Read The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 Online

Authors: Robert Middlekauff

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The Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, 1596-1728 (124 page)

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, II, 454;
, "An Appendix Containing Some General Stores."
84. See
, II, 456-57 for Mather's hopes for this work.
85. Mather,
, 63.
, II, 376, 396, 453, 460.
87. Cotton Mather,
India Christiana
, 69-72.
, II, 522, 740; Triparadisus, Pt. III, Sect. XI; Biblia, Revelation, 11, where a letter from Governor Burnet, April 5, 1725, is copied into the manuscript. In the entry in Triparadisus, Mather says that the belief in a national conversion of the Jews, before the Second Coming, produces a "
89. Triparadisus, Pt. III, Sect. XII.
90. Cotton Mather,
Ratio Disciplinae Fratrum Nov Anglorum: A Faithful Account of the Discipline Professed and Practised in the Churches of New-England
(Boston, 1726), 196.
Chapter 19
1. Mather's address to the ministers from which the quotations are taken is in his
, II, 670-71.
. II, 671.
. II, 665, 666, 669, 670, 674, 676, 697, 700, 702, 721, 733, 747, 764, 768.
Page 424
. II, 705-6.
5. Holmes,
Cotton Mather
, I, 447-49;
, II, 651-52, 653, 661, 665, 768, 774, 776, 786 (for quotation).
6. Cotton Mather,
A Proposal For An Evangelical Treasury
(Boston, 1725), 2-3;
Ratio Disciplinae Fratrum
, "Introduction," 3-10 (separate pagination), 195-96;
Psalterium Americanum
(Boston, 1718), vi;
Manuductio ad Ministerium
, 1-6, 115-18, and
passim; The Minister
(Boston, 1722), 31.
7. Shipton,
, VI, 99.
8. See
Ibid. VI
, 98-102, for Pierpont's life.
Ibid., Miller, From Colony To Province
, 455-56.
10. See Royal Society of London,
Philosophical Transactions
, no. 339, XXIX (April, May, June 1714) and no. 347, XXIX (Jan., Feb., Mar. 1716).
11. See Cotton Mather's
An Account of the Method and Success of Inoculating The Small-Pox in Boston in New-England
(London, 1722) for his description of inoculation in Africa, based upon Onesimus' information.
12. There are excellent accounts of the smallpox epidemic in John B. Blake,
Public Health In The Town of Boston, 1630-1822
(Cambridge, Mass., 1959), and in Miller,
From Colony To Province
. For Mather's letter of June 6, 1721 to the physicians of the town, see
A Vindication of the Ministers of Boston, From the Abuses and Scandals Lately Cast Upon Them
(Boston, 1722), 7-8 (where it is reprinted). See, too, Zabdiel Boylston,
Some Account of What is Said of Inoculating or Transplanting the Smallpox
(Boston, 1721).
George L. Kittredge, "Some Lost Works
of Cotton Mather," M.H.S. Proceedings, XLV (1911-12) 418-79, is a helpful guide to Mather's writings on the smallpox crisis.
13. Blake,
Public Health
, 56.
Boston Gazette
, July 17, 1721 (Boylston);
Boston New Letter
, July 24, 1721 (Douglass);
Boston Gazette
, July 31, 1721 (the Mathers, B. Colman, T. Prince, J. Webb, W. Cooper);
New-England Courant
, August 7, 1721 (Douglass); Blake,
Public Health
, 58-59.
15. Blake,
Public Health
, 65-68;
A Vindication of the Ministers of Boston
, 8-9.
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