The mayan prophecy (Timeriders # 8)

BOOK: The mayan prophecy (Timeriders # 8)
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Prologue: 2034


Chapter 1: 1889, London


Chapter 2: 1889, London


Chapter 3: 1889, London


Chapter 4: 1992, Nicaragua


Chapter 5: 1994, Norwich


Chapter 6: 1994, Norwich


Chapter 7: 1994, Norwich


Chapter 8: 1889, London


Chapter 9: 1989, London


Chapter 10: 1994, San Marcos de Colón, Honduras


Chapter 11: 1994, San Marcos de Colón


Chapter 12: 1889, London


Chapter 13: 1994, San Marcos de Colón


Chapter 14: 1994, Río Coco


Chapter 15: 1994, Río Coco


Chapter 16: 1994, Río Coco


Chapter 17: 1994, ‘the Bend in the River’ village


Chapter 18: 1994, ‘the Bend in the River’ village


Chapter 19: 1994, Río Coco


Chapter 20: 1889, London


Chapter 21: 1994, Green River, Nicaragua


Chapter 22: 1994, somewhere in the Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 23: 1994, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 24: 1994, the rebel camp, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 25: 1994, the rebel camp, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 26: 1994, outside the rebel camp, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 27: 1994, the rebel camp, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 28: 1994, ruins of the rebel camp, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 29: 1889, London


Chapter 30: 1994, ruins of the rebel camp, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 31: 1994, ruins of the rebel camp, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 32: 1889, London


Chapter 33: 1994, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 34: 1994, Nicaraguan jungle


Chapter 35: 1994, a cave, Nicaragua


Chapter 36: 1994, the cave, Nicaragua


Chapter 37: 1994, the cave, Nicaragua


Chapter 38: 1994, beyond the cave, Nicaraguan


Chapter 39: 1994, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 40: 1994, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 41: 1994, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 42: 1994, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 43: 1889, London


Chapter 44: 1994, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 45: 1889, London


Chapter 46: 1479, a cave, Nicaragua


Chapter 47: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 48: 1937, 13 Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park, London


Chapter 49: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 50: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 51: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 52


Chapter 53: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 54: 1937, 13 Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park, London


Chapter 55: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 56


Chapter 57: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 58: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 59: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 60


Chapter 61: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 62: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 63: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 64: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 65: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 66: 1479, the cave, Nicaragua


Chapter 67: 1479, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


Chapter 68: 1479, the cave, Nicaragua


Chapter 69: 1479, the cave, Nicaragua


Chapter 70: 1937, 13 Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park, London


Chapter 71: 1889, Brighton


Epilogue: 1379, the Lost City of the Windtalkers


ALEX SCARROW used to be a graphic artist, then he decided to be a computer games designer. Finally, he grew up and became an author. He has written a number of successful thrillers and several screenplays, but it’s YA fiction that has allowed him to really have fun with the ideas and concepts he was playing around with when designing games.

He lives in Norwich with his son, Jacob, his wife, Frances, and his Jack Russell Terrier, Max.

Books by Alex Scarrow


TimeRiders: Day of the Predator

TimeRiders: The Doomsday Code

TimeRiders: The Eternal War

TimeRiders: Gates of Rome

TimeRiders: City of Shadows

TimeRiders: The Pirate Kings

TimeRiders: The Mayan Prophecy

Sign up to become a TimeRider at:

To you, dear reader, for coming this far with me. The truth will be out soon.




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