Plate 28 New Testament (Antwerp, 1534) owned by Anne Boleyn. The translation is by William Tyndale. British Library, London.
Plate 29 The back cover of the second volume of
La Saincte Bible en Francoys
(Antwerp, 1534) owned by Anne Boleyn. The translation is by Lefèvre d‘Etaples. The binding is partly original. The text reads ‘LA GRACE ET LA VERITE EST FAICTE PAR JESV CHRIST’. British Library, London.
Plate 30 Jacques Lefèvre d‘Etaples, ‘The Pistellis and Gospelles for the LII Sondayes in the Yere’, translated for Anne Boleyn by her brother George. MS Hartley 6561, f. 4r. British Library, London.
Plate 31 The falcon badge: a historiated letter T from ‘The Ecclesiaste’, Percy MS 465, f. 23r. Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle.
Plate 32 A symbolic design: a historiated letter E from ‘The Ecclesiaste’, Percy MS 465, f. 34r. Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle.
Plate 33 A symbolic design: a historiated letter I from ‘The Ecclesiaste’, Percy MS 465, f. 54r. Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle.
Plate 34 Coffer of the organ screen in the chapel of King’s College, Cambridge: detail showing falcon badges and ‘HAmat’ monogram. King’s College, Cambridge.
Plate 35 Detail from the southernmost bay of the organ screen in King’s College Chapel.
Plate 36 The Boleyn Cup, 1535-6, St. John the Baptist’s Church, Cirencester. The knop is a falcon on the roses. Photo © Woodmansterne.
Plate 37 Clock (partly sixteenth-century). The weights are engraved ‘H’ and ‘A’, with lovers’ knots and the mottoes ‘Dieu et Mon Droit’ and ‘The Most Happy’. The Royal Collection © 2004, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Plate 38
Mount Parnassus,
by Hans Holbein the younger. BPK Berlin / Kupferstichkabinett.
Plate 39
Nude Spraying Liquid from her Right Breast,
by Hans Holbein the younger. Oeffentliche Kunstsammlung Basel, Kupferstichkabinett.