Being Zolt

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Authors: D. L. Raver

BOOK: Being Zolt
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D.L. Raver

Being Zolt

Copyright © 2014 D.L. Raver

Published by D.L. Raver

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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Published: D.L. Raver June 2014

Cover Design: D.L. Raver

Photography: Ostill

Editing: Kristin and Becky at Hot Tree Editing

Proofreading: Laura Tepedino Hampton

Table of Contents


Chapter One: Cold Light of Day

Chapter Two: Paying the Price

Chapter Three: Taking Back What’s Mine

Chapter Four: In and Out

Chapter Five: Stupid Dick

Chapter Six: Storyteller

Chapter Seven: A Diamond is Forever

Chapter Eight: What?

Chapter Nine: From the Grave

Chapter Ten: Vegas

Chapter Eleven: I Do

Chapter Twelve: Mr. and Mrs. Zolt Hamil

Chapter Thirteen: Facing the Music

Chapter Fourteen: Defensive

Chapter Fifteen: A Mile High

Chapter Sixteen: Interception

Chapter Seventeen: Buried

Chapter Eighteen: Crazy

Chapter Nineteen: Lies

Chapter Twenty: Scar Tissue

Chapter Twenty-One: Talking It Out

Chapter Twenty-Two: Happy Birthday

Chapter Twenty-Three: Brotherly Love

Chapter Twenty-Four: Creep Factor

Chapter Twenty-Five: The Grotto

Chapter Twenty-Six: Meeting of the Minds

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Recruiting Delaney

Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Unthinkable

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Full Circle



For my husband Mitch, who constantly reminds me how lucky I am.

“Open the door now, Zolt.” The incessant pounding on the door and the sound of my brother Brody’s pissed off voice pulled me out of my drunken haze. I peeled one eyelid open and groaned.

Where the hell am I?

The bed moved, and I turned my head and groaned again. The last twenty-four hours came back to me in all its ugly detail. Irelyn had left me for Marcus of all people because I had unleashed crazy Zolt on her. Now, I lay in bed with a woman I didn’t even know, in an apartment I hadn’t expected to ever see again. On top of all this, my head throbbed like a bass drum spurred on by the hangover from hell.

“Zolt! T-bone is going to break it down if you don’t fucking open it!”

“Who’s Zolt?” the woman next to me asked.

“Nobody,” I mumbled.
Fucking nobody!

“Zolt! Last chance.” Brody’s voice boomed through the door.

I glanced over at the bong, wishing we hadn’t smoked it all. Hell, we’d even drained the several bottles of tequila we’d brought with us. Only a couple of enticing drops remained at the bottom of the bottle.

Though the action was fruitless, I reached down and picked up one of them, tipping back the very last drop into my mouth. I growled my irritation and threw the bottle to the floor.

Letting out a low grumble, I returned my head to the pillow. There would be no numbing myself until I got home.

What a fucking mess!
I had indulged myself in an epic bender. The need to get lost and forget the shit of the last two days had trumped better judgment.

“John, who is that banging on the door?” A feminine hand stroked my chest and I cringed. Majorly hung-over, the naked girl next to me wasn’t as appealing this morning as she’d been last night.

She didn’t smell like
She didn’t look like

She simply wasn’t Irelyn.

With my eyes squeezed closed, I waited for the door to fly open. It would happen any minute. The cavalry had arrived to save my sorry ass. It didn’t matter that I didn’t care, nor deserve, to be saved.

“He asked me to marry him, Zolt, and I said yes.”

Those words tortured me worse than any physical pain I’d ever experienced. I’d ruined the one thing that meant everything to me. I’d fucked up so badly that being with Marcus seemed like a better alternative. In my chest, my heart was a shredded heap of sinew and muscle. No amount of no-name blondes, alcohol, and pot eased my pain.

Irelyn Wilkes had saved me that day on the football field. For six years, I’d thought her a hallucination. The best day of my life had been the day she became real. Until now, losing my football career had been the worst thing to happen to me. That paled in comparison; losing my angel, my seraph, hurt much worse.

The door slammed open and the sound of heavy footsteps approached the bedroom.

I stared at my naked self, knowing the polite thing would be to cover myself with a sheet, but I didn’t give a shit. Let my brother Brody and T-bone see me in all my glory. If I were a gentleman, I’d cover up Blondie next to me, but I didn’t care about her either.

Brody walked into the bedroom and assessed the situation. He picked up one of the empty bottles and shook his head. “Shit, Zolt. Are you insane?”

“John, who are these men? I didn’t agree to a foursome,” Blondie complained, pulling the sheet over herself.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, not interested,” Brody replied with a hint of disgust in his voice. “Get up and go. The party is over.”

“John, do you want me to leave?” she asked.

I nodded. The attraction of last night faded in the cold light of day, and I waited for Brody’s lecture to commence. Rolling over, I pulled the pillow over my head. I was in no mood to be scolded for acting out, even if I deserved it.

“Here’s ten bills, take it and leave,” T’s deep voice commanded. “Forget you ever met him. If you don’t have a ride, I’ll arrange for one.”

The mattress dipped as Blondie got off the bed. “I have my car. There was something wrong with him, anyway. He couldn’t get it up and he kept calling me Irelyn.”

“Just go.” Brody sighed.

After a few minutes of clothes rustling, the door opened and closed.

“Get up, Zolt. It’s time to come home. I can’t believe you. Seriously, do you really think smoking pot and binging on tequila with a strange woman is a good idea?”

“Shut up, Brody. I don’t need a lecture. Leave me alone.” I pulled the pillow tighter over my head.

“So help me, God, Zolt, get your ass out of bed or T and I will drag you out. Irelyn needs you.”

“What?” I threw the pillow aside. “She left me for Marcus. I’m certain she wants nothing to do with me.”

“Wrong. Irelyn is in trouble. If she left you of her own volition, then why did she leave her dog and her Mustang behind? Besides you, those were the two things she adored the most. Rachel says she’s not returning her calls either. I’m telling you, she’s in trouble.”

“She said she was wearing green, Brody. Green means good. She’s good. She’s happy,” I said, my voice breaking. “She has what she wants and it’s not me.”

“Irelyn lied to you,” T said. “We believe Marcus forced her into this. He’s holding something or someone over her, and we have to help her before he hurts her or worse. He had Sloan arrested on a trumped-up charge in front of the dress shop to get him out of the way.”

I sat up, suddenly terrified for her. Though we hadn’t been together very long, and there was so much we had yet to learn about each other, the one thing I knew with absolute certainty is Irelyn would not leave her dog, her car, or her friends behind. She and Rachel were like sisters. If I’d thought instead of reacted, I would have figured it out.

“I brought fresh clothes for you. I’ll give you a shot of B-12.” Brody sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed my wrist, taking my pulse. “How much did you drink?”

“I don’t remember.”

I had stopped at the first bar I had driven past, went inside, and found Blondie. Fucking, drinking, and smoking pot had been my goal. After we had gotten trashed, I tried to fuck her but I couldn’t. My cock had failed me, leaving me even more pissed off.

Maybe somewhere in my psyche, I must have known Irelyn hadn’t chosen Marcus, or maybe it was just wishful thinking. Either way, screwing Blondie had seemed like a betrayal. I couldn’t go there yet. I wondered if I’d ever be ready to be with someone else.

“When did you eat last?” Brody asked as he continued his exam.

“I don’t remember.”

“You’re hurting, I get that, but you’ve got to find a better, healthier way of coping,” Brody said as he prepared the B-12 shot.

“I didn’t fuck her,” I said, wincing as the needle penetrated my skin. I was in love with Irelyn. Until I had my say with her, face-to-face, I needed to be by myself.

“Sleeping with her isn’t the issue. What I care about is you resorting to drinking and using with a woman you don’t even know.”

I glanced up at T, who stood with his massive arms crossed over his chest. His expression mirrored Brody’s tone, and I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

“You’re right,” I mumbled. “But it’s what I do.”

“Of course I am. Take a shower and let’s leave. I’ll drive the Viper home; I don’t want you driving.”

“Fine. Wait, how did you find me? I don’t remember telling you the address of this apartment.”

“There’s a GPS locator in your Viper. I couldn’t take any chances,” T-bone answered.

“Rachel, Cory, and Sloan will be at your house in two hours so we can talk about what’s going on,” Brody added, putting away his medical supplies.

I laid there and let what they said sink in. If they were right, Marcus must be holding something major over Irelyn’s head to make her do what she did. The thought of her in the hands of that monster made my stomach roil. I jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom just in time to toss the contents of my last meal into the toilet.

How the fuck did I get here?
I thought as I leaned against the cold tile of the bathtub. Just days ago, Irelyn was in my bed and in my life, and I was making love to her. Now, I sat on the floor of the bathroom puking my guts out.

“Get your shit together, Z-man,” T-bone said at the door. “We need to get you home so we can start planning how to get Irelyn away from him. You can lick your wounds later.”

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