The McGilley Trilogy (7 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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“Just lunch,” she readily agreed before he could change his mind. She was hoping they could find a few things in common, thus showing him a sexual relationship between them wasn’t so off putting. Of course, that didn’t mean she couldn’t try a little coercion. “Here, you spread this out while I grab the food.” Tossing him a large quilted blanket from her back seat, she then retrieved a large wicker basket and kicked off her shoes and socks before settling next to him cross legged.

Brett hadn’t had a picnic since he was a kid and then it had been with his mother and brothers, not a vision in pink that he was finding difficult to resist. Her unbound breasts swayed enticingly with each item she withdrew from the basket. Her nails, all twenty of them were painted pink and there were two toe rings, one on each dainty foot, to match the ones on her fingers. Damned if he didn’t find that sexy.

Grabbing a sandwich, he asked, “What do you do for a living, besides pester me?”

Ignoring his ‘pestering’ comment, she replied, “I’m an actuary for the County Appraiser’s office. What about you? What do you do when you’re not spanking women and giving them awesome orgasms?”

Brett practically choked on his roasted turkey and Swiss then wondered why he was surprised at her cheeky manner. She’d already proven she wasn’t shy. He was surprised at her career choice. He couldn’t fathom her as a statistician. “I spank them then send them home without an orgasm,” he retorted. “Other than that, I’m an attorney, practicing mostly corporate law.”

Kayla rolled her eyes mockingly. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

He was tempted to boast about his pro bono work for abused women and kids then stifled that thought immediately. The last thing he wanted to do was try to impress her, which would just encourage her. He let his gaze wander slowly over her pink clad form and jeweled fingers before raising a dark brow. “You don’t exactly look like a numbers guru, sweetheart.”

“My job is what I do, not who I am. You, on the other hand, fit the word ‘counselor’ to a tee. I bet you’re good at your job.”

“Damn good,” he answered, speaking more of his success’s in getting restitution for his victims than he was of his daily corporate work.

They spoke of their jobs as they finished their sandwiches and coleslaw, Brett studiously avoiding any talk of a personal nature even though she tried to steer the conversation in that direction. He could admit he wanted her, but he was honest enough to admit she was all wrong for him. Any type of relationship with someone of Kayla’s youth and inexperience was going to end with her getting her heart broke and he didn’t want that on his conscience.

Kayla finished her sandwich then quickly pulled out double dark chocolate homemade brownies. “Dessert,” she said as she tossed one to him. Brett sat across from her with one knee bent and she had tried to ignore the bulge in his jeans while they ate, just as she tried to ignore his obvious reluctance to reveal anything of a personal nature to her. Since he refused to indulge in ‘getting to know you conversation’, she decided to go back to her original intent of getting him to give her some more of those amazing climaxes that she didn’t even come close to attaining by her own hand last night. Even though her self-induced orgasm had been sharper than any she had given herself before, it hadn’t come close to the body enveloping pleasure she had experienced with Brett.

Biting into the decadent sweetness of the chocolate treat, she closed her eyes and deliberately moaned in pleasure. “Mmm, don’t you love chocolate?”

Watching her savor the gooey brownie and listening to her soft moan was enough to have his cock hardening even more, practically demanding action. “They’re good,” he admitted after taking a bite, but watching her slowly lick her lips after each bite then lean back on her hands as she tilted her face back to absorb the warmth from the afternoon sun, he thought she would taste better than any baked good. And that meant it was time to send her packing.

“Kayla, I’ve enjoyed our lunch, but I think it’s time…”

Kayla jumped up with a laugh and before he knew what she was about, had her top whipped over her head, baring her breasts for him to feast his eyes on. “I’m not ready to leave yet. You go ahead if you want,” she said as she shimmied out of her capris, taking her panties with her and tossing her clothes onto the blanket where Brett still sat staring at her with a thunderous, lustful expression.

“What the hell are you doing?” he demanded as he shot to his feet and tried to take her arm. He should have remembered how quick she could move, because she jumped back from him, tossed her cap off and turned to skip to the water’s edge, her buttocks bouncing above her long, slender legs.

“I’m going for a dip. Want to join me?” she called over her shoulder.

Brett’s eyes took in her bouncing, hard tipped breasts and that round, soft ass and all he could think about was bending her over and feeling those cheeks heat up under his hand again. “It’s freezing. Get back here!”

With a laugh and a wave, she simply ignored him and dove head first into the lake. For five full minutes, Brett paced and fumed along the embankment as Kayla taunted him with flashes of her breasts, the pink nipples puckered into pointed nubs and her white buttocks decorated with goose bumps before she dunked back under the water that had to be ice cold. By the time she rose up out of the lake and waded slowly towards him, her dark hair slicked back, her eyes bright with pleasure, his cock was so potently erect, so achingly hard he was afraid he was going to have a permanent zipper impression along his shaft.

“I warned you it was cold,” he told her unsympathetically when she stopped before him shivering.

“So warm me up, Counselor,” Kayla whispered as she plastered her wet, naked body against him, her arms looping around those rigid, muscled shoulders she ached to feel bunching under her hands.

Brett cursed himself for being every kind of a fool as he succumbed to her as easily as he had last week, all his reasons for wanting to keep her at arm’s length getting shoved to the wayside as his hands connected with the cool flesh of her ass.

“You want me?” he asked silkily as he skimmed his lips over hers, warming them slightly as he kneaded her buttocks until they warmed under his hands and she was moaning against his lips.

“More than I want another of those double dark chocolate brownies,” she admitted as she felt heat pooling between her legs, replacing the chill of the lake water.

Stepping back from her, he clasped her arms to keep her from leaning against him again. “Then go kneel on the blanket, face down, ass up, knees spread.” Releasing her arms, he waited to see if she’d obey his demand. Against his better judgment, he might want her, and he might give in and take her again, but it would be on his terms, not hers.

Kayla breathed a sigh of relief as her body warmed further just from his dictate and the heated look in his eyes as he slowly, blatantly looked her over head to toe, his gaze lingering on her breasts until her nipples hardened even more, leaving them aching to feel the warm suckle of his mouth then gliding down to the damp black curls shielding her swollen labia, the moisture coating her folds more from her seeping pussy than her frigid dip.

Heart tripping with excitement and just enough uncertainty to keep her on edge, she strode slowly back to the blanket, relishing the heat from the sun baking down on her as well as the heat from his look as he followed her. Dropping to her knees, she lowered her head onto her folded arms and spread her knees further, feeling decadently exposed and decidedly aroused. His silence unnerved her, but when she felt him kneel behind her, felt his hand caressing her cheeks, she relaxed in pleasure.

She was everything wet dreams were made of, Brett thought as he ran his hands softly over her ass, around her hips, over her soft belly to lightly rasp her nipples. He refrained from giving her compliments or from soothing her tension. Let her wonder if she had pushed him too far, if she had bitten off more than she could chew in taunting him. Maybe after today, she’d learn he wasn’t going to be led around by his cock.

Moving away from the enticing feel of those nipples, he ran his lips down her spine as he slowly glided his hands back to her ass, lulling her into a false sense of relaxation as he moved his right hand down her crack, lightly grazing her anus, smiling when she gasped, then feathering his fingers over the plump, soft folds of her pussy. She was wet and he could smell her arousal, a smell that had his mouth watering. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be a good idea to give her that pleasure before she paid for leading him where he didn’t want to go.

“Do you still want me, Kayla,” he asked as he slowly let one finger sink inside her sheath.

Lost to sensation, warmth having replaced the chill of the lake, Kayla nodded her head, saying, “Yes, yes, Brett. Fuck me, please.”

Chuckling, it was Brett’s turn to taunt her.“You have so much to learn, little one.” Leaving the treasure of her tight pussy, he landed a sharp smack on her right cheek and followed quickly with another on her left as he released his engorged flesh into his hand.

Kayla jerked out of her euphoric stupor with the first smack, crying out with the second and then moaning in sheer bliss as he continued to pepper her ass with short, hard slaps. Pain and heat built together, blended together until she couldn’t separate the two, making her hips sway and her buttocks clench with each stroke. After every three or four slaps, he would stop and caress the flesh he had just abused, his hand soothing on her burning skin before once again taking a slow exploring glide down her crack, over her twitching anus to her aching, weeping pussy. His fingers would lightly explore her plump, swollen labia before dipping between those folds to tease her by caressing the soaking walls of her vagina, avoiding the small knot of nerves that pulsed with a need so strong she ached with it. Just as she found herself relaxing into the pleasure, he would pull back and smack her again and again until she was practically sobbing in frustration, her arousal having reached a demanding peak.

Lifting up on her forearms, she turned her head enough to glare at him. “Damn it, Brett, if you don’t fuck me, I’m going to take care of it myself.”

“Are you now?” Brett leaned over her prone position, nestling his cock in her crease as he whispered against her lips, “As much as I would enjoy watching you masturbate, that is not going to happen. You’re the one who pushed this so you’re the one who’ll have to deal with the consequences. When I’m through doling out those consequences, I’ll fuck you and not until then.”

Rearing back, Brett laid his hand on her ass, the red hue already fading to pink. With her eyes still on him, he slowly unbuckled his leather belt and pulled it off before folding it over. The widening shock of her eyes would have been comical if it wasn’t accompanied by a hint of fear.

A shiver of apprehension ran through her as she eyed his belt and for the first time, Kayla wondered if she hadn’t been too rash in her pursuit of this man. Taking a quick glance around the meadow, she confirmed what she already knew, they were all alone out here.

“Um, Brett…”

“All you have to do is say stop, Kayla, and I’ll stop immediately. You have my word,” was all the reassurance he was going to give her. In truth, it would probably be for the best if she called a stop to this before he fucked her again. As much as he wanted her, as hard as his cock was with the need to bury himself in her again, he was still determined to send her on her way without any intention of seeing her again.

Kayla allowed her gaze to move from the granite determination on his face down to where his cock jutted out of his jeans, the flared purple head looking hungry for relief, the small slit oozing his precious fluid in preparation to fuck. There was no way he could deny he wanted her, that he was as aroused as she was and that fact gave her the confidence she needed to continue.

With a simple nod of her head, she agreed to continue before lowering her head once again and bracing herself for the feel of his belt. The first strike of leather on her sensitive skin was surprisingly light, enough to elicit a small sting that faded quickly, leaving her aching for more. The next was only marginally harder, the sting a little sharper but faded just as quickly.

Moaning, she shifted her hips, aching for something, but unsure of what. Her buttocks felt swollen, achy and warm, a feeling that was reciprocated in her pussy, but it wasn’t enough. When he did nothing but continue with the light snaps of leather, she groaned in frustration, “Brett, I need something more. Help me, please.” She would be humiliated by her pleading if she wasn’t so desperate for release.

“No longer afraid, little one?” Brett asked as he stroked his cock in his fist to help relieve some of the frustrating pressure he also was feeling. Now that he had her primed, he could finally give her the swats he had wanted to lay on her from the first.

She cried out as the belt landed across the middle of her ass with more pressure, the snap against her bare flesh echoing in the clearing along with her whimpers. Another stroke had her gasping and the copious juices dripping from her pussy to dampen her thighs as she shifted her upturned hips enticingly. A third on the under curve of her buttocks had her biting her lip and the fourth much softer stroke between her legs had her screaming.

The harder strokes took Kayla right to the brink, but it was the shocking sting of the leather connecting with the softer, more sensitive flesh of her pussy that sent her over. Her orgasm burst without any slow build up, a fast, all-encompassing explosion of pleasure that shook her to the core and left her boneless with relief. Before she could assimilate what just happened, Brett was gripping her hips in his hard hands and thrusting into her still spasming sheath, that first stroke igniting another response from her with a swiftness that roused her from her sated stupor.

Her fast climax when he snapped his belt against her pussy had taken Brett by surprise as he suspected it did her. That she was so responsive to his dominant erotic discipline was only going to make it harder to keep away from her, but he was just as determined to let her go after this as he now was to fuck her. Sinking into her still clutching vagina in one deep stroke, he shuddered in both pleasure and shock as he realized he didn’t have a condom with him.

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