Read The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) Online

Authors: T.E. Ridener

Tags: #Romance, #mfm romance

The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) (23 page)

BOOK: The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3)
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Doing her best to remain calm, cool, and collected, she knew she was going to fail miserably when he pulled the top of her nightgown below one breast and eagerly attacked her aching nipple.

She bit back a moan and squeezed her eyes shut, opting to dig her nails into his shoulder instead.

“I’ve been thinking about this for weeks,” he admitted huskily.  Tugging the other strap down, he exposed both breasts and eyed them heatedly.  “I want to know what you taste like.”

Oh. God.

He sucked her neglected nipple into his mouth and met her gaze.  As his tongue teased the very tip, he kept his eyes on hers, biting occasionally.

“Oh, please.” Her voice went an octave higher than usual.  “Please...”

Releasing her nipple with a soft, wet noise, he licked his lips and tilted his head to the side.  “Please, what?”

“Taste me.”

“I want to, beautiful.” He lifted a hand and tucked some hair behind her ear, smiling.

“Then do it.  Please, for the love of God, do it.”

It felt like she’d run a marathon.  Her heart was still beating unbelievably fast and sweat glistened on her hot skin.  If letting him get to first base had such an effect on her, what would it be like if he went downtown?

He kissed her again, sweeter this time, and brushed his palms over her nipples, eliciting another moan.  “I’m going to taste you now,” he promised, “but you have to do something for me.”

“Anything.” She heard herself whisper.

“I want you to pull your nightgown up and slide your underwear off.” The commanding tone he suddenly possessed did things to her; wickedly, delicious things.

Her fingers stilled against the hem of her nightgown and she trapped her bottom lip between her teeth.


With a small sigh, she lifted her eyes to meet his smoldering gaze and frowned.

“I’m...probably not what you expect,” she admitted sadly.  “I’ve got two kids.” A hand subconsciously slid across her stomach before falling back against her thigh.  “I’m not a supermodel or anything.  I’m trying to—”

He silenced her with another fiery kiss, and she swore she could feel her soul leaving her body.  Chuckling softly, Nick pulled away and cocked his head to the side, giving her that irresistible smile of his as he smoothed a palm over her knee.

“That’s what’s got you worried?” He asked. “You think I won’t like your body?  Kelly, do I seem like the shallow type to you?”

She quickly shook her head.

“Good, because I’m not.” His lips ghosted over her cheek and he breathed her in, causing her to shiver in anticipation.  “Whatever you’re worried about, I want you to stop right now.  I don’t want a supermodel,” he confessed, his voice lower, almost a whisper.  “I want

Oh, God.  He was out to kill her, she was sure of it.  There was no way possible that such a perfect man could exist.  There had to be a catch, right?

“Now, be a good girl and do as I’ve asked.”

Swallowing hard and nodding in understanding, she held his gaze and reached down to lift the bottom of her nightgown.  As she pulled the material over her thighs, she began to shake uncontrollably.

He was about to see a part of her only Patrick had seen.  Did he even understand how special he should feel?

As if somehow reading her mind, he slid a single fingertip along her jaw and grinned before giving her a wink. 

She couldn’t help but to smile in response as her fingers found the waistband of her underwear and she began to pull them down.

“Just a sec,” she mumbled.  It was damn difficult to take her underwear off whilst sitting on a counter; she’d be lucky if she didn’t kill herself.

“Let me help you.” His sexy southern drawl made her heart flutter.  Gripping her beneath her arms, he lifted her with ease and she finally managed to kick the garment, suddenly so offensive, to the floor. 

She wasn’t sure why, but she felt like a virgin all over again.  Hadn’t she once read, somewhere, that a woman technically became a virgin after so many years without sex?

Why am I even thinking about it?

A shiver raced up her spine as his warm palms gripped her knees and he carefully pulled her legs open, eyeing his prize as his tongue snaked over his full, totally suckable lips.

“Try to keep quiet, beautiful.”

It was a promise she knew she couldn’t keep, especially after he knelt down and she felt his fingers exploring her hot, wet flesh.  He pulled back her folds and quickly found her clit, and God, he didn’t give her any warning.  The sensation of his tongue as it slid over the throbbing nub caused her to see stars, honest to goodness stars, and she had to clamp a hand over her mouth to keep from moaning.

He was good.  He was

His mouth devoured her, feasted upon her like a well-deserved treat, and it was all she could do to keep from voicing just how much she was enjoying it. But, by some miracle of God, she suppressed the noises threatening to escape and instead focused on moving her hips in unison with the strokes of his tongue.

Faster, faster.

Closer, closer.

She was positive she was about to stroke out as he grabbed her bottom and pulled her even closer, groaning against her most sensitive areas.  Unraveling in the best way known to any hot-blooded woman, she threw her head back and bit down on her knuckles, allowing him to give her the best orgasm she’d had in a long time.

When the world finally stopped spinning and she was capable of breathing again, she slowly sat forward on the counter and gripped the edges; gazing into the smiling eyes of the man she knew could give her the happiness she missed so much.

No, he wasn’t Patrick, but he was someone who could glue all the broken pieces back together.  He made her laugh and he made her happy – what more could she ask for?  What more could she hope for?

Justin isn’t ready for this.

Nick stood and cupped her face between his hands, and then he leaned in to kiss her forehead.  Warmth embraced her body and sadness fought to take control.

Was anybody ever truly ready to let new love in?

“Thank you for that,” she whispered tiredly.

“I don’t know what you’re thanking me for.” He chuckled.  “The pleasure was all mine.”

“No, I know.  I’s been so long, you know?  I guess I never anticipated it feeling so...”

“Great? Amazing? I’ll accept either answer.” He teased as his fingers ran through her hair.


“Normal,” he echoed quietly.  Resting his chin atop her head, his fingers slid up and down her spine.  He was as still as stone for several long moments before he spoke again.  “I know you miss him, Kelly. I hope you don’t think I’m trying to take his place.”

“No, never.” She pulled back to stare at him.  “
No one
could ever take Patrick’s place – not for me, not for my kids.”

“Precisely.” His expression softened as he ran the backs of his knuckles across her cheek.  There was something about his touch.  It was so tender, yet so rough at the same time.

Her body trembled as she tried to imagine what it would feel like to make love to him.

I am definitely not ready for that.

“You are such an incredible person, Kelly.  I would consider it a privilege just to be your friend.”

A part of her was relieved at that statement, but a small part of her was extremely disappointed.  Did she really only want friendship with him? 
after what he’d just done to her?  

“Good. I’m glad you understand.” Her response surprised her.  That wasn’t what she meant to say at all.  What the hell?  “Because no matter how nice it was,”—and it really was—“this can’t happen again.”

But it did happen again. 

And again.

For the next week and a half, she found herself caught up in a whirlwind romance.  Nick stopped by every evening on his lunch break and they found themselves tangled up in the oddest places.  He went down on her in the laundry room; he licked her until she screamed in the guest bathroom; he even had her begging for more on the stairs.

It was wild and reckless, and she loved it.

“Oh, God! Stop! Stop!” She pleaded, and pushed his head from between her trembling thighs.  Lifting her head to stare at him, she whimpered and placed a hand over her over-sensitive clit; afraid he’d try again.  “God, do you ever get tired of doing that?”

“No.” He grinned.

Her juices glistened on his chin and her skin warmed at the sight. Well, if it could get any warmer.

“You’re ridiculous,” she commented, breathless.  “And you need to leave.  I’ve got work to do.”

“Ouch, baby.  That hurts.” He grabbed her hands and pulled her up from the floor, pressing a kiss to her cheek.  “That really, really hurts.”

“It does not.” She swatted his chest, delighted in the feel of his rock hard muscles.  “You’re being a big baby.”

“That’s not what you were saying a few minutes ago.” He waggled his brows and pressed his hardness against her stomach.  The damn thing threatened to burst through the restraint of his jeans.

“Now you’re just being a perv!” She giggled and pulled away from him, bending to grab her underwear.

“Oh, I could be a pervert – if that’s what you want.”

She froze when she felt his fingers touch her center from behind.  Of all the wonderfully, wicked things he’d done to her, he hadn’t once attempted to enter her, not even with his fingers.

Another ache made itself known, as she reached for the side of the tub and closed her eyes.

“Show me.” She challenged him.  Her bare feet slid over the linoleum with ease, inching apart as she bit at her bottom lip.  “Unless you’re afraid it’s going to bite you or something.”

“I bite back.” He groaned, and slid his fingertip over her clit.

She released a loud moan; partly from how sensitive she already was from two back-t0-back orgasms, but also from how much she wanted to feel him inside her.

He was trying to kill her.

“You know I want to.” He fell to his knees behind her and she stared at his bellybutton from between her legs.  Though he was upside down—or maybe she was—he was still a glorious sight to see.  “I really want to, Kelly.”

“Then do it.  Please.”

His fingers kneaded the flesh of her bottom and she felt herself getting wet again.  Well,
.  His nose grazed the back of her thigh and she sighed, completely lost in the sensations of his affection.

“You tease me on purpose.  You know I’m going to be late for work if I don’t leave soon.” His fingers inched closer and closer to her entrance, but then they stopped.  “I could lose my job because of your vixen ways.”

Laughing softly, she opened one eye to peer at his stomach again and noted he was laughing, too.  “He wouldn’t fire you, would he?”

“Who, my dad?  Probably.  But he needs the help. He’s getting too old to do it alone.”

She gasped as he teased a finger against her folds, pushing it in an inch or so.  “As much as I’d love to talk about your dad sometime,”—she moaned involuntarily—“I don’t think now is the right time.”

“You’re probably right.” He nipped at her left butt cheek, causing her to yelp in surprise.  “But you’re the one who brought him up.”

“F-forget it.” She panted as he pushed his finger inside her.  “Oh, f-f...”

“Kelly Spencer, do I hear profanity about to leave your lips?” He pushed his finger in as deep as it would go and then stilled.  “You naughty girl.”

His free hand came down against her right cheek, and though it was a light smack, it startled her and she nearly fell face first against the floor.

“You spanked me!”

“You’re damn right I did.” His chuckle ran through her, but in a good way.  Oh God, it was
in a good way.  “Now be a good girl and stay still.”

He thrust his finger in and out of her a few times, just enough to make her want more, and then he withdrew it.

That sadistic bastard.  Surely he wasn’t going to tease her and leave?

“I’m going to add a second finger this time.” He pulled her ass higher into the air and then pushed her thighs further apart.  “Keep them open for me, baby.”

Even though he couldn’t really see it, she nodded.

Two thick fingers slid into her, very slowly, and she gasped.  As they probed deep inside her, she buried her face against one arm and began to vocalize just how much she liked it.  Profanities were muffled as he began to finger her harder and faster.

“So tight.” He grunted, smoothing his palm over her ass.  “It’s been a long time for you, hasn’t it?”

“Uh huh.” She managed to respond, pushing back against his fingers.  “Oh, please don’t stop.  Harder.”

She never knew that feeling a man’s fingers inside her could feel so freaking good, but low and behold, Nick was going to make her come.


“Yes, yes!” Her muscles tightened around his fingers and she came shortly after, howling in pleasure like a damn dog in heat.  Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her as she collapsed to the floor, spent.  “Oh, God...”

Nick’s quiet chuckle barely reached her ears as he leaned down to press a kiss to her naked shoulder. 

“You’re going to get me fired, woman.” He nuzzled his nose against her hair.  “But something tells me you’d be totally worth it.”

Chapter 12


The rain seemed to be never ending in Prairie Town.  For three straight days it had been pouring down, flooding yards and washing away the gravels from their neighbor, Mr. Forrester’s driveway.

For those three days, Devin had mostly been in his bedroom, finding solace in those four walls. Thanks to the generosity of his mother, his rent was up-to-date and he didn’t need to worry about finding a job just yet, but in a way, he wished he had one.  He needed an excuse to avoid Nick. 

Nick had made several attempts to talk to him, but Devin couldn’t find it in himself to speak about it. He couldn’t bear to repeat the story his mother had told him.  It was too painful, which didn’t make a lick of sense. 

Devin couldn’t remember it – why was it affecting him so much?

He was doing his damnedest to forget the mental portrait his mother had painted for him.

BOOK: The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3)
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