The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved (12 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved
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“Anna, this is my son, Kurt.”

“Greetings, my lord.”
I pressed my shaking hands together in the proper greeting. I didn’t look up at his face.

, Anna. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” His voice was sexy and smoldering and made my legs tremble. He took my hand and pulled me into his lap so I was sitting sideways, facing Devin.

Kurt stroked my cheek and jaw and I glanced up at him. He sucked in a breath as our eyes met. He was in his mid
-twenties, with thick, yellow-blond hair that fell across his forehead in a youthful manner. He was definitely his father’s son; the similarities were undeniable. But his scruffy goatee and mischief-filled grey eyes made me think he took life much less seriously than his father.

I gave him a timid smile, suddenly feeling shy. Men had never affected me as these two Germans did, though the father differently than the son.

The other men returned to their conversations around us and I concentrated so I could read Kurt and know what he wanted. But before I had a chance to read him, he dragged his thumb across my lower lip and my body awakened. I inhaled sharply and my breath caught in my throat.

He slid his hand behind my head and pulled my face towards him.
Oh, God. He’s going to kiss me!
Butterflies filled my stomach and my body tingled with anticipation.
What are you doing, Anna? You’ve kissed tons of men.

He nuzzled my lips and then pressed his mouth softly to mine.


He sucked at my lower lip until my mouth opened, which, I admit, didn
’t take long. His tongue slipped past my teeth and swirled around mine.

My mind whirled. My body felt a shock like a stun gun unleashing against my skin. What the heck was going on? I
’d kissed many, many men. Why was he different? What was it about his lips that made me feel like I’d go crazy if he kept kissing me...or worse, if he stopped?

His hands caressed the back of my neck and my hand moved to his neck and jaw.
Was that okay? I was supposed to let the man lead, right? Was it okay to touch him?
I couldn’t remember the last time I had been so uncertain with a man. I wanted to look at Devin to make sure I was doing it right, but knew I wouldn’t be able to see him without breaking the kiss. And I didn’t want to do that.

Well, I was supposed to please him, so I tried to concentrate again on reading his desires. It was difficult to concentrate on anything but his tongue in my mouth. I brought my hand around to the back of his head and ran my fingers through his soft hair. I massaged the nape of his neck and pressed my lips to his.

I heard him moan softly...
or was that me
Stay in control, Anna, or he’ll devour you.
Somehow, the thought of being devoured by Kurt didn’t seem so bad.

I trailed my fingers down the side of his neck, along the tendon, and rubbed my thumb
just behind his earlobe. Kurt’s fingers trailed down my neck and onto my collarbone, caressing the skin. My nipples tightened and I pressed my breasts against his chest.

His fingers continued their trail down the neckline of my dress and along the edge of the gathered material. He slipped his finger under the material, grazing my nipple, and I moaned softly. His cock was hard against the side of my thigh.

He cupped my breast over the material and squeezed my nipple gently. I gasped, breaking our kiss.

I looked into Kurt
’s eyes and saw passion and desire. But it was different desire than I’d seen in other men’s eyes. More tender. It was almost...awe? No, that couldn’t be right. Men lusted and took. They weren’t tender. They didn’t give. Even Devin, who loved me, still had an animalistic hunger in his eyes when he made love to me.

I saw none of that in Kurt. It frightened me because I didn
’t know what to expect. He was difficult to read as well, which made me nervous.
How will I know how to please him if I can’t read him? Devin wants me to please him especially. He will be so angry if I fail!

I must have looked startled because he leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
“Are you all right,
?” He nuzzled my ear and goose bumps popped up on my arms.

“Yes, my lord.” I decided to do what I knew to do. I took a breath, looked him in the eyes and asked, “How may I please you, my lord?” in the soft voice that Jack had taught me to use.

I felt his cock jump at my words, which sent another shock wave through my body.
Stay in control, Anna! You’re here for him, not the other way around.

. You are pleasing me by just being near me.” He nibbled on my earlobe and trailed kisses down my neck.

I leaned my head away from him, giving him more access to my neck and sighed.
Through my half-closed eyes, I caught a glimpse of Devin frowning at me; I was enjoying myself too much. I swallowed and nodded slightly at Devin.
Control, Anna. You’re here to please Kurt, not for your own enjoyment. Do you want your ass whipped tonight?

I turned to Kurt, becoming bolder.
“Please, my lord, tell me how I may please you. I am very good at giving oral pleasure.”

I felt his cock jump again and imagined taking it into my mouth.

I leaned closer to his face.
“Please, my lord. Let me bring you pleasure.” My voice was husky as I gazed into his eyes. He frowned slightly and looked confused, but gave a short nod. I slid off his lap and settled between his feet.

I ran my thumbs up his inner thighs feeling the hard muscles beneath. As my hands approached his cock, he inhaled deeply. I avoided the bulge and ran my thumbs beside it and up to his waist. He barely breathed as I reached for the linen strings. I was surprised at his reaction to me. From the conversation I overheard about him, I was certain he knew the pleasure a skilled woman could bring him.

I pulled at the strings of his pants and a beautifully sculpted cock emerged. I took in a deep breath, my eyes widening in surprise. He was big, bigger than Devin, about the size of Ian. He had no piercings though.
I wonder why. I thought all Brothers were pierced.

I ran my thumbs up the bottom of his shaft, stopping just below the crest and repeated the motion several times. Kurt moved his hands to the arms of the chair and I saw his knuckles whiten.
Maybe I am that good.
The thought made me grin...inside of course. I didn’t want to anger Devin; I was already walking on thin ice with him.

I held the top of his cock with my hand and ran my tongue along the same path my thumbs had taken, bringing my other hand beneath his balls. Squeezing gently, I raised myself
higher on my knees and took his head into my mouth. I heard a sharp intake of breath as I pushed him into my mouth, sucking hard.

Can I take him down my throat?
I’d never tried with Ian, who preferred ripping into my ass rather than my throat. I continued to suck as I raised my body higher and pushed his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. I glanced up at his face as best as I could and watched his eyes close. His jaw clenched and he held his breath.

As the tip of his cock touched the back of my throat, I felt confident I
’d be able to swallow him. I took a deep breath and pushed him down my throat, swallowing him down.

He jumped and exclaimed something in German. I recoiled, his cock ripping out of my throat as I fell backwards onto my ass.

Devin’s rage was palpable from where he sat and I braced myself for the blow.

Nein, nein,
Devin, I’m all right,” Kurt said, reaching out his hands as if to protect me.

“Did she hurt you?” Devin demanded, glaring at me.

I trembled under his glare. What would he do to me for hurting one of his honored guests.

. Quite the contrary. The pleasure was so overwhelming I could not keep still.” Kurt glanced at me with kind eyes. He looked back at Devin and they stared at each other for a long moment.

“Don’t try and cover for her, Kurt. If she caused you pain, she needs to be corrected.” The rage seethed from Devin’s body like hot magma oozing down the side of a mountain.

I scrambled into my submissive pose, hoping somehow to appease the raging beast inside Devin. It would likely not do any good, but at least he couldn’t be angry with me for not sitting as I should.

My throat burned. I had been mid
-swallow when Kurt had jumped. I wanted to reach up and rub my neck, but didn’t dare move.

“I assure you, Devin, she did not hurt me. It surprised me. I have never such a sensation before. It was quite powerful.”

Silence extended between the two of them once more. I could tell Devin was trying to decide whether to believe him or not. I trembled, awaiting my fate.

Kurt reached out and pulled me to him.
“I would be devastated if you took her away from me now. The earlier display was...inspiring. I am beginning to understand your reaction.”

Devin relaxed, giving the appearance of calm once more, though his anger simmered just under the surface. He reached out and petted my hair.
“Yes, she is quite talented.”

He pulled my hair to force me to look at him. His eyes were hard and filled with warning.

I nodded once and then resettled between Kurt’s feet. I lifted up onto my knees and returned to my work. My throat still burned.

“Please, my lord,” I whispered as I caressed Kurt’s cock with shaking hands. “Was what I did uncomfortable for you?” I looked up at him fearfully.

Kurt looked down at me and cradled my cheek. He swept a thumb across my temple, jostling my circlet. The movement of the center stone tickled my forehead. I wrinkled my forehead to ease the sensation, and he smiled and ran his thumb under the stone, easing the tickle. I smiled a thank you.

.” Kurt spoke in a soft voice and glanced at Devin, who had thankfully returned to his previous conversation. “What I told Devin was true. I have never experienced anything like that before. It, ah, caught me off guard. I have never had a woman take me in like that before.”

I blushed in response to the...
compliment? Yeah, I’d call that a compliment.

Kurt smiled again.
“I enjoyed it.” He leaned over and kissed me, his lips lingering, sucking on my lower lip.

I sighed and gazed up lazily at him.
I could get used to this.
I shook my head to clear my mind.
I have work to do. Must please him.

I smiled up at him once more and then returned my attention to his cock. He was as hard as before and, after a few licks, I returned him to my mouth, repeating the motions from earlier. The pain in my throat intensified as I began to swallow him down. I desperately wanted to please him and so suppressed a groan of pain. Tears sprang to my eyes as I swallowed twice more and then pulled back.

I sucked on the head, running my tongue around the crest, and tried to figure out what to do. I knew my discomfort mattered little, especially to the man I was trying to please, so I decided to please him as he liked and do my best to ignore the pain.

I swallowed him down again as laughter erupted around the circle. I knew it wasn
’t from what I was doing, and took the opportunity to let the groan out. No one would hear me over the noise. Sometimes it just helped to have a verbal release.

Kurt put his hands on the side of my head and pulled me up to kiss me.

What is he doing?

“What’s wrong,
?” he whispered into my ear. “Why did you groan?” He nibbled on my ear; I think to mask the question.

He was too perceptive for my comfort.
“I’m fine, my lord,” I said with a smile, but my voice cracked over the last word.

“I don’t believe you,
. You sound like you’re in pain.” He nibbled again and I gasped, and then choked as the cool air swept over my sore throat. “I am right, am I not?”

I nodded slowly.
“But really, my lord, I’m-”

“Did I hurt you when I jumped? Did it hurt your throat?”

Don’t admit it, Anna. Never admit they’ve hurt you.
But I couldn’t lie to him. I nodded, closing my eyes and awaiting his glee. But he just kissed me on the neck.

“Is it just your
throat, or your mouth too?”

my throat, my lord. But really-”

“Don’t take me so deep anymore,
. I don’t want you to be in pain. Your mouth is magnificent without you hurting yourself on my account. If Devin were not sitting right next to me, I would not allow you to continue. But I have a feeling that if I stopped you, the pain in your throat would be of little concern to you later.”

Tears burned my eyes again, but from gratefulness this time. He was so considerate. Did men like this really exist?

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