The Longing (36 page)

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Authors: Beverly Lewis

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BOOK: The Longing
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For folks who say miracles don’t exist, I’ve imprinted in my mind the happy day when my father walked Rhoda clear out to the road, to her pretty car. And I offer prayers of thanksgiving for Rosanna’s tiny, full-term daughter, as well as the blessing
of Lena Grace’s brother, Jonathan—both miracles, indeed. What a joy that our young preacher and his wife have themselves a cuddly pair to raise and love—a farmhand in the making for Elias, and a cute little dishwasher and quilter someday for Rosanna.

But above all, I marvel at the change saving grace has brought to the lives of the People— ’specially David Yoder, whose transformation might have been the greatest of all. Word has it, if the Lord can save such an obstinate, hardhearted soul—soften him before his family’s very eyes—then why should any of us ever doubt God’s power?

Yesterday evening following supper, while thick snowflakes fell, Caleb discovered a note his father had written and stuck inside the old family Bible.
God no longer sees me as a sinner. Because of His Son’s blood sacrifice, He looks at me . . . and sees Jesus there instead.

Caleb and I had to wipe away tears, and we clasped hands and looked at each other, amazed at this precious legacy of faith for our family. We decided then and there it must be framed. We’ll hang it on the kitchen wall so all who sit at our table can see the reason for our enduring happiness. Even before we realized it, our deepest longing has always been for the Savior, our dear Lord Jesus—for sure and for certain.


is a work of fiction inspired by the intriguing events of 1966, when the Lancaster County New Order Amish church was birthed.

Among the many helpful individuals I’ve conferred with, I am especially thankful to Ike and Fay Landis and to my husband, Dave, who assisted with unearthing fascinating research, as well as by taking his red pen to my manuscript. I am also grateful to my wonderful editors, David Horton, Julie Klassen, Rochelle Gloege, and Janna Nysewander, along with meticulous reviewers Ann Parrish and Barbara Birch.

I owe the greatest debt of gratitude to my Savior and Lord, the Light to my path, and Joy to my journey.

O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!

RANCIS, 1875

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