The Michael Eric Dyson Reader (100 page)

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Authors: Michael Eric Dyson

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Police brutality
author’s firsthand experience
depriving urban dwellers of privacy and identity
in Lee’s movies
personal experience versus theory
rap depiction of
Rodney King
whites’ reaction to

Political correctness

The Rlitical Legacy of Malcolm X

American-Cuban relations
Clinton’s failure to address race
identity politics
King’s moral vision
of free speech
of gangsta rap
of jazz
of nostalgia
racism and music
subversive empathy

Poor white trash

Pop culture

Pop rap

black modernists
convergence of rhetorical universes
defining masculinity
hip-hop as
home and identity
information glut
Michael Jackson’s postmodern spirituality
television and pop culture

Poussaint, Ann Ashmore


Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.

Powell, Lewis

Prashad, Vijay

The Preacher King

about sexuality
academic lecturing as
Aretha and C.L. Franklin’s vocal pyrotechnics
as one facet of identity
Black History Month
body-centered culture
role in King’s message and voice
Taylor, Gardner
See also
Gospel music; Religion

Presley, Elvis

Price, Vincent


Princeton University

author’s brother’s imprisonment
limiting the pool of available black men
population statistics
sexual fantasies about

Probation Challenge (organization)

Prophetic Fragments


Pryor, Richard


Public Enemy

Public intellectuals

Purity and Danger (Douglass)



Raboteau, Albert

alternatives to liberal theory
as factor in college admissions
Cuban perception of
determining racial categories
explaining the Simpson trial verdict
importance of discourse on
liberal theory of
rise of black public intellectuals

Race Rules

Racial clarification

Racial concealment

Racial Formation in the United States
(Omi and Winant)

Racial formation theory

Racial justification

Racial memory.
Nostalgia, politics of

author’s education
black sexuality and
college admissions criteria and
distorting the history of African Americans
impact on development of jazz
impact on Martin Luther King
Jeffries’s emulation of white racism
melanin theory and
on college campuses
political correctness as
pop music versus hip-hop culture
portrayal in
Do the Right Thing
powerlessness of black men
rap’s portrayal of
response to the Simpson trial
Simpson case reawakening hostilities
transcending racism for humanity
See also
Police brutality; White supremacy

Ragtime music

Raising Hell

Randolph, A. Phillip



“Rapper’s Delight

Ravitch, Diane

Ray, Ola

Reagan, Ronald

Red Hook Housing Project, Brooklyn, New York

Reed, Adolf

Reed, Willis

Reflecting Black

Reggae music

as factor in Edmund Perry’s life
author’s education and development
author’s ministry
body-centered aspect of
church-state relations
Elijah Complex award
erotic engagements with God
Everett Dyson-Bey’s conversion to Islam
evolution of character
freeing blacks from white-imposed sexual values
good and evil
gospel music
influencing public speaking
institutional expression of whiteness and white supremacy
institutions as source of misogyny and homophobia
intellectualism and
King’s moral vision
King’s vocation
Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam
Malcolm X as public moralist
Michael Jackson’s roots
power of black pulpit for effecting change
religious freedom
sacred scriptures as guide to homosexual relationships
Sampson’s influence
sexual exploitation by clergy
sexual healing of homosexuals through the Bible
sexuality and
theology of eroticism
theology of homoeroticism
the quest for black identity during turmoil
versus social transformation
See also
Preaching; Spirituality



Rhythm and blues music

Rich, Matty

Rigor of intellectual work

Riley, Teddy


Rival epistemologies

Robeson, Paul

Robinson, Jackie

Robinson, Melanie

Robinson, Patricia

Rock ’n’ roll music

Rodman, Dennis

Roediger, David

Rogers, Cornish

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosaldo, Renato


Russell, Bertrand

Sampling (grafting of music)

Sampson, Frederick George II

Sandalow, Terrence

Scherer, Paul

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

Schmeling, Max


Schultz, Michael

Schuyler, George

Scott-Heron, Gil

alternative affirmative action programs
jazz as weapon against
politics of memory
urban migration

Self Destruction

Self-hatred of blacks
African American film’s treatment of
importance of skin color in women

Senate hearing

Separate Baptists

Gender relations

body-centered culture
domestic violence of O.J. Simpson
erotic engagements with God
gangsta rap
importance of fantasy
jazz and sexual play
Kobe Bryant’s alleged sexual abuse
poor white trash and
pop, jazz, and rap
reasons black men don’t want black women
reasons black men want white women
reasons black women don’t want black men
reasons black women want white men
sexual exploitation by clergy
sexual obsession of hip-hop
the black church and
theology of eroticism
the paradox of black sexuality
white community’s response to jazz
See also

Shaffer, Nash

Shakespeare, William

Shakur, Tupac
complexity of the perceived persona
embodying the best and worst of rap
legal troubles
symbolism of Tupac’s body
thug life
variety and complexity of rap

Shan, M.C.


She’s Gotta Have It

Simpson, Nicole

Simpson, O.J.
blacks’ and whites’ responses to trial
comparison to Kobe Bryant case
domestic violence
hero celebration of
playing the “race card
Teflon racelessness of

Singleton, John

defining Western freedom through
importance of skin color
Jews as financiers of slave trade
legacy of violence and death of black men
long-term effects of
resistance strategies
roots of black Christianity
sharecropping as
white dominance and white supremacy

Slotkin, Richard

Smalls, Biggie

Smith, Jonathan

Smith, Michael W.

Smith, Susan


Social activism

Social commentary, rap as

Social heroism


Social Text

Social transformation versus religious belief

Socioeconomic status
affirmative action and college admissions
dividing middle-class blacks
influencing black men’s choice of women
influencing black women’s choice of men
whiteness discourse

Song of Solomon

The Sopranos
(television program)

Soul music

Souls of Black Folk
(Du Bois)

Sounds of Blackness

South Central Los Angeles, California

Speech, freedom of

Spillers, Hortense

good and evil
Michael Jackson’s postmodern spirituality
Prophet Award
See also

Spirituality for Ministry

See also

Squirewell, Michael

Steinem, Gloria

Stewart, Carl

Stout, Jeffrey

Straight Out of Brooklyn

Strength to Love

Stuart, Charles

Subversive empathy

Suicide rate

Supreme Court, U.S.

Sweet Sweetback s Baadasssss Song

Swing music

Syke, Big


Syphilis study


Take Six


Taylor, Gardner

Taylor, Laura

intellectual development and
MichaelJackson’s spirituality
violence portrayed on

Temperton, Rod

Tennyson, Alfred Lord


Terrible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s


“The Devil’s Music” documentary

“The Negro Art Hokum” (Schuyler

“The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain” (Hughes


Thomas, Clarence

Thornton, Billy Bob


Thug life

Thurman, Howard

Tindley, Charles

Tomasky, Michael

Tone Loc

Townsend, Robert


T’shaka, Oba

Tucker, C. Delores

Turner, Frederick J.

Tuskegee Study



Underground Railroad

Unemployment rate

Union labor

Universal Zulu Nation

Urban life.
Ghetto life

Urban migration

Urban rebellion

Values espoused by rap

Vanderbilt University

Van Houten, Lee

Van Peebles, Mario

Van Peebles, Melvin

Van Vechten, Carl

Ventura, Michael

The Victims of Democracy: Malcolm X and the Black Revolution


Vietnamese Americans

Vietnam War

Village Voice

as cause and effect of hip-hop
author’s experience with
Chicago race riots
child abuse
controversy over role in black liberation
domestic violence of O.J. Simpson
Boyz N the Hood
in Lee’s movies
in rap
juvenocracy concept
King’s commitment to nonviolence
white racial violence
See also

Voice of Deliverance

Wage gap

Walker, Wyatt Tee

Ward, Clara

Washington, Booker T.

Washington, George

Washington, James Melvin

Watley, Jody

“We Are the World

Weber, Max

Werewolf character

West, Cornel
analysis of race
as public intellectual
author’s dissertation
humility of
influence on the author
on black nihilism
on King’s commitment to nonviolence
Prophet Award

West Coast rap

When the Word Is Given: A Report on Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the Black Muslim World

White, E.B.

White Citizens’ Councils

White culture
fear of black urban migration
hip-hop bridging the gap with black culture
relationship with jazz

White liberalism

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