The Man of my Dreams (8 page)

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Authors: Gladys Quintal

BOOK: The Man of my Dreams
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I was so confused. Why could I not remember any of this? There were more stories saying the police were puzzled as to how this guy got in and out without leaving any sign. All other similar cases had women saying they'd seen an angel just before they passed out. So far, he'd never been caught and was still ridding the streets of this filth to this day. I owed my life to him. But who was he and where did he come from? Words I had heard recently suddenly rang in my ears.

I recalled that my dark haired man had said, “I've been around you longer than that." Was it possible? Could the man I loved with all my heart be this vigilante? A killer of rapists and child molesters! But how could my sweet, lovely man possibly double as this murderer? Was my love actually someone who tore people apart with his bare hands and completely drained their bodies of blood? There was no logical explanation. But then nothing about this whole thing had anything to do with logic.

I must have been staring off out into space as I suddenly noticed Hayley’s hand waving in front of my face.

“Hey, are you okay?” She said looking really concerned. “That is a hell of a lot to take in!"

"Yeah, I’m okay. I'm just thinking about the person who saved me that day, My Guardian Angel.” I answered. I could feel my cheeks burning. Even suspecting that he might have been the person who tore others limb from limb. I still got a rush when I pictured him in my head.

“We have to find out more,” said Hayley. “You need to know the whole story so you can get proper closure. Not just for your sake, but for the baby’s sake as well.”

Oh God, I suddenly remembered that he said the baby was his. What did that mean? Would my baby be like him, some sort of animal? What did he look like when he was ripping these men apart? Certainly not the vision of perfection I saw in my dreams, I was sure.
Was he a terribly ugly monster all covered in hair with red glowing eyes . . .?
A shiver went down my spine. No, he said the baby was like me, not him. A sense of relief rushed over me. Was I actually starting to believe that he was real? Not only that, but that the man of my dreams was actually the Ghost and that he hadn't aged a day after killing monsters over the last 20 years. The more I pondered, the more I became confused. Could he possibly be my baby’s father, as well? How on earth was I ever going to get answers? I felt light headed and strange emotions were taking over me—horror, excitement, fear, hope and love. Yes love. I did love him. But then I had only seen the beautiful, gentle side of him . . . not his super human Jack the Ripper side!

I remembered his words. He said if I knew the truth, he'd lose me. Was that true? Could I let him touch me again knowing what he was? But then, I didn’t exactly know what he was. It was quite obvious he wasn’t an angel. So what was he, then?

“I think it's time I went,” Hayley’s voice broke the silence and my thoughts. “You obviously have a lot to think over.”
She got up and took our glasses to the sink.
“I'm back at work Monday, so we can catch up at lunch or something. Text me if you need me, though.”

I followed her outside and gave her a hug as she left. She was a good friend and I was so lucky to have people who cared about me. I stood out on the doorstep and waved as she drove off. I turned to walk back inside and heard a scuff behind me. Before I had the chance to turn around he had his hand and a cloth over my mouth. I could smell something strange. I started to panic as I realised it was chloroform, but could already feel myself slipping.

Then, for the third time in my life, everything went black.

Chapter 16

Delusions of Grandeur


I could hear music off in the distance. I couldn’t quite make out the song, but it was a love song. I tried to open my eyes and move but everything felt so heavy, even though all my senses were starting to become aware. I remembered saying goodbye to Hayley but was having a hard time remembering what happened after that. Was I asleep? I didn’t remember going to bed. I started to feel anxious. Where was I? Why couldn’t I move and who was playing that music? I could hear a male voice humming along and some kitchen noises, range hood going and dishes clanking. It was slowly coming back to me. A hand had covered my mouth . . . and then nothing.

My mind was racing and I felt panicky, but I still couldn’t move! I tried to calm myself down to think. Obviously someone had taken me, but why? What were they going to do to me? I was frightened and attempted to pull myself together. I tried desperately to move, but whatever drug he'd given me had paralysed everything but my mind. He was singing now. He sounded very happy, singing along about love and happiness.

God, he must be some kind of nutter,
I thought to myself.
What am I going to do?

I didn’t have work today and no one was going to miss me. No one would even realise I was missing until Monday when I didn’t show up for work!

“God, I hope my baby is alright,” I thought to myself, and as if answering my question I felt a little flutter.

Thank you, God,
I thought.
Now please help us to live through this.


“She will wake up soon,” he mused, savoring the power he had over her life. Everything was just about ready. A lovely beef casserole in the slow cooker, veggies done, and a decadent chocolate cake for dessert! The table was set and looked beautiful, filled with lovely scented candles and a favorite bottle of red wine. All it needed was the guest of honor, and she would be with us very soon. He felt a lump in his throat. She was so beautiful and tonight she would be his and his alone. After all, this time he'd finally found her. He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

“Soon, my love, we can begin our life together.”

He walked over to the couch where she lay like a princess, so pretty in her little dress. He stroked her hair. It was silky and shiny and felt so lovely. He bent down to smell it and caught a scent, fruity and sweet. He touched her cheek. Her skin, so soft and smooth, accompanied a perfect nose and luscious lips. He had to kiss those lips. The suspense was killing him . . . just one taste. He gently touched his lips to hers and a shiver ran through him, soft and warm and full.

His eyes travelled down her body resting on her heavy breasts. They seemed bigger than he remembered but were still so beautifully formed. He traced the shape of them with his finger and then moved his hands down to her legs. Her skin was flawless and he felt so proud to have this woman as his own, softly running his hands up her leg to the edge of her dress. He had waited so long for her and he was literally aching for her now. His hand slid under her dress.

He could take her now while she was unconscious just once to ease the throbbing. He pondered on the thought for a while. He needed it so much, but it would ruin everything if he was to relieve himself now. The build-up was incredible and the release would be amazing once they were finally together. No, he would stick to the plan no matter how much he wanted to make love to her right there and then. Self-control was the key to true happiness and fulfillment. He stood up and walked back into the kitchen. Get your mind back on dinner. Dessert is for later!

Cassie was terrified. She could feel this stranger’s hands touching her and felt him kiss her.
Please don’t let him rape me or take my baby,
she thought. But he hadn’t tried to rape her. He'd left again and gone back to the kitchen. What was he planning to do, then, and how was she going to escape? She could smell the food and had to admit she was starving. She hadn’t been eating a lot lately and the lovely aromas coming from the kitchen mixed with fear had made her stomach feel very empty.

Her only chance was to go along with whatever little fantasy he'd cooked up. She wasn’t strong enough to fight him off and would go along with it, all the while trying to figure out a way out. She could move her toes! The drug must be starting to wear off. Her heart was pounding but she had to try and stay calm and clear headed if she was to get out of this alive.

Slowly her body was waking up. She could open her eyes, although she still felt really groggy. She lay there a while looking around the room. She was lying on a couch in a small room. She could see a kitchen with a man busily working away and to the left a small table and chairs with candles burning. The man had his back to her and she could see that he had blond hair and was tall and muscular. He was singing away and looked very domesticated with his apron on.

He turned and saw her looking at him. He clapped his hands together and smiled. He was very attractive with big blue eyes and a very white smile. He rushed over to where she was lying.

“You’re finally awake!” He said sitting down beside her on the couch. “Hungry?” he asked, holding out one of his hands for her to take.

Cassie forced a smile.

“Starving,” she said taking his hand and he beamed that beautiful smile back at her.

Cassie noticed that although his features were perfect and his eyes very blue and very pretty, there was nothing behind them. His smile never reached his eyes. She felt a shudder but let him lead her to the table. She was a little unsteady on her feet, but he held her up effortlessly and almost carried her to her seat. He was very strong and she knew it wouldn't be easy to escape.

“You sit here, my love, and I will go and get your dinner. Tonight you are my queen and I'm here to serve you,” he announced gallantly, taking her hand, kissing it, and then heading back to the kitchen.

Cassie hoped like hell he was just some nut job who wanted a pretty dinner companion, but deep down she knew her life was in danger.

Just try and stay calm,
she thought.
Don’t show fear and maybe he won’t attack . . . or did that tactic only work on wild animals?

Her instincts told her that if she just kept her wits about her she would survive.
Humour him and let him wait on me, if that is what he wants

She was hungry after all!

Chapter 17

Dreams of a Future


Cassie still felt very weak and knew she wouldn't be anywhere strong enough to escape her captor. She was trying very hard to stay calm and in control. The slightest slip up and she knew things could become a whole lot worse. He was clearly insane and very handsome with almost perfect features, but not an inkling of an emotion showed anywhere on his face. Psychopath or sociopath? She wasn’t sure of the correct term, but she knew he was one of those people who lacked a conscience and would murder his own grandmother without a second thought.

Her mind was still a little groggy from the drug and she couldn’t for the life of her think of a way out of this mess. She ate and drank the wine knowing it was not exactly great for the baby growing inside her, but also knowing it was a whole lot better than the alternative. If she angered him in any way, who knew what the repercussions would be?

Although the food was deliciously prepared, the taste barely registered. It was some kind of meat casseroled with wine and herbs with a sweet potato mash and steamed green beans. It was presented beautifully, as if by a trained chef.

Think, think!
She thought to herself.

There has to be a way to escape! Maybe pretending to go to the bathroom and climbing out the window? But she was sure he was a lot cleverer than that.
God, please let someone help me!
She lost composure for a second and swayed a bit. He jumped up.

“Are you okay?”
“Just a little woozy,” she replied, gaining composure very quickly and smiling sweetly at him.
It worked and he smiled, sitting back down again.
“This meal is delicious," she said. “No one has ever done anything like this for me before.”
He looked into her eyes intently with that cold, icy stare.
“I knew you'd be different and would appreciate my efforts,” he smiled that robotic smile of his, looking almost amused.
“Wait till you see dessert!”

Dessert consisted of a decadent chocolate cake, dripping with melted chocolate and whipped cream. It really was to die for! Not literally, she was hoping.

He was a very good cook and the house was spotless. He would make some woman a good husband one day, if it wasn’t for the fact he was completely and utterly unhinged! Such a shame, all the gorgeous ones are either mental or totally imaginary. She felt a twinge of despair but was careful not to let it show on her face.

She wondered what would happen once the meal was finished. She felt a little as if she was on death row, having one last sensational meal before being sent to the death chamber. There was no doubt that what he had in mind would be anything but normal and possibly end with her murder. Sex, she was sure he wanted that, as she remembered his hands all over her on the couch while she was semi-conscious. But what else was in store? Just what kind of deviant was he to kidnap and drug his dates? Why bother with the special treatment if he was just going to rape and murder her? Or was there some other reason behind the meal, etc? Was it like some sort of ritual? What if she did something wrong and displeased him? She really didn’t want to find out the answer to that question. He looked extremely strong and she knew he could overpower her easily. She would just play along and try not to die straight away, if that was possible. She had no idea what his next move would be.

“I'll go and draw you a bath, my love, before we retire,” he said smiling that strange, unemotional smile again. “You just relax and I'll be back in a jiffy.”

She smiled back at him, panicking inside.
Bath. Retire. God, how was she going to get out of this?
And if she played along and actually had sex with him, would he spare her life? Would she wind up dead afterwards? For now, bending to his will was the only plan she had to save her life. She would do as he wanted and try not to show fear. She didn't want him to snap, although she was quite sure he'd snapped a long time ago!

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