The Lion Within (Ghost Cat Shifters #1) (16 page)

BOOK: The Lion Within (Ghost Cat Shifters #1)
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His voice was muffled against her hair. She leaned her head back and looked up. “I’ll be careful, okay? Don’t let this tie you up. Nelson’s on the radar of the police and every shifter who gives a damn about getting rid of the smuggling network. He won’t be able to do anything or go anywhere without watching his back.”

He stroked a hand through her hair and nodded. “I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier to hear him threaten you.” He dipped his head and caught her lips in a searing kiss. In seconds, she was on fire inside and twining herself against him. The bell chimed in the front, its distinct sound nudging her brain and reminded her where they were. He tore his lips free, his forehead falling against hers. Their breath gusted in unison.

His voice was low and gravelly when he spoke. “I need to tell you something.”

She angled her head up, her eyes caught in his navy gaze. “The first time I met you, I knew what my mother meant when she told me I’d know. See, she had to explain a lot to me in a short time about what it meant to be a shifter. She told me shifters had only one true mate, but not every shifter was lucky enough to find theirs. She said if I did, I would know right away. I knew the second I saw you, although it took me a little bit to accept it. What I’m saying is…I love you. I don’t want to go another day without making sure you understand how important you are to me.”

His words sent her heart flying. Hope spread its wings and soared along with it. Instantly, her cautious side tried to interrupt. It had been a long and rough year. When Daniel walked into her life, all she’d been hoping for was life to be mundane again and everyone in her family to be okay.
Are you really going to have an internal debate? You’re being ridiculous. The man who means more to you than any man ever has just told you he loves you and you’re wondering if now is the right time. Don’t be stupid.

Sophia shook her head and then laughed softly. There she went shaking her head again. Daniel’s mouth curled at one corner, but he stayed quiet, his eyes intent on her. Every word of his rang in tune with her and what she felt for him. She tried to speak, but emotion clogged her throat. She took a gulp of air and ran her hand down his chest, coming to a stop over his heart. It pounded, strong and steady, under her palm. She finally found her voice. “You are the same to me. I love you.”

He dipped his head again. This time his kiss started tender, but as was the case with them, in seconds it was as if flames were licking around them. He slowly softened their kiss, catching her lower lip between his teeth and gently tugging as he pulled away. Josie called out for Tommy to make two lattes, and Daniel chuckled softly. “I suppose I should let you get back to work.”

She grinned and shrugged. “I suppose so. Where were you headed next?”

“I told Roger I’d stop by with an update. Then, I was planning to ask if you minded if I worked from your place again today. I’ve got a few projects to work on, and Daisy could always use the company.” His mouth curled up in that half-smile she’d come to love.

“As if you need to ask,” she said, her own smile mirroring his.

The half-door swung open, and Tommy stepped through. “Sorry, but I had to get some more coffee beans.” He grabbed two bags and immediately returned to the front.

Sophia stepped back. “I suppose we can’t huddle back here all afternoon.”

Daniel chuckled. “Probably not.”

She took a breath. She didn’t know why, but she kept hesitating when it seemed pointless to hesitate. After a long moment, she shook her head. Her cheeks heated when she saw Daniel start to smile. She shrugged. “Laugh if you want. It’s you. You make me shake my head.”

She took another breath. “Anyway, I was thinking was maybe I should let you know it would be okay with me if we just admitted you might be moving in with me.”

“We could say that. The lease for my apartment is a summer lease, just until the end of August,” he said with that half-smile never wavering.

She nodded, warmth unfurling from her center and spiraling outward. “Well, until then, you don’t need to ask me every day about working at my place.”

Another low chuckle and he nodded. She started to turn away and walk out front when his hand cupped her elbow. She turned back. His expression had sobered. “Promise me you’ll be careful. Would you mind if I plan to meet you for the walk home? I can bring Daisy with me.”

Her reflex was to tell him he needn’t worry, but she sensed he needed her to give him this. She also knew Nelson didn’t have much to lose anymore and that made him far more dangerous. She could hold her own as a shifter, but other shifters had as much power and more than she did. She wasn’t stupid enough to think she could fend off Nelson on her own should he choose to attack. So, she met Daniel’s concerned gaze and nodded. “Of course. I’ll be here until we close down. Tommy will be with me.”

“I’ll get here a little early. I’ll need my evening coffee anyway.”

At that, he followed her out front and snagged a coffee from Tommy before he left.


The following morning, Sophia was at the counter with customers lined up to the door. Tommy and Josie were working at high speed to churn out coffees as fast as they could. After a cluster of college students moved aside to wait for their drinks to be ready, she glanced up to find Nelson Weaver at the counter. She knew him on sight, although she couldn’t recall the last time she’d seen him. Tension coiled inside as she recalled Daniel’s warning about Nelson’s vague threat toward her. She wasn’t concerned he would do anything here in the middle of her crowded coffee shop and downtown Painter, but she was concerned what his purpose was. If he’d ever set foot in Mile High Grounds before, she’d have been surprised. She kept her expression neutral as she met his eyes. His expression was cold and flat.

She treated him as she treated every customer. “What can I get for you?” she asked with a polite smile.

His eyes roved around the room before coming back to land on her. “I’m not here for coffee. Just came to tell you that you should tell your new boyfriend to back off. Also, tell him to meet me out at the old cabin two o’clock tomorrow afternoon. You know where I mean,” he said pointedly. His expression was unchanged, but the threatening undertone was clear in every word.

Bitter anxiety and anger tightened around her chest. She wanted to lash out, but now was not the time and place. She couldn’t lose control here and couldn’t let Nelson know he’d rattled her. She pushed against the fear, but she couldn’t ignore her worry for Daniel and what it meant that he’d played a part in cornering Nelson. She bought herself a moment by greeting a customer walking by before she turned her gaze back to Nelson and nodded. “I’ll let Daniel know,” she said with forced politeness before turning to the next customer who came to the counter beside Nelson.

Nelson held her gaze for a long moment before turning away and walking back outside.

Chapter 15

“What?” Daniel asked, his eyes narrowing as he turned to look at her.

“Just what I said. Nelson stopped by Mile High today and asked me to tell you to back off and to meet him tomorrow at the old cabin,” Sophia said, repeating what she’d just said. They were sitting on the couch in her living room. They’d finished dinner, and Daisy was napping in the far corner on her giant dog bed.

Daniel simply stared at her for a long moment. “Did he say anything else?” His voice was low and controlled.

“Not really. He was only there for a minute. He told me what I just told you and said I’d know where he meant. In case it’s not obvious, I’m pretty sure he knows Vivi and I have been out there.”

Daniel was quiet for another few beats. “He made his point by going to you to pass on his message. Fucking asshole. He wants to make sure I know he’s willing to go after you.” Daniel’s eyes had gone dark and stormy.

His arm was thrown across her shoulders, and she was leaning into the crook of his shoulder. She placed her hand over his and squeezed. “I know you’re worried he might do something, but he didn’t when he had his chance. I think he’s just rattling cages. I’m not sure what I think of you going out to meet him though.”

She angled her head back, so she could look over at him. His eyes canted down to hers. “I don’t like that he showed up there. If he wanted to talk to me, he knows how to find me. He went to you to make a point. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

“Of course! So what are you going to do? Are you going out to the cabin tomorrow?”

Daniel adjusted his arm and stroked his hand through her hair, idly sifting through it. “Don’t know yet. I’ll talk to Roger before I do anything. If I go, it won’t be alone.”

Worry slithered through her. Until this situation with Nelson was settled, she would worry. She’d become so accustomed to worrying over the last year that the feeling was familiar. She glanced up at Daniel’s profile. He was staring blindly toward the television, not paying the least bit of attention to the news on the screen. Her eyes coasted over the angles of his face—the sharp slashes of his dark brows, the clean line of his nose, the angled cheekbones that sloped down to his sensual mouth. He must have sensed her gaze on him because he swung toward her, capturing her eyes in his. The air around them grew heavy, thick with desire. Lust unfurled like smoke, rising from the embers inside. His hand stroked through her hair and curled around the nape of her neck. His thumb caressed in a slow stroke—back and forth over the beat of her pulse in her neck.

Awareness skated through her when his eyes roamed across her face. It was as if he was tracing her with his touch, yet he didn’t lift a finger. With his eyes on her, she pushed up from where she was resting against him and turned to straddle him. She sank her hips down, her breath coming out in a gasp at the feel of his hard shaft against her. She was already wet for him. All it took was the mere thought of touching him, and she melted. She slid her hands down his shoulders, over the corded muscles of his arms. His eyes were dark with desire as he lifted his hand and traced her lips with his thumb.

He slid his other hand under the hem of her t-shirt and up her back. The rough surface of his palm sent sparks skittering up her spine. With subtle pressure, he brought her forward as he met her halfway and caught her lips in a scorching kiss. Heat blazed through her. His kiss was commanding and sent her spinning into the tides of lust rushing through her. Their tongues tangled sinuously. What started as a slow dance shifted gears and became wild and furious. He shoved her shirt up and over, tossing it to the floor. His followed, and she sighed in relief at the feel of his chest against her skin. His palms came around to cup her breasts. He dragged his thumbs back and forth across the black silk, driving her nearly mad with need. Her nipples were tight and achy. Only when a low moan broke from her did he flick his thumb under the clasp and fling her bra to join their scattered shirts on the floor.

His lips traveled down the curve of her neck, blazing a trail of fire. She shifted restlessly against him, frustrated at the layers of clothing between them. His lips closed over a nipple, and she cried out, arching into the wet heat of his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the tight bead of her nipple before biting down sharply, simultaneously relieving the ache of need and notching it higher. While he turned the same maddening attention to her other nipple, she twisted against him and busied her hands, swiftly unbuttoning his jeans and curling her palm over the pulsing heat of his cock.

Suddenly, he lifted his head and gripped his hands on her hips. In one quick move, he stood with her held firmly in his strong embrace. She squeaked, and his mouth hooked at one corner. He adjusted her in his arms, and she curled her legs around his hips. He carried her to the bedroom and shouldered through the door. Without ever letting her go, he somehow managed to flick the lamp on and stretch her out underneath him. In short order, he dragged her jeans off and kicked his aside. She rested on her elbows and looked up at him. In the shadowed light, the hard planes of his body stood out, every inch of him pure muscle. He left his briefs on and stretched out beside her, his hand tracing a meandering path over her breasts and belly. Her panties were already drenched from her need, and the wet heat kept building and building as he stroked down over the cotton and dragged his fingers back and forth. With each stroke, need coiled tighter and tighter inside.

“Daniel…I need…”


His query came just as he hooked a finger and dragged her panties down. Before she could form a reply, he stroked his fingers through her folds and dipped into her channel in a swift plunge. With a muffled cry, she arched into his touch. She managed to drag her eyes open and slip her hand down the front of his briefs, stroking over the pulsing velvet skin of his shaft.

“This,” she replied.

With need clawing inside of her, each stroke of his fingers sent shudders through her. It wasn’t enough. She wanted all of him. She rolled swiftly to her side and straddled him, shoving his briefs down over his hips. His cock rested against her, and she rolled her hips, driving herself wild just to feel him against her. His eyes locked on hers and she slowly rose up. She held still, feeling the head of his cock at her entrance, before she drove her hips down, taking him all the way inside at once.

He gripped her hips as she rode him, savoring every inch of him as he filled her with each roll of her hips. Pressure gathered within, and she toed the edge of ecstasy, chasing it each time he filled her. His grip on her hips tightened when she arched into his strokes. With a quick stroke of his thumb across her clit, she tumbled over the crest, a sharp spike of pleasure followed by shudders that rocked her to her core. His body went rigid underneath her and her name came out in a hoarse cry.

Sophia fell against Daniel. His hands eased their grip and slipped around her. A palm stroked in slow circles on her back. After several moments, she lifted her head and found his eyes waiting for her. He lifted a hand and brushed her tangled hair away from her face. His eyes held a fierce tenderness. He cleared his throat. “This thing with Nelson scares me. I don’t like it. I want to lock you up and keep you safe until he’s behind bars.”

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