

Lily screamed over the loud blast of the music as he pistoned inside of her, driving himself in and out until her screams became whimpers. His foot moved her stance wider, taking him deep enough so that she tried to adjust herself.

“Stay still.” His mouth found the tender flesh of her neck. “I’m going to fuck you deep and long enough that you’re going to always remember tonight. I’m going to leave my mark on your pussy so you will never, ever doubt in your mind that you belong to me. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” Lily gasped, her next orgasm driving her back on his cock.

His hand slid around her ribcage then upwards, grabbing her breast in a tight hold to pull her back onto his thrusting cock.

“How long, Lily?” he demanded.

“Always, Shade. I’ll always belong to you.”


ily bit
her lip as she stood on the porch of the clubhouse. It had been her turn to cook dinner and she had come outside to tell the men that dinner was ready.

The men were down in the parking lot below. It was freezing out, but they stood watching as Rider rode a new motorcycle he had just bought, saying his other one was headed for the scrap heap.

Several of the women had gone down to see his new bike also. Bliss and Jewell along with Evie stood watching Rider on the bike. They were taking turns getting on behind him, while Viper, Shade and Train were talking. Shade was sitting casually on his bike with his back to the house. Raci was on Rider’s bike at the moment, and jumped off when the bike came to a stop. She looked gorgeous with her flushed cheeks and tight jeans. She was wearing a thin cream top with one of the men’s leather jacket on. She wondered whose jacket she had on, since she had never seen Beth wearing Razer’s the whole time they had been married.

When Raci turned, Lily saw the back of the jacket and knew instantly whose it was. It was like a knife had been stabbed in her heart.

She went back inside without telling them dinner was ready, going back inside to the kitchen. She stood at the kitchen several minutes staring out the window as she tried to catch her breath. She began praying hard.

A few minutes later, she heard the front door open and the voices of the members. She quickly busied herself, placing a calm expression on her face.

“That bike makes me want to get a new one.” Train was the first in the kitchen with the rest following behind.

Evie and Jewell took advantage of the men talking to get in the food line to fix their plates. Lily saw Shade come into the kitchen with Viper, Raci and Bliss trailing behind them. Raci was no longer wearing Shade’s jacket.

Lily was tempted to go back to their house, but she was just as determined not to run. She fixed herself a plate, taking a seat at the table next to Evie and Jewell, forcing herself to eat while Shade and the others fixed themselves plates.

Shade finished filling his plate and took a seat across from her. When he would have said something, Lily picked up her plate and stood up.

“I’m done, Raci. You can have my seat.” Lily walked away from the table as Raci sat down.

Placing her plate in the sink, she went to the kitchen door.

“Lily?” Shade’s questioning voice had her shoulders stiffening. She reminded herself she wanted to be more like Sex Piston and her crew. She knew exactly what Sex Piston would do.

Turning around, she went back to the table, ignoring Beth and Winter who had come into the kitchen, just now getting off work. She walked up behind Rider and gave him sweet smile.

“Rider, it’s cold outside, and I left my jacket at the house. May I borrow yours?”

Rider paled, his eyes going to Shade’s.

“This isn’t going to be pretty.” Lily heard Beth’s amused voice behind her back.

“Uh, Lily. Shade’s jacket is in the other room; would you like me to get it for you?” Raci’s face was as white as Rider’s.

Lily turned toward Raci. This time the smile didn’t reach her eyes. “No thanks, Raci. Rider?” Lily turned back to Rider who hadn’t taken his eyes off Shade’s grim visage.

“Is there a problem?” she continued. “It’s not like your jackets mean anything, do they? It’s not like a wedding ring is it? I’ll give it back when I’m done with it.” This time Lily didn’t try to hide her anger at the knowledge that she had been right in the importance of the jackets. “I thought you men were all about sharing.”

“There’s the Lily I know and love,” Winter said, making no attempt to keep the amusement out of her voice.

Rider reached for his jacket, which he had hung on the back of his chair.

“Touch that jacket, and you won’t sit for a week,” Shade’s coldly furious voice had everyone tensing.

“Never mind, Rider. I’m sure a few minutes out in the cold won’t bother me.” Lily turned on her foot, going out the kitchen door

She was halfway back to their house when she was jerked to a stop. “What the fuck?” Shade’s angry face stared down at her.

“Don’t you dare ask me why I’m mad.” She wrenched her arm away from him and rushed toward the house. She opened the door and turned to close it, but Shade prevented her by coming in behind her, shutting it himself.

Lily ignored him as she turned on the lights.

“So what is this? The silent treatment?” Shade mocked with his arms crossed over his chest.

Lily threw him an angry look, turning to face him. “There is nothing to say, Shade.” Staring back at him, she buried her hands in the side of her dress. Even angry and hurt as she was, he attracted her like a moth to a flame, and just like a moth, she had given him the power to destroy her.

He was wearing dark jeans and boots with a black muscle shirt that showed his body to his best advantage. How could she blame Bliss or the other women for wanting him when the only thing she could think of was touching him?

Lily sighed going to the steps. “I fell in love with The Last Rider that’s the wildest? I knew you were bad, but I had no concept of just how bad, did I?”

“No.” Shade didn’t try to evade her question.

“Go have your dinner.” She climbed the steps to their bedroom, aware he was following her.

Her mind went back to after her wedding ceremony and the women’s faces when she had questioned them. She should never have lost her temper. Now she was regretting letting it rattle her that she had seen Raci in his jacket. Lily didn’t want to be jealous of other women; it would affect her marriage. She had to trust Shade or their marriage was never going to work.

In the bedroom, she gathered her pajamas and went into the shower, taking a long time, hoping Shade would go back to the clubhouse and finish his dinner. It would give her time to soothe her hurt feelings without wanting to throw something at him. Lily even thought of calling Sex Piston for advice.

When she finally came out of the bathroom, Shade was leaning against his cabinet with his shirt and boots removed.

Lily came to an abrupt stop, looking at the determined expression on his face. Shade took out a slip of paper she recognized. It was her IOU.

“I’m going to give you a choice. Either you can apologize or I can cash in my hour of time. Your choice, Angel.”

Which was really no choice at all.

Stubbornly, she mimicked him, crossing her arms over her chest. “The IOU.” Lily trembled when he gave her a lethal smile. “I’m not the one who should apologize.”

“Take off your nightgown.”

Lily jerked off her gown, throwing it at his smug face, her eyes throwing violent sparks.

Shade went to his cabinet, opening the side where he kept his toys, she was sure. He pulled out a paddle then sat it back down. Next, he took out a flogger. Lily swallowed hard when he sat that back down. He paused several seconds before he opened a sliding compartment to the side, taking out what she had only seen in old westerns that looked like a whip.

Lily lost her confidence.

Scanning her new bedroom, she picked the closest corner and ran to it, shivering when Shade laughed.

He sat the whip down on the chair next to the cabinet then went back to his cabinet and pulled out leather cuffs.

“Get on the bed, Lily.”

“I’m sorry. I overreacted.” Lily’s temper had fled when he had pulled out the flogger.

“You’re not sorry yet, but you will be.” He pointed to the bed. “Bed. Now.”

Lily tried one more time to escape her punishment. “Blueberries.”

“What did I tell you about using your safe word to get out of a punishment?” If it was possible, his frown became even more ferocious. Her mouth snapped open. “If you’re about to tell me you hate me, I would seriously think about it.” Her mouth closed.

Lily wanted to cry, but channeled her inner Sex Piston and stubbornly lifted her chin. Leaving the relative safety of the corner, she went to the bed and lay down.

“On your stomach.” Lily paused then rolled onto her stomach.

As soon as she was on her stomach, she heard him move. He took her wrist and placed the leather cuff around her wrist then moved it to the headboard and slipped the ring into the hook on the bottom, snapping it closed. He moved to her other side and did the same. He then moved to the foot of the bed and buckled another cuff around her ankle before doing the same to the other. She was now bound and spread-eagled on the bed.

His hand brushed her calf as he picked up the whip.

“I can understand you being angry about Raci wearing my jacket. I wouldn’t have said a thing if you had tore me a new asshole. What I didn’t think was cool was you trying to get Rider killed. If you had touched anything of his, he would have been in the morgue tonight, brother or not.

“I don’t think that you have quite grasped the fact that you are mine, Lily. Mine.”

She heard the swish of the whip and gave a startled scream, waiting for the burning pain. She lay there, paralyzed with fear, not knowing what to do. When the tip of the whip touched the hair on the back of her shoulder, it actually felt like he had brushed it away with his hand. She felt only the faintest touch against her skin.

Thinking he had missed, she heard the sound of the whip again, this time feeling it against her other shoulder, the barest touch as if he had touched her with a gentle finger. She lay tense as another series of flicks had her feeling as if he was caressing her with fluttering touches. Her fear lessened and she relaxed against the mattress, a tear of relief she couldn’t hold back slipping from the corner of her eye.

The whip started striking her faster, moving from her shoulders to different areas of her back. This time Lily felt the strikes going from caresses to tingling, waking her nerve endings until she felt a light buzz across her skin, almost like when she felt static electricity. She felt the tiny flicks as he moved to her lower back then her buttocks, down her legs to her ankles. Her whole body was tingling.

Shade moved between her thighs, his fingers sliding into the moisture she had felt beginning when the whip had been striking her buttocks. Two fingers plunged into her passage.

“Are you doing okay, Lily?”

“Yes,” She mumbled.

Shade’s fingers slid out of her, giving only a faint brush against her clit. He went to the nightstand and Lily heard the music as he switched it on. He walked back to the foot of the bed where she couldn’t see him again.

“I didn’t give Raci my jacket. She was joking around and picked it up and put it on. I told her to take it off several times. I controlled my temper and didn’t jerk it off her the way I wanted because I knew she had smoked some pot and thought she was being cute. I told her that she earned a month’s punishment. She wasn’t allowed to smoke anymore pot since she obviously doesn’t know how to handle it. Then I told her that if she touched my fucking jacket again, she would lose her membership to The Last Riders. She got my message. You, on the other hand, are still learning. That’s okay, though, because I’m patient and I plan on teaching you to behave just the way I want.”

As he talked, the whip began striking at her buttocks, the tingling now escalating to a slight stinging sensation that had first startled her, but now had small moans escaping her lips. The speed they were hitting her was so fast, she would feel the small sting then another would start before the other could fade away.

He stopped again and she felt his fingers slipping inside of her again, plunging deep before sliding away. His thumb caressing her clit with firm swipes before stopping suddenly.


This time, when the whip struck, it felt thicker, making a loud thud sound, but it didn’t hurt. It felt like when she had been given a deep tissue massage.

The whip moved back and forth across her shoulders. Lily moaned louder, her hips wiggling on the mattress. The whip stopped.

“Quit moving or I’ll stop,” Shade ordered.

Lily froze on the mattress, not wanting it to end. The whip resumed. She did not understand how the loud thud against her flesh wasn’t hurting.

Lily’s body became boneless under the massaging rhythm of the whip as it began to feel harder against her bottom, moving back and forth across her buttocks as if he was now lightly spanking her. Lily felt the moisture between her thighs increase, becoming embarrassed that in her spread eagle position she was unable to hide her response to his strikes. The pressure in her began to build.

She tried to wiggle in her restraints again, and the whip immediately stopped. The now familiar feel of Shade stroking her pussy almost made her come.

“Do not come,” Shade ordered, pressing down on her clit.

A broken whimper slipped past her lips. “Please, Shade.”

“Do Not Move.” Shade’s hand left her and then he returned to tormenting her with his whip. The heavy thuds across her buttocks returned and his spanking continued. She heard him moving this time when the whip hit. It felt like the time he had put her over his lap and spanked her hard. The whip moved across her butt to just under the curve of her butt cheek.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked Rider for his jacket,” Lily cried, wanting to come. The pleasure/pain of his strokes was driving her toward an orgasm and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold out. Her body was being taken over by a frenzied need.

When she didn’t think she could stay still any longer, she heard the thud of the whip as it hit the floor. Then Shade’s hands were on the cuffs at her feet, unbuckling them from the hooks.

“If you want my dick, get on your knees.”

Lily forced her shaking body to move as he un-cuffed her wrists. With the use of her hands returned, she was able to get onto her knees, her dark hair sliding forward, hiding her face from his sharp gaze.

She watched as he removed his jeans.

“Do you really believe I will cheat on you?” Shade’s face was stoic as he stared at her, but the look in his eyes was easily readable.

“No.” Lily released a deep breath, beginning to cry.

A tender look crossed his face, his hand reaching out to stroke her face. “Angel, I’m not Marshall. He made you think he was going to be a father to you and betrayed your trust. That’s why when you felt Beth had betrayed you, you took it so bad. Beth didn’t betray you, and I sure as fuck won’t.”

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