The Lethal Encounter (15 page)

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Authors: Amy Alexander

BOOK: The Lethal Encounter
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“And you must be Katie
McGovern. I have heard good things from my team who, incidentally, are all
upstairs waiting in the conference room as is David from your company. Shall


Peter and Katie followed him
up the stairs and into a large meeting room. Peter then waited whilst Katie
went forward and started shaking hands with the people seated there. Several
times she stopped to make introductions and then she sat down in one of the
spare seats. He sat down on the opposite side and spent the next hour watching
Katie as she outlined the agenda and generally ran the meeting.


How different she was to the
woman back home in London who, but a few days ago, was reduced to a nervous wreck
just by his entry. One of the men seemed particularly taken with her and stared
attentively, laughing and smiling at all her little quips. Peter felt his hands
clench under the table and that made him feel even worse. He added a few
comments but was relieved when Raymond put his head around the door and
motioned Peter out of the room. He made his excuses, nodded at Katie and then
David and left.


Raymond took him to a
wonderful restaurant nearby and, as the couple ate, they discussed the wider
ramifications of the deal and whether or not it could lead onto bigger things.
Peter nodded absentmindedly to the extent that his colleague finally asked him
whether or not something was wrong.


“How long have I known you
Peter?” he asked. “It must be several years now but today you are not yourself.
You have lost the, what's the word? Pizazz. What is up with you?”


“I'm sorry, truly I am. There
are just some things going on that seem to be occupying me more than usual. It
is unforgivable of me and I apologise.”


“Nothing to do with the
business I hope. We don't want to be doing deals with companies in trouble. And
we have waited so long to do business with you.”


“No, no, the business is
great. At least that what my accountant tells me! No, it’s something personal.”


“Ah, an affair of the heart.
You and women Peter. There are several ladies in my organisation who would love
to comfort you I have heard…..perhaps it is the English charm, no?”


Peter laughed.


“It's nothing I can't handle.
I just need to have a few days and I'll be fine.”


“Well, perhaps you should
stay and enjoy the lovely French Riviera. Maybe even try and persuade that
lovely colleague of yours to stay as well. She has certainly ruffled a few
feathers here at Logistics France. I can tell you.”


Peter stared at Raymond -
wondering if he suspected anything. He did not think it appropriate, however
much of a man of the world he was perceived to be, to be carrying on with a
junior colleague in the eyes of his peers in the industry.


“No, not my type really,
anyway she's taken I believe.”


Raymond looked at him
quizzically and smiled.


“Whatever. Now, shall we have
a dessert? The tarte aux pommes is excellent here.”


After coffee, they wandered
back to the office and spent the next two hours discussing industry issues and
ways forward. By the end of the afternoon, Peter felt more like himself and, as
he waited in reception for his car to come, his mind wandered forward to the
evening. His address book was full of potential dinner dates here in the Cote
d’Azur, or he could just get an early flight back to London and out of
temptations way. He rang Nancy and asked her to check flights and, if there was
one, to book him on it.


As he waited, he got a text
message confirming a reservation in fifty minutes at Nice airport. He would
have to move and left a message on the desk to tell Katie that he had been
forced to leave early.


As he jumped into the car,
Peter Jarvis looked back at the office building in which Katie was still
working. He felt a pang of regret and guilt but soon shrugged it off. He had
met her, had fun with her and they’d had great sex, but now it was time to move
on. It was the correct decision.


He only just caught his
plane, having had to push in to the front of the security queue and then run
around the corner to passport control. There was no time to relax in the lounge
on the second floor and the counter staff beckoned him straight onto the plane.
Once on, he slumped back in his seat and ordered a gin and tonic which he gulped
quickly. He stared out of the window and watched the bay of Cannes pass by underneath the plane and couldn't stop himself wishing that he was down there
for another night.


It was undoubtedly these
kinds of thoughts that made his mood very bad when he arrived home later that
evening. He grabbed another drink and quickly thumbed down his contacts list,
stopping to punch in the number of Elise, a particularly attractive model
friend who he knew was in town and lived around the corner from him.


“Hi Elise, it’s Peter Jarvis.
Yes. How are you? Great, great. Look do you fancy a quick bite to eat tonight?
Yes now. Good. I'll pick you up in 30 minutes. Bye.”


However, despite almost a
bottle of wine, the company of a glamorous woman and some good food, his mood
had not lightened. Elise was sympathetic to a degree but finally snapped when
she caught Peter staring into space.


“For god's sake, Peter, what
is the matter? You ask me out.....and I am very grateful to you for that, and
then you behave like a sullen boy for the entire evening. It’s not fair and I'm
not impressed to be honest. I was really excited to get your call because you
know how much I like you….” Elise bit her lip and Peter could see her large
hazel eyes fill with tears. Inwardly he sighed. God this had been a bad idea as
well…..he seemed to be having a lot of them lately.


“Is it me?” Elise continued,
“You want to tell me it’s over between us, don't you? Well just say it then,
I'm a grown girl.”


“No, of course it's not you.”
Peter replied, wondering why she thought there had been something “going on”
when clearly they had only been out a couple of times. He sighed.


“I'm sorry, Elise. I
shouldn't have rung you when clearly I'm not in the right frame of mind to even
carry on a polite conversation, let alone anything approaching an intimate one.
Perhaps we should go.”


“No, no, don't go all
self-loathing on me. You obviously need cheering up and I'm the right person,
and I do appreciate the fact that you called me. Let’s have some coffee and maybe
a liqueur and see how we feel.”


Peter realised the trap he
had fallen into and sighed again. If only he could get used to being slightly
nastier with his girl “friends”, he wouldn't get in nearly so much trouble. Now,
looking over at this gorgeous girl sitting opposite, he realised that the last
thing he wanted to do was to stay in her company. However, he could not bring
himself to end the evening so prematurely, and he smiled and nodded.


“You're right, I'm an idiot.
I'd love a brandy. Are you going to have one too?” Peter raised his hand to
attract the waiter and gave the order.


“So why are you so distracted
Peter?” said Elise. “Anyone would think you are in love or something. Well,
that's all long as it’s with me, that is. Well? Are you?”


“In love? Don't think so,” said
Peter, responding a little too quickly. “Anyway, who would have me? I work all
day. I'm a total pig when it comes to relationships and hopeless at the big C.”


“That's why we all try and
convert you so hard. Don't you see? The harder you run thataway, the faster we
women try and catch up. Look at you! Rich, good looking, single, but hopelessly
immature when it comes to relationships, if you don't mind me saying. You're a
wonderful project for anyone.....and just look at the potential prize.”


Peter looked at Elise with
fresh eyes. What she said was true, but the lifestyle he led and the position
he had gained within the computer industry had not prepared him for any sort of
closeness or intimacy with the opposite sex and, as he knew, it was one thing
to have relationships, but it was entirely another to have a special
relationship. Suddenly, and for the first time in as long as he could remember,
he felt vulnerable and he hated the feeling. He turned away from Elise's gaze
and starred out of the window of the restaurant. Elise reached out for him.


“And I have the distinct
feeling I'm not the one who is going to win the prize, am I?” she said. “Still,
it doesn't mean we can't enjoy the rest of the evening does it?”


Peter smiled at her


“No, of course not, and I'm
sorry again for being such a wet bag. Let’s finish this drink and then go for a
walk.” Peter drained his glass and called for the bill.


After paying they walked out
and down onto the embankment of the Thames. Elise linked her arm through his.


“So do you want to talk about
your issue, or problem, or whatever it is? Or shall I just shut up and try to
woo you into bed?”


Peter laughed.


“After that invitation, how
could a man possibly refuse!”


“To be honest, I did meet a
girl and yes, she did have an effect, but I'm kind of past it now, and I'm
pretty sure she is. Well, she has said as much anyway. So there you go, that's
it. Not so big news after all.”


As he said the words, Peter
felt a wave of guilt. Katie had said nothing of the sort, although he felt that
perhaps it had been better for both of them if she had.


“She must be special to even
have an effect on you. God knows I've been trying long enough. I wonder what
she has?”


“Oh, please Elise. You have
more men hanging on your every word, then I'll ever have women, so don't give
me a sob story. Who is it that’s just broken up with one of the richest men in France?  Who is it that's in the top 20 most desired women in London?”


“Ah, but not desired by you
though…..and that's the problem.”


Her last comment silenced
Peter and they walked on for about a mile and then turned back to head home.
They strode in silence. Peter looked out over the river and, not for the first
time that week, wondered how he had got himself in this situation.


As they arrived back at the
entrance to Elise's apartment block, Peter imagined that she was going to try
and tempt him in for a last drink and maybe more. He smiled to himself. He was
becoming a self-centred, arrogant pig and, in the next moment, she confirmed
his thoughts.


“I won't even try and ask you much as I would like to. Your mind is elsewhere and, to be honest,
I'm not going to compete. My ego is not that big you know.” Elise smiled
ruefully and put her arms up around Peter's neck to kiss him on the cheek.


“Goodbye Peter. Sleep well.”


With that she turned and,
without a backward glance, disappeared through the door.


Peter turned and made his way
back home. He felt his life was suddenly changing and, for once, he did not
feel in control. It was not a feeling he liked.


After a restless sleep, Peter
arrived at his desk at 7am the next morning and immediately started working on
an investor presentation initiated by his business development director. Ever
since the company went public two years ago, more and more of his time was
taken up with these sorts of activities and, whilst he appreciated the
opportunities that arose as a result of the listing, he also hated the time he had
to devote on paperwork and compliance.


His financial director,
Andrew Miles, knocked on his door and walked in.


“Morning Peter.” he said. “I
wanted to go through these projections with you if you have a moment”.


“Sure, pull up a chair.


“That would be great.
Cappuccino please.”


Peter buzzed Nancy and relayed their order. He sat back and looked at his colleague.


“How's the family Andrew? All

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