Being Zolt (19 page)

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Authors: D. L. Raver

BOOK: Being Zolt
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“I like this cabin,” she said, placing the dish in the microwave. “The kitchen is well-organized, and I love the stainless appliances. They work well with the black granite counters.”

“They do,” I agreed, trying not to laugh. She sounded like a realtor selling a house.

Her face fell, and a frown turned down the corners of her lovely ruby lips.


“My parents’ house. I need to deal with it. And what about Anna? She’s been with me for as long as I can remember.”

“Well,” I said as I uncorked the bottle of wine. The cork came out with a
and I poured a generous amount into two glasses, handing one to Irelyn.

“We can bring Anna to our house.”

“What about Hannah? You like her. I don’t want her to lose her job because I want my old housekeeper.”

“Hannah mentioned wanting to move to Chicago to be closer to her son and her grandkids. I’ll suggest she does that and make it financially possible, as well. It will be okay. We’ll make this work.”

She gave a smile that lit her eyes, and I felt my heart melt just a little.

“I like that idea. I guess I’ll hire someone to come in and help Anna pack the house. I don’t think I can go through all their things just yet.” She took a long sip of wine.

“We’ll hire a company to come in and inventory and store everything. Once you’re ready, you can go through what’s there. Do you have any thoughts on what you want to do with the house?”

Irelyn shook her head. “No. I mean, we’re not going to live there. I don’t see any reason to keep it.”

“It’s your childhood home; we don’t have to get rid of it. In fact, maybe we can lease it. That would give you time to settle, time to process all that’s happened.” I took my own sip of wine, finding it crisp and refreshing.

“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know.” She shrugged one shoulder. “Dealing with the settlement of the estate is going to be hard enough. There’s no telling what state Dad’s finances are in, and there’s Mom’s money to deal with, as well as Chris’s.”

I shifted uncomfortably and took another drink of wine, knowing we needed to have the money talk. As far as I was concerned, my money was her money, but I didn’t want to assume she felt the same about her now-bigger fortune.

“You know, Irelyn, we didn’t do a prenup, but there’s nothing to say we can’t do a post-nuptial agreement. I don’t need nor want it, but I’ll understand if you do. My money is your money; I have no qualms about that.”

She took my wine from my hand and set it on the counter along with her own. Standing close enough to kiss me, she did just that. Her lips pressed onto mine and her tongue sought entrance, which, of course, I gave to her. She tasted too good and I deepened our kiss, pulling her body against mine.

When we broke, the kiss had revved us up for more.

“I don’t want a postnup; my money is your money. So together, how rich are we?”

“Well, I have a little over forty million in the bank.”

“Wait, you made that much from two years in the NFL? That’s incredible.”

“No, I made twenty with endorsements, and I doubled it through smart investing.”

“That’s amazing, Zolt. I don’t know exactly how much Mom had, but I have a trust fund of three million, plus I inherited Chris’s which was five. But I can’t touch either until I graduate or turn twenty-five. I think Mom inherited at least ten million; I overheard her telling Barbie about it.”

“So, that puts us in the fifty-five million range, give or take. We need to see what state Jacob left his finances. Selling the house may become necessary instead of leasing it.”

“If my father left debt behind, I’ll pay it. I don’t want that hanging over the Wilkes name.”

“There’s also the firm to consider.” I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter. “The partners will have to buy out your share unless you decide you want to keep it. You don’t, do you?”

“No. Absolutely not. The only reason to keep it would be for you. Do you want it?”

“Actually, I’ve been thinking it might be best if I went out on my own. Take on cases I want.”

“I like that idea.” She smiled and her eyes lit; I relaxed a little.

The microwave dinged, ending our financial discussion for the moment. At a later date, we needed to discuss how to best invest her money, but right now, my stomach growled at the smell of the pasta.

“Let’s eat. I’m starving,” she said as I watched her carry the pasta to the dining room, feeling grateful our fight had ended.

I followed after, carrying the plates and utensils. Knowing we could talk things out brought me a measure of peace. But Irelyn’s grief was far from over, and, unfortunately, there would probably be more meltdowns before the end. Just like I used to study film of the opposing team, today I had studied my wife and learned a few things in the process. Though I may never achieve perfection in our relationship, in the future, I would do better by her, my love, my life.

The next morning, I woke to strong-yet-gentle hands rocking me awake. I groaned and tried to push the hands away, but they persisted.

“Come on, baby. Time to wake up. It’s your birthday and I have a surprise for you.”

“I don’t want a surprise. Want to sleep past o-dark hundred.” Zolt brushed the hair off my face, and I batted his hand away.

“I promise, you’ll love it.” Zolt turned me on my back and positioned his body over mine.

“It’s still dark outside. Why can’t I have my surprise after the sun has come up?” I whined and tried to push him off me, but the man weighed a ton.

“It’s my first time to celebrate your birthday. We’ll nap later.” He waggled suggestive brows at me and his eyes glistened with sexual mischief.

“You’re not going to give up on this, are you?”


“All right. I’m up. So, where is this surprise you’re so excited to give me?”

Zolt moved off me and stood, holding out his hand for me.

“Outside waiting for us. Put on some jeans and a few layers; it’s kind of chilly outside.”

“Outside? But, it’s still dark,” I whined again as I took his proffered hand and climbed out of the warm and comfy bed. I glanced back at the mussed sheets longingly.

“We’re going to watch the sunrise,” Zolt said excitedly, shifting from foot to foot like an over-sugared three-year-old. He was just too cute, and it made me love him just a little more. Not to mention how hot he looked in his jeans and black Affliction Royal Chromatic t-shirt with a longer-sleeved shirt underneath. “No time for a shower. I don’t want to miss it.”

I sorted through the clothes I’d brought; happy I had packed in layers, so choosing something suitable wasn’t hard. After pulling on a pair of jeans, I put on a red tank then added my favorite Harry Potter movie shirt. To top off the ensemble, I put on my Arizona Cardinals hoodie.

As I expected, Zolt’s lip snarled when he saw the hoodie, but I ignored him, tugging my hair into a high pony. I wanted to start introducing my love of the NFL into our relationship. Somewhere inside him, I could tell he still loved it, too.

“No commentary on my clothes, Hamil; it’s my birthday, remember?”

“I remember.” He smacked my ass as I walked past, and I yelped as he laughed.

He grabbed my hand, and I followed him down the stairs. His infectious excitement brightened my mood and reminded me of Chris. Instead of being weighed down by those memories, I embraced them; I didn’t want to ruin Zolt’s birthday surprise by becoming weepy.

We pulled on our coats and went outside. The chilly air instantly banished the last of my sleepiness. Stretching skyward, I took in stars that seemed to wink as I climbed into the waiting SUV.

“So, where are we watching at?” I asked as Zolt settled in the backseat next to me.

“Upper Lake Mary,” he answered, grinning widely.

“Sounds nice!” I kissed him on the cheek and interlaced our fingers. “Thanks for this. Chris always made a big deal of my birthday. This year, I was going to forget I had one.”

“Now it’s my job.” He brought our joined hands to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

After a short drive, we arrived at a prepared site complete with a burning campfire, blankets and pillows. I had to admit it looked very inviting.

We settled ourselves in front of the fire, pulling the provided blanket around us. A small camp table had assorted goodies: a thermos—which I hoped had coffee or hot chocolate—croissants, muffins, and other delectables.

Zolt poured two steaming mugs of the most delicious smelling chocolate I’d ever experienced.

He handed me one and I took a slow sip. “Yum! This is very tasty.”

“I had them put Kahlua in it for a kick.” He blew on his mug then took a sip himself. “It’s good. Hungry?”

“Sure. I’ll take a croissant.”

“Good choice. The lady called them a little bit of chocolate Heaven.”

“Chocolate croissants are my favorite. But, you knew that, didn’t you?”

“I called Rachel and asked. I wanted you to have everything you love on your birthday.”

“Crap! Rachel! I bet she’s pissed I didn’t call her, and that she’s missing my birthday.” I set down the mug and accepted the flaky, chocolaty goodness from the man who still grinned at me like a loon. “What? Do I have a chocolate mustache or something?”

“Nope! Just happy to be here with my wife on her birthday. Now, give me a bite.”

I held up the croissant and he took a huge chunk off, leaving half in my hand. Gooey chocolate dripped down his chin, and I moved in and licked it off.

“So good,” I cooed, licking my own lips.

“Let me see.” Zolt’s tongue slipped into my mouth, sucking and tasting, I responded greedily to his demanding kiss.

“Why’d you stop?” I complained as he pulled away from me.

“If we keep kissing like that, we’ll miss the reason I brought you out here.”

“Seen one sunrise—”

Zolt reached over me and handed me my mug. “Drink. Eat. Then, we’ll have early-morning dessert.”

“Mmm.” I took a sip then popped the rest of the croissant into my mouth, making a show of licking chocolate from my top lip with the tip of my tongue.

Zolt inhaled roughly, his eyes glued to my lips.

“You’re staring. Didn’t your mother teach you it’s rude to stare at a person while they eat?”

“She did, but I guess it didn’t stick.” He moved in to kiss me, but I leaned back.

“Oh, no, Hamil. Remember? Sunrise. We don’t want to miss it, do we?”

A log in the fire sparked and popped, breaking the sexual tension rising between us. Zolt stoked the fire and threw on another log.

“Good thing it’s just minutes away.” He sat behind me, nestling me between his legs and draping the blanket over us.

I drank the rest of my hot chocolate then relaxed into his embrace while we waited for the sun to rise.

Off in the east, the bright globe peeked over the horizon, lighting up the sky with a faint glow. The white light gave way to a very pale red with gold just above it, and the lake waters turned the same golden color as the horizon. Birds sang their good morning song, issuing the new day.

I couldn’t imagine a more perfect backdrop to my birthday.

“Lovely,” I said and tipped my head back to glance at my husband.

“Indeed.” He gently kissed my lips and I swooned.

Yeah, Zolt had that effect on me.

“Thanks for this.”

“I wanted your birthday to be special.”

“You really are sweet.”

“I know. Now, how about that birthday fuck?”

“So much for being sweet,” I said, laughing.

“Oh, it will be sweet. Very, very sweet.”

Zolt laid back on the blanket, taking me with him, laying my back to his front. On my ass, I could feel him harden.

I turned over, making us face-to-face. Our lips met in a sweet kiss that soon heated as our tongues danced and teased. He rolled us over in one fluid motion, keeping our kiss unbroken.

“Too many clothes,” he said against my lips and sat up, stripping off his shirts, exposing his muscular chest to my greedy hands. I ran my hand over his ripped abs, watching his muscles bunch and flex as he pulled off his shirt.

I sat up, too, and began undressing, practically ripping my shirts off my back, both of us eager to indulge in the other’s body.

Zolt tossed the blanket aside, letting the chilly, early-morning air cool our now-heated skin.

My eyes fluttered shut as hot kisses blazed down the column of my neck, and I turned my head, giving him complete access. His mouth lingered warm against my skin, and he continued his travels to my breasts where he feasted on each nipple in turn.

I moaned his name and arched into him, wanting him inside me, giving me what I needed most.

“Zolt,” I said in a hoarse and needy voice. “I need you now, please.”

He didn’t hesitate, sliding slowly inside me. We both groaned as we moved together.

“Fuck, I love that you always feel so good. So fucking good.” His teeth grazed over my bottom lip, making me squirm beneath him.

“Mmm,” I mewled as we matched each other stroke for stroke, kissing languidly, driving ourselves to dizzying heights.

“Faster!” I demanded and lifted my hips higher so he reached that spot inside me that would relieve the burning deep in my belly.

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