The McGilley Trilogy (3 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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But more than giving him a place to indulge his kink, keeping his sexual activity here instead of going to either a woman’s place or his, helped keep whatever relationship he was in uninvolved on a personal level. He wasn’t opposed to taking a woman out for dinner before they ended up here, but ever since his bitter divorce eight years ago, he had no desire to form any permanent attachments.

Down the hall were several playrooms. For those who wanted to invite others to join them there was the room with three king sized beds, one a four poster for those who enjoyed bondage. There was an office for role playing and a room equipped with a gynecologist table. Colin insisted on the fourth room being equipped with bondage equipment, and, even though Brett and Donovan enjoyed being dominant when it came to sex, they weren’t Doms like Colin was. Unlike Brett and Donovan, Colin would like nothing better than to have a full time sub at his side, or kneeling at his feet. Unfortunately, his luck with women hadn’t been any better than Brett’s and if Colin couldn’t have the one woman he wanted above all others, he was content to play the field.

Brett smiled when Crystal screamed, her hips moving in rhythm with Donovan’s fingers as he brought her to climax. As he released his engorged cock and plunged into her pussy, Brett glanced up and saw Carly coming back in from whatever room she had disappeared into with one of Colin’s cop friends. By the look of satisfaction on her pretty face, she looked like she had had a good time. Spotting him sitting alone, she grinned and sauntered towards him, her nipples bare and showcased in the cut out bra, her thong barely covering her mound.

“Want me to help you with that?” she asked nodding towards the obvious bulge tenting his slacks.

Having played with her several times in the past, Brett knew she had a very talented mouth and after the irrational jealousy he experienced when watching Kayla dancing, he was definitely in the mood to relieve some frustration. Releasing his cock into his hand, he slowly caressed his shaft, his eyes on hers as he replied, “I thought you’d never ask. On your knees, sweetheart.”

Carly knelt between his spread thighs and shoved his hand aside, replacing it with her own before taking him into her warm, wet mouth. The feel of her lips closing around him, her tongue stroking him from root to tip, had his cock jerking in pleasure within seconds, his balls tightening up, his slit seeping onto her tongue. When she moaned around him, the vibration added to his pleasure and had him fisting his hands in her blond hair, controlling her movements.

As much as he was enjoying Carly’s mouth on him, as much as he knew he was going to enjoy pulling her over his lap, reddening her ass then fucking her senseless, he couldn’t help but wonder how Kayla’s fuller lips would feel sucking him, imagine how her eyes would laugh up at him as she took him deep, how those slim, ringed fingers would feel stroking his balls. Thinking of her, a girl too young, too innocent and too naïve for him to even contemplate having sex with, just pissed him off and made him more determined to put her out of his mind.

“I can’t believe you’re going to do this,” Monica hissed as the three of them stood arguing outside Casey’s.

“Well, I am. You two don’t have to go. Just wait here and I’ll report back.”

Kayla had approached Colin McGilley after she saw Brett leave without another look in her direction, only to have Colin adamantly refuse her entrance into their private sanctuary also. Damn it, she thought irritably, how was a girl supposed to have fun and broaden her horizons if these guys wouldn’t go along? Recalling the feel of Brett’s larger, harder body against hers and the one unguarded look of amusement and lust in his green eyes she had glimpsed while they were dancing, she knew her desire to check out the second floor goings on was now more about getting closer to Brett than satisfying her curiosity.

“I think you’re crazy,” Beth told her before she and Monica turned to go back inside and wait for her like she suggested.

“Crazy in lust,” Kayla muttered as she crept around to the side of the two story brick building while making sure no one spotted her. The only outside entrance she had seen from the parking area to the second floor was a stairway on the side of the building that led to a wide deck that wrapped around the entire second floor. Glancing up, she didn’t see anyone outside, and before she lost her nerve, quickly ran up the steps.

The cool, fall evening had her nipples hardening and her body shivering as she approached the nearest of two floor to ceiling windows. Or maybe it was anticipation, excitement and the remnants of a need stronger than anything she had felt before that accounted for her body’s reaction. Stooping down, she ignored her discomfort as she peered inside. She had expected to see couples having sex, and wasn’t surprised to see one woman and two men going at, but her gaze quickly skimmed over those erotic sights to seek out the one man she couldn’t seem to get out of her head no matter how much he had rebuked her this evening.

When she did finally spot him, she damn near toppled onto her ass at the sight of a woman kneeling between his knees, her mouth moving voraciously up and down his cock. She was close enough to see the impressive size of his penis, the damp sheen left by the woman’s lips and tongue and the look of an impending climax on his face, all of which just increased her own lust. When he climaxed, his grip tightened on the woman’s head, holding her to accept his seed, while he lowered his other hand to caress her jaw and neck with soft, encouraging strokes.

Kayla had to forcefully tamp down the urge to reach beneath her skirt and get herself off, only fear of getting caught keeping her from doing just that. Her panties were so wet, they were clinging to her folds, her nipples so taut they ached and just when she had decided she should creep back down the stairs, Brett grabbed his partner by the arms, hauled her over his lap and proceeded to pepper her ass, bared by the thong she wore, with sharp, ass reddening slaps. Even though she wasn’t struggling, he kept his left arm pinned across her shoulders and that sign of control and dominance added to the erotic scene and her own heightened arousal.

Okay, she thought with a shiver of longing, maybe Brett had been right about one thing, she was definitely too inexperienced to know what went on up here. But on the other hand, he wasn’t right in thinking she couldn’t handle what he would demand from her sexually. When Brett stopped slapping those wriggling, now thoroughly reddened cheeks and slid several fingers into her blatantly aroused pussy, the woman came with a scream, her hips thrashing, her pleasure obvious, making Kayla wonder what she had been missing all these years.

Kayla had had orgasms by her own hand and with her partners, but she had never experienced pleasure so strong, so intense that she came screaming and looking at the blush that covered the woman’s buttocks, she wondered if that burn was the cause of her coming so hard, or Brett’s control of her was. Or was it that the man himself was enough to produce such shattering releases? She didn’t know, but she did know she’d love to find out for herself.

With each smack on her soft, white ass, Brett couldn’t seem to stop imagining it was Kayla he had over his lap, her soft cries echoing around him as he felt her buttocks warm beneath his hand. Recalling the feel of her ass in his hands and her breasts against his chest, her body surprisingly lush considering her small, slender frame, he wondered how she would respond to being over his knees so vulnerably displayed. Then, remembering the fifteen year age difference between them and her endearing, but way too innocent flair, he once again cursed himself for lusting after someone who was wrong for him in every way that mattered.

A few minutes later, just as he had Carly screaming in climax, Colin strode up to him with a shit eating grin splitting his face and his green eyes, a trait the three of them shared from their father, lit with humor. Winking down at Carly who looked up with a flushed, satisfied look, he said, “It looks like your little friend doesn’t take no for an answer too well.” With a toss of his head, he indicated the window behind him.

Brett, his fingers still buried in Carly’s spasming cunt, glanced towards the window and saw a small familiar face pressed to the glass, blue eyes wide with shock, pretty white teeth biting into her plump lower lip. “God damn it,” he swore for the second time that night. “That girl needs to be taught a fucking lesson.”

“I think that’s what she’s been angling for all night, a fucking lesson from you,” Colin drawled as he tried to remember when the last time he had enjoyed seeing his older brother so flustered over a woman was. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t recall ever seeing Brett so at odds with a woman who was attracted to him. Then again, Kayla was younger than the women he hooked up with and definitely not experienced in the way his bedmates usually were.

“Well, it’s about time she learned she doesn’t get everything she wants.” Lifting Carly off his lap, he stood, adjusted his pants then leaned down and kissed her thoroughly before saying, “Thanks, sweetheart. I have to see to something. If you haven’t hooked up with someone else when I get done, we’ll continue where we’re leaving off.”

Kayla lost sight of Brett when he moved away to mingle with the other couples and was rising from her crouch to return downstairs when two large, hard hands landed on her shoulders and spun her around. Gasping, she would have stumbled back if Brett’s hands hadn’t tightened and held her in place. If the cold look in his eyes and the rigid line of his shadowed jaw was any indication, he was royally pissed.

“Hi again,” she said weakly, smiling tentatively.

“I’m beginning to think the only way to convince you that I’m not a man you can dally with is to show you. A lesson in how I deal with little girls who don’t do as they’re told should do the trick.” Brett shifted his grip to take her hand and pulled her down the stairs into the back yard. He had hoped she’d put up a struggle or argue about following him, his threat enough to send her running back to her friends, but he should have known better. She was practically skipping behind him, making no effort or offering no excuses to get out of her predicament.

Excitement and a touch of uncertainty had Kayla’s pulses leaping and her pussy once again creaming. She was well aware that watching people engage in kinky sex and participating in those acts herself were two entirely different things, but she wasn’t about to miss out on this opportunity to feel his hands on her despite that nagging part of her brain that was always telling her to slow down, think before she leapt, that sort of nonsense.

But when Brett led her to a circular, redwood seating area around a huge unlit fire pit, sat down and gave her hand a tug as if to pull her over his lap, reality and common sense intruded rudely, making her take a step back and cautiously ask, “Just how mad are you?” even though she was dying to know if an erotic spanking would lead to an awesome climax.

She wasn’t afraid, but she was being careful, which went a long way in defusing his anger. He wouldn’t have lifted a hand to her while he was royally pissed, but now that he saw his threat wasn’t making her beg to flee back to the safety of the club, he decided to follow through with it. Maybe giving her what she was asking for would get her to set her sights on someone more suitable for her.

“Not mad enough to hurt you, but put out enough to show you this isn’t what you want, that I’m not who you want. Now, bend over or go back to your friends and behave.”

It was the dictate to behave that got her. It was time to show him she wasn’t the little girl he kept calling her and was more than enough woman for him and his perverse pleasures. She hoped. She didn’t try to suppress her grin when his eyes widened in surprise as she draped herself over his hard thighs, but when he ran his palm slowly up her bare leg, lifting her skirt as he went, she had another moment of doubt.

Turning her head to look back at him, she said uncertainly, “Uh, Brett, we’re out here in the open where anyone can see.”

“Exactly, sweetheart,” he replied, confident she would balk at being so exposed and vulnerable, especially her first time for such an experience. At least, he hoped she would because he really didn’t like how badly he wanted to see her ass, how much he wanted to feel her soft, bare flesh under his hand.

Shoring up her nerve, she simply replied, “Fine,” turned back around and waited with baited breath as he lifted her skirt up to her waist and slowly pulled her bikini panties down to her mid thighs. Against her will, a moan slid out of her mouth as the vulnerability of her position coupled with the erotic feel of having her buttocks literally on display, bare and available for whatever he wanted to do caused her desire to escalate. She couldn’t help but clench her cheeks when he started to knead them, anticipating that first slap.

Brett smiled when Kayla shifted her hips and sucked in her breath to keep from moaning again as he continued to fondle her world class ass. Damn, but the girl was going to be hard to set aside after this little lesson. He was beginning to wonder if he was the one who was going to walk away from this learning lesson. Like don’t play with fire, you might get burned. And, she was definitely hot as fire.

“Lie still,” he snapped, more irritated with himself than with her. She was anxious, which was okay, but her movements were weakening his resolve to stay detached enough to turn her loose when he was through dealing with her, a resolve he swore he was going to stick to.

“Then quit tormenting me,” Kayla groaned as she stifled the urge to rub against his hard thighs until she exploded, relieving the ache his hands had built. God, she had never imagined her ass could be such an erogenous zone.

“I haven’t started tormenting you yet, but since you’re so eager for me to do so…” He lifted his hand and brought it down on her right cheek, smacking her hard enough to have her gasping and to leave an enticing bright red imprint on her white flesh, but not hard enough to cause more than a slight sting. The outdoor lighting did an admirable job of not only working as bug repellents, but of casting enough light around the pit to give him a good look at his handiwork. Before she had time to recover from the shock of that first slap, he landed another, slightly harder one on her other cheek, leaving a matching red imprint that had his cock pressing uncomfortably against his zipper.

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