The Mistress of Black Grove Manor (39 page)

BOOK: The Mistress of Black Grove Manor
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“Can I buy you a drink?” Tommy asked, looking over at Sabrina.

Sabrina saw out of the corner of her eye that Jess was shaking her head no.  So Sarah turned away from him as if she hadn't heard him, starting a conversation with Jess and turning her back to him.

Jess watched over Sabrina’s shoulder as Tommy shook his head and got himself a beer.  He didn't look happy that Sabrina had turned him down.



                                              Chapter 3


Jess didn't want to leave the night club but when the bartender told her it was just about closing time she finished her drink and handed over the empty bottle. She had noticed that Tommy had left an hour before, she had watched him go out the door.

“Here's the keys, I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick. I will meet you at the car,” Jess explained.

“Grab my bag while you're in there,” Sabrina told her, giving her a smile as she got off the bar stool to make her way to the exit.

Sabrina didn't think much of it, since she wasn't experienced with things that went on during the night she didn't look at her surroundings.  She didn't check to see if anyone was following her. Something that she should have been aware of.

As she slid the key into the driver's side door she felt someone shove her up against the car.  She tried to cry out but a hand covered her mouth as she felt the other hand begin to caress her body roughly.

She struggled the best she could but couldn't see who was trying to get her clothes off. Within minutes she felt herself being released but didn't dare turn around until she heard a familiar voice a few inches away from her.

Sabrina turned around and saw that Tommy was beating the hell out of the red-head from the bar. It was their second altercation that night.

“You don't know how to keep your hands off women, even after the dance floor!” Tommy shouted in the guy's face.

Sabrina realized she had been assaulted by the red head that Jessica said was Adam. She watched, without crying out for help. There was a crowd around them now as she saw Jess coming out of the club.

“What's going on?” Jess asked.

“Let’s just get out of here.” Sabrina murmured, she didn't want to be there when the cops showed up. The last thing she needed was to have her named dragged into it.

Jess took the keys and unlocked the door as Sabrina quickly walked over to the other side of the car to get in.

Jess didn't ask any questions until they were away from the night club and seeing that Sabrina had tears rolling down her face.

“What happened? Was it Tommy? I thought that he had already left. He's such a jerk, thinking he can do whatever he wants.” Jess told her, blaming everything on him.

“No, it wasn't him. I was attacked Jess. That guy Adam attacked me, if it wasn't for Tommy being there I'm afraid it would have been a lot worse.” Sabrina stated, her voice shaking as she stood up for Tommy.

“Wow, he's got such a bad boy image.  That's why I thought that he was the one who was causing trouble.” Jess was surprised that he would help someone.

“I guess we shouldn't judge a book by its cover huh?” Sabrina asked her, shaking her head back and forth. She couldn't believe that something like that would ever happen to her.

“Well we can go to my house and relax for the night at least. We can put this night behind us.” Jess assured her, glad that they were almost to her house.

“I'm not sure I can put that behind me.” Sabrina told her softly, looking out the passenger side window.

“We can at least try to. Do you want to go to the cops and file a report? Will that help?” Jess asked, she would do anything Sabrina wanted.

“No, my parents would know that I wasn't at your house this whole time. Last thing I want is to get in trouble with them.” Sabrina's eyes grew wide as she turned her attention to Jess.

“Alright, then there's nothing else we can do,” Jess sighed heavily as she finally pulled into her driveway.

As they got out of the car they heard someone clear their throat at the side of the house. The girls froze until the person walked towards them and set off the spot light to light up the driveway.

They both relaxed when they saw that it was Tommy. How he had gotten from the club to her house so quickly neither one of them knew.

“Hey, I wanted to make sure that you were alright after what happened,” Tommy said, looking over at Sarah with his hands in his pockets.

“I'm okay, thank you for being there. I don't want to think about what would have happened if you weren't.” Sabrina told him softly.

“You're welcome. That guys a jerk.” Tommy shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah there are a lot of men out there like that.” Sabrina gave him a smile, thinking he looked cute the way he was standing there. He didn't look like a bad boy at all.

“I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out with me tomorrow night?” Tommy asked, seeing the surprised look on Sabrina's face when he asked her.

“Sure.......yeah, I would love too.” Sabrina answered, giving him a smile.

“Great, so should I pick you up here tomorrow night?” He asked, raising his eyebrows at her. Not sure if she lived there with Jess or not.

“Yes. I will be here.” Sabrina nodded her head at him and watched as he turned and walked out of the driveway.

“And how do you expect to be here tomorrow night? What about your parents?” Jess asked her, shocked that she would agree to go out with someone she didn't really know.

“You have to help me Jess. Please.” Sabrina begged her as they went into the house and settled in for the night.

“Fine, but I still don't think it’s a good idea. So he helped you out, you feel entitled to agree to going on a date with him?” Jess asked, a little confused.

“Come on, you have to admit that he's a little cute.” Sabrina laughed at her, shaking her head.

She felt that Tommy was just misunderstood that maybe something had happened in his past to give him the image as a bad boy.

“Alright, first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to call your mom and tell her that my parents are going out of town tomorrow night and I don't feel like staying home by myself but my parents don't want me going out anywhere while they're gone. That way they can't invite me to spend the night at your house.” Jess came up with a quick idea, a great idea.

“Awesome, they should fall for something like that. They really like you thank god.” Sabrina nodded her head, hoping that the plan worked.

“You have to let me wear your red dress,” Sabrina stated, knowing that the dress didn't fit Jess well. She could hardly get into it.

“You can have it. I almost broke the zipper on it the other night and had to find a different outfit to wear.” Jess laughed, shaking her head.

She didn't like the fact that she wasn't as skinny as Sabrina. She knew that she would look great in it.



                                              Chapter 4


Early the next morning Jess had called Sabrina's parents while she was still sleeping. She was worried that Sabrina's mother was going to ask to talk to Jess's mother but she never did.

She had put Jess on hold for a good five minutes, making Jess nervous before she got back on the phone and agreed that it was okay for Sabrina to stay another night since her parents weren't going to be home.

When Jess put the phone down she felt her hands shaking, her forehead was sweating as she realized she had just gotten away with lying to Sabrina's parents.

Jess wouldn't have done that for anyone else but Sabrina was different. She wasn't even allowed to go out on the weekends when they were going to school together. This was the reason Sabrina didn't have many friends.   In a way Jess felt sorry for her. She just prayed that Sabrina was going to be alright that night. She didn't think it was a good idea to go out with Tommy but she wasn't going to hold her friend back. She would have to find out for herself whether or not Tommy was a good guy.

As night fell, Jess helped Sabrina get ready for her date. The red dress looked hot on her. The dressed showed off her long legs and the top of the dress showed off her cleavage without making her look desperate or cheap.

“You look really great,” Jess told her, standing behind Sabrina in the mirror and helping her zip up the back of her dress.

“You really think so?” Sabrina asked, a little anxious about her date. It was her first actual date.

“Yes, I think that you look beautiful. I'm going to put a can of mace in your purse tonight. I don't want the same thing happening that happened last night. It’s just in case.” Jess told her, slipping the can of mace into the matching red purse that she was letting Sabrina use.

Jess' parents were at a friend's house that Saturday night. They always had plans on the weekends ever since Jess started high school. They knew she was old enough to stay by herself and they had done their time raising her.

Jess and Sabrina heard the doorbell ring from upstairs in the room, it was seven at night and they slowly made their way downstairs as Sabrina put her high heels on in the living room.

They walked to the kitchen and Jess opened the door. Tommy was wearing a regular shirt and a pair of black jeans. He had his hair flat, unlike last night when his hair was spiked.

“I didn't know what time you wanted me to come over.” Tommy was surprised to see the way Sabrina was dressed.

“Make sure she's here by ten. I don't want to have to call and worry about where my friend is.” Jessica glared at him, letting him know that she was serious.

“I will have her home before midnight. Trust me, nothing is going to happen like last night.” Tommy told her as nicely as possible.

Jess watched the two leave the house.  She looked out the kitchen window and saw him open the passenger side door for her of his red, two door car.

She watched until they were out of the driveway and she couldn't see them anymore.

Tommy and Sabrina got to know one another, the more they talked the more Sabrina was enjoying his company.  They went to a dinner and a movie. She felt comfortable with him when Tommy put his arm around her during the movie they had watched together and happy that he had picked a place where there were other people in case they didn't hit it off.

“Do you want to go for coffee?” Tommy asked when they got back into the car.

“Sure. I don't feel like going back to Jess' right now,” Sabrina stated, glad that he had come up with another plan to keep the night lasting longer.

When Tommy got their coffees he decided that a secluded place would be nice to just talk and feel each other out. He liked her so far and he had a feeling that she liked him as well.

Sabrina didn't say anything when he pulled onto a dirt road to talk, she had her mace in her purse and knew that if she had to use she would.

When Tommy shut the car off he looked over at her, seeing how pretty she was. Sabrina smiled at him and felt her face grow warm in the dark car, before she knew what was happening she felt Tommy's lips on hers.

Sabrina loved how his lips felt soft and warm against hers.  She opened her mouth slightly so that he could slip his tongue into her mouth and moaning for him when she felt his wet tongue touch hers. She leaned into him and slipped her arms around his neck, kissing him back harder.

Sabrina didn't push him away when he unzipped the back of her dress, both of them letting the top of the dress fall away from her, her tits exposed to him as he broke the kiss.

Tommy looked at her, turning on the light in the car. He couldn't help but look her over with a smile on his face.

“I never usually do something like this,” he whispered to her, seeing that her nipples were already hard for him.

“Me either.” Sabrina giggled, watching him push the driver's side seat back as far as it would go.

She watched him as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling them down to his ankles she saw how hard he was.

Sabrina pushed her seat back as well and laid down the top part of the seat, inviting him to come over to her side of the car.

Tommy leaned over her and brought his mouth to her neck, slowly kissing down the side of her neck, slowly making his way to her tits that were begging for his mouth.

The second Tommy's mouth began suckling one of her tits he heard her gasp and whimper for him. One of her hands went to the back of his head, pulling him in closer. He grunted when he felt her hard nipple push to the back of his mouth.

When Tommy lifted the bottom half of her dress to her waist she had a feeling that they were moving too fast. This was all new to her and she was a little afraid, even though she was also wanting him so badly.  She thought of her parents and felt ashamed of herself knowing that her parents wouldn't agree with what she was doing.

Sabrina knew that she couldn't have a relationship with Tommy like she wanted, not because she didn't want to. She wanted to see how far they would go, she wanted to be with him even after just meeting him the night before.

Biting down on her lip she felt his hand slide between her legs and as much as she wanted to open up for him she knew that she couldn't start something that would never be finished. Her parents would never approve. She wouldn't be able to date him even if she told them what a great guy he was. She never had a real boyfriend before and that was because her parents never let her.

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