The Look: Alpha Male, Feisty Female Romance (99 page)

BOOK: The Look: Alpha Male, Feisty Female Romance
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Just then a Ford-150, blue raced past his cruiser. The truck looked vaguely familiar to the truck he remembered Carter driving, but then these days he saw Carter and everything associated with him all over the place--in his dreams, in the supermarket, in the locker room, everywhere. He put the car in gear and started his lights, obliged to chase down the speeding vehicle.

As he came closer to the pickup, he noticed it did look even more similar than he originally thought to Carter's truck. He got out of his cruiser and approached the driver's window.

"Sir, do you know why I pulled you over today?" he said before he could get a good look at who was sitting in the driver's seat, none other than Carter himself. "Holy shit man. What are you doing out here? Don't be doing anything stupid now, you here?" He looked in the back seat to see who was sitting there, even more shocked to see Stetson Carthswaite covering his face with a cowboy hat. In that moment it was clear he could help Carter as he last wished.

"Uh--I'm going to give you a warning this time sir," pretending not to recognize the man in the back seat.

"They'll have your ass for this you know."

"They already do man. Just trying to help." Carter gave him the first genuine smile of appreciation he'd ever received from the boy. In those eyes in that moment he saw nothing but gratitude. Carter reached over to the passenger seat and tossed him a red package. "Here's your real chance, friend." Then he sped away, leaving Officer Michael Ingram standing on the highway, holding a red package labeled EVIDENCE.


Michael Ingram plopped down at his old desk, long overused and disgusting compared to the one he had before Watkins demoted him. He opened the red package to reveal a tape. He popped it in the cassette player. The audio played over the loud speaker, accidentally, voiced:

"I don't care. He's still going to fry. I'll just say Jaidon was a liar and thug. Thugs can still be murdered you know."

"So you admit it then? You slimy bastard."

"Are you retarded, Carter? We were both there and know what happened. You saw it, and I saw it. I just wish my little plan to off you and your lover would have worked out better. Too bad Jaidon didn't have the guts to shoot you while you were on that fence post. And I would have done it myself if there weren't witnesses. Give me that, faggot. They'll never believe you."

The entire police department looked up in the air, listening to the sound of the guilty air their sins through the speaker. They would know why Jaidon Marsh died. They would know Stetson as the hero he was. Michael Ingram looked around at his comrades as the audio revealed Jamie Simmons and Presley Watkins for what they really were.

A new day had come to the the town of Baggs, Wyoming--a kinder, gentler, more understanding day, one which Michael Ingram finally had a chance to help bring to fruition. They could all feel then a hope for the future and its improvement. Ingram himself felt it particularly strongly, because he recognized this was at last his chance to right his wrongs, address his regrets, and finally save the poor blonde boy he should have stood up for so long ago.


There was a cabin on the coast of California, white stucco plastered on the outside for protection. If a casual stroller stopped to notice, he would think it was some ancient Indian church yard, hanging off the cliff near the ocean. The cabin withstood the edge of the cliff all this time, and there were no signs it would stop. Deep inside its interior, there was very little furniture, a few desktops, a coffee table, a small television, and a large strong wooden kitchen table in the dining area. On that table was a beige cowboy hat and a pile of clothes. Outside, through the window, two men, one large and looming and the other blond and frail, ran down the edge of the embankment, toward the ocean, naked as the day they were born. Carter and Stetson were finally free to live their lives as they pleased, away from the prying eyes of the hateful and scornful.

At this juncture in their relationship they had adopted to some extent or another each other's qualities. For Stetson, this meant he was more open and expressive of his love for Carter. And for Carter, this meant he could stand silences better than ever, using those quiet moments in the early afternoon to communicate the contentedness he was experiencing with the second person he'd ever truly loved.

Carter jumped into the ocean, Stetson wading after, a little more reluctant, protective of the open water. Carter motioned him further into the water, assuring him without speaking he was all right. Stetson stepped into the water slowly at first, then dived head first.

The water was salty and warm, perfect for the breezy, yet somewhat chilly air above the surface of the ocean. There wasn't much turbulence that day, and Stetson reached under the water for Carter's wrist, giving him the indication he was "in the mood." As he pulled the boy closer to him, his dick grew harder in anticipation of the passionate love they were about to make to each other. Stetson could feel various parts of Carter's body under the water, guessing only from touch what body part was caressing him. First it was Carter's dainty hands, running through the salty spray over Stetson's cheeks and back and then his hard nipples. Then it was Carter's long legs entangled in Stetson's, swimming to stay afloat then wrapping around Stetson's waist. After that it was Carter's lips under the water groping for Stetson's member and waist, as Carter held himself under the water long enough to give Stetson fellatio. Stetson put his hand on Carter's head under the water, his blonde hair somehow infinitely softer in the water than it was dry. In the rustling waves he could see through the foam the shape of his lover's head bobbing up and down but it didn't last long, as Carter came up from beneath the water for air. He gasped and Stetson couldn't help but wonder if he was okay. He was always wondering if Carter was okay. Somehow Carter himself knew this and gave Stetson a casual pat on his cheek with a wet hand to show him everything was all right. Carter was groping for Stetson's erect member underneath the whole time. He hopped on Stetson like a bronco and pushed his large penis into him from behind. The water made things a bit uncomfortable so they allowed the tide to drift them ashore, onto the cake-like sand, which the waves caressed them from behind, washing away and covering them with billions of sand grains altogether. Sometimes Stetson wondered if he had really been executed, and somehow was hallucinating in heaven about living the rest of his life with Carter. It wasn't a long shot, especially considering how he'd escaped, which didn't hold too much memory of. His entire life after meeting Carter seemed surreal and dream-like, as if time had stopped or slowed down and he had left the world to the rest of its business.

Carter drifted onto Stetson's naked lap, slipping Stetson's giant member into his mouth, massaging the tip of his penis with his tongue, tasting his sweet juices, then covering his face in the folds of Carter's body, running his hands along Stetson's thighs, squeezing every now and then, then speeding up his stroking motion with his hand. Carter grabbed Stetson's hand and placed it on his head, as if he wanted to be treated like a toy, a pliant, obeying personal slave, created all for the special purpose of making Stetson feel comfortable. In those moments it occured to Stetson that Carter was probably used to being a slave of sorts, obeying others commands, thinking of how his actions and statements affect other people. Carter himself wondered from time to time what it would feel like to have someone take care of you, what it would feel like to let someone else do the work for a change. But those were just dreams, he thought as he rolled onto his back. Stetson leaned over and stared into his eyes, smiling, almost reading Carter's thoughts. It was time Stetson commited to taking care of the one person who'd suffered more than he'd ever consider. Carter could not turn off his feelings for people and the world. He simply had too much love to give, and one day it would fully exhaust him if Stetson didn't do something about it. He crawled on top of Carter and got him erect with his mouth, then turned onto his stomach, offering Carter to be the first person to penetrate Stetson. Carter crawled on top of Stetson and rammed himself into Stetson's thick buns as hard and fast as he could, knowing full well how strongly he'd have to push to even register in Stetson's mind, he was so large and hulking. He continued pumping away for several minutes and after damn near physically exhausting himself, he reached around Stetson's waist to stroke his erection. When Carter was on the verge of ejaculating inside Stetson, he heard a faint moan from him. And it occurred to Carter in that moment, Stetson enjoyed taking in Carter from behind. He continued pumping away, faster and faster, and threshold of climax passed him before he realized it, leaving a sweet feeling, calming and subdued, satisfying Carter not just physically but emotionally.

There was something emerging from within Carter in those moments. It was a feeling he'd long forgotten he was capable of, and it took him a while to grab onto it in his heart and mind. He looked around him, at the lull of the beach, the quiet hiss of ocean spray, the flapping curtains against the setting sun, Stetson's large and hulking body exhaling and inhaling softly as he fell into a deep post-coital nap. All this and more made him Carter feel at last safe and sound. And he could finally rest with no interruptions.








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