The Madam (18 page)

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Authors: M Robinson

BOOK: The Madam
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This man had an endless amount of pussy and
never even had to try.

The moment he reached us our eyes locked,
just for a moment, before he went to Madam and kissed her

“Buenos dias, Madam. ¿Cómo fue tu vuelo?” he
asked how her flight was.

“Pablo, mi vuelo estaba bien, no
turbulencia,” she dismissively told him about our lack of

“Inglés por favor. There are ears everywhere.
Including the woman you decided to bring without invitation,” he
stated with an unpleasant edge to his voice. His accent was thick,
but it was sexy as sin.

“You offend me, since when do you not trust
me?” she countered in a neutral tone.

He smiled and turned to me, extending out his
right hand. “Pablo.”

I cocked my head to the side and grinned. “No
kiss on the cheek? What do I have to do to deserve that kind of
welcoming?” I held his hand lightly and moved closer to him.

“Lilith,” I answered, leaning in to kiss the
corner of his mouth. I felt him harden from my forwardness, but it
was quickly replaced.

He gestured toward the table of food.
“Please, let’s eat before we talk business. It’s not so good to do
on an empty stomach.”

We ate in silence for the most part. I was
the last to finish my meal and our plates were immediately taken
away and replaced with coffee. I took a sip and inadvertently

“That’s 100% pure Colombian coffee. Good,
eh?” he questioned.


“Now enough of this chit chat, Pablo. We have
places to be and people to see.”

“Madam, all work and no play makes Madam a
dull girl.”

“Woman, Pablo. Lilith is a girl…see the
difference?” I wanted to say something but I bit my tongue.

“Now, the farmers, is the shipment ready to
be transported?” she asked.

I paid close attention to what she was
talking about; I had no idea what they were discussing, but I knew
it wouldn’t take me long to figure it out.

“You know that I have my people working day
and night to get the demand ready. Who isn’t trusting whom, now?”
he inquired with irritation dripping from his words.

“It’s business…two hundred and fifty kilos
isn’t something I want to fuck around with. It will be the largest
shipment we have transported,” she reminded him, speaking to him
like he was some child instead of the Colombian drug lord that he

“I’m aware of the facts and as always,
nothing will be traced back to you. You really have nothing to
worry about. It’s a win, win for both of us,” he promoted.

I had so many questions that I wanted to ask,
but I made sure to keep my mouth shut. Anticipation of what was to
come filled me, rejuvenated me, and set my senses on fire.

“I have paid off everyone that needs to keep
their mouth shut and the remaining were laid to rest. I think this
transfer will be the easiest one yet.” Between his accent and his
demeanor, I found myself physically turned on when he spoke.

“You think?”

“I know.”

She nodded. “We will keep that number on a
monthly basis.”

He raised his left eyebrow. “You’re joking?
Two hundred and fifty kilos a month is nothing. We could be
transporting four hundred kilos a week with how much we are
producing. We are losing a lot of time and money by not taking
advantage and shipping as much as possible.”

“I don’t need the money. I want the best; for
myself, and for my clients. I have distributors everywhere and that
amount is enough for me. The end.”

“You’re passing an opportunity of a
lifetime,” he declared.

“I’m not a stupid woman, I know the limits.
If you have a problem with that then I will find someone else.”

He slammed his closed fist on the table
making me jump. “I am the best. How dare you?”

She smiled mockingly at him. “This is your
third world county. I run Miami. I know people who can make your
life easier, or they can make it more difficult. I can slam my
fists on tables too; want to see who can make it move more?” She
sighed. “However, if you could so kindly remove the guns that are
pointing at me and Lilith from under the table, I would appreciate

I saw the men retrieve their weapons and
place them on the table. I don’t think my heart had ever beaten as
fast as it did that day. I felt it in my chest, the pit of my
stomach, and especially my throat.

He cleared his throat, bringing my attention
back to him. “The limo is waiting; let me show you the

Again, we rode in silence while we drove on a
dirt path through the slums. These roads were much worse than what
I had seen before. Madam didn’t bat an eye. We pulled up to a
compound that had a gated fence and at least thirty guards that
were holding machine guns; they were also covered with other
weapons around their bodies.

We walked up to a warehouse that looked to be
about 2,000 square feet, and the doors were immediately opened. To
this day, I will never forget what I saw. My mouth dropped open and
my eyes widened. There were rows beyond rows of kilos of cocaine,
all perfectly placed and packaged from floor to ceiling.

Madam walked away from me to discuss business
and I stood there by myself, not sure what to do. Was I supposed to
move or stand still? I watched as Madam conducted business, her
mannerisms, demeanor, and especially her tone of voice. They spoke
Spanish to each other back and forth and I paid close attention to
what they were discussing, taking in each and every word. Having
the ability to read people was my sixth sense. I learned how
important it was to be able to interpret all of your surroundings
at a very young age.

That day changed my life.

It leveled the playing field.

The ball was in my court.

If I was seriously going to do what I was
thinking, then I needed to move fast. I always knew that I would
take over VIP one day, and this was Madam’s way of showing me how
powerful she was, and how much I should fear her.

The Almighty Madam.

It backfired on her.

It only made me want it more.

Chapter 19

you surprised? Have you not learned a damn thing about me, yet? I
take what’s mine…when and how I want to. I make my own decisions;
NO ONE makes them for me. The Colombians hated her, every last one
of them. Now, here is the beauty about being me, I am whatever you
want me to be. I can do whatever I put my mind to.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Pablo whispered in
my ear from behind me. He kept walking and motioned with his index
finger to follow.

I followed him to the back of the warehouse
where it was private and we were alone. My fingers caressed along
the sides of the bags of kilos as we walked by them.

“What are you to her?” he questioned, making
me turn to look at him.

“Excuse me?”

“To Madam, why did she bring you?” I could
hear the curiosity and interest in his tone.

“I’m a VIP,” I paused, “I am also her

He was taken aback by my answer, it was
written all over his handsomely distressed face.

“But don’t worry we have a love/hate
relationship.” It made him laugh.

“Is she always that much of a cunt?”

I giggled. “It’s part of her appeal. I think
it’s actually in her DNA.”

He stared me straight in the eyes and said,
“Is it in yours?”

I slanted my head to the side and peeked at
him through my eyelashes, biting the corner of my bottom lip. “Want
to find out?”

“I can only deal with one Madam.”

I placed my hand on my chest. “You offend

He moved closer to me. “I find that hard to
believe. You mean you aren’t made of stone?”

“Among other things. So how about a

His eyes wandered from my face to my breasts,
to my pussy, and then he started to unbuckle his belt. I raised an
eyebrow and put my hand on his chest. “For your coke, not your
cock.” He smiled, grinned, and gestured for me to once again follow
him. I did. We walked into a secluded back room that needed a key
to get in.

He quickly turned on the lights. It was an
average size room with a desk in the middle and bags of kilos of
cocaine on each of the four walls from floor to ceiling. He grabbed
a bag, placed it on the desk and ripped it open with a key. He
scooped the key into the bag and brought some white dust up to my
nose, I inhaled.

It burned the entire way down, making me grab
my nostrils in surprise.

“That’s the real motherfucking shit right
there, it’s not broken, it’s pure,” he said.

As soon as he finished the sentence, I felt
my heart start to race. The cocaine was so unbelievably strong that
it made me nauseous. I lunged for the trash can by the desk and dry
heaved. I heard him laughing from behind me.

“Awe, you gringas don’t know how to have a
good time. You’re completely used to your broken down white. That
is the Black Widow, nasty isn’t she? You get use to her, I probably
should have warned you,” he mocked.

I looked up at him through dilated black
eyes. I watched as he snorted some off the key and his reaction was
completely different from mine.

My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty,
and if I hadn’t just seen him take a bump off the same batch, I
would have thought he laced it with something toxic. I sat down in
one of the chairs trying to catch my breath and he handed me a
glass of water. I took the entire drink down in one gulp.

“Better?” I nodded.

“She’s a cunt isn’t she? Sort of reminds me
of your Madam.” he chuckled to himself.

I started to feel it.

The beauty of cocaine.


I smiled at him. “You know, Pablo, the day
God established the seven deadly sins, he created women.”

He grinned. “How much?”

“That’s not very nice, Pablo. If you play
with me, you’re not allowed to hit below the belt.”

“What if the only thing I want is what is
below your belt?”

“The feelings not mutual. I want you for a
lot more than just your cock. I think you and I should become
friends. I have a proposition that may make you and I very pleased,
although I don’t mind mixing a little business with pleasure,” I
teased as I stood up to walk closer to him.

“Who do you think you are, Pablo? You know
you’re only Madam’s errand boy, don’t you? She doesn’t believe that
you can do anything on your own. I have seen her destroy people by
just blinking, are you intimidated by her? Do you know the power I
hold for us both. The things we could do together? I am your inside
woman, use me.” I perched myself on the edge of the table in front
of him, enticing him with every word.

He lowered his eyebrows. “What are you
talking about?”

I set my feet on either side of him, resting
the soles of my heels on the chair beside his thighs. I made sure
to leave my legs wide open for him; I was wearing a skirt with no
panties. I know where his eyes and mind wandered. I knew that would
work to my benefit.

Money and sex always go hand in hand.

“I am talking about taking what’s mine.” I
motioned with my palm at him. “With your help, of course. I am not
looking to be top dog, Pablo. All I am looking for is my piece of
the slice. I want nothing more or nothing less than to take down
Madam as much as you do. I wouldn’t have approached you if I didn’t
think that you could get the job done. You seem like a man that
finishes what he starts and I am looking for someone like that on
my side.” I informed, leaning back on the table to let him have a
better view.

“And what exactly do you have in mind?” The
anticipation and want in his voice is something I still remember to
this day. He wanted it and he wanted it bad. He was like a dog
drooling at the bone, and I was his master dangling it in front of
his face.

My bite is much bigger than my fucking bark.
Too bad he didn’t know it, yet.

“I believe we may have the beginning of a
beautiful friendship, Pablo. You scratch my back and I will rub
your balls.” I moved the toe of my shoe to his groin, rubbing it
gently. “Madam doesn’t need this, you are aware of that, aren’t
you? She doesn’t give a rat’s ass about this transaction; she’s
just trying to get a piece of the action, that’s all. None of this
is her concern and because she knows all the right people, she has
you on your knees, just waiting for you to get her off. What if I
can change that for you? What if I can give you everything you want
and more and all you have to do is say please.” I was pissing him
off; I could tell he wanted to tell me where to go and how to get
there. But he was silently biting his tongue, waiting for me to say
the magic words.

To show him the way.

“I know the same, if not more people than
Madam does. We can do whatever you want, all of it. Just to add
some frosting on the cake, I will throw in some of the VIPs on the
side. They will take care of any and all important people needed.
Madam doesn’t ever have to be the wiser.” His cock was hard, for
me, for the cocaine, and for the endless possibilities for the

“How are you going to make any of this

I immediately closed my legs and hopped off
the table to stand in front of him. The shear disappointment was
prominent across his face.

“Don’t fucking worry about that part. You
just worry about getting it over to the United States of America,”
I said in an exaggerated tone.

I hiked up my skirt, exposing the sides of my
thighs and lightly ran my hand up and down. I looked down at him
through my eyelashes. “Let me make you a very rich and powerful
man, huh? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.” I

I opened my blouse and began to swipe my
finger along my cleavage. “Let’s jump off the cliff together,
Pablo. I know you know how to swim.”

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