The Lethal Encounter (24 page)

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Authors: Amy Alexander

BOOK: The Lethal Encounter
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“Oh dear, another insecure
soul! I had kind of set you apart from the usual suspects. You seem different.”


“Oh, don’t get me wrong
Mike,” said Katie, reaching out and touching his hand. “I’m probably the most
sensible and level headed girlfriend (she hesitated before using THAT word) he
has ever had but there’s something about him that just makes you feel so,
so…..lonely. That sounds pathetic, doesn’t it? After all, it’s me he’s here
with and no one else.”


As she said that, she saw
Penny whisper something in Peter’s ear at the bar and they both laughed. Katie
felt a tear prickle up and she hated herself for it. She turned back to her
present companion.


Mike squeezed her hand
sympathetically. She looked into his eyes and saw some understanding.


“Look, Katie, I don’t know
you at all and I don’t really know Peter that well personally, but he has a
fearsome business reputation and has succeeded pretty early in life. That,
combined with his amazing good looks of course, makes him a target for every
man-hunting girl out there…..and there are lots, just like dear Penny.”


Katie stared at Mike, who


“He has been totally driven
to grow his business and that really leaves little time for social niceties.
Combine that, I’ve no doubt, with boarding school at an early age, and probably
stand offish parents, and you get a man who is totally inept at any sort of
real intimacy. We are all the same really…..and it just takes someone like you
to snap us out of it. Don’t you forget all that, my dear,” finished off Mike.
“That’s the end of my lecture, here come the others.”


Peter and Penny joined them
and took up adjoining seats. Peter sat next to Katie and picked up her hand in


“I’ve just been telling Penny
the circumstances under which we met,” he said.


“Yes, not his usual stomping
ground, it must be said,” added Penny.


Katie felt a stinging retort
rise up but then it disappeared just as quickly. She squeezed Peter’s hand and
was reassured when she felt him respond.


Despite the fact it was not
late, she felt very tired and stood to make her excuses and leave. Peter jumped
up as well.


“Good idea, come on Katie,
let’s leave these two young lovers together.” With that he leant forward to
kiss Penny’s cheek and shook Mike’s hand.


Katie noticed the look of
disappointment on Penny’s face and, as they left the bar, she saw her eyes
following them. She bit her lip and said nothing - knowing that there was
little point going over that ground again.


Nonetheless, looking back,
she found Mike’s words intriguing and they had made her feel better about her
position in Peter’s life.


They reached their room and
went inside. Peter pulled her to the bed and sat her down.


“I know you feel bad when
women like Penny come up to me, but you have to understand they have been part
of my life for a long time and I can’t just shut them out. The important thing
now is that you are here with me. You have to believe that.”


Whilst Peter was talking, he
was stroking her hand and now his fingertips gently moved up her arm to her
shoulder. She looked at him.


“I’m sorry for being so
pathetic about it all. It’s just that I’m not used to people like that…..they
are so different to me.”


“And that’s why I love you,
not them…..” responded Peter gently.


Katie’s breath held in her
throat. Despite all their previous intimacy, Peter had never actually mentioned
THAT word and she was overcome with happiness, although she did not really feel
ready to return the endearment. Instead, she reached for his face and touched
him gently on the lips with hers.


“Good,” she said. “Now prove


Peter kissed her hungrily and
hoisted her astride his lap. She sank down onto his thighs and could
immediately feel his hardening penis beneath the cloth of his trousers. As they
kissed long and sensuously, she slowly ground her pelvis around on top of him
until the pleasure started to mount. She broke free and let the top of her
dress fall to reveal her breasts. She guided his head down and he took first
one nipple and then the other into his mouth, licking and gently biting the
growing tips. Arrows of desire shot from her chest down to her loins as she
rubbed her hands through his hair and pushed his head harder into her breasts.
They stayed like that for what seemed like an age until Katie could stand it no


She reached down between them
to find the top of his trousers and slipped the first button undone. Then she
slowly pulled down the zipper, all the while glorifying in the pleasure he was
giving her with his lips on the tips of her breasts. Her hand snaked into the
newly formed opening and she found his penis lying caught under his pants. With
a gentle tug, she freed it and it sprung, hot and hard, into her hand. She
brought it up between them and moved her body so that the front of her pubis
was resting against the shaft. Slowly she began to rock, back and forth.


Peter stopped his kissing and
looked up at her. His hands moved around to grasp her bottom and pull her even
harder towards him. Then, with one hand he moved the crotch of her panties to
one side and grasped his erect penis with the other. They had stopped using
condoms some weeks before and all Katie had to do was to ignore the growing
pain in her injured leg and rise slightly up. He guided the tip of his stiff
tool in between her warm and slippery labia and, in one motion, she sank down
on him to the hilt.


Her breath came out in one
long shuddering sigh as she felt the head of his penis push right up inside
her. She made a slow circular movement, feeling her clitoris touch the curl of
hairs on his pubic bone. They kissed voraciously, their tongues clashing
repeatedly together, their lips rubbing hard and their noses colliding as they
twisted their heads first this way then that.


Katie could feel the glorious
sensations, that were still new to her body, start to surge. The combination of
the deep penetration and the clitoral stimulation was too much to resist.


She rose up, stopping just as
she felt his penis about to leave her body, then, pausing, she drove down hard
again. Now it was Peter’s turn to groan.


“Katie..…oh god, Katie. You
feel so damn good.” As he said the last word he raised his hips up to meet
Katie as she once again brought her body up and down. The feelings were sublime
but Katie knew she had to change position soon.


She pulled him over so that
he was still inside her but now kneeling on the edge of the bed and she lying
out on her back. She stretched out her legs, pulled her dress up over her chest
and, with a bit of difficulty, over her head. She tossed it away, naked now but
for her panties. He looked down at her and reached for her breasts again, his
hands stroking and tantalising first her stomach and the inside of her arms.
She reached up and helped him out of his shirt, all the while fighting the
rising torrent of feelings within her as he once again started moving back and


He grasped her thighs and
pulled her to him, driving his body forward and deeply into her. She cried out
and this started him off on a merciless rhythm as he pumped back and forth. The
intensity of his thrusts caused the first waves of orgasm start to build and
Katie knew it would not be long. She licked her fingers and, staring deep into
his eyes, reached down to touch her clitoris. As soon as she touched herself,
the dam started to burst, sending waves of pleasure pulsating from her stomach
and down to her pussy and clitoris. Her whole lower body convulsed and trembled
as she felt her neck and face grow hot as blood flooded into it.


Peter continued to pump hard
and, by the look on his face, he was close to orgasm as well. She reached round
to feel his bottom and to urge him on into her. With a final plunge, she felt
his penis grow and then jerk as the semen shot out into her.


Slowly, the throbs subsided
and they relaxed whilst their breathing slowed.


“Fuck,” said Peter.


Katie giggled. “Mmmn, I
thought we just had,” she said, feeling a trickle of sweat fall off her brow.


Peter slowly pulled out and
stood up. In one motion, he rid himself of his trousers and pants that had
become entangled around his ankles and joined her on the bed. She hoisted a leg
over his body and flung her arm over his chest.


“So, am I the best screw you
have ever had in your life?” she asked.


Peter turned his head to look
at her in the light of the bed lamps.


“A definite six out of ten,”
he said. “But with practice, that could be a strong nine.”


Katie squealed and slapped
her hand down on his chest.


“You bastard! There’s no way
a Penny or any of those stuck up women could shag you like me so don’t you
forget that!”


“I most certainly won’t,”
replied Peter with a chuckle.


“How long can we stay here
Peter?” murmured Katie. “I don’t really want to go back to normal life…..this
is all so perfect.”


“It is, but I will have to
get back in a couple of days. And you have a new job to go to.”


“And when we do get
back…..what’s going to happen to us?” Katie continued. “I mean, how is it going
to work? I’m going to be working for your competitor and you said they wouldn’t
like that. And how are we going to work our personal lives? Oh, it’s all so


“No, it’s not Katie…..don’t
over think things. We’ll work it out as we go along…’ll be fine. Trust me.”


“OK.” Katie replied but she
knew things were going to be tough. She just hoped that their feelings for each
other would be able to overcome any obstacles put in their way.


She reached over to kiss his


“And I love you too Peter





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