The McGilley Trilogy (39 page)

Read The McGilley Trilogy Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The McGilley Trilogy
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Bracing one hand on the tiled wall in front of him, he bent slightly at the shoulders, spread his feet wider, and simply pumped, his fist tight almost to the point of pain. Taking his calloused thumb over the bulbous, smooth head of his cook, swiping at the seeping evidence of his impending climax, he caressed the sensitive soft skin of his head before moving beneath the rim. A little pressure on that sensitive area had him spewing his wad against the shower wall, his cock jerking in his hand as his orgasm shot up from his balls and exploded in a rush of intense pleasure.

Donovan wasted no time relishing the relief from his climax, too worried that Anna might wake up and see him in here, see the evidence of a past similar to hers that he kept well hidden from everyone except his brothers. Quickly drying off, he put his jeans and tee shirt back on, grabbed the toys he had bought earlier today just for her and padded back out to the bedroom, relieved to see her still asleep.

Slowly pulling the comforter off her, he was irritated to feel his cock stirring at the sight of her exposed lush body. Sprawled on her back, one arm draped just below her breasts that lay softly on her chest, the other bent at the elbow lying next to her head, her legs slightly splayed, enough to make her folds part to reveal a swath of enticing pink, glistening flesh, she made a combined picture of innocence and wantonness. It was no wonder his mouth watered at the sight of her and he had found himself uncharacteristically drawn to her from the moment he met her.

Determined to put that attraction to rest after tonight, he grabbed the extra pillow and pushed it under her ass, elevating her hips and causing her to stir slightly. Before she could awaken fully, he coated the anal vibrator he was dying to see speared between those cheeks with lube and slowly pushed it past her tight sphincter until it embedded itself snugly in her tight ass. With a soft moan, her eyes started to flutter open as he inserted the larger vaginal vibrator, nestling it snugly, making sure its ridges were right up against her clit before turning it on low. When he started the pulses from the anal vibrator, her eyes flew open in startlement and instant arousal, making him grin.

“You might want to grab hold again, sugar. This ride could be more intense than the last one.”

Anna had been enjoying the slow curl of arousal waking her, but when that slow rise shot straight to the peak by strategically aimed pulses going off in both her pussy and ass, she jerked awake to see Donovan once again settled between her spread legs, this time her pussy lewdly and erotically displayed, elevated by the soft pillow under her hips, her bare folds spread around a hard, ridged vibrator. Even though she had a vibrator at home, one that had sat unused since the night before her marriage to Todd, she didn’t remember it evoking the intense sensations this one was doing. Those, coupled with the newly felt stimulation of her anal nerves, sent her skyrocketing towards climax faster than a jackrabbit trying to outrun a fox and had her reaching above her and once again gripping the rod iron posts as if her life depended on her holding on.

“Donovan,” was all she managed to gasp out as he bent his head and took a slow lick over her clit just as the vibrations in both orifices were lowered a notch.

“Still here, Anna. Tell me what you want.”

That demand uttered in his implacable, hard voice sent a shiver through her as intense as those generated from the toys he had imbedded inside her. Just being with him like this, laying back and giving him all the control, knowing he wouldn’t give her anything she couldn’t handle, was an aphrodisiac in itself. The only way this night could get better was if he would fuck her, but she knew by the way he had kept his clothes on and from the frustrated, but determined look on his face when his eyes lingered on her nakedness that that wasn’t going to happen. Instead of bemoaning that disappointment, she shoved it aside and embraced what he was willing to give her.

“Please, Donovan, make me come.”

“Well, since you asked so nicely, I’ll only make you wait a little longer.” With his eyes pinned on hers, he grabbed the base of the anal vibrator and slowly pumped it in and out of her tight hole, gauging her reaction as he simulated a cock taking her there. When she cried out softly, her eyes glazed over and her hips lifted to accept the shallow thrusts eagerly, he knew she was enjoying those new sensations.

“Oh! I’ve…I’ve never done anything… there. That feels so…”

When she floundered for an explanation, he supplied it for her. “Good?”

“Yes, oh God, more than good.” Anna felt the pleasure stemming from having her ass stimulated for the first time both in her pussy and in her nipples, all three areas connected by invisible pathways she had never imagined existed or were possible. Her nipples were pointed straight up, aching for some attention, but she didn’t dare release her hold on the headboard and Donovan’s hands were extremely busy elsewhere.
The girls were just going to have to wait,
she thought as he nestled the anal plug back inside her then turned the vibrator back on.“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” she chanted over and over as the sensations were joined by ones in her pussy as he resumed the vibrations of that stimulator also.

Donovan allowed the toys to take over while he sat back and enjoyed the sight of her coming apart again. Her voice, when she climaxed, echoed in the room and as he kept his hands braced on the inside of her thighs, keeping them spread as her hips thrashed, he thought she was the most stunning woman he had ever watched orgasm.

As easily as she had come again, Anna slipped back into sleep, her body still shuddering from the pulses of pleasure still rolling through her, her hands slipping from the rails and dropping to cover her nipples. But not even that added incentive couldn’t keep her eyes open, her body being unaccustomed to such intense releases demanded its due.

Thirty minutes later, when she showed no signs of stirring, Donovan stretched out on his couch with a spare pillow and blanket. He could’ve crawled in next to her, but lying next to her soft body, even keeping his own clothes on, would be too much temptation, and the guest room was out because it had a door and smaller windows, both threats to his lingering anxiety with closed in spaces.

It felt like he had just dozed off when a startled cry woke him. For a disoriented moment, that cry sounded like the ones tortured out of Nathan and he was instantly thrown back into that small, windowless cell watching the young Marine he was responsible for writhing in agony as their jailor took perverse delight in making him scream while forcing Donovan to watch helplessly. Already suffering from three unattended bullet wounds, his death was imminent without treatment. But the Iraqi’s would much rather watch him die slowly, much rather get their kicks by denying either of them medical treatment and adding to his suffering. Nineteen year old Nathan died in his arms five days later and then it was his turn to take the brunt of their cruelty.

The next soft cry brought him fully awake and by the meager light coming in the windows, he guessed it was barely dawn. Donovan sat up, straining to hear what had woken him and this time could make out a whimper of pain coming from his bedroom. With a feeling of both dread and anger, he swiftly strode down the hall and into his room, stopping at the side of his bed to see tears streaming down Anna’s face as she shook in the throes of a nightmare.

One minute Anna was reliving the pain of Todd’s belt striking her already torn and infected flesh over and over and the next she was cradled against a hard body, a rough voice whispering words she could barely hear through the pounding of her heart.

“Wake up now, Anna,” Donovan practically demanded as he felt her soft body jerking awake. “You’re with me, you’re okay. Wake up.” He thought he was doing an admirable job of holding himself together, especially considering how badly he wanted to be punching something, someone, right now. Then his stroking hands encountered the puckered scars on her back and his anger rose so fast to the forefront, he found himself holding even more tightly to her, more to keep himself anchored and in check than her. When she started to struggle, pulling away from him with a determination and a curse that got his attention, he loosened his hold but didn’t release her totally. “Are you all right?” he asked hoarsely, unable to stifle the anger he felt on her behalf completely.

“I’m fine,” Anna answered stiffly as she tried once again to push away from him. Other than when she was being treated in the hospital, no one had touched her scars, no one had acknowledged them, and no one, until Donovan and his hired hand, had seen them. Since he had seen them, she hadn’t given any thought to exposing them when she undressed last night, but now, coming awake from a nightmare about how she got them, she wanted nothing more than to leave until she got herself under control again. “Let me go, Donovan.”

Donovan loosened his arms and carefully looked over her body to see if his tight hold had left any marks. Thankfully, the only signs of abuse he saw were the wide, long scars running down her back as she rose stiffly and began to get dressed. Looking at her now, his gaze following those scars down to that lush ass, his eyes lingering on the tempting display of her pink, glistening slit as she bent slightly to pull on her thong panties, he wondered if he had subconsciously kept her on her back last night to avoid seeing them again. Given his swift reaction both times he had caught a glimpse of what she had suffered, he didn’t doubt it for a second. “Anna….”

“I have to go,” she interrupted him abruptly. Except for the guilt, she had managed to put the past behind her, to set aside those days of fear and pain and move on. Her lapse last night, her first nightmare in over eighteen months, and she was ashamed he had to witness it. But she wasn’t a coward, and even though she suspected this was a one-time thing for him, especially given his reluctance to fuck her, now that she had a taste of what she had craved for so long, she didn’t intend to give it up, even if that meant seeking out Colin to get an invite to their club again, this time with the hopes of participating. Dressed now, she schooled her emotions, took a deep breath and turned back to face him, her breath catching at the sight of his shoulder length sandy hair tousled from sleep, his taut jaw no longer smoothly shaven but sexily beard roughened and his eyes watching her with burning anger and flaming desire that had her body responding instantly to. “I’m sorry I woke you. Thank you for last night. I can let myself out.”

Donovan followed her silently down the hall, fuming because when she had turned to look at him, she had that same blank look in her eyes that she had the night he first met her, that look that irritated him and challenged him at the same time. More than anything, he wanted to replace that look with the one she wore all last night, one of surprise and pleasure, pleasure he had given her. Just as she opened the door, he asked abruptly, “Do you still want to go to the club?”

Anna whipped around, surprise, excitement and that low hum of arousal she was beginning to associate with being around him filling her. “Yes, definitely,” she managed to answer, her embarrassment over her nightmare forgotten as she waited tensely for what he had to say.

“Meet me at Casey’s about eight o’clock next Saturday. I’ll take you up.” Donovan was rewarded by not only her eyes lighting up, but her entire, tear streaked face, and that look made his misgivings worthwhile.

“Okay. Thank you, Donovan.” On impulse, she leaned forward and kissed him. He didn’t exactly encourage her, but he didn’t pull away either.
, she thought as she pulled away, turned and headed out to her truck without another word,
she wanted him enough she would take whatever he was willing to give for now.

Donovan entered Casey’s darkened interior the next night, hoping a few hours hanging with his brothers and Mitch would improve his mood. Starting the day on little sleep, his cock pissed at him because he didn’t give in to its demands to fuck Anna last night then getting a call from Keith telling him the stables had been vandalized again accounted for most of his irritability. The rest he contributed to his unease over succumbing to a pair of fractured grey eyes and a made for fucking body. He still didn’t think it was wise for him to subject a woman with her past to his rougher brand of sex, so his only recourse now was to make sure he tempered his need to take her that way and concentrate on making her visit next Saturday everything she had dreamed about. In order to do that, he’d have to enlist the help of someone else.

“I already grabbed you one,” Colin called out when Donovan made to stop at the bar to grab a Pepsi. “Come over here and tell me why I had to hear about the trouble at the farm through a friend at the Sheriff’s office instead of from you.”

Donovan scowled at Colin, took the soda he held out to him and sat down. “It was no big deal. I figured you both were sleeping in with your girls, so I took care of it.”

“What was taken?” Brett asked, taking note of the restless look on his face and the eyes that showed signs of sleeplessness. “Was it just your office they hit?”

“Looks like it. My computer’s gone and the petty cash I keep in the desk. Other than the rest of the room being trashed, there wasn’t anything else missing from the stables or any other damage done.”

“It doesn’t help that you don’t keep your office locked when you’re not there.” Even though Colin knew why Donovan refused to stay in a room with the door closed, he couldn’t figure out why he didn’t shut it up when he left. It had been an ongoing argument between them for years.

“Don’t go there, cop,” Donovan warned, not wanting to get into a pissing match with him about his bad habits.

“Don’t you guys have security cameras around the stables? Didn’t they pick up anything?” Mitch watched the brothers closely and was always ready to step in to defuse a potential blowup, especially when Donovan’s lack of safety measures collided with Colin’s cop instincts.

“Blacked out again. I questioned Keith and Tony when I got there and made them rouse Ethan and Jimmy. All four were at a party last night. Ethan confessed to leaving early and returning to the bunk house before the others, but swears he didn’t see anything suspicious. Says he wasn’t feeling well and went right to bed.”

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