The Librarian and the Wolf: (12 page)

Read The Librarian and the Wolf: Online

Authors: E A Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Librarian and the Wolf:
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Chapter Twelve

Mal and his wolf howled as he felt terror rush through him and then nothing. 
Fuck, it was coming from Terri

Mal clenched his jaw, his fangs and claws descended as his beast pushed his control to
the limit.  He had to find her. 
He just had to.

Yelled Greyson.

Up ahead a car was angled on the road, its front was smashed.  In the ditch a red truck was flipped on its side.
  Someone was moving outside the truck.

The pack sped to the scene.
  Screeching, the trucks and SUVs pulled up and the dozen wolves rushed over to the truck.

bellowed furiously when he realised it was his truck, and must contain his mate and his son’s mate. 

Damian pulled Terri into his arms.
  He cradled her and watched wrathfully as the pack converged on him.  Mal howled at seeing the puma touching his mate.

Adam held up his hand for the baying wolves to hold back.  Growling the wolves circled the cat shifter.  Hank kept a firm hand on
Mal’s shoulder to stop him from lunging forward to get to Terri.

Damian’s own claws extended and he screamed at the wolves.
  His swung round violently trying to watch all of the pack at once, Terri’s unconscious body flopped against him and he recklessly allowed one of his claws to pierce her.  Blood oozed from her back.

Mal roared in outrage and his skin rippled as his wolf burst through and he shifted
shredding his clothes.  He bounded towards the male holding his mate and stopping a few feet away he snarled.  He desperately wanted to get his mate away from the cat but wouldn’t dare risk her by attacking while the cat held her.

“Put Terri down carefully.” 
Ordered Adam powerfully. 

“She’s mine!”  Screamed Damian and Mal gave a frenzied roar.

“Don’t make us do something you’ll regret.”  Yelled Adam.

Mal paced up and down in front of his prone mate and her captor.
  Hank edged closer to the truck, desperate to find his own mate.

“I won’t let you have her, Terri belongs with me!  I’ll kill her before I let you fucking dogs have her!”  The cat screeched and swung round wildly.  To prove his point he moved a clawed hand to her neck, ready to rip out her throat.

He was desperately watching the wolves in front of him, he didn’t see the one behind him.  Ellie pulled herself out of the truck, her own claws and fangs springing forth to defend her family.

She stepped behind Damian and nodded to her eldest son.  Mal sprung forward shifting to human as he went.  Leaping onto Damian’s beck Ellie sunk her fangs into his throat
as she shifted to her wolf. 

Shrieking Damian released his grip on Terri
to grasp at the wolf on his back.  Terri started to fall and Mal caught her, scooping her up and away from Damian.

clung to the cat as he writhed beneath her.  Hank and Greyson were nearest, they shifted and pounced on Damian bringing him down as Ellie ripped his throat out.

The Alpha howled at the kill and each of his pack members save for the Tanner boys joined in

Mal’s brothers were crowded round him and Terri.  Mal clutched her closely to him, gently rocking her.  She was breathing shallowly but evenly.  She was going to be okay. 
She had to be


Terri blinked.  Her bed felt weird.  It was hard and narrow.  The bed sheets were starchy and itchy. 
What were all those beeping noises?
  Her limbs tensed with alarm.  Her mouth felt dry and she coughed.

“Easy baby.”
  The soft voice made her body relax.  “I’m here.” 

A straw was pressed up to her lips and she eagerly sipped at it, swallowing down the cool refreshing water.

She blinked a few more times before she settled her focus on her mate.  He gave her a weak smile.
  His cheeks glistened from freshly fallen tears.  Her whole body warmed with joy at seeing him.

“What happened?”  She asked croakily.

He stroked her cheek and despite his residual anger he managed to keep his voice even, even his wolf had stopped stalking long enough for him to maintain an easy control.  “
forced you off the road, you were knocked unconscious.”

Yes, yes she remembered.  She remembered him coming towards her, reaching his hand
...  She trembled and emitted a small sob.

Mal p
ut the water down and perched on the edge of her hospital bed, which groaned in protest at the extra weight.  He put his arms round her.

“It’s okay, we found you and
he... he threatened to kill you... so the pack attacked... he’s gone now...”

understood they did what they had to and nodded dully. 
It was over... oh god!
  Panic gripped her.  “The pup?”

“You’re both fine baby, you just need to stay i
n here another night because you hit your head.  You can come home tomorrow.”

Tears of relief prickled her eyes.  “Thank god, what about Ellie?”

He chuckled.  “Mom’s fine, just really pissed about the truck.” 
Although she’s already got her revenge for both Terri and the truck.

“Good.”  She snuggled into him and inhaled his smell. 
He smelt like the beach, how did he manage that?

She felt her eyes getting heavy again.  “Don’t leave me.”  She said as she drifted into sleep.

Never baby.”

Chapter Thirteen

Whilst Terri was in the hospital Mal arranged for her possessions to be moved to his parent’s house.  She was a little miffed about not being consulted but on reflection she knew she didn’t want to live in her cottage again.

In spite of her reservations Terri
easily fitted in at the Tanner house.  She started renting her cottage out to Melody who was keen to move out of the witch’s boarding house.

As a bonding gift
Mal’s parents gave them a parcel of land for the couple to build their dream house.  Right next to their own house in fact.  Ellie was keen for her grandchild to be within reaching distance.

Terri cut back her hours at the library,
Kayleigh was thrilled to take on some extra shifts.  Ellie also started working at the library on a part-time basis.  Ellie and Terri worked the same shifts whenever possible so they could go out to lunch together and went shopping or to the movies afterwards.

The young Tanner
boys were surprisingly house trained.  Although after spending time with Ellie she could see why.  Ellie could be indulgent to her son’s rowdy behaviour but she took no prisoners when it came to chores and the running of her house.  All her boys, including Hank, took turns doing everything, cooking, cleaning, ironing,
nobody escaped

Terri was more than happy to join in
and take her turns but both Mal and Ellie protested.  She struggled with her pregnancy sickness and they insisted she take it easy and allow them to take care of her.

She had worried the house would be too
full and claustrophobic and that she wouldn’t be able to relax without Mal beside her all the time.  But she was wrong.  She was rarely alone and she found it comforting.  When Mal wasn’t there she would watch TV with his younger brothers or help them with their homework, or she would sit reading a book in the back yard whilst Hank started work on their house.

She found herself surrounded by loving family members who couldn’t do enough to look after her.  Even
Mal’s younger brothers doted on her, ruffling her hair and calling her ‘sis’.  She’d never felt so loved.

Terri had been tentative about having sex
in the house, she was embarrassed at how good wolf hearing really was.  But she soon found that her horny mood swings overruled any objections she had.  She couldn’t have kept her hands off her mate to save her life.  Thankfully his parents were too polite or perhaps too comfortable with sex to say anything.  His brothers found it hilarious but forced themselves to only tease Mal when Terri wasn’t present so they didn’t upset her.  Mal could handle their mockery, he wasn’t going to be embarrassed about pleasuring his mate.  He had nothing to be embarrassed about. 
Her screams were a testament to that.

The only rub was
his younger brothers
walking in on her getting dressed or when she was in the shower.  She was certain they only did it to piss Mal off.  It worked too.  Mal installed a lock on their bedroom door and suggested that they take all their showers together just in case.  He had gleefully told her it would save water, she replied it wouldn’t if they spent twice as long in there. 

There were still dinners and lunches with Terri’s mother and sister to suffer through
, but with Mal beside her they were just about bearable.  Aaron, after his initial anxiety over seeing Mal again, was glad of the male company.  Mal would never allow himself to be dominated by Mai or Jessica and he inspired Aaron to stick up for himself.

Life was very good.



Mal lay on the be
d dozing, an arm slung over his face.  He yawned.  He’d been on patrol all night for a twelve hour shift, not to mention the brutal dinner with Terri’s mom the night before.  He was beat.

He heard the door to their bedroom quietly open and then the click of the lock.
  He smiled slightly and his cock twitched.

Terri was
n’t exactly finding the pregnancy easy, for which he felt endlessly guilty, and work tired her out. 
Their own amorous pursuits were not helping either.
It had become a habit for her to come home and take a nap in the middle of the day. 

sleeping off a night shift he often woke to find himself wrapped around her.  It was a blissful way to wake up. 
Not to mention what happened afterwards.

He held still as he
heard her quietly moving around the room.  He would wait until she lay beside him so he could roll over and

He felt the end of the bed dip, her soft body brushed against his legs as she crawled upwards.  She
slid her fingers over the waistband of his boxes and with agonising slowness pulled them down his legs.

Excitement coursed through him.  He wanted to leap up and pin her beneath him but he forced himself
to lay quietly beneath her, curious as to what she was going to do.

She smoothed her fingers up his thighs
and planted soft kisses.  He felt a soft whoosh as she draped her hair over his half mast, moving her head to and fro.  The silken locks tickled him arousing him even more.

She took him in her hands and gently stroked him back and forth until he was fully erect.  He bit his lip desperately hanging on.
  She bent her head and licked his slit before pressing kisses to the tip.  She repeated the motions over and over until unexpectedly she dropped her mouth down over his length, taking him into her mouth as far as she could. 

He cried out in pleasure and his hips moved.  She sucked hard before
releasing him.  Her hands continuing to stroke him.

He opened his eyes
to look at her and moved so he rested on his elbows.  She was completely naked, her body was flushed and her nipples stiff and pointing toward him begging for attention.

She smiled at him wickedly. 
“Knew you were awake sunshine.”  She bobbed her head and swirled her tongue over the length of him.


She giggled.  “Nah just Terri.”

He quickly reached down and lifted her up over his body so she was straddling him.  Their sex’s touched and she wiggled against him, delighting in the feel of his quivering arousal.  He moaned in pleasure and began kneading her breasts, pinching the nipples.

dash of pain heightened her need.  She raised herself slightly and reached between them.  Taking his cock firmly in one hand she directed him between her wet folds.  He breathed heavily and placed his hands on her hips, lightly guiding her.  She slid down him a few inches and then rose slightly, she continued stretching herself bit by bit until at last she was filled completely. 

Her walls clamped around him and
he panted, fingers digging in to her hips.  “Move baby... “

She began undulating around his shaft.  In slow deliberate movements she rose, fell and twisted around him.
  Her eyes were closed and small breaths escaped her dark red lips.  He sought out her mind with his own and shared in the feelings of ecstasy rumbling through her body.

“You’re stunning baby...
I want to fuck you and make you come over and over...”

His shaft grew and hardened even more.  She felt like
she was being impaled.  She felt each ridge of his penis as it rubbed at her walls.  A ball of white heat was growing within her demanding release.

“Your breasts are so beautiful, so big and round... and
your sweet tight pink pussy is so fucking gorgeous...” 

She’d never
had anyone talk dirty to her during sex before Mal.  She was surprised at how much she enjoyed it.  His words spurred her on and she began to quicken her movements.

Unable to hold back any longer
he grasped her tightly and began lifting and crashing her hips down over him whilst he pumped into her.  He filled her over and over again with short hard bursts.  She cried and dug her nails into his chest.

“Fuck baby... you feel so good...”

His moved faster,
shoving himself into her furiously.  She leaned over him, seeking his mouth, giving him a feral kiss.  Changing the angle, he now roughly pushed up against her clit with each thrust.  The rising heat of her orgasm gained pace with each movement he made. 

“I love you baby...”

powerfully rammed into her and stiffened.  She felt his orgasm shooting through him from his spine to his balls.  Roaring he came inside her.  She sat up and threw her head back screaming as the heat shattered and she was assaulted by waves of pleasure.

She collapsed back down over him, her breathing jagged and her body spent.
  The shared orgasm tingled through them.  They were each covered in a thin film of sweat.  She was splayed over his large chest, which rose and fell as his breathing calmed.  He began rubbing and soothing her back.


She placed her arms over his chest and rested her chin on them looking at him.  “Well what?”

“Aren’t you... you know... going to say it back?”

She raised an innocent eyebrow at him.  “Say what?”

His face looked a little embarrassed.  “I love you... I say it to you all the time... but you never...”  His voice trailed off.

“Oh.”  He watched her expectantly.  “I love... your parents.  I love... my job.  I love... chocolate cake.  I love... this house.  I love... your brothers...” With each proclamation she clenched her muscles round his soft shaft.  She was pleased to feel him stir within her.

He had become increasingly displeased during her litany
but when she reached his brothers his wolf snarled and he snapped.  He pulled her off him and lay her down flat on the bed, his body trapping her beneath him, he ensnared her wrists and dragged them above her head.  She could feel the swelling of his sex against her leg.

His voice was low and dangerous. 
“Do I really have to keep you looked in here, fucking you over and over again until you give in and say the words?”

“Well it’s worth a try...”

He growled but surprised her by giving her a tender kiss.  His tongue gently tasting and teasing her.  He let go of her wrists and she folded her arms around him.  He released her mouth with a sigh. 

His beautiful face looked down at her hopefully.
  Her heart flipped.

smiled serenely.  “There’s so much I love in this world and yet nobody and nothing compares to how much I love you. 
You are my sunshine
.  I love you Malcolm Tanner with all my heart.  And I’m sorry I never said it before now.  I love you.  I love you.  I love you!”

A huge grin stole over his face.  “Yeah you do!”

She squirmed trying to slap him round the head but he stole in for another kiss and she melted against the heavenly onslaught.

She embraced him tightly, unwilling to let him go.

Her man. Her wolf. 
Her mate

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