Read The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged Online

Authors: Marissa Honeycutt

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #dark, #illuminati, #ending, #slave, #torture, #immortal, #immortal being, #slave and sex

The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged (20 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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“That feels so good,” she breathed.

He kissed her cheek and then his fingers were
gone. She whimpered as he moved off the bed, but when she heard the
zipper, she smiled. “Oh.”

Fabric rustled to the ground and she clenched
her muscles in expectation. Her hands were still above her head and
she clenched them together.

She heard a sound that sounded like something
tearing and then smelled latex. “A condom?” she asked, wrinkling
her nose.

The bed moved as he reached to stroke her

She started to protest that he didn’t need to
use one, but he knew what she was and was still using one so she
supposed he had his reasons. Maybe the girls in Europe
weren’t...fixed the way Devin took care of his girls. Maybe he
thought that she—

The thoughts disappeared as he moved back
onto the bed between her legs. She could hear him breathing heavily
as he leaned forward and pressed his cock against her very wet
opening. It felt weird. She’d never had sex with a condom before
and wondered why anyone would want to. But when he began to press
himself inside her, once again all thoughts disappeared from her

“Oh God!” she exclaimed as his girth became
apparent. She clutched at the pillow above her and almost tried to
scoot away. But he leaned forward and kissed her, moving slowly
inside and letting her body adjust to him. Kaveh had been bigger
than this when he raped her, but he didn’t care about hurting her.
Mr. J. was very kind and considerate, not pushing himself faster
than she could adjust.

As Mr. J.’s considerable girth filled her she
felt an orgasm building as he scraped against the ceiling of her
tight channel. She gasped for breath and dug her fingernails into
her palms.

“Oh, God! I’m going to come!”

He briefly stroked her cheek and the
explosion erupted in her body. She screamed out in ecstasy and
wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him deeper. The slight
pain of his size accentuated the pleasure and she reached another
level of pleasure. He held her hands with his as he moved, making
the orgasm last for what felt like an eternity. It wasn’t more than
a minute before Anna heard him grunt and let out a deep groan as he
stiffened against her and came. He squeezed her hands so tightly
she felt like he would rip them off. They rode the rocket of
pleasure together, bodies moving as one as each gained intense
pleasure from the other’s movements.

When Mr. J. finally collapsed on the bed next
to her, Anna’s heart was pounding so hard she thought it would
break a rib. “I haven’t had an orgasm like that in a really long

Mr. J. let out a breathy chuckle and squeezed
her hand.

She grinned up at the ceiling she couldn’t
see. “I’d do that again,” she offered, cautiously.

He moved and kissed her deeply, stroking her
cheek the whole time.

“I’ll take that as an agreement?” she

Another gentle caress on the cheek. He kissed
her again and then moved off the bed. She heard the rustle of
fabric again and guessed that he was dressing. She lay quietly,
listening to his quiet movements until she could feel him looking
at her again. She blushed and smiled in the direction of his
sounds, wishing she could see him.

He pressed something thin and cool in her
hands. The leaving token. “Will I ever get to see you?”

There was a hesitation and then he kissed her
on the mouth gently. He pulled away and she heard him walk across
the room and then the door opened and closed. He hadn’t answered
her question.

She cautiously pulled the blindfold off and
blinked in the dim lighting of the room. There were candles lit
throughout the room and rose petals on the bed that she hadn’t
felt, but had certainly smelled. She looked at her hand to see what
he had given her.

A single pink rose.

She stared at it for a moment and dropped it,
shaking her head. No. Pink roses were Alex’s to give.

But Alex is dead
. It wasn’t Mr. J.’s
fault that pink roses reminded her of her dead husband. She put it
on the pillow and went to blow out the candles and turn out the

She could pretend it was Alex. If she never
got to see him, it would be easy to do. It would give her a face to
imagine. But was that wise?

She sighed and crawled under the covers,
staring at the rose for a long minute before taking it and bringing
it to her nose. She rolled to her back. It smelled so good. Maybe
she could just allow this mystery man to give her new memories. He
seemed to want to see her again. It would be a year before she
married Kurt. One last romantic fling with a mysterious stranger.
In the Mystery room of the Library hotel.

How fitting.

Chapter Seventeen



Anna’s phone rang, dragging her out of a
wonderful dream about mystery men with hard chests and enormous

She looked around for her purse and found it
on the nightstand next to her. She smiled at Mr. J.’s
thoughtfulness and dug out her phone. It was Cameron.

“Hi, Cameron,” she said, her face splitting
into a goofy grin.

“You sound happy,” Cameron said. “I was
worried when I didn’t hear from you last night.”

Anna looked at the clock. Almost eleven. She
rarely slept this late. “Sorry, Cam. I...forgot.”

“That good, eh?” He laughed.

“Oh, God yes!” she groaned.

“Are you home? I want to hear all the juicy

“No, I’m at....” She grinned again. “The
Library Hotel. In the mystery room.”

“How romantic!” Cameron squealed.

Anna laughed. “I’ll get moving and call you
when I get home.”

“Do you need me to bring you clothes so you
don’t have to take the walk of shame?”

“No, I was told there were clean clothes for
me here somewhere.”

“Wow. He thought of everything, didn’t he?
Wait, don't tell me anymore. Get home fast!”

Anna laughed as she went into the bathroom to
shower. A pair of denim shorts and a pink tank top hung on the back
of the door along with a pair of panties and a bra. On the floor
sat a shoe box with white sandals inside. All the right size. Mr.
J. was good. She wondered if he did this often, and then pushed the
thought aside. It would ruin the fantasy if she thought about it
that way.

After a luxurious shower, she braided her
hair and dressed in the clothes. How did he know her style? Last
night’s attire wasn’t exactly her norm. Come to think of it, she
had this exact tank at home....

Had he seen her before last night? She’d worn
that tank on Monday when she’d walked to the library. Cameron said
he’d moved in Sunday and she’d walked right by the condo. Had he
seen her? Did he go to the club looking for her? The thought
thrilled her.

And he knew what she was, or at least
partially. She almost looked like a common girl, with both nipples
pierced. Was he a Brother? Was he a politician that was manipulated
by the Brotherhood? Was he just as much a victim of them as she
was? The thought saddened her. She knew what it was like to be
manipulated by them.

She sighed. She wouldn’t come up with any
answers until she knew him better.
she got to know him
better. Part of the thrill was not knowing who he was. She grinned
as she gathered her things. Maybe she’d check out a mystery novel
at the library tomorrow.


“Okay, spill the beans, missy!” Cameron

They sat at an organic restaurant a few
blocks from their apartment building and Anna said she wouldn’t
tell him until they’d ordered. The tortured look on Cameron’s face
when she told him that was priceless.

They’d walked past the condo where Mr. J.
lived and she’d looked up, wondering which floor was his. It wasn’t
a very tall building; eleven or twelve stories at the most. Too bad
her apartment faced the opposite direction so she couldn’t spy on

Anna giggled and began telling him all that
had transpired. She left out the part about the rings. Cameron had
promised he wouldn’t tell anyone and she trusted him. Of course,
she would tell Aaron when he got home tomorrow though.

They had their entrees and were halfway
through them before he’d asked his last question.

He stared at her in awe. “That is so awesome.
I’m so happy for you.”

Anna rolled her eyes. “It’s not like anything
is going to come from it.”

“Fantastic sex is nothing to sneeze at,
girlfriend,” he said, jabbing a piece of lettuce at her. “Maybe
it’ll wake Kurt up if he knows you have a...what’s a male mistress

She laughed and shrugged. “A lover?” Mr. J.
was European. Maybe he was even German. That would please Kurt.
“Maybe Kurt will let me keep him.” After all, even Kurt’s mother
had a lover.

They both giggled at the thought.


Later that afternoon, Anna had finished her
trashy romance novels and decided to go to the library today rather
than tomorrow. Aaron would be home tomorrow and she wanted to spend
time with him. Besides, she wanted to read something new. She put
her books in her backpack and headed out.

As she passed Mr. J.’s building, she looked
up, again wondering who he was. She shrugged her shoulders and
crossed the street to the park. She glanced back again and looked
up at the top of the building. She could see the tops of trees. Was
it a terrace of some sort?

A shiver ran through her body as she felt
someone watching her. Someone from up there. Was it Mr. J.? She
squinted and could just make out the outline of two people standing
between two trees. The sky was overcast, making a gray background
and she could just see them moving. Was it him?

She waved and then blushed, feeling foolish.
But her heart skipped a beat when she could have sworn he waved
back. Anna covered her mouth in shock, and turned and walked away

She berated herself all the way through the
park. What if it wasn’t Mr. J.? What if she’d just waved to a
complete stranger and looked foolish? What if she’d just waved to a

Anna stopped at Rockefeller Center as usual
and went to buy a soda from Levi. He gave her a big grin. “Hey
Katrina. I was gonna call you when I got off. Wanted to know if you
wanted to go out tonight.”

Anna blushed. “Really?”

“Yeah. I meant to call you Thursday, but I
got called into work and had a double shift yesterday too.” He
shook his head. “If you have plans already, I understand.”

“No. I was just heading to the library.”

“Today’s Saturday.”

Anna gave him a mischievous grin. “I’m daring
to do something different.”

“Different is good.” Levi laughed. “Anyway, a
buddy of mine is doing a show at a comedy club and got me tickets.
I wanted to ask if you were interested in coming with me.”

“That sounds like fun. What time?”

“It starts at ten-thirty. I get off at seven
and we could have dinner first.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“Cool.” He grinned. “I’ll pick you up at....”
He looked at his watch. “How about eight?”

Anna nodded. She took a napkin and wrote down
her address and apartment number. He raised his eyebrow when he saw
the address. “Nice place.”

“It’s near the studio.”

Levi leaned his hip against the bar. “Ya
know, I’ve actually never found out what you do.”

“I never told you?” She was surprised. She
certainly didn’t hide it.

He shook his head. “Studio would imply some
sort of artist....” He stroked his chin mockingly and laughed.

Anna laughed and shook her head.


She shook her head again, giggling.

He peered at her over the bar. “Dancer,” he
said firmly.

She nodded. “Ah, but what kind?”

He grinned. “Exotic?” he said hopefully.

Anna laughed again. “Sorry, no.”

“Darn,” he said laughing. “Okay. What kind of
dancer are you?”


His eyes widened. “Wait. Is your last name

“You didn’t know?”

He rolled his eyes. “This is the longest
conversation we’ve had.”

“True. Yes, that’s my last name.”

“I read about you in the paper. You’re really

Anna blushed. “Thanks.”

“Well, see, now I have to take you out. I
have a thing for dancers.” He grinned.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.

He nodded.

“What does one wear to a comedy club?”

“Whatever you want.” He gave her a
mischievous look. “Less is always better.”

Anna laughed. “I’ll see you tonight.” She
picked up her soda and walked towards the exit.

“Looking forward to it,” he called.

She glanced back with a saucy smile and then
walked out into the sunshine.

She turned to head to the library and
stopped. Did she really want to go to the library right now? She
had a date tonight. “I’ll go shopping instead,” she told

She wandered down Fifth Avenue, looking in
windows and sipping her soda. She spotted a flowered sundress in
one of the windows and wondered if that would be appropriate for a
comedy club. It was cute but not very sophisticated. She walked
past another shop and saw something that might work. A black satin
strapless top and a short pink skirt. It wasn’t a micro-mini like
she’d worn the night before, but it was short. She matched some
pink-heeled sandals with it and headed home.


Levi arrived a little before eight wearing
nicely fitted jeans and a red button-down shirt. Anna had known he
was good looking but hadn’t seen him in anything other than the
light blue t-shirt he wore tending bar.

They had dinner in the West Village and then
headed to the club nearby. As they waited in line, Levi stood
behind her and put his arms around her waist. When he kissed her
neck gently, electricity shot through her veins and down to her

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 5: Emerged
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