Read The Lie: Evolution Online
Authors: Ken Ham
Tags: #Religion & Spirituality, #Religious Studies, #Science & Religion, #RELIGION / Religion & Science
The Lie: Evolution
Genesis — The Key to Defending Your Faith
Ken Ham
Copyright Information
First printing: July 1987
Thirtieth printing: January 2009
Copyright © 1987 by Ken Ham. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews. For information write:
Master Books
, P.O. Box 726, Green Forest, AR 72638.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89051-158-9
ISBN-10: 0-89051-158-6
Library of Congress Number: 00-108776
Front cover photo: Rockafellow Photography, Springfield, MO
Cover: Janell Robertson
Interior illustrations: Steve Cardno
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture verses are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Printed in the United States of America.
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This book is dedicated to three special people without whom this publication would not have been possible:
To my mother and father for their stand on the Scriptures, their insistence on purity of doctrine, and their uncompromising acceptance of God’s Word and the principles therein, which they applied to every area of life. Their example equipped me so that a higher authority (the Lord) could call me into full-time service for Him. I thank God for this Christian training and my parents’ stand on the infallible Word of God.
To my dear wife, Mally, who has truly been one with me in all aspects of our married life and in our participation in creation ministry. Her sincere Christian dedication and devotion in regard to my involvement in this vital ministry can be summed up by the words of Ruth, in Ruth 1:16, "For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge." Her special Godgiven abilities and her love for children have been a real blessing to our four dear children and have enabled me to be absent at times to proclaim the message of God as Creator to millions of people in various parts of the world.
As this book is a culmination of ten years experience in the creation ministry based in Australia, it is not an easy task to recall all those who have helped and influenced me along the way.
When we inaugurated the Creation Science Foundation ministry in Australia, we certainly did not realize the far-reaching effects this ministry would have in different parts of the world. My colleagues, Professor John Rendel-Short, Dr. John Osgood, Dr. Andrew Snelling, and Dr. Steve Gustafson will recognize snippets of their research and lectures that have benefited me greatly over the years.
I would also like to sincerely thank Mr. W.F.G. Gadsby, Rev. P. Gadsby, Mr. Robert Doolan, and Dr. Len Morris for editing and reviewing the manuscript. My heartfelt thanks also to my special friend Dr. Carl Wieland who, in spite of massive injuries received in a horrendous car accident, worked with me in editing the manuscript a number of times. Many of his suggestions have been incorporated in this book to give it a polish I would not have been able to obtain by myself.
Special thanks must also be given to my two devoted secretaries: to Carol Van Luyn for the many hours spent typing and re-typing the manuscript; to Margaret Buchanan for her talented editorial skills and patience as she painstakingly worked for literally hundreds of hours in helping me put the manuscript together.
I would like to thank my good friend and Creation Science Foundation artist Steve Cardno for the tireless expenditure of his God-given talents to produce the illustrations throughout this book. These and many other illustrations are reproduced on overhead transparencies and are used in my teaching ministry with great effectiveness.
The name of Dr. Gary Parker appears on occasion throughout this book. Dr. Parker is a well-known creationist speaker and author. I have had the privilege of appearing with him on various platforms in Australia and the United States. The many experiences shared together have contributed greatly to this book.
Lastly, I would like to sincerely thank Dr. Henry Morris of the Institute for Creation Research. His books, particularly
The Genesis Record
, have had a profound influence on my life. In this regard, I feel rather like the apprentice — and no doubt the master will recognize some of his work in the pages of this book. And to all my friends and colleagues who have been towers of strength to me over the past years — thank you.
Chapter One — Christianity Is Under Attack
There is a war in society — Christianity versus humanism. Too few Christians realize that the essence of the conflict lies firmly at the foundational level — creation versus evolution. Because it is beneficial in waging successful warfare to first identify the field, this chapter establishes the true nature of the battlefield.
Chapter Two — Evolution Is Religion
The media and the public education system tell us that "creation" cannot be taught in schools because it is religion, while "evolution" is science. It is easy to grasp the basic tenets of science and quickly come to the conclusion that evolution is really a religion.
Chapter Three — Creation Is Religion
Creation and evolution are equally scientific and religious. The controversy is
religion versus science, but the science of one religion versus the science of another religion
Chapter Four — The Root of the Problem
The reason that people do not want to accept creation is that it means there is a Creator who sets the rules. Thus, no person can write his
Chapter Five — Crumbling Foundations
Eliminate Genesis and the structure of Christianity will begin to collapse. Opinion-oriented (evolution-based) philosophy is destroying society.
Chapter Six — Genesis Does Matter
Many Christians fail to realize that the events of Genesis are literal, are historical (particularly Genesis 1–11), and are foundational to all Christian doctrine. All biblical doctrines of theology, directly or indirectly, ultimately have their basis in the Book of Genesis. Therefore, a believing understanding of the Book of Genesis is a prerequisite to an understanding of God and His meaning to man. If Genesis is only myth or allegory, then Christian doctrines have no foundation.
Many Christians have added evolution to the Bible, resulting in a position that accepts God as Creator but restricts Him to the process of evolution. The position is destructive to Christianity for many reasons.
Chapter Seven — Death: A Curse and a Blessing
There is an easy to understand reason why death and suffering exist in a world created by a God of love. Evolution (death and struggle over millions of years) destroys the foundation of the message of the cross.
Chapter Eight — The Evils of Evolution
The growing acceptance of atheistic evolution has resulted in many rejecting God as Creator. Over the years, many have used evolution to justify abortion, communism, Nazism, drug abuse, homosexual practices, and worse. Increase in the popularity of evolution has gone hand in hand with the increase in popularity of these social issues. While evolution is not to blame for the social ills of society, it has become the justification for lending respectability to such social attitudes. The ultimate cause of these problems is the rejection of God as Creator.
Chapter Nine — Evangelism in a Pagan World
Creation evangelism may be a new term to many, but it is a biblical method. Paul used it with great success. Creation evangelism is a tool the church needs to use to restore the right foundation in order to present the whole Gospel message. Evolution is one of the biggest barriers to today’s people being receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Creation evangelism is a powerful method that removes these barriers and opens people’s hearts and minds to the gospel.
Chapter Ten — Wake Up, Shepherds!
A plea to pastors and other religious leaders to see the importance of the creation/evolution issue. It is not a side issue. Many religious leaders don’t realize the true nature of the creation/evolution controversy because they have been hoodwinked into thinking that what they have been led to believe is true science. The church is suffering greatly because many have compromised with evolution.
Chapter Eleven — Creation, Flood, and Coming Fire
A message and warning from 2 Peter 3 concerning the rejection in the last days of the belief in God as Creator. This should be a real warning to everyone of the importance of origins. The prophecy in 2 Peter 3 concerning the last days is being fulfilled before our very eyes.
The material in the appendices is meant to provide detailed answers on the questions people have concerning the creation/evolution issue.
Appendix 1 — 20 Reasons Why Genesis and Evolution Don’t Mix
Appendix 2 — Why Did God Take Six Days?
Perhaps you have not been notably successful in winning friends and acquaintances to the life-changing belief in God and His Son, Jesus Christ. You might have wondered why the Christian church in general seems to be losing ground in its battle with the evils of the secular world. Not only does this book identify the reason for such problems, it also offers an effective solution. When you read Ken Ham’s logical analysis of the situation and the straightforward way in which he proposes to correct it, you will likely say, "Why didn’t I think of that?"