The Modern Guide to Witchcraft (22 page)

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Authors: Skye Alexander

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #Religion, #Wicca

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Clean Up Your Love Life

In the ancient Chinese magick system known as feng shui, everything in your home has symbolic value. If your love life is stuck, stressful, or nonexistent, take a look at your bedroom. Is it full of clutter? Does it feel unwelcoming? Get rid of old stuff that you don’t need or use anymore—old stuff represents emotional baggage and things from your past that may be holding you back. Faded, worn-out objects represent a love life that’s lost its sparkle. Broken items indicate broken dreams or a physical breakup. Organize what you choose to keep so your bedroom is neat and orderly.


This is your chance to put to work that love list you so carefully compiled earlier. Use your magick to attract the perfect partner.

  • Ylang-ylang, rose, or jasmine essential oil
  • 1 rose-colored candle
  • List of qualities you seek in a partner
  • Matches or a lighter
  • The first Friday after the new moon

Cast a circle. Pour a little oil in your palm, and then rub it over the entire candle (except the wick). Set your list on your altar or other surface, and set the candle (in a candlestick or other fireproof container) on top of the list. Light the candle.

As the scent of the heated oil wafts into the air, vividly imagine your lover. Feel this person’s presence right there in the room with you. How does this person look, act, speak, and dress? See as much detail as possible. What type of work does he or she do? What are his or her passions? Continue the visualization for as long as you like, making your mental images as rich as possible.

When you’ve spent as much time as you feel is necessary, snuff out the candle’s flame and open the circle. Repeat this spell two more times before the full moon. On the night of the full moon, release your wish by allowing the candle to finish burning down completely. Express thanks for the love you are about to receive.


Has the spark gone out of your relationship? This spell uses spices to add spice to your love life, along with fire to heat up things between you and your partner.

  • A fireplace, balefire pit, barbecue grill, hibachi, or other place where you can light a fire safely
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A piece of paper (hot pink or purple preferably)
  • A pen that writes red ink
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Mustard seeds (or dry mustard)
  • Ginger (freshly grated or powdered)
  • During the waxing moon, preferably on Tuesday

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Build a small fire in a safe place.

On the paper, write what you find enticing about your partner and what you desire from him or her. Be as descriptive and explicit as you like—no one but you will read what you’ve written. When you’ve finished, draw the runes
, which looks like an ×, and
, which looks like an arrow pointing up, around the edges of the paper. These two symbols represent love and passion respectively.

Place the spices on the piece of paper and fold it to make a packet that contains them. Visualize you and your lover in a passionate embrace. As you hold this image in your mind, toss the packet of spices into the fire. As it burns, your intention is released into the universe.

When you feel ready, open the circle.


She rejects your love. He finds someone else. We’ve all suffered with broken hearts. This spell eases the pain of losing the one you love and helps your heart begin to heal.

  • A small piece of rose quartz
  • A glass jar or bottle, preferably green, with a lid or stopper
  • 3 ounces of olive, almond, or grape seed oil
  • 6 drops of rose, jasmine, or ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 1

    teaspoon dried chamomile leaves
  • Begin on the new moon and continue for as long as necessary

Collect the ingredients needed for this magick balm. Wash the rose quartz and the jar with mild soap and water. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Pour the olive, almond, or grape seed oil into the jar. Add the essential oil and inhale the fragrance, allowing it to relax your mind. Crush the chamomile leaves very fine and sprinkle them in the oil. Add the rose quartz. Cap the jar and shake it three times to blend and charge the ingredients. Open the circle.

Before going to bed, pour a little of the magick balm into your palm and dip your index finger in it. Then rub the oil on your skin at your heart. Feel it gently soothing the pain. Take several slow, deep breaths, inhaling the pleasant scent, letting it calm your thoughts and emotions. Repeat each night and each morning until your sadness diminishes.

Note: You can also try taking a flower essence called “Bleeding Heart,” available online:
and in some large health food stores.


This good luck talisman can help you attract a new lover or improve your relationship with your current partner. If you choose rich fabric, and perhaps add some beads, embroidery, or other decorative touches you can fashion a talisman that’s pretty enough to wear.

  • 1 strip of pink paper
  • 1 pen with red ink
  • 1 pink or red pouch, preferably made of silk or velvet
  • 2 dried rose petals (a deep pink color is best)
  • A pinch of cocoa
  • 2 apple seeds
  • 1 piece of rose quartz
  • 1 small pearl
  • 1 purple ribbon at least 6" long
  • Red wine or apple juice
  • 1 ritual chalice or cup
  • On the first Friday after the new moon

Cast a circle. On the strip of paper, write an affirmation such as, “I now have a lover who’s right for me in every way and we are very happy together” if you want to attract new love. If you want to improve an existing relationship, write something like, “[Partner’s name] and I are very happy together and everything is good between us.” Fold the paper three times and slip it into the pouch. Add the rose petals, cocoa, apple seeds, and gemstones.

Tie the pouch with the ribbon, making six knots to tie in the ingredients and your magickal energy. Six is the number of give and take, and it signifies compatible energy between two people. Each time you tie a knot, repeat your affirmation. When you’ve finished say, “This is now accomplished in harmony with Divine Will, my own true will, and for the good of all.”

Pour the wine or apple juice into your ritual chalice or cup and swirl it around three times, in a clockwise direction, to energize it. Dip your finger in the wine or juice, and then dot the talisman with the liquid to charge it. Drink the rest. Open the circle. Carry the pouch in your pocket or purse, or wear it. If you know feng shui, you can place the talisman in the relationship sector of your home.


Do you or your significant other work such crazy hours that you never have time for each other? Do you lack privacy in your home because of the kids, roommates, etc.? Are your schedules so frantic that you both constantly seem to be moving in opposite directions? If so, this spell might be just what you need.

  • Sea salt
  • Ylang-ylang oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • Aromatherapy diffuser/burner
  • 4 red candles
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Your favorite music
  • During the full moon or on a Tuesday

A full moon on a Tuesday is best for this spell, although a full moon on any day of the week is good too. But don’t worry if nature doesn’t suit your schedule and you find you’re in the mood some night when there isn’t a full moon—you can still get good results. First, draw a bath and sprinkle sea salt into the water. Sea salt is an excellent psychic and spiritual cleanser. Soak as long as it takes to relax fully—not just your muscles, but down to the very center of your being. You and your partner can bathe together or separately, whichever you prefer.

When you’re completely relaxed, dry off and put on loose and comfortable clothing (a sensuous silk robe is best). Cast a circle. If you have set up an altar, put several drops of both oils into an aromatherapy diffuser. Light the candle beneath it. (If you don’t have an aromatherapy diffuser/burner, you can rub a little of each oil directly on the candles.) As soon as the fragrance begins to fill the air, place a candle in each of the four directions, beginning in the east and moving clockwise.

As you light each candle, say: “Goddesses of the [east, south, west, north], bestow your blessings, your power, your love, on [partner’s name] and me, to make us one. So mote it be.”

When you’re finished, open the circle and put the candles, still lit, into the bedroom or wherever you and your significant other will be. Play your favorite music. Let the candles burn out safely on their own.


Are you just beginning a relationship and want to make sure your partner doesn’t stray? Or, do you suspect he or she is interested in someone else? Either way, this spell can deepen the feelings and commitment between you.

  • An oval- or circular-shaped piece of rose quartz
  • An obelisk-shaped piece of carnelian
  • 1 piece of dark blue ribbon long enough to tie around the two stones
  • 1 piece of white silk large enough to cover the stones
  • A metal box (preferably copper, brass, or lead) with a lid, large enough to contain the two gemstones
  • A shovel
  • When the moon is in Capricorn or on a Saturday

The gemstones have two symbolic meanings in this spell. Not only do they represent you and your partner, but rose quartz is a stone of love and affection, and carnelian brings passion. The ribbon’s color—dark blue—indicates strength, sincerity, and permanence; the white cloth offers protection.

In the morning, wash the gemstones with warm, soapy water, and then stand them side by side on your altar so that they are touching. Imagine one symbolizes you, the other your beloved (it doesn’t matter which gem you choose to represent which person, although rose quartz has a feminine/yin resonance and carnelian a masculine/yang one). Tie the stones together with the ribbon, making two knots, while you visualize you and your partner connected by a strong bond of love and devotion. Cover the gems with the white cloth and leave them until evening.

Once the moon has risen, wrap up the gemstones in the white silk cloth, and then place the package in the box. Take the box outside and bury it in the ground, preferably beneath an oak or apple tree.


Some people just won’t take “no” for an answer. If someone seems determined to push his or her way into your life and won’t leave you alone, this amulet helps you repel unwanted attention and establish clear boundaries.

  • A piece of amber
  • A piece of onyx
  • Pine incense
  • An incense burner
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen with black ink
  • A black pouch, preferably silk or leather
  • Dried basil leaves
  • Anise or fennel seeds
  • An ash leaf
  • A white ribbon 8" long
  • Salt water
  • During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday

Collect the ingredients needed for this spell. Wash the amber and the onyx with mild soap and water. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the incense in its burner and light it.

Envision yourself safe and sound, completely surrounded by a sphere of pure white light that no one can penetrate without your permission. On the paper, write the word “Protection.” Draw a circle around the word and fold the paper so it’s small enough to fit into the pouch.

Add the botanicals and stones to the pouch. Tie it closed with the white ribbon, making eight knots. Each time you tie a knot repeat this incantation aloud: “From energies I don’t invite / This charm protects me day and night.”

Sprinkle the amulet with salt water, then hold it in the incense smoke for a few moments to charge it. Open the circle. Wear or carry the amulet with you at all times, until the annoying person stops bothering you.


At times, you might want to adapt a spell to suit your specific needs, but where do you begin the process? Although adapting a spell is far easier than creating one, it still requires some forethought. When examining a spell, look for continuity and comprehensiveness. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Does the spell really target your goal with its words, actions, and components?
  2. Does it do so on a multisensual level, engaging your senses of hearing, sight, touch, taste, and smell?
  3. Does every part of the spell inspire you?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, you should try to find a substitute. For example, many old love spells call for blood as an ingredient. However, there are many health reasons why this may not be such a good idea today—plus, it might gross you out. Instead, you could substitute a red fruit juice or red wine—your intention is the most important component in the success of your spell. If you don’t like some of the words in a particular incantation, there’s nothing wrong with editing that poem or chant so it speaks to you. Lots of people have allergies to certain substances or just don’t like the way an essential oil or incense smells—so go ahead and use something you do enjoy.

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