| Moretti, Sal 79, 132
| Moretti, Willie 255-257, 256, 257
| associates of 104, 331
| early career of 73, 249
| at Havana Convention 172
| murder of 6, 13, 49, 151, 153, 263, 310, 317
| sexual mores of 336
| and Sinatra 341,342
| testimony before Kefauver hearings 129, 195, 243
| Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. 53
| Morgenthau, Robert M. 7
| Mori, Cesare 135, 257-258, 367
| Morrison, Jimmy 70
| Morton, Samuel J. "Nails" 8, 142, 183,252, 259, 279