The Man Who Broke Napoleon's Codes (57 page)

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Dorsenne, General, 134–36, 157–58, 173–77,181,186–88,192,208

Dragoon Guards (British) 5th, 233, 236, 238 7th, 308

Dragoons (British), 10 3rd, 29, 233, 234, 236 4th, 28, 30, 82, 233,236, 238, 308

Dulong, Major,
Dupont, General, 9, 41, 42

D'Urban, Lt. Col. Benjamin, 83, 100, 150,185–86, 227, 234–35

code deciphered by, 97, 98,103

El Bodon, 120–21,201

El Capucino,
the Friar, 65

El Escurial, art treasures, 247

Elvas fortress, 2, 84, 98–100,103, 108

Fée, Antoine, 293–94

Fantin des Odoards, Louis-Florimond, 16, 17, 40, 42–43, 46

Fighting Division (British), 293

Fitzclarence, Lord, 290

Fletcher, Colonel, 83

Fleurus, Battle of, 136

Forlorn Hopes (British), 143, 144,163, 249, 251

Foy, Gen. Maximilien, 38, 97, 106, 126, 136,178, 203–4, 208, 217, 228–30, 232, 241

Franceschi, Gen. Jean-Baptiste, 36, 64–68, 70,77,79

Frenada, 2

British quarters in, 121–23, 136, 139–40, 257,263–64, 274–75

French hostility of, toward Spain, 67–68

keys to deciphering, 104

French army.
See also
Army of Portugal; Army of Spain; Army of the Center; Army of the North; Army of the South

cavalry, 4, 5

corps d'armée
defined, 16n

loses Spain, 295–96, 297

retreat of, from Portugal, 96–97

rivalry among generals, 111–12,136, 178–79,187,190–93, 204, 210, 221, 244–46, 255–56, 272

in Spain, 75

French infantry

15th, 238

31st Light, 17, 20

22nd, 238

66th, 238

101st Regiment, 234–35, 238

French Revolution,
Frochot, Mr., 113

Fuente Guinaldo, 120, 121

Fuentes de Onoro, Battle of,
89–95, 186

Fusiliers (British), 7th, 59–60

Gazan, General, 291, 292

Gazan, Madame, 295
Gentleman's Magazine,

George III, king of England, 8, 43

Gomm, Lt. Col. William, 284–85, 287

Gordon, Lt. Col. Alexander, 133, 301, 304

Gordon, Col. James Willoughby, 264, 265

Goully, lady-in-waiting, 8

Goya, Francisco, 246–47

Graham, Lt. Gen. Sir Thomas, 195, 199, 216, 242, 286–88, 292, 293

Grant, Lt. Col. Colquhoun, 107, 171–72, 180, 294

Grant, Lt. Col. John, 107, 126

Grattan, William, 304

Great Paris Cipher
(Grand Chiffre). See also
Codes and ciphers

breaking of, kept secret, 308–10

breaking of, revealed, 310–12

changed, 298

first letters in, captured, 172–75

Joseph furnished with, 136–39, 158

Joseph's table found, 296–98

Marmont letter captured, 180–81

May 1

packet captured, 186–89

named by Wellington, 173

Salamanca and, 204–7, 217–18, 220–24, 242

Saornil captures packet, 267–70

Scovell begins work on, 172–78

Wellington's impatience with Scovell's efforts at, 189

Gunning, Dr., 301, 302

Hapsburgs, 81

Harding, Pig, 163, 164

Hardinge, Capt. Henry, 19, 21, 83, 100, 133,160,161,167, 230, 300, 305

character of, xv, 8

ciphers and, 97–98, 103, 284

Scovell and, 30, 308

Hervey, Colonel, 235

Highlanders (British)

42nd (Black Watch), 18,249

71st, 183, 291,292

79th, 202, 249, 291

92nd, 183

Hill, Lt. Gen. Rowland (“Farmer” or “Daddy”), 103,126,135,180,184, 185, 203, 216, 248, 250, 286, 291, 292

History of the Peninsular War
(Oman), ix–x

History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France
(Napier), 307

Hobkirk, Captain, 275

Hompeshe's Hussars, 53

Hood, Adm. Samuel, 4, 5, 14

Hope, Gen. John, 19

Household Cavalry (British), 286, 296

Hussars (British), 21

1st, 195

10th, 5–6, 295

18th, 13,295

(battleship), 21, 24

India, 26

Italy, 67

Jardet, Colonel, 147–51,155,156,178, 239

Joseph, king of Spain.
Bonaparte, Joseph

Jourdan, Marshal Jean-Baptiste, 135–35, 157–58,173,178,180–81,190,192, 255–56, 273, 286, 288, 290–91, 293–95

letter to Clarke, 267–68

letter to Marmont, 188

Kempt, 160

Laforest, Comte de, 113

Larpent, Francis, 263–64, 270, 275, 278, 290, 296

Latour-Maubourg, General, 97–98, 103

Lawrence, Sgt. William, 163–65

Lawrie, Major, 202

Laws of War, 163n Leipzig, Battle of, 97n Leith, General, 202

Le Marchant, Capt. Carey, 234, 240

Le Marchant, Maj. Gen. John, 62, 64, 132–34, 193

army reform and, 50–51, 61, 278, 308

character of, xvi Salamanca and, 232–34, 236–38, 240, 242

Scovell and, 40, 50, 52

Le Marchant, Mary, 134

Leon (Spanish guide), 171

Life Guards (British), 32

Light Brigade (British), charge of, xv, 309

Light Division (British), 93–94,132,141, 143,144,153,162,166,167,193, 195, 202, 203, 219, 229–31, 239, 249, 274–75, 288,289,292–93

Light Dragoons (British) 14th, 60, 90, 91, 92–93, 235 16th, 37, 91,218

Light Infantry (British), 52nd, 301


Liverpool, Earl, 100, 185

Lloyd, Lieutenant, 218

Loison, General, 41

Londonderry, Lord.
Stewart, Maj. Gen. Charles Longa, Juan, 135, 262, 271–72, 283

Louis XIV, king of France, 68, 103

Lucotte, Colonel, 282–83

Lumley, Maj. Gen., 185

McCloud, Colonel, 165

McGrigor, Sir James, 164, 165

Madrid, 191, 246, 261, 269

March, Lord, 132, 161, 164, 165, 229, 299, 300, 305

Maret, Hugues, 113,136

Marie Antoinette, queen of France, 110

Marmont, Marshal Auguste Frederic, duke of Ragusa, 136

Badajoz and, 150,154–58,162,179,180

character of, xviii–xix, 105

cipher devised by, 105–6, 114, 116–20, 126–27, 188

Ciudad Rodrigo and, 115, 120–21, 123,134,142,145–47,149–50

dispatches of, captured, 172–73, 177–81,186–87,190–91, 206–10, 220–24,312

heads Army of Portugal, 105–8

intelligence agent captured by, 171–73

Joseph and, 111, 112,114

Salamanca and, 178–79, 186–87, 189–94,198–204, 207–9, 214–19, 228–33, 234, 238, 242, 312

Valencia and, 135, 140, 149

Mascarenhas, Lieutenant, 97

Masséna, Marshal, xix, 95–97,105, 146, 199, 203

Maucune, General, 204, 217, 230, 234, 235, 237

Melito, Count Miot de, 146

Mermet, General, 36

Mina (guerrilla), 135, 283
(news sheet), 14

Montbrun, General, 117–20, 138,175

Moore, General Sir John, 8, 52, 55, 75, 238, 256, 279

Corunna and, 4–5, 9, 11, 13–19

death of, 19, 21, 24–26
Morning Chronicle,

Mountain Guides.
Corps of Mountain Guides Murat, Marshal Joachim, 243

Murillo paintings, 192

Murray, Col. George, 8, 9, 44, 46–47, 49–51, 53, 58–60, 74, 80, 94,101, 132,195, 265, 286, 300, 305

asks Scovell to reexamine deciphered dispatches, 306–8

Scovell's intelligence work and, 10, 21, 54–56, 61–63

Napier, William, 304, 307, 308

Napoleon Bonaparte, 28, 126

Badajoz and, 155–57, 162

Brenier and, 96

British accounts of battles and, 48–49

Burgos and, 248

Ciudad Rodrigo and, 146–50

condition of, revealed in letters, 283

Corunna and, 5,15

Dupont imprisoned by, 42

education of, 52

feuds among French generals and, 136, 178–79,192, 272

Great Ciphers of, 137–38, 205

guns captured by, 14

Joseph and, 109–12, 156–58,187, 243–46, 255–56, 267–69, 271–74, 298

Marmont and, 105–6, 201

Masséna and, 97

retreat of, from Moscow, 265–66

Russian campaign and, 178, 185–86

Soult and, 243–46

Spanish campaign and, 8, 9, 11, 61, 66, 75,134–35,139,184

staff of, xviii–xix

Waterloo and, 299–302

Narrative of the War in the Peninsula
(Southey), 307

Nava de Haver,
92, 93

Ney, Marshal, 58, 77

Oates, Captain, 160

O'Lalor, General, 270

Oliver, Captain, 30

Oman, Sir Charles, ix, x Oporto,
35–41, 48, 106

Pakenham, Maj. Gen. Edward, 227, 229, 232–36, 238, 239, 286

Parliament (House of Commons)

assassination in, 185

promotion reform and, 32

Wellington and, 25–27, 265, 305

Parquin, Charles, 310

Payne, Maj. Gen., 53, 54, 55

Peacock, Colonel, 73

Perceval, Spencer, 185

Phillipon, General, 158, 159, 162, 165, 166

Picton, General, 144, 145, 162, 165, 167, 195, 202, 227, 286, 293

Picurina, La (fort), 154, 159–61

Poco Velho,
92, 93

Poland, 178

Popham, Comm. Sir Home, 251, 252, 271

8, 33–41, 67, 83–84, 96–97

Puisieulx, de, 136–37

Raglan, Lord.
Somerset, FitzRoy

Ragusa, Duke of.
Marmont, Marshal Auguste

Rambouillet accord, 110–12, 135, 157

Regnaud, General, 124–26, 136

Reille, Gen. Charles, 282

Richmond, duchess of, 132–33

Richmond, duke of, 81, 132

Ridge, Major, 144

Rifles (British), 95th, 153, 229
Rivals, The
(Sheridan), 275

Rogers, Mr., 309

Royal Horse Artillery, 286

Royal Military College

at Sandhurst, 308–9

at Wycombe, 30–31, 50–51, 62

Royal Staff Corps, 277n

Russian campaign, 136, 157, 178, 185–86, 255, 265–66, 273

Salamanca, 127, 155, 181, 186

agent in, 123–24

Battle of, xvi,
227–42, 310

deciphered letters and, 223–25, 312

preparations for battle at, 197–204, 207–9, 214–20

Wellington decides to attack, 189–95

Wellington's reputation and, 264–65

Sanchez, Don Julian, x, xvii, 89–92, 94, 106–7, 115–16, 119, 123–25,142, 172, 180, 204, 262, 284

Saornil, Jeronimo, 262–63, 266–67, 270

Schwarzenburg, Field Marshal Prince Karl Philip, 302

Scovell, George, 121

at Albuera with Wellington, 99–101

appointed to command Royal Wagon Train, 306

appointed lieutenant governor of Royal Military College at Sandhurst, 308–9

army reform and, 51, 52

background of, 27–31

Badajoz and, 161, 164

Burgos and, 249, 251,253

cavalry and, in Portugal, 53–54

ciphers created by, 253

code-breaking finally revealed, 310–12

communications and, 9–11, 102–4, 108, 252–53

Corps of Mounted Guides and, 14, 20–21, 54–56, 61–64, 85, 193

Corunna and, 3–5, 7, 14, 20–21

death of, 311–12

deciphering, in Frenada, 123–27

deciphering, in Salamanca, 204–7, 209–10

deciphering learned by, 103–4

deciphering table of, 188–89

deciphers Great Cipher, 258

deciphers Jardet's letter to Marmont, 147–49

deciphers Joseph's and Lucotte's letters, 282–83

deciphers Joseph's letter to Dorsenne, 186–89, 192

deciphers Joseph's letter to Marmont, 220–22

deciphers Joseph's letter to Napoleon, 267–70, 272

deciphers Marmont's early cipher, 116–20

education of, 30–31

in England, 23, 27

false message idea of, 128

finances of, 28–30, 102–3, 304–5

finds Joseph's copy of Great Paris Cipher, 296–98

first attempt of, at Great Paris Cipher, 173–78

in 4th Dragoons, 28–30

in France after war, 303–4

Fuentes de Onoro and, 92, 94–95

journal and notes of, ix–x, 312

journal of, criticisms of Wellington in, 51, 52–53

language skills of, 10, 27, 175–76

Larpent and, 263–64

later life of, 303–12

in Lisbon to outfit Guides, 71–76

in Madrid, 247–48

mapping missions of, 62, 77

marriage of, to Mary, 27, 29–31

with Mary, in Frenada, 263–64, 275

with Mary, in Lisbon, 122–23, 161, 167, 169–70, 173

Murray and, 10, 21, 53–56, 61–63, 306–8

Oporto and, 35, 40, 43–50

organizational skills of, 250

portable forge designed by, 101

promotion ambitions of, x, 7–8, 31, 94–95

promotions finally gained by, 100–101, 242

Regnaud capture and, 125

Salamanca and, 198, 201–3, 218, 230–34, 236, 239–44

Somerset and, 82, 100–101, 309

Staff Cavalry Corps devised by, 275, 277–82, 285, 287, 288

telegraph reconstructed by, 103

Vitoria and, 286–87, 289–90

Waterloo and, 299–302

Wellington and, 49–52, 80–81, 250–51, 283–84,303–6,308–11

Wellington staff and, xiv, xv, 32–33, 80–81,101, 133–34, 301

Scovell, George (father), 27

Scovell, Henry (brother), 123

Scovell, Mary (mother), 27

Scovell, Mary Clowes (wife), 21, 27, 29–31, 33,122,161,167,169–70, 263–64, 274, 275, 302, 303, 311

Sebastiani, General, 58, 70

Sherer, Capt. Moyle, 72
She Stoops to Conquer
(Goldsmith), 275

Silveira, General, 124

Somerset, Lord Edward, 82

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