The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved (14 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved
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I obliged him and then moved onto the next man. I sucked cocks. I rode cocks. One man wanted me on my knees on the chair in front of him. I climaxed
over and over again and pleased the men. As I turned to the last man, my heart dropped into my stomach.

I took a deep breath and greeted him, my voice strained.
“Good evening, my lord.”

He sneered.
“Good evening, Baby. Come to spread your legs for me?”

I swallowed nervously.
“How may I please you, my lord?”

He stood in front of me.
“You can spread your ass for me, you little whore.”

He motioned to the chair and I kneeled on it, facing away from him. I braced myself for my guardian
’s cock in my ass. The muscles clenched involuntarily.

“No, no, Baby. I said spread your ass. Reach behind you and spread your cheeks for me.”

I leaned my chest on the back of the chair and did as he said.

“Jack, lube up first,” Devin said in a stern voice. “She has more to do tonight and I don’t want her tearing.”

Jack swore under his breath. “You got lube?”

“She’s got a pussy. Use that.”

He unceremoniously shoved his cock in my now well-used pussy and thrust a few times then pulled out. He put his hand on my shoulder and leaned forward to my ear. “Damn. I was looking forward to seeing your ass bleed.”

I didn
’t say anything but was grateful to Devin for his intervention. Even if it had nothing to do with my comfort.

Jack positioned himself at my opening and thrust the whole way in with one movement. I gasped at the burning and cried out in pain. He laughed. I heard some of the other men laugh as

Tears stung my eyes. He wasn
’t gentle; it hurt. I tried to keep quiet, but had little success. I clung to the back of the plush chair as he gripped my hips and fucked me hard. His balls slapped against me repeatedly. I buried my face in the back of the chair and cried. It hurt so badly.

I heard him start to moan.
“Oh, Baby. Yeah. Take it. Take it like the bitch you are.” He slowed his pace but slammed himself into me harder. I sobbed. “Take it. Take it bitch.” With one last slam, he grunted in release, his short thrusts causing stabs of pain.

He pulled out as fast as he had gone in. The back of the chair muffled my scream. I started to lower my hips but Jack stopped me.
“Oh no, Baby. I want everyone to see what a little ass-whore you are.” His fingers ran over the tender skin of my hole. I heard him laugh. “Look at that gaping hole dripping with cum. It’s gonna drip into her cunt.”

I buried my face in the chair, wishing I were anywhere but here. I imagined the disgust that Wilhelm and Kurt must be feeling right now.
Will they change their minds about taking me tomorrow? Or will they want me more now so they can do the same things?

I continued kneeling on the chair, my ass and pussy exposed to the men on the platform. The men were talking but I didn
’t pay any attention. My body ached from being fucked so hard.

I felt a hand on my back. I started to sit up but it pushed me back down. Something hot and hard entered my pussy.
Another cock. He slapped my ass as he fucked me. After a while, I heard him groan, felt him tense up and then he was gone.

Jack came around the back of the chair and bent down to look in my face.
“Devin’s lining them up for you. Remind you of home?” He laughed and I looked away. He grabbed my hair to bring my face back to his. “Stay in position unless told to change. You’ve got a lot of cock to take, Baby.”

He was right. I don
’t know how long I stayed in that position but wouldn’t have been surprised if every man in the room had fucked me by the end of the night. By the time Devin said I could go, my ass and pussy felt like they were on fire from use.

Ian led me back to my room and I collapsed onto the bed. I was asleep in seconds.

Chapter 10



The next morning I awoke stiff and achy. I hadn
’t moved since I fell into bed and it was almost one o’clock in the afternoon. If Kurt was still coming, he would be here soon, so I went into the bathroom to undress and shower. I felt gross.

The hot water massaged my skin, and I closed my eyes and sighed. The muscles in my back and legs relaxed in the heat as I washed.

When I was finished washing, I leaned my forehead against the marble wall. Tears mingled with the water on my face as I thought about the previous night. An unfamiliar emotion squeezed my heart. Shame. Shame and humiliation over what Kurt and Wilhelm had seen me do last night.

Where did that come from? When did I start feeling ashamed about anything I do? It
’s not as if Kurt’s going to carry me away for a happily-ever-after. I was going to the ballet with him as his companion, we’d have sex, and then he’d bring me back tomorrow and go on with his life. Did it really matter what he thought about me, aside from whether or not I pleased him sexually?

I let out a long breath through pursed lips. Devin wanted me to please him, and I would do so. At least Kurt seemed kind...but he said that he wanted to hear me do more than moan. Would he hurt me like every other man I
’ve known? Many men appeared kind, but were really monsters when alone.

But did it matter whether or not Kurt was kind? No. Devin had told me what he wanted me to do; that was what mattered.
Nothing else.

Maggie brought my lunch as I was drying my hair.
“Thanks, Maggie.”

She smiled.
“I will bring you clothes to wear when the duke arrives.”


“Duke Wilhelm Kunze von Hesse.
He is coming to pick you up this afternoon, correct?”

I blinked a few times.
“I didn’t know he was a duke.”

“That is what Master told me.” She smiled and then left the room.

A duke? What do I do with that? Does that mean Kurt is a duke too?

As I finished my lunch, Maggie returned with a khaki skirt and pink sweater, as well as shoes and undergarments. I dressed quickly and braided my hair, realizing
it was the only hairstyle I knew.


Later that afternoon, Devin took me down to the entrance where Kurt and Wilhelm were waiting for me. I carried my shoes and followed him through the hallways.

“You did well last night, Anna,” Devin said in a pleasant tone, though I could sense something was amiss.

“Thank you, my lord,” I replied meekly, watching his shoes as I walked a few steps behind him.

“Treat them well, Anna. Make them want more of you. If you do well, I will reward you. If you don’t....”

“Yes, my lord. I will do my best.”

“Kurt likes you, Anna. I can tell. I need to be able to know this family and you are how I will do it. Don’t fuck it up.”

He’s angry with me. “Yes, my lord.”

We arrived at the entrance where Wilhelm and Kurt waited.
“Good afternoon, my lords,” I said bowing low to Wilhelm.

“You’ll bring her back tomorrow afternoon?” Devin asked as I stared at the stone beneath my nose.

, Devin,” Wilhelm said in his low accented voice. “We will take good care of her.”

“I have no doubt. Use her as you wish, I only ask you don’t do any permanent damage to her.”

“Of course, Devin.” Wilhelm sounded a little startled at the request.

I heard footsteps fading and then there was a large hand on the back of my head.
“Anna, you may stand now,” Wilhelm said in a gentle voice from above.

I stood quickly and kept my eyes downcast.

“Are you ready,
?” Wilhelm’s voice was high above my head.
How tall is he?

“Yes, my lord.”

He turned and walked to the door with Kurt beside him. I stopped at the door to put my sandals on and then followed them outside, squinting in the bright sunlight. As I stepped from the last stair, I was able to see that Kurt was about Devin’s height, around six feet tall, and Wilhelm was a few inches taller than Kurt.

A black limousine waited on the graveled driveway. The uniformed chauffeur held the door open, through which I saw two bench seats facing each other, with plenty of room in between for tall men
’s legs. After a moment’s hesitation, I crawled in and sat in the front-facing seat. Wilhelm and Kurt got in after me and the door closed. We drove off a moment later.

I stared at my hands, unsure of what I should do. The only people I
’d interacted with for years had been Jack and his friends, and occasionally Devin. I didn’t know
men, but I knew men. When would they start to hurt me?

“How are you doing today, Anna?” Kurt asked, sitting across from me. His khaki cargo shorts and leather sandals allowed me to see muscular legs covered with blond hairs.

“Fine, thank you, my lord,” I said in a soft voice, staring at his knee. My palms were clammy and I subtly tried to wipe them on my skirt.

Wilhelm, sitting next to me, put his hand on mine.
“Anna, you need not fear us. We will not hurt you. We are looking forward to spending time with you today and tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy yourself.”

“Thank you, my lord. I’m sure I will.” I continued to stare at my hands.

There was a moment of silence. “Anna, look at me please,” Wilhelm said.

I slowly turned to look at him, and he gave me a kind smile.
“Please, call me Wilhelm. Call Kurt by his name. There is no need for formalities. We’re not in the
. You are not a slave. You are our guest, and I want you to be able to relax and have fun.”

I bit my lip.
Is he tricking me into misbehaving so he can punish me later?
But he gave me instructions, so I took a deep breath and gave him a timid smile.

“Good girl,” he said, looking pleased. “Now, what do you like to do for fun?”

“Fun?” I looked back at my hands. Fun was not something Jack allowed me to pursue. “I don’t know...I like to read.”

Kurt chuckled.
“You like to read?”

I felt my cheeks burn and nodded. Is it okay for someone like me to read?

“Like Alex,” he said with another chuckle.

“Your brother?”

Kurt looked at me and tilted his head.
“How did you know?”

I blushed again.
“I overhead Devin speaking of your family.”

“Oh?” Wilhelm looked curious.

I’ve said too much. Devin will be angry.
I bit my lip and didn’t say anything else.

I felt Wilhelm turn contemplative for a moment and I glanced up at Kurt shyly. He gave me a bright smile and patted the seat next to him, so I moved to the seat across from where I had been.

He put his arm around me and nuzzled my ear. “I was thinking about you all night. This morning was so long.” He brought his hand up and cradled my cheek as he nibbled on my earlobe. I closed my eyes as his lips caressed the skin and then tugged the lobe with his teeth, making me gasp. He drew my earlobe between his lips and sucked on it for a moment before moving lower, trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone.

“Are you okay from last night? Did they hurt you?”

My cheeks burned. “You saw that?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Shame clenched my heart again.

, Anna. We did.
was...quite upset that Devin treated you like that.” He leaned back and looked into my eyes, his hand still cradling my cheek. “As was I. Are you all right?”

I bit my lip and nodded, giving a half
-smile. “I’ve been through worse.”

Kurt frowned and I closed my eyes and bent my head.
I keep saying the wrong thing.

Wilhelm asked Kurt something in German and Kurt responded.

“I’m sorry, Kurt,” I said softly, afraid he was upset. “Jack said I lacked social refinement. I haven’t been...out much...aside from dance classes...since I was sixteen. I’m not very good around people.” I twisted my fingers in my lap. “I don’t want to embarrass you.”

“Anna, you have nothing to worry about. I do not embarrass easily. If you have
questions, do not be afraid to ask. We will not laugh or think poorly of you.” Kurt stroked my cheek then lifted my face to kiss my lips. “I am going to enjoy every second with you until I have to take you back.”

I gave him a shy smile.
“Is there anything I can do for you?”

He grinned.

, but not right now.” He nuzzled my ear. “Later,” he whispered. “Later we will make each other feel very, very good.” He nipped my neck.

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