The Military Mistress

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Authors: Melody Prince

BOOK: The Military Mistress
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The Military Mistress



Melody Prince



















Copyright © 2015 Melody Prince

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1511407549

ISBN-13: 978-1511407540










You. Because without you this story wouldn't have been possible ;)









































































I'm one of those girls that wants the total fairy tale ending. Prince charming sweeps me off my feet, and we ride off into the sunset together. Unfortunately for me that isn't exactly how my love life has gone. No Prince Charming has swept me off my feet, quite the opposite actually. This is my story, and it isn't a pretty one, but it is the truth.









Chapter 1



              My alarm is going off, and I groan as I turn over to turn it off. It's 6 a.m. I hate my 7 a.m. Shifts. I try to avoid getting them when I can, but it isn't really in my control. I pull myself out of bed before I get the chance to fall asleep again which I know I will do, and it has caused me some trouble before. I make my way over to my dresser, and pull out my black work pants and one of the t shirts that I don't mind getting dirty, and then I put my weirdly fitting smock on. It makes me feel like a box, but I am a dog groomer so it isn't like I'm dressing to impress anyone. My job isn't the most glamorous in the world, actually it is far from that, but I do love the people I work with, which is good because I'm stuck in a room with them for 40 hours a week, I should get along with them. And honestly my job isn't all that bad, only when I have to work this early. I slide on my ugly waterproof shoes, and head out the door. My dad didn't come home again last night. He doesn't have to, but I feel like he has moved in with his girlfriend which I don't mind because I'm twenty, and I don't need my dad around all the time, and honestly I prefer it because him and I tend to not get along.

              I get into my car before I completely freeze, this is Arizona it isn't supposed to be this cold, but it is the beginning of December and this tends to be pretty chilly. I turn my car on and turn up the heat a little bit. I know I won't keep it on for long, but I don't want my hands to completely freeze. I begin my drive, and it is pretty boring. It takes me about 30 minutes to get to work in the morning traffic that gives me anxiety ever since I got rear ended while trying to exit the freeway. I know I'm not the best driver, but some people really should not be allowed to get a license, but that is a completely different story.

              I arrive at work, and park in the deserted dark parking lot. I lock my car as I go up to the entrance of my work. I pull the doors that are supposed to be automatic, but since the store isn't open yet they need to be pulled open, and I'm just glad they aren't locked because waiting out in the cold for someone to open the doors is the worst thing in the world. I get inside and close the doors behind me. I clock in before going back to the salon. My coworker, the only guy that works back here with the rest of us is already here.

              “Sup Mario?” I say as I walk in and set my stuff down and set up my station.

              “Fucking tired, man,” He replies, and I agree. Wednesday's suck. No one brings their dogs this early so we usually just sit around for about 2 hours until the store opens, and people actually start showing up.

              “I hear ya, I could not sleep last night and I don't know why,” I shrug as I set all my supplies out, and stuff my purse into the bottom drawer of my three drawer station.

              “Going to sleep is never the problem for me it's the waking up,” He says.

              I go to sit on one of the two stools in front of a computer when I feel my phone vibrate in my smock pocket. I pull it out and see a text from someone I am not used to hearing from. Why is he texting me? It's my ex, Jake.

” Is all it says. I stare at my screen for a second, and Mario notices.

              “What's up?” He asks because I probably have a pretty surprised look on my face.

              “My ex just texted me,” I say calmly.

              “Ew, why?” He asks and I chuckle. I love my coworkers, they don't know who he is, but they are always on my side for everything. Like the fact that technically I have a boyfriend, but I haven't heard from him in about a week so I don't actually know where we stand because I try talking to him and he ignores me so I'm returning the favor. Not that he tries to talk to me, ever. So, it is safe to say that I don't know where we stand in our relationship.

              “I'm not sure,” I reply to Mario as I still stare at my phone.

              Jake and I got into contact a couple of months ago. I was bored and decided to snap-chat him which I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not because we did not really end on good terms, but I did it against my better judgement, and that was when I learned that he is married to some girl he knew for 2 months before they got married which is pretty common in the military. I also learned he is in the Army and lives in Colorado with her. Our conversations were always harmless, mostly giving each other shit, very lighthearted and he's just easy to talk to. I haven’t heard from him in awhile though, and I don't really mind it so it was a surprise to get such a random text from him.

              I reply with a simple,
” back. I'm studying to be a marriage and family therapist and he usually comes to me when he has questions which is slightly annoying to deal with, but it isn't too in depth stuff, and it could be considered good practice for me for later even if it is pretty screwed up.

              He replies back pretty quickly,
“What are you doing up so early?”
He asked.

              “I'm working, what about you?”


              “So, why did you text me?”
I feel bitchy asking, but I'm genuinely curious.

“Boredom mostly”

              “Oh I see I'm only here for you when you're bored”

              “So serious,” Mario says and I chuckle. I tend to have a resting bitch face.

              “Hah, no, he doesn't want anything he's just bored,” I reply, shrugging my shoulders and placing my phone on the counter in front of me.

              The day goes by without any sort of excitement. I do my job, and there aren't any crazy dogs or anything so we usually call that a success. Jake texts me randomly throughout the day, but nothing much of substance. Once I get home he asks if he can FaceTime me. I accept because he's probably bored, and so am I, and I have nothing better to do.

              “Hey,” He says as I answer and I see his face. He looks almost the same as the last time I saw him.

              “What's up?” I ask as I set my phone up somewhere so I can make myself dinner.

              “Amy is at work so I'm just bored at home with the dog,” He says, and moves the camera to show his adorable black dog that seems to be the sweetest thing ever.

              “I want to steal her so bad,” I say, and it is mostly true.

              “I kinda like her though, you could live here and have her and I can just play video games all day,” He suggests, and I'm kind of taken aback by what he said.

              “Oh I could come live there? Where would Amy be?” I question.

              “She...wouldn't live here anymore, if you just let me play video games all the time you can replace her,” I'm really shocked by him saying this to me.

              “Marriage that bad?” I ask, and he looks away from the camera clearly not wanting to talk about it.

              Somehow our conversation turns to a big game of “what if”. What if we got back together. What if I moved there to be with him. What if he came here to visit. What if he saw me here. The conversation turned from innocent to not to innocent quickly, and I'm not even sure how. The secrets slowly came out from him about how they only got married for the money the Army gives married couples. How things aren't really that great, they argue all the time, and rushed into things without really thinking them through. I don't know how this conversation got so dark so fast, but one thing about Jake and me is even when we were together it was super easy with us to be open with each other, and we are very good with communication which in studying marriage therapy I know is key, and it is a key that him and his wife are missing greatly. A few hours later we say our goodbyes, and I still am shocked that conversation happened, but I know nothing will come of it, he's married and I'm not the mistress type, but talking about the idea can be fun.








Chapter 2



I wake up from a text from him, “
Good morning:)”
Oh God.

I reply back. I don't work today so I take the opportunity to clean up my house that becomes a huge mess when I work all the time because the last thing I want to do when I come home is clean anything.

              I begin with the kitchen, and Jake doesn't reply for awhile, but I understand he is doing stuff at work, and notice he hasn't even read my message. Around lunch time I get a text from my best friend Julia, she has a one and a half year old daughter that I've thought of as my own since she was born, which is why it only makes sense that I'm her GodMother.

“Hey, want to get some fro-yo with Avery and me?”
She asks, and of course I never turn down a chance to see them, or a chance to take a break from cleaning.

“Of course, want me to come get you guys now?”
I ask, and her response is almost instant, as usual.

“Sure! Give us a couple minutes to get ready”
She says, and of course I will because I have to get ready as well.

              I load the last couple of dishes into the dishwasher before going upstairs, and getting dressed. I just slide on a pair of leggings, my favorite grey Vail sweatshirt, and some boots. I go back downstairs, grab my purse, and keys then go to my car, and drive over to Julia's. The drive doesn't even take 5 minutes, she live so close to me I could technically walk there, but it's so much more convenient to drive. I park on the street in front of her house, turn my car off, and walk up to her door. I don't even bother ring the doorbell or knock, I just walk in because I know she's the only one home, and she doesn't mind. In fact, she prefers not having to go to open the door for me.

              “Hello,” I call out as I walk in, and shut the door behind me.

              “Maia!” I hear a little voice call out, and then the little footsteps that follow. I see Avery come around the corner, arms outstretched ready for a hug. She's so cute.

              “Avery!” I copy her excitement and bend down to meet her size so she can give me a hug. For being so little her hugs are so tight, and she's just the cutest little thing ever.

              “Hello auntie Maia!” I hear Julia call from the other room. I pick Avery up, and walk with her to where Julia is.

              “Hey,” I say once I reach the kitchen. I set Avery down, and she runs off to play with some of her toys, and I sit at the bar in the middle of her kitchen.

              “How're you, babe?” She asks as she puts some dishes away. I guess we were doing the same things on our day off.

              “I'm doing okay, how're you and the baby doing?” I ask, not referring to her and Avery. Last month Julia found out she's pregnant with baby number 2. There was some drama attached to that little announcement because her and her fiance were going through some problems, and he wasn't too sure how he felt about having another baby. Especially because they didn't want to have another one until they were married, which was set for next November, but is now being moved up to February on account of the unplanned pregnancy.

              She groans, and holds her stomach, “Making me sick as usual I can barely keep anything down, but baby wants fro-yo so you ready to go?”

              “Duh, that's why I'm here,” I joke.

              “Come on, grab my baby and we'll go, I'll drive so we don't have to move her carseat,” She says while going into the laundry room to put on a shirt because she was only in jeans and an undershirt which is basically how Julia is. After she had Avery and was breastfeeding I saw her more without a shirt than actually wearing one except when we were in public, and she covered up. Regardless, I love her and her whole family.

              I pick Avery up, and grab her diaper bag from the couch. Julia grabs her purse that was on the same couch, and we all go out to her car. I buckle Avery into her carseat before joining Julia in the front seat. We begin the car ride, which doesn't take very long to get to the yogurt place.

              “So, anything new with you?” She asks once we get on the main road.

              “Oh my God, you know who texted me again?” I say.

              “Who?” She wonders.

              “Jake,” I reply, and she knew when him and I were talking a couple months back, but because it has been awhile I figured I should tell her.

              “What did he want?” She asked, with a bit of tone to her voice. She isn't a huge fan of him, but she just wants whats best for me.

              “Just to talk, we did Face-time last night though, and kind of talked about what it would be to together again,” I say as innocently I possibly can.

              “Maia! What? Isn't he married?! And what about Bryan?” She sounds shocked.

              “Don't judge! I didn't start the conversation he did, and what about Bryan? he hasn't talked to me in over a week, in my book I'm not sure that even means we are still together,” I shrug. It hurts to think that we possibly couldn't be together anymore, but talking to Jake gives me new excitement, even though we haven't been together for 3 years it still feels new.

              “You know I don't judge you, just wow, what about his wife?” She asks.

              “What about her? He seems miserable with her, plus if everything was perfect between them he wouldn't even be talking to me,” I say. I feel like kind of a bitch for thinking this way, but it is the truth. You don't look for something better if you already have the best.

              “I know, and I don't care about her, but I don't want you getting hurt and you know that,” She says. She always wants what best for me which is why she's my best friend and I love her.

              “I know you don't, and I won't it's just talking I don't think he would actually leave her for me or anything,” I say which is true, there was a reason we broke up, and even though we communicate well it doesn't mean a relationship would work again.

              “You never know about that, if he really is that unhappy you are like the best person ever he could leave her for you, and I wouldn't blame him,” She says, and I laugh, she always knows how to boost my self esteem.

              We get to the yogurt place, I grab Avery out of the backseat and we all walk in together. Julia and I each grab a cup to fill, and Avery whines because she wants one of her own, but we just share with her. Once we each have our bowls filled, and we paid we go to sit down in one of the little booths they have. We take turns giving Avery bites of ours, and she loves it. Suddenly I feel my phone ringing in my pocket. It says Jake is trying to FaceTime with me. I'm not sure if it a butt dial, but I answer anyway.

              “Hello?” I say as his video is still loading. It is very loud it sounds like wind or something, and once his video finally loads I see he is sitting in some sort of oversized golf cart while one of his buddies is driving.

              “What are you doing?” I ask, but I'm not even sure if he can hear me with how loud the wind is.

              “Driving around, what are you doing?” He replies, moving the camera around so I see everything around him, and his friend that is driving.

              “I'm getting fro-yo with Julia and Avery,” I reply, and move so Avery is in the frame with me. She smiles the second she sees the screen, she loves pictures and videos.

              “Oh cool, hi Avery!” He says, and she giggles. I hear his friend talk in the background, and I can't really make out what he said, but I hear what Jake replies, “No, this is my ex,” Then his friend says something else, and he laughs.

              Julia takes my phone from me, “Hey Jake what's up?” She asks.

              “Hey Julia,” He says, in his friendly usual tone.

              “Don't do anything stupid with my best friend,” She says and starts laughing. I say her name sharpy as I take my phone away form her. She always knows how to make situations uncomfortable, one of her many talents that's for sure.

              “Don't worry Julia I'm on my best behavior always, hey Maia I'll gotta go I'll talk to you later,” He says.

              “Okay, bye,” I reply and then the call is ended, and Julia is giving me a look as she takes another bite of her yogurt.

              “What?” I ask her and I give another scoop of my yogurt to Avery who was whining for another bite.

              She doesn't say anything she just slowly removes the spoon from her mouth, and takes another bite as if she didn't have time to answer me.

              “What?!” I ask a little louder.

              “You like him,” She finally says.

              “What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

              “Like, you really like him, you just lit up talking to him,” She is smiling at me.

              “I like talking to him is all,” I shrug, taking a bite.

              “You know, Maia, I've always liked him better than Bryan, he may be kind of an ass, but at least he knows how to treat a woman and make her happy,” She says, and she has a point.

              “I see what you mean, but Julia, you are talking about a married man who is talking to his ex, and even worse, he's flirting with me,” I say, realizing the truth behind the words I'm saying.

              “And you're flirting back, my love,” She says.

              “It's fun to flirt though because it is innocent,” I reply.

              “What if it gets to a point where it isn't innocent anymore though?” She asks, suddenly serious.

              “We'll cross that bridge if we ever come across it, but I'm fine,” I smile.

              “I know, I just don't want his wife to find out, and then come here and kill you or something,” She is back to joking.

              I jokingly throw my long red hair over my shoulder, “I could take her, are you kidding?”

              We laugh, and finish up our yogurt before heading back to Julia's house.

              I hang out with Julia and Avery for a little while hanging out at her house, then I really need to go back home, and finish up cleaning. I say goodbye to them before heading back home.

              Jake texted me throughout the day when he had a chance, but once I got home and started cleaning he called me.

              “What do you want?” I ask as I answer the phone jokingly.

              “Don't 'what do you want' me” He meets my joking tone.

              “But seriously, why are you calling me?” I wonder.

              “Because I want to talk to you?” He says like I should already know.

              “Oh you do? Are you off work?” I wonder as I'm wiping down the counter in my kitchen.

              “Yeah, just left, want to FaceTime once I get home?” He asks.

              “Amy working late again I see,” I comment, just to see what his response is to me bringing her up.

              “Yup, so is that a yes?” He basically avoids that I brought her up completely.

              “If you want, I guess,” I say as a plate falls off the counter, and I cringe waiting for it to shatter, but it just makes a loud crashing noise.

              “What the hell was that?” He asks.

              “You heard that? Wow, I dropped a plate,” I say as I pick it up off the floor.

              “Glad to know you haven't changed that much then,” I hear him laughing at the other end.

              “Some things I can't change, just like you can't change being a dick,” I joke.

              “That is not nice at all!” He pretends to be hurt, but I can hear the humor in his voice.

              “That's another thing that hasn't changed then, I guess I'm not very nice,” I joke.

              “Hey, I'm home so I'm going to take Leia out to go to the bathroom, change then I'll FaceTime you,” He says.

              “Okay, bye.” I say simply before hanging up the phone.

              I continue to clean up the kitchen while I wait for his call. About 30 minutes later my phone rings, and it is him FaceTiming me. I answer, and see him laying in bed as usual.

              “Sup?” I say.

              “Yo,” He replies.

              “You are always in bed when you call me,” I say.

              “Yeah because it's the comfiest place ever,” He replies defensively.

              “Whoa, didn't mean to offend, damn,” I say.

              “So, what would you say if I told you that Amy and I are coming to Arizona in a couple weeks?” He says randomly.

              “I would say, who cares?” I try to figure out a way to set up my phone so I don't have to hold it up while I'm cleaning the rest of the kitchen.

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