The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica (35 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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“Oh God, that’s n-nice,” Suzy acknowledged, her voice a strained whisper.

By way of response, Janet’s lips began to suck yet more greedily, stretching the membrane even further out from its tethering point. After some minutes of noisy slurping, she started on
the other side, gently at first, then becoming progressively more forceful, tugging at rose-pink flesh that was perhaps reluctant to emerge so far from its cosy domain. At one point she took the
cusp in her teeth, pulling it out and then holding it there as if to test whether its stretched elasticity would make it spring back into its natural repose when it was freed again.

“Oooh-er, Jan, you . . . you r-really
fucking eating me alive, you saucy vixen. Gently! Gently!”

Almost at once Janet let her go, suddenly coming up for air. Her face was damp and shiny, her cheeks flushed. She looked across Suzy’s torso and grinned mischievously up at her, showing a
row of sparkling white teeth.

“I am trying to be gentle, Suz! Promise. It’s just that it’s so, so . . .
down there! My taste-buds are having a real treat and they don’t want to

“I’m glad you like what’s on the menu . . . but my nerves can’t take any more, Jan. Neither can my wings!” Suzy giggled. “I just want you to make me come
pretty soon, and I can’t wait for that baby-serpent’s tongue of yours to get stuck in there. Do I have to fucking beg, for

But Janet ignored her, her attention focused once more on the place she’d temporarily vacated, her eyes fixed there as if in a trance.

“Suz, you know what?” She had that impish, almost childlike expression, and she spoke in a mock-serious tone. “I reckon it’s a good four inches now . . . and it
doesn’t even bother to slither back into its bud anymore! It knows that it’s
! The elastic’s finally gone, Suz! Zing, plop! And your labs are all sort of . . . well .
. . wet, floppy and raw! All hung out like washing in the sun!”

Suzy uttered a deep sigh of what might have been tolerant exasperation.

“Oh, ha, bloody ha! For God’s sake, girl, forget about the bloody size of my labia, will you? Most girls would be more interested in the size of my sodding boobs. Anyway, it’s
what lies between my wings that counts. Get stuck in there and stop tormenting me, yeah?”

Janet smiled wickedly. “Okay. You asked for it. Now you’re gonna get it!”

With that, her face lunged down again. As it did so she kept her mouth open, as if to ensure that the full spread of her lips would be wide enough to cover the whole circumference of
Suzy’s breach. Although its outer perimeters stretched further than Janet’s open mouth could accommodate, nonetheless her lips managed to form a tight enough seal over the actual area
of her slit. Then at once she sucked deeply in, the muscles of her mouth and throat straining to make sufficient vacuum on all of that lush tissue that they encountered there.

“Jesus,” Suzy muttered. “I’m being consumed by a human leach. All my bits are bloody gonna be sucked into your lungs. Jesus. Have mercy, Jan!”

But Janet had no intention of being merciful quite yet awhile. For some minutes she continued energetically, enjoying the texture of such vulnerable tissue in her mouth, feeling the silk-like
softness of it and wanting more of it. Whatever gossamer threads of Suzy’s passion-come had precipitated into the outer extremities of her vulva, these had long since been ingested,
pleasingly so, the taste lingering evocatively around her teeth.

Then, almost abruptly, she stopped her vacuuming, letting the elasticity of all that succulent tissue recede back into its natural moulding. At that same moment all the released pressure from
within that ribbed chamber was evacuated with a sort of gentle hiss of moist air.

“Oh, Jan.” Suzy said it again, her voice dreamy. “Oh, Jan.”

Not waiting even for a second, Janet brought her tongue to bear on the small heart-shaped web of glistening rose-pink tissue that joined the two seams of labia folds. At the apex she could see
the tiny protrusion that nestled so delightfully there – a sort of shiny rounded button resembling a miniature penal head. At once she sought it out with the tip of her tongue; lapping around
it; prodding and flicking at it; feeling how it seemed to swell slightly the more she agitated it. She felt Suzy’s instantaneous reaction; her loins as though suddenly come alive.

“Oh, God, yes. Yes,” Suzy announced in a voice that was strangely flat and emotionless – as if denying the ecstasy of the moment.

But Janet could already feel the first early flush that heralded Suzy’s coming orgasm. There were those familiar telltale signs; the slight tremor to her body; the way the muscles and
sinews in her thighs and legs seemed to flex and tauten in undulating ripples beneath her skin; those breathless little gasps; and the way her toes sort of bunched and squirmed around on the

Yet if Suzy’s rising climax had passed the point of no return, Janet was not quite ready to give her the release she so desperately wanted. She was totally in Janet’s power; under a
spell that was in her gifting alone. And this was a notion that Janet found oddly appealing. She, and only she, would choose the timing of her friend’s deliverance. Until that moment of
ecstasy, Janet intended to prolong the sublime torture. Cunningly so, she flicked her tongue several times more against that tiny glistening head, and then abruptly withdrew, knowing instinctively
what suffering her mischief would bring.

“No! Please
. Don’t f-fucking stop now, you . . . you cruel vixen!”

Janet laughed. “Turn over. On your hands and knees. Doggy style,” she ordered.

“You sadistic bitch. I was in seventh heaven.”

“You will be again . . . soon. Now get doggy-fied!”

Suzy complied, albeit reluctantly, cursing as she slowly turned over and put herself in that ungainly posture. Frankly, she preferred the more passive and relaxed style of lying on her back with
her knees invitingly open, rather than to be on all-fours. Somehow it was a position that made her feel instinctively vulnerable and exposed. There was also the disadvantage of not being able to
watch her lover at the same time – particularly at the point of orgasm. However, Janet evidently found this “on-all-fours” position to her liking. Therefore Suzy had no wish to
disappoint her.

“Stick your bum out more. Knees wider apart,” Janet commanded. “I want to get my face right inside that whole bloody chasm of yours!”

“Oh hell.” At least Suzy could giggle now, despite her preference for a laid-back position. “I’m all sort of quivery. My knees have gone to jelly. Sadistic

“I’m not gonna bloody
you, Suz, if that’s what you’re worried about, for Chrissakes! I only want to
you . . . and perhaps something more. That
is, if you get lucky! Spanking can be postponed until another day.”

From her doggy position Suzy turned her head round to give Janet a withering look of disapproval.

“Surely you don’t
mean that, Jan? I’m not sure that I’m really into damned spanking capers!”

But Janet was too engrossed to answer, completely ignoring Suzy’s look.

“Now, let me start at the top. North first, South later,” she announced airily, putting her hands firmly on either side of Suzy’s buttocks and sort of prising them wider apart.
“Uh-ha. Nice spacious interior. Firm sweeping sides of the valley. Hmmm. Dark velvety sump down there.” She was back to giving one of her commentaries again. “Everything nicely
shaved thereabouts, I see. Just how I like it. I object to stray hairs getting in my mouth, you know. Now, let’s see. Yes. Your sweet little backward-peeping pussy is showing all those
crinkled up bits of juicy flesh! But it’s all slunk back into its original place again . . . just as if I’d never pulled the bits out in the first place, you crafty moo!”

“I never touched them. Honest,” a voice said from somewhere at the front of the bed. Suzy was getting into the spirit of things now.

Janet giggled. “You
a caution, Suz. But it’s serious stuff now. Can’t you bend forward a bit lower? Tits touching the duvet, please. And stick that pretty arse out
more. Okay, that’s fine. Here goes with my scent-ometer.”

Before Suzy could utter another word Janet took a deep breath again and plunged her face between the cleft. This she still held open with both hands by applying pressure to each side of
Suzy’s buttocks. For a moment her nostrils exhaled in a gentle blow of air before inhaling again, this time in a long drawn out little moan of apparent appreciation as they drew in the

Then she emerged from the valley briefly to announce:

“Your scent there is just as
as your pussy was, Suz. Full marks. You’ve passed my nose-ometer test with flying colours, girl!”

“Pleased to hear it. But what the fuck did you expect, Jan? I’m the Queen of Clean . . . not some hairy-arsed truck driver, for Christ’s sake. I told you, I use Roger &
Gallet soap.”

Janet gave a little snort of amusement and returned again to her scrutiny.

“Superb view, Suz. You should see it. Two holes in one, each looking back at me from that Darkly Shaded Valley of Doom!”

“Crude bitch.”

“Only stating a fact, Suz. Besides they’re beautiful – the top one all sort of dark glistening crimson between those two curvaceous flanks. And the one peeping below is . . .
let’s see . . . like a tight mauve flower-bud again, enveloped in those little crinkled up petals.”

“Oh, how poetic, I
think. And I’ve got no wish to be discussed as if I were some bloody plant specimen on Gardeners’ World, thanks awfully!”

Janet sniggered before returning to her task. “Now, here goes. Bum-hole gets it first. Once more into the breach, dear friend! Deep breath.”

With her nose aimed just at the very top of the cleft – and just below the hard vertebra at the base of Suzy’s spine – Janet’s tongue went in deep and high, stretching to
reach the velvety sump, wiggling in there at first, until finally it pushed down against the smooth fleshy resistance that it encountered there. For a second the wet tip of her tongue remained
firmly wedged in that dimpled crimson velum. Then it began to tease around it with little jiggling motions, sometimes pausing to wipe along the sloping scarps before returning again to the tightly
closed profundity.

All this had the effect of making Suzy arch her spine, her bottom thrusting out yet more acutely as if to make her cleft more accessible. Doggy style was not so bad, after all, she reflected.
Her toes began to squirm on the duvet again, and she felt her buttocks quiver despite Janet’s firm hold of them.

“Oh God. It’s nice, Jan.” Her voice was almost matter-of-fact. Then as an after-thought she added breezily, “Considering it’s your first time in there, Jan, you
certainly know your way around!”

But the lapping activity around her anal passage did not last. Janet had other distractions lower down, and her tongue descended South in a long wiping motion that left a trail of warm saliva in
its wake. There was no sound now other than the occasional grunt or frantic intake of breath. Then Suzy felt her left buttock suddenly released from Janet’s grip, and immediately the
disengaged hand came under her, reaching up between her legs. Now searching fingers felt for her pudendal slit, finding it at once and beginning to fondle its backward-facing portals.

Suzy gasped, the cheeks of her rump suddenly contracting in a muscular spasm, her body held in a rigid seizure.

“Jeeezusss . . .”

Janet was concentrating too much to make any reply. Her tongue at once began to lap busily between the labia, the membranes of which her fingers had coaxed out from the shelter of their budded
core. The synchronized action of tongue and fingers together went on with relentless abandon for several minutes, so that soon the labia were distended and swollen again, their elasticity stretched
as never before. Occasionally Janet’s fingers plucked at them, pulling them even further out, her tongue at the same time frantic to wiggle between every twist and knurl of soft tissue,
foraging ever deeper in its eagerness.

“Oh Jan. Please . . . pl-please don’t stop now. That’s . . . oooer . . . heavenly. If I don’t come soon I’m gonna fuckin’ collapse. My legs are all

Janet didn’t stop. Not this time. Her friend had endured enough torture for one evening. Not to finish her would hardly be fair. Even though Janet felt her own wetness gathering, her
already heightened plateau of lustful intrigue was perhaps enough reward for now. She revelled in the act of giving pleasure, enjoying the thrill that it gave her, knowing how it must thrill her
partner even more. She did not really mind whether Suzy would make her come later or not. There was always tomorrow for her turn to be on the receiving end. For now, the act of being a simple
benefactor of ecstasy was thrilling enough. First-time sex must always be selfless, dramatic and passionate, all inhibitions cast aside. She could savour every moment of their lovemaking, and
afterwards sleep happily beside her new lover, knowing that tomorrow was another day. Freshly-served passion would be as delightful for the second time as it was for the first. Each new intimate
discovery would make the relationship stronger; ever more fulfilling and passionate. Each lover would know the other’s body and soul that much better. This was Janet’s philosophy. She
desired Suzy, wanting more of her, not wanting their relationship to fizzle out as many girl-girl relationships sometimes did.

“Oh fuck,” Suzy moaned, her body quivering.

As if she had done it to her many times before, Janet knew the exact spot, her tongue working feverishly. She was oblivious to the awkwardness of her own posture, her neck straining to get her
mouth deep enough between the open thighs and to reach the lower extremities of its lush interior. Now both her fingers and thumbs were holding the labia wide apart, needing to tauten the
glistening web of crimson tissue and to fully expose its tiny heart. All the while her tongue lapped and teased, bringing Suzy further to the brink again.

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