The Market (Allie Wilder)

BOOK: The Market (Allie Wilder)
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The Market

Allie begrudgingly headed to the market on the corner to get a few things for her cupboards and fridge. She was rather tired from a long week at work, but she knew she had better pick up a few essentials or she would regret it later.  Besides it was a lovely spring evening out and she might enjoy the walk. She scurried along looking in the store windows as she passed enjoying the crisp April air. She went over a quick list in her mind so as not to forget anything that she needed. She only planned to purchase a few things so it shouldn’t take her too long she thought.

She walked inside the corner market and the cool air hit her in the face as she walked under the vents. She loved this little place. It was just perfect for picking up a few items here and there. They also sold the freshest and most beautiful assortment of veggies and fruits Allie had ever seen. As she passed the deli she waved sexily at the guy behind the lunchmeat counter. He was ruggedly handsome and about 3 years older than Allie she suspected. She always stopped by his counter to give him a bit of a thrill by flirting before heading to the produce department. They had a nice rapport between them and they always innocently teased back and forth. It was just a fun little routine that both of them enjoyed. Allie was deliciously pretty and incredibly sexy when she wanted to be.

“Hello Robert how are you fairing today?” Allie asked in her sweetest tone of voice. “Hopefully they aren’t working you too hard.” She said batting her eyes at him.

“Hi Allie how’s the prettiest girl in town?” replied Robert slightly blushing. “Thanks for asking. I’m good and no it’s been rather slow at the store today, but it’s always a treat to see you stop in.” Robert replied eyeballing Allie up and down her trim figure.

“The pleasure is all mine of course.” Allie cooed and smiled back at him as she ordered a ½ pound of lean turkey and 1/4 pound of Swiss cheese for her lunches at work. As he took care of her order she watched his forearm muscles prepare her packages and it made her feel a little hot and tingly all over. There was something about strong arms and especially forearms on a man that got Allie all hot and bothered. She was a very passionate and exciting woman and she wasn’t afraid to let it exude from every pore of her body. She knew she had a certain way with her sexuality and her femininity that drove men wild and she was proud of it. Allie was a natural born flirt and she would be the first to admit it.

“Here you go Allie. It’s all ready for you. Can I get you anything else this evening lovely lady?” he said back flirtatiously to Allie.

“That’ll do it my friend!” chimed Allie “I appreciate it!” she said smiling, blowing him a kiss while she sauntered away being sure to toss her tight tushy a bit, giving Robert a thrill. She could feel him piercing a hole through her as he enjoyed every moment of her walking away towards the produce. Allie had a perfect ass and everybody knew it. Hell, she even knew it. Her motto was “If you got it flaunt it!” And that is exactly what Allie did on a daily basis.

Finally she made her way to the section where the veggies and fruits were that Allie adored so much. Allie always got lost looking at their beautiful assortment of produce. She also always had a hard time deciding what she wanted to buy. Allie was deeply enthralled looking at the variety of gourmet cucumbers when she heard a sexy male voice come up from behind her:

“Those are delicious you know and such a nice length as well.” The male voice said under his breath in almost a low growl.

Allie turned around to see an amazingly handsome man about 40 and physically fit with dark wavy hair that made Allie almost swoon and moan audibly.

“Yes they look great, and I agree you just can’t get them too long!” she said flirting and smiling back at the handsome stranger staring back at her.

The man smiled back with a smile that would light up a whole town saying: “Hello there pretty lady my name is Dan and it is my pleasure to assist you.” He replied taking her right hand and placing a gentle kiss upon the top of it.

“Thank you so much and it is very nice to make your acquaintance Dan. I’m Allie.” She responded in her flirtiest tone of voice. “It is nice to meet you here in the produce section of the best market in town.” he replied smiling ear to ear obviously trying to chat Allie up.

Allie could see that Dan was watching every move of her fingers as she traced the ridge of the gourmet Italian cucumber up and down its biggest one. He grimaced a bit and actually felt his cock tingle in his trousers watching her do something so seductive yet in such an innocent way. Allie knew what she was doing and what effect it was having and she loved every delicious moment of it.

“Do you shop here very often? I don’t believe I have seen you here before and believe you me I would remember.” smiled Allie turning up the flirtometer about 3 whole notches by this time.

“Actually I just moved in to a flat about 2 blocks from here” chimed Dan. “This is only my second time to visit this store but I am certainly glad I did.” He replied taking a gander at the length of Allie’s body.

“You and me both!” exclaimed Allie placing her cucumber in a plastic baggie that she tore from the roll.

The two of them chit chatted while they chose their produce carefully.

“I know this is a bit forward of me but being new in these parts I don’t really know anyone and was wondering if you’d like to join me for dinner tomorrow evening at my flat?” asked Dan.

Allie smiled sweetly at him and replied “Sure I would. It would be my pleasure.”

“Great!” he added. The two of them talked a bit more and Dan gave Allie the exact address of his flat and she agreed to be there the next evening at 7 o’clock sharp. Allie was absolutely ecstatic over the possibility of having a date with her new friend. It had been a while since she had been to a man’s house for dinner and she could hardly wait for the next evening.

The next day arrived rather quickly and before she knew it Allie was getting ready for her evening with her new friend. She took a nice warm bubble bath to help her relax and also unwind before getting dressed to see Dan. The caress of the soft bubbles on her body sent shivers down her spine. They felt like a million tiny kisses upon her skin and she suddenly felt warm and tingly all over her hot body. Allie resisted the urge to touch herself. The warm water was certainly putting her in the right mood, but she didn’t know exactly what the upcoming evening had in store for her but just in case things went as she hoped they might, she decided to make herself wait. She knew if she enjoyed herself now she might not have as powerful of an orgasm in the event she fucked her new friend that evening.

Allie twisted her pink nipples between her two fingers just enough to make them pointed and rigid so that they would stand up nicely in her sheer top. Then she traced her fingers along her tummy rubbing gently until she reached the top of her smooth mound. Allie knew she had better take her fingers away from her pussy before she went wild on it.  If she touched much longer she’d definitely not be able to stop until she had an orgasm.

Allie stood up and felt the bubbles drip off of her body into the tub below. The scent of jasmine flowers wafted throughout the room and filled her nose with pleasure.  It was one of her favorite fragrances, and men seemed to be turned on by her scent when she bathed in it. She then sprayed a generous amount of perfume of the same exotic jasmine flower all over her body before going into her bedroom to get dressed.

She opened her closet and looked at an array of dresses and blouses before deciding on a pale powder blue chemise with a short black mini skirt. She loved how the chemise hugged her tits and made them look perky and round. She then put on a pair of hot strappy black heels to complete her sexy yet approachable look. She swept her hair up in a sultry yet messy bun and pulled a few strands out to make it look a bit unkempt. She added a touch of rose colored lipstick and blusher to her cheeks and then stood back from her full length mirror to see the result. Allie smiled and was happy with the way she looked. She grabbed her handbag and keys and headed to the address her new friend had penned down onto a piece of paper. She felt her heart begin to beat a bit faster. The first date with a new man was always an adrenaline rush and quite thrilling for Allie. She was a people person for sure and she loved meeting new ones. This was the kind of experience that dreams were made of as far as she was concerned.

She slowed down her car so that she could read the numbers on the buildings. She saw the one she was looking for and parked in an open space. She took one last glimpse of herself in her rearview mirror and then headed to the door.  She rang the bell and then waited until Dan opened the door. He looked incredibly handsome and Allie had kind of forgotten just how hot he was. She smiled broadly. “Guess who?” she teased as he held out his arm welcoming her inside his very modern and chicly decorated flat.

“Well I would say it is a very beautiful woman standing here in my doorway. I am one lucky man.” He smiled and then once again took her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the top of it.

It truly sent little shivers up and down Allie’s spine. She loved romantic gestures such as that and it definitely won him a few brownie points on her mental roster. His dark hair was just messy enough to look sexy but combed enough not to look sloppy or unkempt. His eyes sparkled like twinkling stars in the sky and he had on a snug fitting pair of jeans that showed off all the right places in all the right ways Allie noted as she followed him to a very modern looking living area.

“Please sit down and make yourself at home. May I pour you a drink?” he asked

“Certainly how about a glass of wine?” replied Allie

“Sure! Do you want red or white?” he responded.

“White is perfect if you don’t mind.” Allie said smiling flirtatiously while showing him a little bit of leg. She noticed that he noticed too as his eyes went up and down the length of her right leg before he went to the small mini-bar and poured them both a nice glass of white. He walked back over handing her the crystal wine glass and he proposed a toast.

“To you and I may we have a beautiful friendship”.

“Cheers!” said Allie as they clinked glasses and began to chit chat about all kinds of topics. As they talked she smelled something delicious wafting from the kitchen area. “Something smells absolutely divine.” She said to Dan.

“Well I hope you like fresh seafood. I’ve gone for shrimp cocktails and whipped up a nice green salad with the cucumbers I was buying when I met you.” He said smiling and they both broke into laughter remembering their first meeting in the produce section. “It sounds great.” Allie replied truly kind of hungry and beginning to feel a bit tipsy on the wine. The two of them enjoyed a nice meal out on the deck and talked about their lives. The air began to get chilly so Allie and Dan headed indoors to warm themselves up a bit. They sat close on the sofa and Allie noticed he was once more giving her body a good once over up and down the length of it. It gave shivers deep inside to see his eyes feasting upon her. She watched his eyes drink in her beauty.

She reached to touch his arm and traced little circles along the length of it. He smiled seductively at her. If looks could talk Allie knew precisely the words his would be saying. They both stole a few sexual come hither glances at one another. Neither of them was quite sure what to say so they giggled playfully as he undressed her with his eyes and her fingers played traces now on his upper thigh.

“The dinner was lovely and I especially enjoyed the ripe yet firm cucumber in the salad” said Allie rather playfully.

Dan almost gasped at the innuendo that Allie has just spurted from her mouth. His cock started to become firm and rigid underneath his trousers. He swallowed hard and glanced into Allie’s seductive eyes. They both knew the electricity in the atmosphere was charged with sexual desire and intent. They also both knew that if they ever got started groping one another they might not be able to stop. Dan finally broke the hot yet still slightly uncomfortable silence.

“So would you like me to freshen your drink?” he asked Allie still trying not to shoot piercing glances through her blouse too obviously to get to the aching buds of rapture underneath the sheer and opaque fabric. He didn’t try too hard though because Allie was on to him. She smiled sweetly telling him that she would love to have another glass of the white wine. It was going to her head and making her feel warm and fuzzy all over. This time it was she who was caught undressing him with her eyes. She couldn’t help herself. He was a hot man with an ever growing bulge just on the other side of the thin fabric holding his love pistol inside and away from her hungry mouth and pussy.

It was easy for the two of them to feel the aura of sexual enticement wafting around them in circles all around their bodies. The scent of seduction was in the air and if you paid close enough attention, you could smell its delicate fragrance. Once again to break the uncomfortable tension forming between them Allie suggested they go gaze at the stars out back on the deck. It was a crisp evening indeed, but in Allie’s mind that meant they might just have to snuggle closer to warm up and that always led to magical nights filled with love and lust.

“Would you like me to get you a sweater so that you don’t get chilled out?” he asked politely.

“Sure that would be great.” She responded impressed by his gentlemanly charm and concern. To Allie a gentleman was always a huge turn on for her. She enjoyed older men a lot and had enjoyed many fantasies pleasuring herself thinking about fucking them. The two headed outside to the lovely spring air and the stars were all beautifully twinkling in the sky. It was quite a lovely vision to behold and Allie was truly enjoying Dan’s company. He was handsome, warm and very sexy she thought as she looked over at him and saw once again he was checking her out. She knew he wanted to kiss her so bad he could taste it, so Allie initiated the first wet kiss.

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