The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica (34 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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Sharon squealed as Suzie explored her inside, her thumbs were now pinching her swollen clit and her face was covered in the juices.

But then she stopped, Sharon looked down quizzically.

“Get this hot bum in the air!” They both smiled and Sharon rolled herself over and got onto all fours on the bonnet.

Instinctively, Suzie stood up behind her and kissed both cheeks in turn.

With no warning, she brought the palm of her hand down hard on one of her cheeks; it left a bright red mark.

“See what you have made me do? You are such a naughty little minx!” The hand struck the other cheek this time.

“Mmm, yes! Punish me some more, my student!”

Suzie slapped each cheek in turn and made them ripple with each strike. Sharon’s face was pressing against the windscreen with her mouth wide open.

She massaged the smarting cheeks after each volley and then licked them in the hope of tasting the pain.

Sharon was panting loudly until she had no option but to scream as Suzie began to tickle her anus with the tip of her tongue.

Sharon thrust herself back and her cheeks knocked Suzie away, she slapped her hard once on each cheek as a sign of discontent and continued flicking her tongue against the forbidden hole.

She wanted to play with her own pussy but was struggling to manage, so she decided to try something out.

She got Sharon to get off the car bonnet and pulled down her own wringing wet G-string; after casting it aside she hugged Sharon and kissed her deep on the mouth to let her taste her own

After savouring for a few seconds, they both got down on the floor.

The soft grass made Sharon’s cheeks tingle as she watched to see what would happen next.

Suzie sat down and leaned back on her hands, Sharon did the same opposite her.

She moved closer and slid a leg underneath; eventually both of their pussies were touching as if they were kissing.

Both women began to move and gyrate their hips so both pussies stroked against each other; they were both very wet and slid around easily.

They were in heaven as they leaned back with their faces skyward and jaws wide open in ecstasy.

With time movements got more intense, Sharon watched Suzie’s bare breasts and the stiff nipples as her chest heaved.

Suzie caught her eye and spoke up.

“Here’s the reason I come here to scream without fear of detection!”

Sharon did not want the moment lost so she half ignored her – until she felt a movement.

A loud rumble seemed to come from all around; Suzie thrust herself harder than ever and both women could feel a climax rising.

Out of nowhere a very low-flying jumbo jet appeared directly above, the rumble passed right through them and the ground shook.

A high wind blew hard onto them for a second and made bird’s nests of their hairstyles.

Like a mini earthquake, they were shook around and they closed legs as much as they could to retain contact. With the movement increased and their whole bodies shaking – climaxes tore
through them like high current electricity.

Their screams were masked only by the thundering engines passing overhead. They stared wide eyed at each other until the noise died away along with their orgasms.

Both women fell back on the soft grass, laughing and catching their breath.

Time passed. Both women got up and brushed themselves down. Suzie looked around for her underwear but could not see it lying around anywhere, so she gave up and got into the car, where Sharon
had already started the engine.

“I guess we are near the airport?” she asked.

“Well, the main runway at least!” Suzie was still shaking from her climax and needed to calm down some more.

She sat back on her seat and closed her eyes.

“Don’t go to sleep. I still don’t know how to get out of here!”

She opened them again and smiled; they both did as the car drove away over the bumpy ground.

The car returned to civilization and got caught up in some traffic. It had been market day and it was coming to an end. Nearby an elderly woman was walking by with her small dog when she let out
a cry, a market trader came out to see what was wrong and he dropped his mug of coffee with the shock!

Sharon and Suzie looked on, confused, but then Sharon spotted her lipstick on the windscreen from before.

Leaning forward, she looked at the bonnet; there was a perfect reproduction of her cheeks, a small wet pool in between and almost certainly hand marks all over the roof.

They looked at each other in time for the traffic to ease up and make a sharp exit – complete with Suzie’s G-string still hanging from the rear wiper!


First Time Play

Vicky Aston

“It’s our first time together, right,” Janet said. It was more of a statement than a question.

“Right. You and I. First time ever. Fine,” Suzy acknowledged.

There was a rustling of sheets as Janet moved herself further between Suzy’s opened knees. The room was cosy and dimly lit by a solitary bedside lamp that gave off a warm glow of pale
rose. The scent of perfumed candles hung pleasantly in the air. Two empty wine glasses stood side by side on the bedside table. Both girls were entirely naked, their bodies glistening in the
subdued light.

“Is it all right if . . . if . . . if I do
?” Janet asked hesitantly. Her voice was quiet, but it seemed somehow oddly loud in the expectant silence.

Suzy giggled, breaking the intimacy of the spell. “If you want to, Jan. I’m hardly going to stop you! After all, I’m lying back here, brazenly exhibiting my all to you! Hanging
out the flags . . . for England!”

“Flags?” It was Janet’s turn to chuckle. “More like
Kitten-flaps, I’d say.”

“No. Angels’ wings . . . if you

Of course
you’re an angel, Suz,” Janet said absently, peering closer at the particular lobe of her scrutiny. “It’s just that . . . that I find them so
irresistible. Yours, that is. I mean, take this side for example. If I give it just a tiny tweaky-poo here . . .” At this, she gave a little shriek of amused delight. “Oh, my!
It’s already all moist . . . and slippery. But I’m persistent, Suz. I won’t let it get away from me. Here we go. Gently does it. Yes, it’s coming out of its cute little bud
nicely. Pure magnificence! Ten out of ten for juicy lushness.”

“Oooah! You naughty vixen.”

“Now for the other rim. Take it in forefinger and thumb . . . like so.” Janet evidently liked to give a commentary as she worked. “I’ll ignore its eel-like slipperiness.
Now, gently stretch it out of that tight little bud. So far, so good. Jesus, Suz! It’s like rippled elastic . . . and there’s no end to it! Where’s it bloody anchored to, for

“Probably somewhere where I know you’re soon gonna get that cute little tongue of yours into, Jan.”

.” They both laughed but Janet hadn’t yet finished with her preliminaries. “I’d say it’d pull out a good two inches . . . maybe more, if
I stretched it to its natural elongation.”

“What, just
wing? Surely they must both be the same length?” Suzy sounded aggrieved. “I wouldn’t want you to think I was a fucking freak, Jan! A girl has to
have some symmetrical balance to her anatomy, after all.”

“Well, let’s see. I probably just need to . . . er . . . even them up. If I give this one another little tweaky-poo . . . and a teensy bit more. No, a
more. Like so. And
again on this side. Or perhaps I should pull them both together?”

Without waiting for Suzy’s approval she brought the finger and thumb of her other hand into play now. “Take a firm hold of each of them,” she murmured. “Don’t let
them slip away. We don’t want them to be shy and scuttle back to hide away in their sweet little cocoon again, do we? No, we want them hanging out in all their full glory! And here they come!
Both together.”

“God, Jan, leave me with some of my stuffing intact . . . pleeease!” Suzy groaned. “You’ll pull them off their bloody hinges, at this rate.”

But Janet was evidently too engrossed in her tweaking task to take Suzy’s pleadings into account. “Only a bit more. Stretch, stretch. It’s good exercise for them, Suz.
They’ll get a good airing . . . and
something better. Hey presto. All systems go. Emerging butterflies from their chrysalis.”

Then she gave a dramatic little gasp. “Fucking Jupiter! They’re not butterfly-wings at all, Suz! They’re more like piglets’ ears . . . all floppy and rose-pink and . . .
and fleshy-moist.”

Suzy giggled again. “How many inches now then?” She was happy to indulge Janet in her rather saucy proclivities.

“Hmmm. I’d say
three –
on each side, that is. Jumping jelly-babies, Suz! You’ve got fucking monster-wings . . . not angels’ wings! I’ve never seen
anything like it. They’re so huge you could almost bloody spread your wings
and fly
with them!”

Suzy thought that Janet’s particular choice of vocabulary was rather on the crude side. However, not wanting to be outgunned, she replied breezily, “Never mind the length, Jan. Feel
the damned
of the merchandise!”

“I am, too!”

Suzy grinned but made no further comment. Yet, feeling those soft membranes of her pubic lips being spread like that in such an admiring and attentive way sent a tiny shiver of anticipation down
her spine. Not that Suzy had ever been promiscuous, but before Janet had come on the scene several other girls had also admired this particular part of her femininity. Although her labia were by no
means unique, ever since she’d been a teenager they had always been unusually prominent, and the fact that Janet now enjoyed coaxing them out to their full glorious extent was quite
flattering for Suzy – and even quite thrilling. However, Janet was by no means the first girlfriend to have admired Suzy’s labia or who had been so attentive to them – not that
this detracted at all from Suzy’s sense of enjoyment. Besides, she was even secretly proud of them. And if Janet were enjoying the admiration, Suzy enjoyed just as much having her private
parts being the focus of worship.

“Really, really
! So damn cute that I could gobble them all up,” Janet cooed from somewhere down between her friend’s open thighs. “Mind you, Suz, they’d
be a bit of a mouthful for lips and teeth as small as mine. It’d be like eating two rare fillet steaks in one go!”

Suzy snorted indignantly. “They’re far too fine and delicate for that sort of crude comparison, Janet darling. And if you please . . . kindly treat them with a little more respect,

“No disrespect intended, Suz. I adore fillet steak anyway . . . particularly when it’s very succulent and juicy! And now . . . my sweet Madam Butterfly . . . I’m going to lick
and suck each one of those pretty wings of yours . . .’till I’ve extracted every last drop of juice and they become all dry and shrivelled up. After that, if I’ve got any breath
left, I’ll nibble all the bits until they’re fucking raw!”

you, Jan? A friggin’ chipmunk?”

“No, just a randy rabbit that likes its lettuce leaves. Now open your knees wider so I’ve got room to work down here . . . and then I can get my lips into gear.”

“Oooer! Promises, promises! So far, Jan, all you’ve used your lips for is to prattle on incessantly about
And here am I spreading my fucking thighs even wider, in the
hope of all this promised action!”

“Patience is a virtue, Suz! Now where was I? Yes . . . once I’ve had a good nibble then I’m gonna immerse my whole face deep inside that magic tunnel and suck up every last
silvery thread of your cum until my throat’s sore and my lips swell up. And when I’ve finished doing that, I’ll really get down to business!”

“And what sort of business might
be, may I ask?” Suzy chuckled, her thighs quivering slightly.

“Wait and see, Suz. Now . . . first off, I like to treat my nostrils to a bit of spicy scent.”

Before Suzy could reply, Janet craned her neck forward, her face at once disappearing from view. As Suzy’s line of vision was along the sweeping plain of her tummy and through the valley
between her breasts, all that she could see of Janet now was the top of her head and its rich auburn hair.

There was a brief pause before she heard Janet inhale deeply. Then there was another longer silence while she held her breath for a few seconds before exhaling again with a deep lingering

“Oh Suz, you smell
. . . really heavenly. My nostrils are simply drowning in your scent. What is that perfume stuff you use down here? I mean, it can’t be all your
natural scent, surely?”

“Just soap and water, Jan. Mind you, it’s Roger & Gallet soap. Nothing but the best for my important parts! None of this vaginal spray crap for me.”


With that, Janet submerged her face again into that so fragrant place, her nostrils drawing upon it greedily again so that her lungs and ribcage expanded visibly. A few seconds went by and then
she uttered another of her long sighs.

“Oh, Suz, I’m gonna bloody die,” she muttered plaintively.

“Not before you’ve bloody made me come,

“All right then. Keep your knickers on . . . I mean, off!”

Suzy didn’t have a moment longer to wait now. She felt a wet tongue suddenly alight between the now gaping spread of her labia. A little frisson of erotic excitement travelled up inside
her body, making her muscles freeze in a spasm of delightful rigidity.

“Oh, Jan,” she gasped. “Oh, yes. More.”

There was no verbal response from between her thighs now. Janet’s lips were evidently fully occupied with other things. Suzy allowed herself to relax, her head resting on the pillow, her
arms by her sides. She kept her feet planted wide apart on the bed with her knees tightly bent. Only her toes moved. They always had a tendency to wiggle whenever she was receiving oral sex.

She felt the first nibble at the bottom edge of her now profoundly extended left lobe. Janet’s teeth and lips alternated with their gentle fondling, sometimes biting playfully but never
harshly. At other times her lips were clamped in an airtight seal over the lobe before they vacuumed its generous flesh until the entire membrane had been sucked into her mouth.

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