The Man Who Invented the Daleks (55 page)

BOOK: The Man Who Invented the Daleks
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Off the Cuff
– 15-minute sketch as part of revue staged at the Irving Theatre, London in 1956

The Curse of the Daleks
– written by Terry Nation and David Whitaker, first staged at Wyndham’s Theatre, London in December 1965


Material derived from interviews – whether in person, by telephone or by email – is indicated as being personal communications with the mark ‘PC’.

Quotes taken from files in the BBC Written Archives Centre are indicated by the preface BBC WAC and then the file reference number.

Many of the novels cited that are out of copyright – by H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle and others – are available in so many editions that page references would be less than helpful; instead any references are to chapters.

Quotes from television, film and radio are my own transcriptions – my apologies for any misquoting or wayward spelling.

The following abbreviations are used for television shows and stories written by Terry Nation:

‘Android’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘The Android Invasion’ (1975)


The Baron

Blake’s 7

‘Chase’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘The Chase’ (1965)

‘Daleks’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘The Daleks’ (1963)

‘Death’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘Death to the Daleks’ (1974)

‘Destiny’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘Destiny of the Daleks’ (1979)

Dept S

Department S

‘Genesis’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ (1975)

‘Invasion’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘The Dalek Invasion of Earth’ (1964)

‘Marinus’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘The Keys of Marinus’ (1964)


The Persuaders!

‘Plan’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ (1965)

‘Planet’ –
Doctor Who
: ‘Planet of the Daleks’ (1974)


The Saint

INTRO: Vote Dalek!

Terry ‘Daleks’ Nation
– Peel,
, 1995

I have always been
– Cook and Wright,
British Science Fiction Television
, p. 121

I set out to write

Daily Mirror
, 11 December 1964

Stories must be strong
– Nation, ‘Blake’s 7: Series Two’

If he’d been writing
– Molesworth,
Terror Nation

I thought he was
– ‘Invasion’, DVD commentary ep. 4

an encyclopaedia

Daily Mirror
, 11 December 1964

absolute rubbish
, 1973

notices of his death

, 12 March 1997;
, 13 March 1997

more TV scripts

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

what people want

, 31 January 1966

heroes constantly on the move
– Usborne,
Clubland Heroes
, p. 89

too much character
– Symons,
Bloody Murder
, p. 238

exaltation of idea
– Amis,
New Maps of Hell
, p. 28

he had read the novels
– Buchan,
, ch. 1

a story-telling medium
– Ferris,
Sir Huge
, p. 249

the nicest guy
– Terrance Dicks, PC

I’ve never really met
– Molesworth,
Terror Nation

He was an intelligent
– Roger Moore, PC

lovely, rich, pastoral voice
– Molesworth,
Terror Nation

Tall, handsome, relaxed

, 31 January 1966

Look, we’re just about
– Terrance Dicks, PC

Terry was larger
– Deb Boultwood, PC

Saturday afternoon
– Butler,
The Durable Desperadoes
, p. 162

I work directly
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

Terry’s first drafts
– Molesworth,
Terror Nation

I’ve known him
– Stevens and Brown, ‘Chris Boucher’,

He had a habit
– Terrance Dicks, PC

Terry had talent
– Brian Clemens, PC

Terry was very ambitious
– Groves,
The Terry Nation Story

I have never
– ibid.

Between the mid ’60s
– Cornell, Day
and Topping,
The Avengers Dossier
, p. 4

the same problem
– Peel,
, 1995

same social experiences
– Brian Clemens, PC

1 A Boy’s Own Story

to be an actor

TV Times
, 7 February 1964

unemployment descended
– Lewis and Lewis,
The Land of Wales
, p. 57

foraging parties
– Summers,
Edge of Violence
, p. 64

a time of soup
– ibid., p. 73

stiff and starchy
– Elsie White, quoted by Harry Greene, PC

a different planet
– Pill, A
Cardiff Family in the Forties
, p. 94

far-left socialism

, 31 January 1966

There were all sorts
– Stan Stennett, PC

I’m a prolific writer
– Groves,
The Terry Nation Story

three halfpence
– Orwell,
The Road to Wigan Pier
, ch. 5

He played truant
– Groves,
The Terry Nation Story

I grew up
– Fleming,
, 1979

horror fiction
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

quiet islands
– Quicke,
Tomorrow’s Television
, p. 29

I do not pretend
– Blythe,
The Age of Illusion
, p. 46

very influential
– Brian Clemens, PC

For over five hours

South Wales Echo and Express
, 2 January 1942

read a newspaper

, 4 January 1941

common Nation trait
– Cornell, Day and Topping,
The Avengers Dossier
, p. 260

a wartime child
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

round the compartment
– Buchan,
The Island of Sheep
, ch. 1

as the hero
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

what was credible
– Harry Greene, PC

lack of imagination
– DVD production text, ‘Daleks’ ep. 3: ‘The Rescue’

the American shows
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

We listened closely
– Muir,
A Kentish Lad
, p. 146

personal pantheon
– Monkhouse,
Crying With Laughter
, p. 102

Youngsters with an ambition
– Wyn Calvin, PC

there they were
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

The glossy paper
– Pickard,
I Could a Tale Unfold
, p. 116

England I dream of
– Thompson,
Sunshine on Putty
, p. 23

reputation for comedy
– Wyn Calvin, PC

to be a comedian
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

dressed beautifully
– Harry Greene, PC

turn out more cogs
– Summers,
The Raging Summer
, p. 83

instant recognition
– Harry Greene, PC

he was the epitome
– ibid.

a rather good comedian
– Nazarro,
Doctor Who Magazine
, 1989

I used to be a member

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

Terry was doing
– Groves,
The Terry Nation Story

2 Goings On

I auditioned
– Nazarro,
Doctor Who Magazine

His first break

, 31 January 1966

writing comedy scripts
– Harry Greene, PC

encourage new writers
– Beryl Vertue, PC

tenacity, initiative and guts

South Wales Echo
, 27 May 1955

encouragement and advice

many a humorist
– Sykes,
If I Don’t Write It, Nobody Else Will
, p. 216

We never heard the names

, 30 March 1963

novel in every respect
– Askey,
Before Your Very Eyes
, p. 93–4

one hundred gags
– Kavanagh,
Tommy Handley
, p. 110

I never got a credit
– Wilmut,
Kindly Leave the Stage!
, p. 131

Pre-Ted Kavanagh
– Muir,
A Kentish Lad
, p. 120

their ambition

South Wales Echo
, 27 May 1955

When Ray and I started
– Alan Simpson PC

the advent of television comedy
– Sykes,
If I Don’t Write It, Nobody Else Will
, p. 326

mutual protection society
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 19

usual agency commission
– ALS contract for Dave Freeman dated 26 September 1955, signed by Eric Sykes

If you got stuck
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 33

an altruistic manner
– Beryl Vertue, PC

the great value
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 33

a rotten show
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989 op. cit.

ordeal by fire
– Peel,
, 1995

Everybody wrote
– Alan Simpson, PC

very double-barrelled
– Beryl Vertue, PC

a lovely man
– Ray Galton, PC

hairy tweeds
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 32

Terry tried to be
– this and following quotes: Alan Simpson, Beryl Vertue, Ray Galton, PC

not cut out
– Keith Waterhouse,
Daily Mail
, 9 March 2006

you can write
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 32

We feel that
– Nation’s letter and Alastair Scott Johnston’s covering note, BBC WAC RCONT1

We were beginning
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 38

They were unafraid
– Groves,
The Terry Nation Story

Peter Sellers series
– ALS letter to Dave Freeman dated 16 February 1956, signed by Beryl Vertue

They cleared the potato sacks
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 33

You’d go to lunch
– ibid., p. 34

Nice cupper tea

, 26 August 1956

I should like you to know

a small pier

18 May 1958

He has been in and out

Radio Times
, 18 May 1961

Ealing-film-type music

, 28 May 1961

voracious appetite
– Sykes,
If I Don’t Write It, Nobody Else Will
, p. 268

It did okay
– McCann,
Spike & Co
, p. 98

witty and topical
– BBC WAC T12/391/5 The Ted Ray Show

He didn’t like me
– Logan,
It’s a Funny Life
, p. 158

They made me sick
– ibid., p. 159

at least two years
– ibid., p. 162

very depressed state

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

3 The Lads Themselves

progressive comedy
– Carpenter,
Spike Milligan
, p. 186

This is shit –
Crying With Laughter
, p. 97

inclined by stage experience

, 1 January 1958

crudely farcical
– Bignell and O’Day,
Terry Nation
, p. 13

sweetness and naivety

TV Times
, 7 February 1964

The play sucked
– Tony Tanner, PC

proved very successful

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

incredibly well received
– Peel,
, 1995

a queer jumble

, 11 February 1964

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