The Michael Eric Dyson Reader (99 page)

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Authors: Michael Eric Dyson

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Graff, Gerald

Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five

Grant, Amy

Grant, Madison

Gravity, Jordan’s defying

Gray, Thomas

Gregory, Dick

Griffith, Michael

Grossberg, Lawrence

The Growing Edge

Gumbo ya-ya of black identity

Gun culture, 437-438

Hall, Arsenio

Hall, Stuart

Hamer, Fannie Lou

Hanigan, James

Harlem Renaissance

Harris, Leslie

The Harvard Classics

Harvard University

Hathaway, Donny

Hauerwas, Stanley

Hawkins, Edwin

Hawkins, Tramaine

Hawkins, Walter

Hawkins, Yusuf


Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Helms-Burton Act

Henderson, Fletcher

Hero celebration
Malcolm X
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Herrnstein, Richard

Herskovits, Melville

Hill, Anita

Hill, Lauryn

Hine, Darlene Clark

aesthetic alienation of
as alternative to crack culture
as expression of black male rebellion
as face of American identity
as response to crisis of black masculinity
as setting for film
authenticity of
author’s support of
complexity and diversity of
criticisms of
gangsta rap
jazz and
juvenocracy and the culture of violence
on black men in prison
origins and development of
racial justice and the imprisonment of rappers
sexism and sexuality of
thug life
Tupac Shakur’s contribution to
use of “nigger

Hobbes, Thomas

Hollywood Shuffle

Holmes, Urban T.

Home, symbolic

homicide rate of black men
imprisonment of Everett Dyson-Bey
of prominent black men



alleged homosexuality of Malcolm X
black identity and disenfranchisement
bourgie blacks and gay self-identity
Dennis Rodman as masculine/feminine symbol
eroticization of white supremacy
homophobia of the religious community
nomenclature of
religion and
sacred scriptures as guide to homosexual relationships
sexual healing through the Bible
theology of homoeroticism

Hook, Sidney

hooks, bell

Hopper, Dennis

Horton, Willie

House Party
(Hudlin and Hudlin)

Houston, Cissy

Houston, Whitney

Howard Beach

Hudlin, Reginald and Warrington

Hughes, Langston

Hume, David


Hurston, Zora Neale

Hybrid women

Hypervisibility of black youth

Ice Cube

The Iceman Inheritance: Prehistoric Sources of Western Man’s Racism, Sexism, and Aggression


Identity, black
black modernists
essence of black culture
home and the architecture of identity
importance of Congo Square to
in jazz
Lee’s portrayal in film
legislation of black music
Michael Jackson
portrayed in Michael Jackson’s videos
privacy and identity in urban settings
rap as social commentary on
renewing the debate over defining
sexual identity and
with white supremacist overlay

Identity, self

Identity, white.

Identity politics

Ignatiev, Noel

I May Not Get There with You

Immigrants, European

Improvisational intentionality

Improvisational music

Income gap

Institutional expression of whiteness

author’s intellectual development
hip-hop and jazz
reasons for becoming
Reed’s antipathy towards

Internet: visions of Tupac Shakur

Interracial sex

Invisible Man

Irigaray, Luce

The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors
(Cress- Welsing)


Italians, as denigrators of blacks

Jackson, Jesse
intellectualism and education
preaching style
presidential campaign
Vanessa Bell Armstrong and

Jackson, J.H.

Jackson, Mahalia

Jackson, Michael

James, C.L.R.

James, Mrs.

Jameson, Fredric


Jazz Age

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffries, Leonard

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jews as denigrators of blacks

Johnson, James Weldon

Johnson, Lyndon

Jones, Ingrid Saunders

Jones, Paula

Jones, Quincy

Jones, Star

Jones, William Augustus

Jordan, Michael


Justice Talking
(radio program)


Kallen, Horace

Karim, Benjamin

Keith, Damon

Kelley, Robin D.G.

Kennedy, Robert

King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Anson’s march with
as public moralist
assassination of
black nihilism
civic piety and black Christianity
Clinton’s invoking of
cultural manipulation of hero celebration
ethics and politics of hero celebration
inadequacy of the vision
irony of current racism
modifying the voice and persona of
moral failings of
moral vision of
need for addressing present forms of discrimination
preaching style
sacrifices of
Spike Lee’s use of King in films
whites understanding racism

King, Richard

King, Rodney

Kirkpatrick, Douglas

Kitchen as metaphor for black exile

Knickerbockers, New York

Knight, Carolyn

Knowledge, the power of

Knoxville College

Kohl, Herbert

Kool Moe Dee

Korean Americans

Kristeva, Julia


Ku Klux Klan


Ladies Home Journal magazine

LaGrone, Kheven

Langer, Gary

identity politics and
intellectual development
music as language
nomenclature of homosexuality
of identity
use of “nigger

The Last Year of Malcolm X


Learning Tree

Lee, Spike

Lewis, David Levering

Life expectancy

Lindsay, Calvin A., Jr.

Lischer, Richard

Gardner Taylor’s heritage
slaveowners’ control of communication
the power of knowledge

Little Richard

Locke, John

Lomax, Louis

Long, Charles

Lott, Eric

Louis, Joe

MacIntyre, Alisdair

Madison, James

Maguire, Liz

Making Malcolm: The Myth and Meaning of Malcolm X

Malcolm: The Life of a Man Who Changed Black America

Malcolm X
a psychobiography
as public moralist
as revolutionary
film depiction of
hero worship of
influence on black masculinity
“so-called Negro revolution

Malcolm X

Malcolm X: The Man and His Times

Malcolm X Speaks

Male bonding

Mandela, Nelson

Mandela, Winnie

Man in a Polyester Suit

“Man in the Mirror” (Jackson

Mapplethorp, Robert

March on Washington

Marriage: statistics for black women

Marsalis, Wynton

Martin and Malcolm and America

Martin Luther King Plagiarism Story

Marty, Martin

black masculinity as text of identity
Boyz N the Hood
exploration in film

Massey, James Earl

Material culture

Matthews, Don

Mayfield, Curtis

McCall, Nathan

McVeigh, Timothy

Meir, Golda

Melanin, role in shaping culture

Melting pot theory

Melville, Herman

Memory, politics of

Michigan, University of

Miller, Keith D.

Ministry, author’s

Mitchell, Henry H.



Monster’s Ball

Montgomery bus boycott


Moorish Temple Muslims

Moral decline

Morals and Manners Among Negro Americans
(Du Bois and Dill, eds.)

Moral strangers, black youth as

Morrison, Toni

Morton, Jelly Roll

Mos Def

Moseley-Braun, Carol

Mottola, Tommy

Moynihan, Daniel


Muhammad, Elijah



Murray, Albert

Murray, Charles

Aretha Franklin and Vanessa Bell Armstrong
author’s roots in
black music as American culture
Caribbean music
Mariah Carey and
nostalgia over changing forms of
sorrow songs
whites’ control of black music
See also

Mussolini, Benito

The Myth of the Negro Past

Naked Gun


Nation of Islam

Neal, Mark Anthony



New Deal

New Jack City

New jack gospel

New Orleans, Louisiana

New Republic

News media
assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
black public intellectuals
racism and black intellectuals

Newton, Patricia

New York Times

New York Times Book Review


Northwestern University

Nostalgia, politics of

N.W.A. (Niggas With Attitude)

O’Connor, Sandra Day

Oklahoma City bombing

Omi, Michael

Operation Hope

(television program)

Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU)

Original Dixieland Jazz Band

Owens, Chandler

Paper bag test

Pappas, Theodore

author’s experience with
Boyz N the Hood
disciplining children

Parker, Bernard

Parks, Gordon

Partisan Review


Patterson, Orlando

Pattison, Robert

Pedophilic priests


Perry, Bruce

Perry, Edmund

Perry, Jonah

Perry, Veronica

Pet Negro system

Phallic symbolism

Phillips, William


Pippin, James

Pius XI


Plastic surgery


Pluralism, religious

Poitier, Sidney

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