The Leisure Seeker (7 page)

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Authors: Michael Zadoorian

BOOK: The Leisure Seeker
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I click the remote again. There’s a picture of us all around the campfire that John must have taken with the self-timer. The images of all of us are dim, blurry from the long exposure, while the fire glows bright and harsh. This last slide disturbs me, especially with Jim and Dawn gone, so I pull out the tray. A retina-searing whiteness is projected on the sheet hanging from the side of the cabin, but I can’t turn it off or it’ll be even harder to get in the next tray.

“Damn it, that’s bright,” John says.

I push in a new tray, yet it doesn’t want to catch. “Just a second,” I say. John used to handle the projector, now he’s left it to me. He watches me fiddle with it for a while, then walks over to the table, gives the new tray a push until it clicks into place. He smirks.

“Don’t be so pleased with yourself,” I say. Sometimes I think his disease is more laziness than anything else.

The first slide of the tray is projected onto the sheet and around us I hear hushed chattering. I turn to see that we’ve attracted a crowd, gathered near a streetlight about twenty feet away. At first glance, I gasp—
Then I see that they are not like the hoods of today with their baggy clothes and stocking caps and stone faces. These kids look like what we used to call juvenile delinquents. The boys wear tight white T-shirts with packs of cigarettes wedged in the sleeves, dungarees rolled at the bottom, and motorcycle boots. Their hair is greased back into carefully sculpted waterfalls and duck’s asses. One of the girls is dressed in jeans and a tight blue bowling shirt and clunky black shoes. Another one wears a long felt skirt and Mary Janes, with Fire and Ice lips and an ink-black flip with bangs.

They’re all covered with tattoos—arms and legs emblazoned with flames and hearts and naked ladies and skulls. Now that I focus on them a little more closely, I see that they are not really kids at all, but well into their thirties and standing there in the streetlight like walking, inky advertisements. I soon realize that they pose no threat to us. When they see me looking, a
couple of them wave timidly at us and smile. They’re also very fascinated with our slide show, so they can’t be all bad.

Up on the screen now is a shot from our trip to Montreal for the Expo 67, yet another vacation with the Jillettes. Behind us, the sight of the Geodesic Dome has them all oohing and aahing. They’re really enjoying themselves. I click to the next slide. It’s one of the exhibits, I can’t remember which, but the main reason John took the shot was because of the young woman in the foreground wearing a miniskirt. She has stopped to adjust something and John caught the shot as a little joke. All those mod styles had just come out and were causing quite the stir. The men certainly didn’t mind. John and Jim were just about getting whiplash that trip from all the short skirts flitting around. Dawn and I put up with a lot that week.

From the Peanut Gallery behind me, I hear hoots and hollers and wolf whistles from the boys at the sight of the Canadian girl. Which proves to me that nothing has really changed. I also hear one of the girls say “cute skirt.” I turn around and smile at them all.

One of the boys yells out, “Is that you, ma’am?”

“Hardly,” I say back to him.

Another one steps forward. He’s got the same getup on as the others, but he’s the only one with a jacket on. Even though it’s just a gas station grease monkey jacket, he’s obviously the only one with a lick of sense. It’s nippy out here tonight. He keeps walking toward us. John stands up. I look at him and shake my head.

“Everything’s fine, John,” I say.

“Howdy, ma’am. Hope you don’t mind us enjoying your slides.”

I smile. He seems very polite. I don’t care what you look like as long you can show some manners. “Not at all,” I say. “Enjoy yourselves. I’m Ella and that’s my husband, John.”

“Hello, sir,” he says to John as he walks over and shakes hands. John smiles. “We’re just here in town for a hot rod rally.”

“That sounds nice,” I say.

“Yeah, we’re driving the old Route 66.”

I brighten at the sound of this. “Well. That’s what we’re doing, too.”

His eyes widen at my comment. “Really?
.” He turns to the others and yells, “They’re driving 66, too!”

They laugh and nod their heads with approval. Now I know this whole thing hasn’t been such a crazy idea.

Little by little, the party moves up. They seem shy, like they don’t want to scare us. I can’t honestly say they wouldn’t have if I hadn’t gotten a chance to give them a good eyeballing first.

“I’m Big Ed,” says the first one.

I nod. “Yeah, I could tell by that patch over your pocket that says ‘Big Ed.’”

He grins at me, smirky but sweet. “Helpful, ain’t it?” Big Ed then points to the girl with the ink-black hair. “That’s my wife, Missy.” He then points out all the other young men and women in his group. They have names like “Gage,” “Dutch,” “Betty,” and “Charlotta.”

I say hello to them all. “You’re welcome to have a seat if you want.”

Big Ed looks at the others with raised brows. “Really? If you wouldn’t mind, that’d be swell.” Most of them park it right there on the ground. Big Ed is about to sit, then he thinks of something. “Would it be okay if I got us all some beers? We’re just up the way. I’ll be right back.”

“Knock yourself out, Big Ed,” I say.

“Care to join us?” he says, tipping an imaginary can up to his mouth.

“Sounds good.”

So Big Ed picks up and runs off down the road. We are all quiet while he’s gone, but within a minute I hear his boots on the asphalt again as he comes back dangling a couple of six-packs of Pabst Blue Ribbon. He throws one six-pack to the group on the ground. From the other, he pulls one off for me, then John.

Big Ed makes a big show out of cleaning off the top with his sleeve, then pops it with a little flourish, as if it were a Zippo lighter.

he says, handing me my beer.
he says, handing John his. He’s a card, this one. He then raises his can to us. “Cheers, y’all. Thanks for your hospitality.”

“Thanks for yours,” I say.

We all take a drink.

The kids love the slides. We polish off both six-packs as we watch all of the Expo 67 slides and I give a little running commentary about each of the exhibits we see. Over here’s the
Japanese exhibit, look at that beautiful art; there’s the American exhibition, have you ever seen anything so big? More miniskirts, more hoots from the boys.

“Looks like John couldn’t keep his eyes off the sights,” says Dutch. We all laugh. I do believe that I’m having fun. Somehow this reminds me of old times, though I’ve never watched slides with tattooed strangers in a hotel yard in my whole life.

A slide of the four of us in front of the Main Exposition pops up. We are all standing, smiling, before an endless row of flags from every country in the world. I tell the kids about Jim and Dawn, how we used to pal around and travel with them all the time. “We four went on quite a few trips together,” I say. “Had a lot of fun.”

“That’s nice,” says Big Ed. “It’s good to go places with your friends.” He turns to his wife and friends and raises his beer again. They do the same, then they drink. He then turns back to me. “Hey, so do your friends still, uh…?”

He stops himself from finishing his sentence. The gang gets quiet all of a sudden.

I ignore his half question and just click to the next slide. It’s Jim by himself near the GM exhibit, in front of a futuristic sedan. That’s when, of course, John asks his question.

“There’s ol’ J.J.! How is he, Ella? I haven’t seen him in ages.”

I look over at him. “He’s doing great, John. Just great.”

The hot rod kids all smile. And so do I.


I don’t know if it was the beer or what, but that night, John and I both sleep like logs. There is no waking and wondering, no early morning clipping of the bread bag or filing of battery ends by John; no eyes snapping open, full of the horrors, for a 4:00
. crying jag by me. It’s a good night. We both wake refreshed and alert.

John turns to me, opens his eyes, his old self. “Hello, dear.”

“Good morning, John.” He’s back. “How are you?”

“I feel good,” he says, yawning.

I lay my hand on his cheek. Though the years have lightened and lowered his face, it retains a kind of strength, an angularity that I have always found attractive. “You’re not hungover?” I say, smiling.

He doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I’m joshing, anyway. Between the two of us, we barely had three cans of beer.

“No, I’m not hungover. Do you want some breakfast?” he says to me.

I keep my hand where it is. I don’t want to do anything to disturb him at this moment. “No, let’s just lie here for a little while, all right?”

“Have you talked to the kids lately?”

John often asks about the kids when he is in this lucid state, as if he’s been away, which he has, I suppose.

“Yes,” I say. “They’re doing fine. Kevin just got a promotion.” That’s not entirely true. They just gave him more work and a different title, but no more money.

“Good for him.”

“Cindy’s taking an adult education class. Basket-weaving. She’s very good at it.”

“That’s great,” he says, patting my hand, which is still resting on his cheek.

“John. Do you love me?”

He squints at me. “What the hell kind of question is that? Of course I love you.” He moves closer to me and kisses me. I can smell him. He doesn’t smell very good, but he still smells like my husband.

“I know,” I say. “I just wanted to hear it from you. You don’t say it very often anymore.”

“I forget, Ella.”

I forget Ella
. This is what I fear most.

“I know you do, John.” I lay my other hand on his face. I kiss my husband. I hold him close to me and I don’t say anything more. Minutes pass, and the half night returns to his eyes.

It’s time to get up.


We spend a short time on the interstate, and it’s full of semitrucks that roar past us at full speed. You can sense their annoyance. We aren’t going fast enough for them. As one passes us, the driver, a fat man with a camouflage hat, scowls and flips us the bird. I make a gun with my index finger and thumb and shoot it at him like Charles Bronson.

He stares at me as if I’m insane. Then he hits the gas like a bat out of hell.

We get back on 66. At Arcadia, we pass a well-known round barn, but the town itself is so drab and sad looking, we don’t bother to stop. We just keep going, slow but steady till we hit Edmond, a little college town. From there we meet back up with I-44, which allows us to bypass Oklahoma City.

On the freeway, the trucks are nastier than ever. One of them comes very close to cutting us off. John has to hit the brakes, and I feel my heart jump into my throat as the weight of the van shifts forward for a moment.

Nothing happens. We keep driving. We pass a sign in front of a Knights of Columbus Council that says:


Good for them, I say. At Bethany, after we rejoin 66, we cross Lake Overholser on an old steel bridge, then John pulls over.

“What’s wrong?” I say.

John looks at me like I’m the one losing my mind. “I have to pee.”


He turns the engine off, then disappears into some bushes. Two minutes later, he returns to the driver’s seat.

I grab our little spray bottle of hand sanitizer. “Hold out your hands.”

John starts the van.

“John. You need to clean them after you pee.”

“Quit riding me, Ella. Get off my back.”

I spray the backs of his hands just to get his goat. He wipes them on his pants, puts it into gear, and we take off. He’s getting ornery again, I can tell. We drive a little farther and I start to feel hungry.

“Let’s stop for lunch, John.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Well, I am.” These days, I don’t usually have much of an appetite, so I’d like to take advantage of it. For the first time in over forty years, I’m losing weight. Sure, I still need to go to Omar the Tent-Maker for my clothes, but he’s definitely taken me down a yard or two. Too bad I had to get sick in order to lose weight. There’s a diet for you. I can see it really catching on. I’ll be reading all about it in the
“Movie Stars Love New Cancer Diet!”

After El Reno, there’s an old 1932 alignment of 66 that we could hop on, but I direct John to stay on I-44. Later, I regret my decision. I scour the countryside for restaurant billboards, but for the first time, there are none. I feel antsy and discomfortable along with my phantom hunger. Maybe I’m just anxious to get to Disneyland. I guess once I know something’s going to happen, good or bad, I’ve never had much patience for waiting. But sometimes you just can’t rush things.


“Hey look, Coney Islands! Let’s stop,” says John, after seeing a sign along the road.

Though I was holding out for more Oklahoma barbecue, I’m happy to see something decent to eat. In Detroit, we
have Coney joints all over the city. (They’ve always been one of John’s favorite foods. When he had to work downtown, he would sometimes sneak over to Lafayette Coney Island for two with everything before he came home. I could always tell by the onions on his breath.) But once you leave the Detroit area, you won’t find them anywhere else. So it surprises me to see them here. Still, I guess the strangest thing is that both Michigan and Oklahoma have hot dogs named after a place in New York.

We down some Pepcid and head into this little shack in Hydro. It’s nothing to look at from the outside, and inside, it’s no better: dingy whitewashed walls, torn Naugahyde booths and chipped Formica tables. When we walk in, all the regulars turn to look at us. They scowl as if to say, “What are these rogue seniors doing in our greasy spoon?” I’d be worried if they weren’t all as ancient as us.

I have to say that the Okie Coney Island looks absolutely delicious. A plate with two passes by just as we sit down. The chili looks similar to Detroit’s, but they put a yellowish vinegar coleslaw on the top. We order two each, fries, and Dr Peppers (seems to be what they drink here) from a silent, burly waiter in a stained apron. Less than three minutes later, he slaps them on our table without a word.

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