The Luck of Love (13 page)

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Authors: Serena Akeroyd

Tags: #Contemporary; Menage; Military; SCOTUS Ruling

BOOK: The Luck of Love
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“No way. They’re your wedding present.”

His eyes narrowed into shimmery slits. “They better be worth the wait.”

“Oh, they are; I promise you that. The number of holes in them, they should have been on discount.”

He growled, and Luke chuckled. “Stop teasing him.”

“She teases me by breathing.”

Gia winked. “That’s good to know.”

Chapter Eight

“As a justice of the peace for the state of Nevada, I am pleased to pronounce you are now married!”

Gia blinked back tears as she watched Luke lean forward and press his mouth to Josh’s.

At her side, Lexi quivered with excitement. In the frothy, bubble-gum-pink frock she’d somehow managed to cover in pollen from the flowers she’d tossed earlier as Gia walked Luke down the aisle, a moonbeam smile crossed her jaw. She was vibrating with the fervor of the moment, and Gia didn’t blame her.

Happiness filtered through her at the look of peace on Luke’s face, at the bone-deep relief on Josh’s. As their lips joined, the contentedness settled in her soul, bringing Gia her own version of serenity.

They’d been in Sin City a day, had whittled down the more upper-class wedding establishments, and had wasted no time in booking their slot. With only three days free, one in which to get married and another two to enjoy each other as a family, time was a precious commodity. As she stood here, reveling in the moment, she felt the tick-tock of the second hand passing. Luke’s leaving hung heavy on her heart, and she dreaded the day they’d have to say good-bye to him, knowing she…
were going to lead nine months of their lives without him.

He’d told her he’d be in touch with her as often as he could, but they were going in so covertly, communication wasn’t a priority. That meant it could be months before she heard his voice over the Internet. The idea made her want to weep, and she had to shake off her funk, knowing this wasn’t the time or the place for it.

They had three more days together. Nothing to disturb them. There was no way the military could contact them—Josh and Luke had left their cell phones at home. This was for them, a time to connect. To enjoy one another.

The ceremony wasn’t as romantic as she’d have liked. And she wished they could have had family there to act as witnesses. Instead, it was only her and the justice of the peace’s husband.

She knew why Josh and Luke had kept it like this, and it upset her. At their level in the army, if they didn't keep the ceremony as private as possible, then they’d be made an example of.

It all depended on the PR department as to the slant.

Positive or negative.

This, however, had nothing to do with the army, had nothing to do with anything but the three of them, so privacy was imperative. They’d keep it quiet until retirement beckoned for both men, and in truth, it didn’t matter. This was happening for Luke and Josh. It wasn’t about declaring their love to the world but about declaring it to each other.

Making it official in the eyes of the law.

She determined the instant they were both out, she’d plan them a huge vow renewal ceremony. With all their family, friends, and loved ones to watch this epic moment.

In a way, the secrecy of it made it more personal. She wasn’t up there, she wasn’t murmuring the vows, but this was for her too. This was further sealing their bond, tightening it for all of them.

It was that that counted.

Dressed in their pressed suits—one navy, the other black—their throats gleaming against the white shirts with open collars they both wore, they were as beautiful as they’d been to her six years ago. When she’d dreamed of having more with them, when she’d dreamed of being theirs, of them being hers.

Now she had them both and a daughter, and was an integral part of a family. Something she’d never had before.

Truthfully, she felt no desire to be at the altar, dressed in white, having a ring slid onto her finger. She was here, in the circle of their love by extension of the strength of the feelings they had for one another. That didn’t make her the odd one out or a weaker member of their triad. Their love for her was a precious gift, made possible because of the depth of their love for one another.

It was only right that they do this, that they take each other and become husbands.

She felt that belief right down to her very soul.

At the justice of the peace’s words, their kiss had been gentle but long. And when they pulled away, the haze in their regard warm and loving, as one, they turned to her, arms stretched out for her and Lexi.

She hadn’t expected them to do that, would never have asked it of them, but she stepped forward, placing a hand in each of theirs, and let them pull her forward into the strongest bond in the world.

Their little circle.

As they nuzzled close to her, pressing their cheeks to hers, kissing her jaw, she felt Lexi burrowing against her side and knew that in the months ahead, when a part of her was dying at being away from Luke, she’d remember this moment.

When a quartet merged into a lawful little family, and they became as one.

Loose Id Titles by Serena Akeroyd

The Luck of Love

* * * *


The Angel’s Kiss

Serena Akeroyd

Serena Akeroyd is a romanceaholic. She won’t touch a book unless she knows there’s a happy ever after at the end of it. Pathetic as it may be, because of this addiction, Serena decided to craft her own tales, stories that suit her voracious need for sexy romance. After all, a love story ain’t a lurve story without a bit of naughty!

A citizen of the world, Serena is a nomad at heart, and her novels enable her to travel the globe and all behind her computer desk. Naturally, she’d prefer the option of a private jet, but still, if wishes were horses, eh?

Always feel free to connect with Serena; she’d love to chat with her readers, as well as fellow romance addicts! Start at
to find out more about her works, her blog, and how to connect with her.

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