The Man with the Golden Typewriter (57 page)

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With firearms expert Geoffrey Boothroyd – aka Major Boothroyd, 007's Armourer – in March 1961.


Raymond Chandler in his heyday. By the time Fleming met him in 1955 alcohol and depression had taken their toll.


Fleming described No.13 Sretlanka Ulitsa in Moscow as the headquarters of SMERSH. But as a fan pointed out (with pictorial evidence), it clearly wasn't.


Bookshops vied to produce the best Bond window display. This one went the extra mile for


Herman W. Liebert of Yale University was so appalled by the ‘Americanese' in
that he supplied a list of corrections. Fleming later asked him to consult on
The Spy Who Loved Me


Fleming loved air travel. Here he strides in style through a nascent Heathrow en route to Jamaica.


Ursula Andress, Sean Connery and Ian Fleming on the set of
Dr No


An aficionado of fast cars, Fleming was among the first people in Britain to own a supercharged Studebaker Avanti.


The desk at Goldeneye in 1964. Fleming had just completed his last 007 adventure,
The Man with the Golden Gun

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First published in Great Britain 2015

First U.S. edition 2015

This electronic edition published November 2015 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

© The Ian Fleming Estate and Fergus Fleming, 2015

The Letters of Ian Fleming © The Ian Fleming Estate

The James Bond novels © Ian Fleming Publications Ltd

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ISBN: HB: 978-1-63286-489-5

        ePub: 978-1-63286-490-1

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