The Man Who Invented the Daleks (56 page)

BOOK: The Man Who Invented the Daleks
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well in period

Daily Mirror
, 11 February 1964

big three

New Musical Express
, 10 March 1961

There’s Adam Faith
– Galton and Simpson,
Hancock’s Half Hour
, p. 109

family comedy
– Owen and Burford,
The Pinewood Story
, p. 92

British appetite
– quoted in Ross,
Sid James


, 10 March 2003

Howard and Marjorie

The Stage
, unknown date in 1956

I have decided
– Hancock and Nathan,
, p. 111

all comics loathe

, 18 February 1972

Without any discussion
– Oakes,
Tony Hancock
, p. 95

more salubrious
– Sykes,
If I Don’t Write It, Nobody Else Will
, p. 352

To my amazement
– Goodwin,
When the Wind Changed
, p. 366

wonderful audience
– Ophir, Gies and Best,

collapse in giggles
– Goodwin,
When the Wind Changed
, p. 366

visibly shaking
– ibid,. p. 367

finished the writing
– Hancock and Nathan,
, p. 128

cold food
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

Matt’s compartment
– Goodwin,
When the Wind Changed
, p. 458

the fellatio
– Williams,
, p. 424

best-ever scriptwriters
– Oakes,
Tony Hancock
, p. 6

I was never
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

hiding to nothing
– Ray Galton, PC

quite so common

Daily Mail
, 3 January 1963

unnecessarily nasty
– Goodwin,
When the Wind Changed
, p. 365

Hancock fancied himself
– Oakes,
Tony Hancock
, p. 13

wine snob
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

You bastard
– Hancock and Nathan,
, p. 130

I have sometimes

, 4 January 1963

It is all very funny

, 4 January 1963

If we had never

, 6 January 1963

unpalatable truth

Daily Mail
, 4 January 1963

I expected it

Daily Express
, 10 January 1963

The series was doomed
– Hancock and Nathan,

My second look

Daily Mirror
, 1 March 1963

no happy moments
– Fisher,
Tony Hancock
, p. 385

strange three weeks
– Hancock and Nathan,
, p. 133

Hancock in rags
-ibid., p. 134

4 Into the Unknown

in a dream world
– Jennings,
The Paul Jennings Reader
, p. 68

The wonderful thing

Radio Times
, 3 December 1964

This is free television
– Quicke,
Tomorrow’s Television
, p. 25

a cross between
– Shubik,
Play for Today
, p. 9

non-conformist outsider
– White,
Armchair Theatre
, p. 31

Sydney was noisy
– ibid., p. 79

a suave character

, 12 February 1961

great impresario
– Shubik,
Play for Today
, p. 31

The policy I adopted
– Norden, Harper and Gilbert,
Coming to You Live!
, pp. 59–60

I am proud

Daily Express
, 5 January 1963

I’ve always been a sucker

, 22 April 1962

too remote
– David Butler, ‘How to pilot a TARDIS’ in Butler,
Time and Relative Dissertations in Space
, p. 22

In the late 1950s
– Ballard,
Miracles of Life
, p. 184

Ninety-five per cent

, 13 September 1958

baffling characteristic

, 3 April 1961

true literature
– Ballard,
Miracles of Life
, p. 194

– Amis,
New Maps of Hell
, p. 70

more vitality

, 28 September 1952

a pet subject
– Shubik,
Play for Today
, p. 54

everyone is interested

Daily Mail
, 20 June 1962

I can’t really remember
– Ray Galton, PC

I don’t remember him
– Beryl Vertue, PC

one of the most subtle

, 16 February 1960

I had nothing
– Peel,
, 1995

galactic El Dorado
– Simak, ‘Immigrant’, p. 219

a doctorate on Earth
– ibid., p. 275

only one thing
– ibid., p. 276

an ingenious

, 4 August 1962

level of writing

, 4 August 1962

the most intelligent

Kinematograph Weekly
, 9 August 1962

the most accomplished

Yorkshire Evening Post
, 25 July 1962

the series as a whole

Daily Mail
, 24 September 1962

That was a great moment
– Groves,
The Terry Nation Story


Daily Mail
, 19 April 1963

a sort of anthology
Play for Today
, p. 42

too derivative
– Bignell and O’Day,
Terry Nation
, p. 14

most interesting and amusing
– Shubik,
Play for Today
, p. 57

individualism and initiative
– Asimov,
The Caves of Steel
, p. 92

The balance
– ibid., p. 96

first became a city
– ibid.

Do you fear robots
– ibid., p. 173

A fascinating mixture

, 16 July 1964

highly successful

, 13 June 1964

find no fault

Daily Telegraph
, 6 June 1964

highly polished

, 13 June 1964

I actually sat back
– Fleming,
, 1979

I am confident

The rabbits may hide
– Bradbury, ‘The Fox and the Forest’, p. 157

one of the most
– Ward,
Out of the Unknown
, p. 110

remorseless pursuit

, 23 November 1965

5 Life on a Dead Planet

children’s science fiction
– Hoey,
Sunday Best
, 6 February 1972

How dare they?
– Nazarro,
Doctor Who Magazine
, 1989

your calibre

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

an inverted cone
– Goodwin,
When the Wind Changed
, p. 367

It was never intended
– Butler,
Time and Relative Dissertations in Space
, p. 44

senile old man
– Norden, Harper and Gilbert,
Coming to You Live!
, p. 71

friends of friends
– Howe, Stammers and Walker,
Doctor Who: The Sixties
, p. 11

When I first read

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

Terry came round
– Deb Boultwood, PC

a flash of inspiration
– Frost,

two-syllable word

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

I don’t have many friends
– ibid.

this brilliant idea

, 2 May 2008

frog-like animal
– Peel and Nation,
The Official Doctor Who and the Daleks Book
, p. 186

They are invulnerable
– Wells,
The War of the Worlds
, Book One, ch. 11

on the style of
– Norden, Harper and Gilbert,
Coming to You Live!
, p. 71

Fear breeds hatred
– ‘Daleks’ ep. 4: ‘The Ambush’

ready-made army
– ‘Daleks’ ep. 5: ‘The Expedition’

I had a bad time

, 31 January 1966

both hemispheres
– Peel and Nation,
The Official Doctor Who and the Daleks Book
, p. 192

they have realized
– ibid., p. 193

master of the planet
– ‘Daleks’ ep. 6: ‘The Ordeal’

– Norden, Harper and Gilbert,
Coming to You Live!
, p. 71

David Whitaker and I
– DVD commentary, ‘Daleks’ ep. 2: ‘The Survivors’

machine-like creatures

anything mechanical
– Giddings,
Cusick in Cardiff

The first time I saw them
– DVD commentary, ‘Chase’ ep. 1: ‘The Executioners’

never take off
– Norden, Harper and Gilbert,
Coming to You Live!
, p. 73

– Nazarro,
Doctor Who Magazine
, 1989

I saw Hattie
– Le Mesurier,
Lady Don’t Fall Backwards
p. 60

inside each of these
– ‘Death’, ep. 2

simply the vehicles

Manchester Daily Express
, 21 November 1964

peripatetic machine
– Amis,
New Maps of Hell
, p. 26

the human form
– Asimov,
The Caves of Steel
, p. 134

They were original
– Terrance Dicks, PC

tremendous contribution
– Nazarro,
Doctor Who Magazine
, 1989

rough notes

, 31 January 1966

pepper pot
– Giddings,
Cusick in Cardiff

The only interest
– ‘Daleks’ ep. 6: ‘The Ordeal’

Only one race
– ‘Daleks’ ep. 7: ‘The Rescue’

I can understand
– DVD production text, ‘Daleks’ ep. 2: ‘The Survivors’

That bloody Nation
– Goodwin,
When the Wind Changed
, p. 367

enormous contributors
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

I’ve been reading
– Peel,
, 1995

on the map
– DVD commentary, ‘Invasion’ ep. 2: ‘The Daleks’

After that first episode
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

I would be very grateful
– this and subsequent viewers’ letters: BBC WAC Teli/c/781/5948

blond faeries
– DVD production text, ‘Daleks’ ep. 3: ‘The Rescue’

They’re amoral

Daily Mail
, 28 December 1964

those metal bodies

, 6 October 1972

he couldn’t see it

, 9 July 1976

Adults can see

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

a model community
Scouting for Boys
, p. 171

the destined ruler
– Charteris,
The Happy Highwayman
, p. 176

their rightful
-ibid., p. 189

It seems to me
– Wyndham,
The Day of the Triffids
, pp. 243–4

termites and wasps
– Nigel Kneale,
Quatermass and the Pit
ep. 4: ‘The Enchanted’ (BBC TV)

settled more issues
– Heinlein,
Starship Troopers
, p. 28

Things come together
– Terrance Dicks, PC

Every writer
-Terrance Dicks, PC

slightly magical
– Nazarro,
Doctor Who Magazine
, 1989

I wish I could

South Wales Echo
, 2 March 1974

The one recurring dream
– Fleming,
, 1979

I was now a hit
– Ophir, Gies and Best,
, 1989

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