Read The Maestro Online

Authors: Leo Barton

Tags: #bdsm ebook, #sm erotica

The Maestro (11 page)

BOOK: The Maestro
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At first
Rebecca did not answer.

'Do you trust
me, Rebecca?' he repeated.

'Yes, I trust
you Delgado.'

'You are going
to experience something that you have never experienced before.
Something that will help you become a better artist, because you
will be able to explore your sexuality through the pain that I am
about to inflict on you. Mrs Powell, take the cane!'

Linda had
never done anything like this before. She looked at the frightened
girl leaning over the chair, nervously waiting for the punishment
which she must have realised was about to be bestowed on her, her
round buttocks quivering in her fear, the light brown of her hair
extending down to the small of her back.

The situation
was totally surreal: there was a naked girl kneeling before Linda
and Delgado had passed her a cane to beat her with.

'This is a lesson for you too, Mrs Powell. I want to show you
that sex is not a laughing matter, that such a thing as physical
pain and physical pleasure is a serious business. I can see by the
light in your eye that you want very much to cane the girl. Go

Linda held the
cane in her hand. It looked new. She wondered if Delgado had bought
it for the express purpose for which he was about to use it.

Linda reached
her arm back a little way and brought it down on the girl's naked
bottom, the cane making a satisfactory hissing noise as it sliced
the air and then landed on the girl. Her left buttock took most of
the force, the girl involuntarily exclaiming an 'ow' that lingered
in the air as a thin red line rose to the surface of her white
skin, a beautiful incandescent mark of pain.

'No, Mrs
Powell, not like that! You have never caned a woman before,
obviously,' Delgado commented as he took the cane from her, raised
it high above his head and brought it down much harder than Linda
had done on the girl's alabaster buttocks, forcing a thin wail of
pain to escape from her throat.

'Like this,'
Delgado said as he thrashed the girl again, her body recoiling with
the pain, a sharp squall coming from Rebecca's mouth.

He passed the
cane back to Linda. She looked at the increasingly reddened bottom
of the inexperienced girl, the sight inciting her to trounce the
girl much harder than she had done the first time. She was
surprised to find such a violent desire in her, but there was
something about the way that Rebecca's bottom perched up before
her. There was also the knowledge of Delgado's eyes on her, as well
as the feel of the thin rod in her hand that made her want to hit
Rebecca harder.

witnessed Delgado's cruel tutelage, she adopted his posture,
standing with a straighter back and raising the cane much higher
above her head, she took another look at the quaking girl and
brought the cane down again, the crack of the cane against
Rebecca's smarting flesh was much louder, harsher.

The girl
shrieked with the pain as Linda flogged her again and again and
again, the screams of the girl settling into a rhythm of outrage
and indignity as she was thrashed by Linda, Delgado looking on all
the time approvingly.

Delgado took
the cane again, this time not to demonstrate technique but solely
for the pleasure he derived in inflicting pain on such a young
innocent. Linda had successfully aimed for the meat of her
buttocks, but Delgado aimed for the lower, more sensitive flesh of
her upper thighs, a look of stern concentration on his face.

He must have
given her at least ten strokes of the cane before he finally threw
it aside and went to inspect the damage he had inflicted on the
girl. Her bottom was a bright scarlet, but there seemed to be no
lasting marks.

kneeled before the kneeling girl, put his sweating hands on the
part of her buttocks that were the deepest red, felt the girl wince
and then tasted her salty flesh with his tongue.

'Mmm!' he
exclaimed. 'Stay there, and you, Mrs Powell, don't move.'

Delgado went
to the other side of the room. Linda stood fixed to the spot,
observing Rebecca's shuddering body, the deep crimson of her
buttocks softening to a lighter rosier hue.

returned with an ice bucket. Inside the silver pail there was a
bottle of very expensive cava. Delgado pulled out the green bottle
and placed it on the burning heat of the girl's flesh. Rebecca
exhaled a deep sigh of relief feeling the chill of the glass
against her.

'You see now,
Rebecca, there is much that is not normal about sex that can bring
us pleasure. We have humiliated you, debased you, beat you with our
stick and you have enjoyed it. You can't understand it can you,
Rebecca?' he said rolling the bottle around the inflamed skin of
her left buttock, letting it rest momentarily in the cleave of her
bottom. Rebecca gave a little squeal of delight, before Delgado
rolled the bottle up the hillock of her right buttock.

'Can you,

'No,' she
replied in a moist whisper.

He placed the
cava back into the iced water and retrieved the cane from where he
had discarded it on the floor. Linda could not believe that he was
about to lash the girl again.

He whipped
Rebecca as hard as he had done before, Rebecca flinching again with
the shock of the pain.

'You are
confused now, Rebecca, you are no longer sure what is pain and what
is pleasure. You are learning to play with the extremities of heat
and cold, like all artists must learn to play, to experiment.'

He caned her
again over the already inflamed skin, the skin that was inflamed
but cool, and lashed again.

Rebecca gave
out a confused whimper. Delgado sunk to his knees, his eyes level
with the girl's derriere, and pulled from the bucket a handful of
ice, which he spread over the girl's pained bottom. Another sigh of
deep relief came from Rebecca.

Linda watched
the heave of her breasts as the ice was tenderly applied to

But now
Delgado was going further. He trailed an ice cube between the cleft
of her bottom, along the ridge of her bottom and then down the pink
folds of her pussy lips, at first with a slow deliberate action,
Rebecca's face creasing in the bliss that Delgado was bringing to
her. He found the protuberance of her little pink clitoris and
rubbed the ice cube over and over it, until Rebecca's mouth opened,
her eyes scrunching tight as the burning cold of the ice sent
currents of pleasure through her body.

Linda was sure
that the pleasure was too overwhelming for the girl not to climax.
But just as she seemed to reach the peak of orgasm, Delgado removed
his finger.

'Rebecca, you
must utilise this energy, not let it wastefully dissipate in your
pleasure. You will need it soon enough, for in a moment I am going
to ask you to be creative.'

excited beyond reason, reached her hand down to stimulate her
burning clitoris, to bring release to the hungry desire that
Delgado had stirred inside her. He tossed her hand derisorily away
from the hard burning bulge.

Rebecca,' he commanded reproachfully. 'You must do exactly what I
tell you to do.'

He reached
into the ice bucket and extracted more cubes. Spreading her labial
lips wide and finding her opening, he placed an ice cube inside

The bathetic
disappointment of not reaching a climax was replaced by the sensual
feeling of the ice inside her. Delgado placed another cube and then
another. Rebecca moaned her delight as each cube was inserted. With
one hand, Delgado extracted more ice and with the other he pushed
the cubes firmly into her.

The girl was
shivering with delight, but just as the first time when Linda was
sure that Rebecca would come, he plucked the shaved cubes from
inside her, enough to ease the pressure of her insistent

'Stand up

Rebecca got to
feet. Linda watched a slither of ice trickle down the white of her

'You feel
angry now, because you were so close. Because if I had continued to
do what I was doing you would have felt the release of orgasm. I
want you to use that frustration, and I want you to turn all that
bitter anger onto Mrs Powell. Mrs Powell beat you and Mrs Powell
enjoyed it, because I don't think she likes you very much. I have
been watching her watching you and I have seen how she enjoyed your
humiliation. Now it is your turn, Rebecca.'

Linda looked
at Delgado incredulously.

'Now, Mrs
Powell. This is your lesson too. What I have said is true. You
enjoyed punishing Rebecca. Are you going to deny it?'


'But part of
you also envied her. You want to know what it feels like to be
caned, don't you? You too want to explore the boundaries of pain.
It is no good denying it. And even if you do, you still have no
choice, because if you don't do what I tell you or what Rebecca
tells you then you can walk out now, and I don't think that you
would do that. First, because you would lose too much face. You've
probably made a great deal about studying with me, and maybe people
would laugh at you. I am famous for my life experiments so I don't
care what you might say about me. Your reputation is much more
important to you than mine is to me, but the second reason is more
important. I saw how you were mocking me this morning, how you
wanted to disagree with me, but I also know what this is. This is
what psychologists call repression, that's all your resistance is,
you see in me a strong dominant personality and your mind can't
cope with it, because you know that you want to be dominated, that
you want to submit to my will.'

'I don't think
that way at all...'

'Oh shut up
you stupid English girl and take off your clothes,' Delgado said

'How dare
you?' Linda spoke quietly, staring up to Delgado, less frightened
or indignant than excited.

It wasn't so
much a slap as a tap across her face.

'Take off your
clothes! Let's stop playing games,' Delgado repeated.

Linda hated
the man, found him totally repulsive, but she also knew that in
part, at least, he was right. There was something terrifyingly
awesome about him, about the power he could exercise over people;
she had just witnessed a demonstration of it with Rebecca.

'You know you
want this. You know you do, so do as I say.'

She was
wearing a peach knee-length skirt and a white blouse. She could see
how Delgado was staring at her body, the plump rotundity of her
breasts, the slender legs. She did not know where the words came
from. It sounded like a challenge to him, to that seemingly
implacable authority.

'You take off
my clothes then.'

'Mrs Powell,
if I have to take off your clothes then you will suffer because I
will beat you so hard, much harder than Rebecca here. You won't be
able to sit down for a week.'

'You take off
my clothes,' she repeated. She wanted him to beat her. She wanted
the firm correction of her supposed art teacher, and at that
precise moment she wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything
in her life.

recalcitrance seemed to enrage him. He stepped up to her, towered
above her, looked into her eyes, and then suddenly all the angry
fire seemed to leave him. He asked softly, almost meekly: 'You want
me to take off your clothes?'


'I will hurt


He momentarily
looked away, seemingly staring off into distance and then their
eyes met, like lovers' eyes, Linda thought later. Delgado placed
his hands on the side of her neck, reached his hand down to the
front of Linda's blouse, grabbed the material tightly in his hand
and then ripped it open, exposing the peach, patterned lace
half-bra. Buttons flew off her shirt. Everything seemed to happen
in slow motion. When she thought about all this later, she imagined
that she had watched the simple pearl buttons of her blouse topple
onto the dirty wooden floor.

She felt the
shirt being torn from her body. He ripped it off, his face remained
implacably stern, but his hands were savage. She could smell his
tobacco breath on her. He tossed the tattered blouse onto the
floor. Linda could see Rebecca enjoying the spectacle, taking
pleasure in Linda's humiliation.

Linda stood
now only in her skirt and the peach bra. Delgado did not bother to
unhook the bra, but callously ripped it off as he had done with her
blouse, her beautiful breasts bounced down but Delgado did not look
at them. His hands reached under her skirt and found her panties.
He dug a finger into the material. Linda could feel the pressure of
his finger pressing hard against her quim. He gathered the material
and ripped apart her panties, the material pressing against her
skin. Both his hands found the waistband of her panties. He tore it
with his brute strength, and then likewise her skirt.

The violent
sound of the material ripping caused her labial lips to pulse with

She stood
before him now completely naked apart from the two inch heeled
shoes she wore, all her clothes in tatters around her.

'Kneel on the
chair!' he bellowed at her.

She did not
move but stayed exactly where she was. He could not believe her

'Make me,' she
said with childish petulance.

He grabbed her
by the wrist and dragged her to the chair, but Linda refused to
kneel the way she knew he wanted her to.

'Rebecca, hold

discovering a new maliciousness grabbed Linda by the hands and
dragged her up into the position that Delgado required her to be
in. Even though Rebecca held her hard by the wrists, Linda knew
that she was much more powerful. She could have resisted quite
easily, as she knew ultimately she could have fought against

BOOK: The Maestro
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