The Masters of Falcon's Fantasies [BDSM Menage Fantasies 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (25 page)

BOOK: The Masters of Falcon's Fantasies [BDSM Menage Fantasies 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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For answer, she jumped up and spun around with a grin, holding out a hand to him. She practically beamed around the room as they said good
night to the group in general and bounced up the stairs, only stopping at the top. “Your room or mine, Sir?”

She couldn’t help but giggle at his surprised look every time she called him Sir.

“Mine, I guess.”

As Daphne sauntered down the hall toward his room, she added a sexy sway to her hips to make her desires more obvious. A quick look back at the tent in his pants told her it was working. Once at the door she struck a pose against the doorframe that she knew made her look good. She held her arms above her head along the wood surrounding the door and stretched to her full height, giving him a seductive, come-hither look over her shoulder. She tilted her ass up and toward him, singing a line from a half-forgotten song, “Love for

She finished the line and winked at him. “Hey
sailor, looking for a good time?”

She heard him breathe “You bet!” He pressed against her as he reached around to open the door.

With an exaggerated “Hello, big boy!” and an upward twitch of her lips, she
into the room. She was completely unprepared when he twirled around and wrapped her in his arms, pulling her into him with a force she wouldn’t have thought possible. His lips crushed hers in a kiss that took her breath away. They seemed to melt together, his surprisingly strong hands ranging up and down her back and ass, pressing her to him. His tongue licked across her bottom lip
and she opened her mouth and invited him in.

Daphne lost track of time, the room
and everything as she sank into that kiss. She had never known Finn to be so forceful. One hand moved up to tangle itself in her hair just behind her ear and the other clutched her behind, massaging it with a steady rhythm. She pressed into him and could feel the steel bar in his pants. She was in for a serious fucking.

Suddenly, he pulled back and began to open the buttons on her shirt one at a time. As each button popped loose, he leaned forward to lick and kiss the newly exposed skin. Daphne reeled in the sensations on her heated body. His mouth was strong yet soft, and as the last button parted, Finn skinned the shirt from her shoulders. His hands were everywhere at once as he caressed her back and sides then unsnapped the clasp of the much-hated bra. She felt him pull it off and toss it aside, his mouth taking its place, and the heat of his kisses drove her further from reality.

“God, this is so hot,” she gasped. Every time his chin grazed across her hypersensitive nipples, a bolt of lightning flashed through her to the core, causing an inferno to burn between her legs. One hand pinched and pulled on the hard little nub of her right breast while he sucked and gently bit at the left. Fire shot through her body and caused a fresh wave of moisture to flood the crevice between her legs.

She felt his hands move down to her waist. They clutched her tightly against him once more as his heated kisses returned to her lips.

Her head swam
and she was only vaguely aware of him tugging at the buttons on her jeans. They came open
and without a wasted moment he tore them down her legs and tossed them across the room. Finn pushed her down onto the bed and wedged himself between her trembling legs. His tongue lashed across Daphne’s clit with a staccato tempo that drove her to higher and higher levels of pleasure. She worried for a minute that he would drown in her juices but then lost the ability to think as she exploded. Lights flashed in her brain and the world was lost in a haze of white noise. Her muscles bunched and clenched over and over again without mercy
and she screamed in ecstasy.

After an eternity she started to return only to find that Finn had somehow lost his clothes and had crawled up her body until his cock was poised at the entrance to her being. His lips once more crashed into hers
and his tongue invaded yet again. She tasted herself on him
and it drove her higher. She pushed her hips into his in an effort to get his cock buried in her center. He took the hint and thrust forward, driving into her. His dick stretched her open and filled her to capacity, only to be withdrawn a second later.

Before she could cry out from the loss, he slammed back into her. He pounded her cunt like a man on a mission. Each thrust drew the head of his erection across that sweet spot deep inside of her, building the pressure one stroke at a time. Suddenly she was coming apart again as her orgasm threw her over the edge of an endless chasm.

She lay bucking and thrashing in the throes of release, hearing the moans and screams of her passion as if it came from a great distance.

Without warning he was no longer on top of her. “Get into a doggy position, sweetie,” his voice said in her ear.

She moved as if in a dream and slowly managed to turn herself over, her ass in the air. He nudged her knees apart and resumed his place, thrusting his cock into her again. She groaned and ground back, matching him thrust for thrust. When his finger unexpectedly penetrated her asshole, she gasped in surprise. The extra fullness rocketed her off the planet yet again, and all she could do was moan, “Fuck me, fuck me
” over and over again as her muscles bunched repeatedly. She heard his intake of breath and felt the pulsing of his rod as he pumped load after load of cum into her.

Slowing her breath
she gradually came down from her erotic high and gazed lovingly at Finn, who was sliding off to collapse along her side. She snuggled up close to him and whispered, “That was amazing, but what brought it on?”

He smiled sleepily. “Well, you worked so hard on the video this last week that I thought you deserved a reward.”

“You can reward me anytime.” She laughed, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 18


Daphne was vibrating with excitement as they drove to
The Keep
on Saturday. All the way there she tried to peek into the massive bag that Decker carried, flirting with him shamelessly. He’d been very stoic and remote, holding her at arm

s length. Finn was nervous for some reason. Neither would tell her what they had planned for the evening. She was afraid there wouldn’t be time for them to have a scene, with the talent show and everything. Much as she was looking forward to seeing what the club members had planned, she was dying for the scene that Decker had promised her. She’d been terrified all week that he would forget and leave. It couldn’t mean anything to him. He’d done hundreds of scenes. And there was a strange awkwardness between them now, ever since he’d rejected her, telling her she needed to talk to Finn about polyamory. She’d tried to, but there never seemed to be a good time for it. Either they were working or talking about work or having sex. It just didn’t seem right to stop him in the middle of making love to say, “By the way, you don’t mind if we add somebody else, do you?”

But Decker hadn’t left. Maybe he was waiting for her to leave so he could finally relax. He’d been friendly enough, but she’d had the impression that he was on guard, expecting some kind of attack, although she couldn’t imagine what kind or from whom.

They were greeted at the door of
The Keep
by Tony holding a clipboard.

“So you three will be the last act,” he said to Decker. Then he flashed a smile at Daphne. “Everybody’s looking forward to this!”

“The last—” Daphne spun toward Decker.

He smiled at her expression. “Don’t worry. You’ll be great. I requested the last slot. We’re going to need that time to get ready. You’ve got ten minutes to circulate. Then we’re going into the back room and start.”

“Start?” Daphne looked from him to Finn, who had a guilty smile on his face. “What’s going on?”

Finn glanced at Decker
and his face took on a firmer and more serious look. “Trust us, Daph. This is going to be really cool.”

The room was filling up
and Daphne looked around, trying to see if she could remember any names from her previous time there. Several people smiled at her, some of them making comments like, “Can’t wait to see what you’re doing!” Daphne wanted to reply that she couldn’t wait either, but instead she simply smiled back and nodded. They looked familiar, but she could only remember a few names. After what
ky had said about privacy
she didn’t feel comfortable asking, especially since they all seemed to know who she was.

In a few minutes, Decker nodded to Finn
and they ushered her into a back room that she hadn’t seen before. Decker put his bag on a table and began sorting its contents. Daphne tried to see what he was doing, but Finn took her shoulders and made her face him.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, touching his forehead to hers.

“Ready for what?” She was antsy, not knowing what was going to happen. Her head kept trying to twitch to the side to watch Decker. Finn put his hands up to hold it in place so she was forced to make eye contact with him.

“Stay with me,” he said. “Calm down. You’re going to be wonderful tonight, but I need you to access your instincts, let your creativity have full rein. In order to help you with that, we’ve decided to do some needle work.”

“Needle work?” Daphne pictured Decker and Finn taking a cross-stitch sampler out to show the crowd for the talent contest and had a small giggling fit.

Finn waited patiently for her to finish. Then he frowned a little, and she knew it was time to be serious.

“We’re going to put needles in your back and attach feathers to them. You like tattoos, so we’re hoping this gives you the endorphins that will allow you to access parts of your brain that may not be readily available. Kind of like you try to get with alcohol or drugs, but this is much safer and legal. You may feel light
headed, but let the endorphins take you on a ride. Don’t think about it, just let go and be the star we know you are.” He smiled. “It’s going to take a little while. I want you to strip down. We brought a thong for you to wear. Are you okay with that?”

It occurred to her briefly to say something smart-ass. But she found she had no desire to. Finn was looking deeply into her eyes, and she suddenly wanted with every fiber of her body to please him. She’d felt submissive during their work sessions, especially over the last two weeks, but this was stronger than she’d experienced before, more intense. She kept her eyes glued on his as she slowly began to remove the clothing that she’d spent hours choosing this afternoon. The air around them seemed to thicken, and Finn’s eyes got darker. She knew that he was aware of every move she made, even though he didn’t break their gaze for a second. She pulled away from his forehead and unbuttoned her lacy top, moving as slowly and sensuously as she could, dropping it on the floor. Then she added her black skirt, bra
and panties as he watched.

When she was naked except for her high heels, she knelt slowly down in front of him. His hands went to her shoulders
and she pulled one over so she could kiss his palm.

“I love you, you know that?” His voice was low and husky, almost a whisper. She leaned her head against his hip
and he put a hand on her hair.

“I love you
too,” she said.

Then Decker cleared his throat and said, “Are you ready?”

He had a chair set out for her, with a pillow on the back. Finn gave her a black thong to put on
and they settled her backward in the chair, her head down on the pillow, her back presented to them.

“Now just breathe and relax. We’ll do the rest.”

Something cold and wet landed on her back
and Daphne jumped convulsively, gasping. She could hear stifled chuckles behind her
and Decker said, “Sorry about that. I need to clean your back. Safety first.”

Finn squatted down near her head and talked softly while Decker finished wiping her back and arms down with alcohol. She smiled and rejoiced in the small victory of having both men focused on her at the same time again. She thrilled at Decker’s touch while Finn whispered sweet things in her ear and stroked her hair.

“I’m going to put some small needles through your skin. There will be a little pinch at first then a moment of pressure, but it shouldn’t be too painful. You may feel an endorphin rush, maybe a little light
headedness. Don’t fight it. It’s going to take a little while to prepare your costume
and it’s okay if you zone out while we’re working. Okay?”

“Okay.” Daphne felt like she was already flying a little. The feel of their hands on her was the most erotic thing she’d ever experienced. She closed her eyes and sank into the pillow, barely even noticing the needles as they went in. Gradually her mind emptied of all words and began to fill with music and colors. There was nothing in the world except her and the hands that were alternately massaging, caressing, or just holding her. She didn’t know or care whose hands they were. She felt an inexplicable, deep connection to both of the men who were working on her, even though she had no real idea what they were doing. Endorphins coursed through her, taking her on wave after wave of bliss, not quite to the point of oblivion, but far beyond any thoughts or awareness of daily life.

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