The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead (24 page)

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Authors: Howard Bloom

Tags: #jihad, #mohammed, #marathon bombing, #Islam, #prophet, #911, #osama bin laden, #jewish history, #jihadism, #muhammad, #boston bombing, #Terrorism, #islamism, #World history, #muslim

BOOK: The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead
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One of the most prominent distinguishing features of the Muslim woman,” writes Al Hashmi, “is her deep faith in Allah (SWT), and her sincere conviction that whatever happens in this universe, and whatever fate befalls human beings, only happens through the will and decree of Allah (SWT); whatever befalls a person could not have been avoided, and whatever does not happen to a person could not have been made to happen. A person has no choice in this life but to strive towards the right path and to do good deeds --acts of worship and other acts -- by whatever means one can, putting all his trust in Allah (SWT), submitting to His will, and believing that he is always in need of Allah's (SWT) help and support.”


In other words, no matter how dire your situation in life, no matter how much you are humiliated and kept low, live with it. If you are a man and you want to take revenge for your fate, do a good deed: vent your hostilities on an unbeliever by “fighting in the way of Allah”. Do your best to pick an unbeliever whose earthly goods you can steal, whose wives you can expropriate, and whose lands you can force your victim to farm until harvest time comes and he is forced to split the fruit of his labor with you.


Mohammed insured this subservience by using a conformity-enforcer and enemy-crumbler called terror.
Terror, in fact, was a weapon Mohammed wielded with delight. He used the word over and over again:


I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.


I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils [the plunder looted from enemies in raids or in war] have been made lawful to me: the earth has been made for me clean and a place of worship; I have been sent to all mankind and the line of prophets is closed with me.


Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers
… Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers.”
… Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power including steeds of war to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah.
… ye are stronger (than they) because of the terror in their hearts (sent) by Allah.


Mohammed knew the psychology of conquest. Unrelenting terror produces the “learned helplessness”
we saw over a hundred pages ago when we visited the research of Martin Seligman. Endless terror generates a physiological and emotional passivity that leaves an animal or a human too will-less to leave his torture chamber even when the door is left wide open.
Horrible as it may be, overwhelming fear can be a bonding mechanism, one of a growing superorganism’s most potent forms of social glue. It can make the loser a voluntary lower class in the social system of the victor, an underdog trying to rise in the eyes of his overlord by following the overlord’s ways.
This explains why people abducted by force and mistreated by their prison-masters often go through “The Stockholm Effect”.
They fall in love with their captors, and some become fervent converts to their captors’ beliefs. Long-term terror triggers a physiological, emotional, and perceptual change in its victims. It reduces its targets from proud competitors out for top status in the pecking order to obedient subjects grateful to simply be allowed to remain alive, despite their new status at the pecking order’s bottom.


This neural
and emotional switching process also explains why Germany and Japan, fascist nations that fought the European and American democracies tooth-and-nail in World War II, eventually rolled over like puppies, adopted the very forms of democratic government they’d been battling, and became America’s closest allies.


Both countries were fire-bombed until their cities were ruins, their citizens’ normal lives had been utterly stripped away, and they were threatened with starvation and with the dread of planes approaching to drop yet another load of explosives.

You’d think that inhuman treatment of this kind would evoke a never-ending hatred of the victor. Instead, it triggers the response that brings peace to pecking orders
, the bowing and scraping that researchers of animal and human behavior call “submission gestures”.
It resets your mind and your body, flooding you with an internal cascade of chemical poisons and passivity inducers—glucocorticoids, your stress hormones.
And it triggers what psychoanalytic theorist Anna Freud calls “identification with the oppressor”


Since 624 AD, militant Islam has used the Stockholm Effect, learned helplessness, and identification with the oppressor to cement its occupied territories in place as tissues in its growing superbeast.


Once terror has done its job, the militant Moslems of the last fourteen centuries have rammed down the throats of those they conquered a picture of the invisible world with some of the sharpest and most un-spit-outable meme-hooks humanity has ever seen.
If you abandon Islam, the punishment is swift and brutal—death. A deep dive into the eternity whose God—as we’ve seen before--will roast you over a spit while you scream for mercy. Then, when your skin is finally burned to a crisp and falls off, Allah will give you a new skin so you can be roasted and scream with pain all over again.


Merciful” Gods can be very unforgiving!


This hell is not a relic of an antique belief smoothed and gentled by time. The death sentence for leaving Islam is as vigorously alive today as it was in Mohammed’s day. No other modern religion dares impose a death sentence for apostasy—for changing your mind and for leaving your old faith behind.


Then there are the positives, the memetic seducers. Explains Muhammad Haykal, a member of Islam’s overclass, its Arab conquering race, “Mohammed, the pure Arab and pure Semite, was calling men to the monotheistic truth with strong and emphatic words which penetrate to the nethermost depths of consciousness. His revelation overwhelmed and intoxicated the soul. It caused men to transcend himself.”
What’s more, says Haykal, “The system of principles Islam elaborated came nearer than any other to enable man to attain perfection and to realize the absolute, or the highest ideals in time-space.”
And Haykal says there’s yet another memetic lure that draws men and women to Islam. Mohammed,” says Haykal, “achieved…political and worldly power.”
And so do those who follow in his footsteps, his followers.


Meme-hooks like these have kept conquered societies in the Islamic fold, bowing five times a day to Mecca, far longer than any peoples conquered by the Romans ever bowed to pagan Rome.


In an August 2, 2006 appearance on the Charlie Rose Show, Pulitzer-Prize-winning Harvard historian Caroline Elkins
proclaimed bluntly that no empire in history had ever won the hearts and minds of those it conquered. She was wrong. Islam won the hearts and minds of its victims so completely that conquered peoples from Algeria to Indonesia—a stretch of 14,265 miles--still embrace the Middle Eastern belief system that was beaten into their ancestors with terror or that seduced their forefathers and foremothers with the possibility of winning Islam’s rewards. Algeria, Malaysia, and 55 nations in between were once conquered peoples, yet today they are passionately Moslem.


Studies of ecological systems show that when the top predator changes, the social system, the system of who preys on whom and how, shifts utterly.
For example, Charles C. Mann
cites anthropologists and archaeologists who believe that when Native Americans entered the Americas, they created two new forms of ecosystem. They used fire to clear the land of central North America and gave birth to something brand new on this continent, something utterly man-made… prairies. And they used botanical artistry in South America to create another new kind of cradle for life—the rainforest.
The rainforest favored new plant species. And the prairie encouraged the spread of bison, elk, and mule deer.


But a new top predator changes more than the food web. Among humans, the top predator changes the web that generates the collective intelligence. Barbarian conquerors—human top predators-- can change the very nature of mass mind.

The Lunge For Global Conquest


The aims of the life of Muhammad…, as the Last Messenger of God on this earth, were:


to destroy idolatry and polytheism;

to proclaim the absolute Oneness of the Creator;

to deliver the Creator's Message to mankind;

to complete the system of religion and law;

to purify the souls of men and women;

to eradicate injustice, iniquity and ignorance;

to establish a system of peace with justice;

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