Read The Maestro Online

Authors: Leo Barton

Tags: #bdsm ebook, #sm erotica

The Maestro (13 page)

BOOK: The Maestro
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'Who is

'Let me
explain. I come here often, but not when he's here,' Alfonso said
pointing at the paunched waiter still cleaning glasses.

'Who, the

'Yes, Paco,'
Alfonso said in a whisper even though Paco was well out of

'So what

'We decided to
come here for a last drink. It's not so far from where your hotel

A beautiful
woman no more than Linda's age walked past the table. She stopped
momentarily as she recognised Alfonso and then proceeded to ignore



beautiful.' She was beautiful, carrying a haughty proud disdain
with graceful ease. She had large plump breasts and long slender
legs, and a tiny narrow waist. However, it was her magnificent
oval-shaped, green eyes that immediately claimed Linda's attention,
the unnatural density of the colour seemed to exaggerate a certain
coldness about her; although after first glance she could also
appreciate her thick, shoulder-length, jet-black hair and the
gorgeous mouth, the full scarlet lips. She reminded Linda of some
of those Andalucian beauties she had seen in Sevilla decked out in
their brightly coloured flamenco dresses.

beautiful but she lives with a boring pig. She told me.'

'This story is
getting a little more interesting. You'd better tell me all the
gory details!' Linda said jokingly, but in earnest; Alfonso thought
she was teasing him.

'Well, that
day Paco wasn't here. He was at the funeral of his uncle. They are
both originally from some village just outside Granada and Paco had
had to travel down the night before. She knew that Paco wouldn't be
back until late on Sunday, and as you know it was Saturday
afternoon. She was dressed more or less as she is dressed now, the
white blouse, the black skirt.'

'Mmm,' Linda
said approvingly, as she watched Suzanne disappear back to the far
end of the bar.

'As we were
both sitting at the bar we started talking to her. She doesn't
speak English of course, but you know that Sebastian's Spanish is
excellent. Anyway, we were laughing and joking and buying her
drinks, and she told us all about her horrible husband and how she
would have liked to have closed the bar, but Paco had insisted that
it stay open. And she had only had two customers since one o'clock
and that had been me and Sebastian.

suggested jokingly that she close the bar down and go out for the
day, as the weather was so pleasant. She had said that she would
have loved to, but her husband would kill her if he found out. He
was such a miser.

'That was when
I started to show off. I took a wad of notes out of my pocket and
asked her how much they usually made on a Saturday afternoon. She
said that it varied but she quoted me an average figure. I said
that I would give her five times that amount if she closed up. My
intention was plain.

looked at me as if I was crazy, but I had noticed that he was very
attracted to Suzanne. He had been flirting with her ever since we
had arrived. You know how Sebastian flirts all the time.'

'Only too

hesitated a moment over my offer. She knew what I had meant. She
knew what we intended doing. Finally she agreed. She put the closed
sign up, took a bottle of good Rioja and told us to follow her up
to her apartment.

'Her place
wasn't so special, a living room crammed with sofas and ornaments,
a glass fronted coffee table, a huge picture of El Papa placed
above the television set. We all sat down and she placed the bottle
on this enormous coffee table in front of her and poured out three
glasses of wine and passed them over to us. "Well, you've paid for
me, what do you want to do with me?" "Everything," Sebastian
answered her jokingly.

'You know my
tastes, or at least I think you have suspected them, Linda.'

'I saw that
rather artless drawing you did of me last week.'

'Mmm, just a
joke really.'

'You looked
serious about it to me.'

'Well you
really do turn me on, Linda. I've told you often enough.' He
reached his hand over to her, squeezed her palm in his own.'

'Back to the
story,' Linda said smiling.

'Well, anyway,
the atmosphere was quite tense and I was wondering if she would let
me do to her what I wanted. I said in this strong, brutal voice,
"We have paid for you so we are going to do anything we want to

'I knew now
that the afternoon could go two ways. She could either kick us out
and tell us to never go back to the bar, or, and this is what I
hoped, she would submit completely to our wills, to my will.

'"You know I
have only been with one man and I am not very experienced. My
husband fucks me in two seconds and then he rolls off me. He thinks
the clitoris is a country in Eastern Europe," she laughed

'It excited me
to think of her as being so inexperienced. Sebastian too. We both
went to sit next to her on the sofa. I could tell that she was
excited, the way her chest heaved, and the slight gulp she took as
we sat beside her.

'I placed my
hand inside her white blouse and felt her white cotton bra and
squeezed her nipple through the fabric. She looked up at me but she
didn't seem anxious. I did it again. Her dark skin flushed a
little. The sharp nip had surprised her, but I got the impression
that she had enjoyed the acute sensation of pain very much.

'I could not
wait to see her breasts. I undid each button of her blouse, until I
could see the full swell of her beautiful mounds of satiny flesh.
As I lifted one bra cup down, Sebastian lifted the other. She had
big, rubbery nipples. I tweaked on them hard. Sebastian, following
my lead, did the same with her other teat.

'We set up an interesting rhythm, as my grip on the beautiful
rose-tipped breasts slackened, Sebastian's would tighten and vice
versa. Suzanne loved it, her beautiful mouth opening, her eyes
looking ceiling-ward. "
Si, si,
" she began to moan with each firm

As Alfonso had
been telling his tale, Suzanne had replaced her husband behind the
bar and, with dilatory movements of her hands, wiped a few glasses
dry with a cloth. Linda could see the enticing, broad expanse of
her chest, and she imagined how pleasurable it would be to take her
teats between her own finger and thumb and squeeze them hard.

continued. 'Our hands reached lower down her body, down to her
nylon leg and then crept up to the patterned tops of her stockings.
"I love stockings," Sebastian said. "I hate them," replied Suzanne
in a husky whisper, "but my useless bastard of a husband... ah" I
stopped her talking. I didn't want to hear her. My hand found her
beautiful, juicy quim.

'"Stand up,
Suzanne!" I ordered. When she had raised herself to a standing
position, Sebastian pulled up her dress and gazed at her skimpy
panties barely covering her little bottom. I pulled up her skirt
from the other side and gazed at her moist panties. I slid my hand
under them and slowly inserted my forefinger inside her, while
Sebastian located her bumhole and slid in his finger. I could feel
the pressure of his finger against mine on the other side of the
intimate fleshy wall between. Suzanne was gasping now. No man had
ever been there before, let alone two men.

'We began to
frig her with our fingers, Suzanne trying to stifle her squeals of
delight in case the neighbours heard.

'I suggested
in English to Sebastian that we take off our belts and give her a
good thrashing. I think that the idea excited him.

'I took off my
belt first and as Sebastian struggled with the buckle of his belt,
I tugged down Suzanne's panties, slipped off her skirt and removed
her bra. By the time that Sebastian was ready, Suzanne stood before
us wearing only her stocking and her garter belt. She looked at
both of us curiously, so innocent that she did not yet realise why
we were completely removing our belt from the loopholes of our
trousers, perhaps thinking that it was some quaint English custom I
had learned from Sebastian.

'I could not
resist any longer. As Sebastian eventually pulled his belt loose, I
lashed Suzanne with my belt.

'At first,
Suzanne was not sure whether she liked what I had done or not. I
lashed her again, thinking that before she brought my pleasure to a
halt I would have as much fun as I could, but with the second lash
I could see her eyes dilating and her teeth biting down hard on her
beautiful bottom lip. I know about these things, Linda. I have had
enough experience. This was not a woman in pain; this was a woman
relishing her pain.

'I commanded
that she stand up straight and began to lash her with the buckle
end of my belt, not across her round bottom, that pleasure I left
to Sebastian, but across the more tender flesh of her breasts
aiming for the puckered, rubbery tip of her nipples.

'She took all
the punishment that we gave her, the tanned skin of her rump
blushing red, her large ruby, pointy nipples swelling under the
lash of the belt. I moved my belt down and caught her midriff.
Sebastian lashed her on the back of her thighs. She tried to lessen
each blow with her outstretched hands, but she knew it was futile.
It became a game that we couldn't lose. It wasn't difficult to see
where she would place her hand, so it was easy for us to aim our
belts higher or lower, or if we so chose, to catch her hand, make
her jerk it back with the sudden pain and then land the belt across
her unprotected flesh.

'She could
have complained, Linda. If she had raised her voice then we would
have automatically stopped, but she didn't.

'There is
something delicious about hitting a Spanish woman, Sebastian said
to me later. I'd never thought about it until then but he was
right. English women say 'ow' or 'ouch' or moan and sigh, but
Spanish women make a special noise, a two-syllable noise, an
'aye-yah' that is very arousing. And I could see then how turned on
Sebastian was by the sight of Suzanne's smarting bottom, his eyes
widening with every stroke of the belt, his mouth opening in the
pleasure of giving hard punishment. You look shocked, Linda.'

Linda was
shocked and upset, because Sebastian had never given her such
treatment, and she recalled how sometimes she had wanted him to go
further, hit her harder, find a cane or a belt and lash her with
it. Maybe it seemed a perverse kind of betrayal, but it seemed a
betrayal nonetheless.

'From what you
were saying Sebastian had done this before?'

'Not with you
it would seem, Linda, but yes, I think many times. It was his
speciality, his taste.'

She had always
thought that Sebastian had known how much punishment women liked to
take. How could he have been so wrong about her? It led her to the
conclusion that there must be so much he didn't know about her.
Maybe he had imagined a completely different woman to the one he
had married.

Alfonso, finish your story,' Linda said, meeting the eyes of
Suzanne who was still standing over the bar, a knowing smile on the
waitress's lips as if she knew exactly what it was they were
discussing. Linda averted her gaze, passing her eyes over the white
blouse, imagining the breasts unfettered being lashed by Alfonso's

'I brought the
beatings to a halt, grabbed Suzanne by the hips and pressed her
body against the glass-topped coffee table. Sebastian lifted up her
legs then fastened them with his belt so that she could not move.
Seeing what Sebastian had done I pulled her arms behind her back
and tied her hands together.

'Oh, Linda it
was such a beautiful sight to see the young woman, that beautiful
woman standing watching us over there; her breasts flattened on the
cool of the glass, her hands and feet bound by our leather belts,
her curvaceous bottom plumped up before us, red and hot and raw
with pain. She was completely immobile, completely in our

'I rolled my
hand over the heat of her buttocks and pulled the cheeks apart
stretching the skin tight. She had a fantastic little anus, very
small, very tight.

'Sebastian had
removed the glass and the bottle of wine that we had been drinking
onto the floor when he had seen me push her down against the glass.
As I peered into that delightful little aperture that I suspect no
man had ever viewed so closely before, Sebastian picked up the
half-full bottle of wine and poured a little onto where my fingers
had pulled her apart. Some of the wine fell over my outstretched
hand, some fell directly into her hole, making it glisten under the
light. Another delightful sight: her tiny stretched temple filling
with Rioja, the air heavy with its woody aroma. He poured more wine
onto her buttocks, the wine trickling down the side of her bottom,
settling in tiny pools on the glass table.

'Later when I
talked to Suzanne about it she said how marvellous the experience
was, to feel so exposed, so vulnerable, to feel the touch of the
wine and the tickling sensation on her bumhole.

'I could not
resist the temptation to spread my tongue all over where the wine
had alighted, the taste of the wine mingling with the heady, musky
aroma of Suzanne. Taking the bottle in my hand and reaching down to
the tumescent lips of her sex and spreading the liquid all over her
eager quim. Then, watching her head nodding her approval, I rubbed
her little engorged hillock of love with my fingers; all the time
Sebastian, licking her salty, wine-covered flesh with his tongue,
from the small of her back up her spine sending delectable shudders
of pleasure through her entire body.

'I wanted to
prolong the scene for as long as I could. I wanted to take my
pleasure with her conventionally and unconventionally, and I could
see by the jerking movements of her body and the viscous moistness
of her that encircled my fingers that Suzanne would soon come.
Maybe she understood this too: a passive look of resignation
crossed her face, as Sebastian and I stopped pleasuring her.

BOOK: The Maestro
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