The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead (31 page)

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Authors: Howard Bloom

Tags: #jihad, #mohammed, #marathon bombing, #Islam, #prophet, #911, #osama bin laden, #jewish history, #jihadism, #muhammad, #boston bombing, #Terrorism, #islamism, #World history, #muslim

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How does this apply to Europe? The fact is that Europe’s Moslem population is growing at three times the rate of the non-Moslem population.
And Europe’s indigenous population is in a nosedive.
Writes Timothy M. Savage, division chief in the Office of European Analysis at the US Department of State, “By 2015, Europe’s Muslim population is expected to double, whereas Europe’s non-Muslim population is projected to fall by at least 3.5 percent. ...Muslims could outnumber non-Muslims in France and perhaps in all of western Europe by mid-century.”


Is this demographic shift an accident? Actually, it’s an old biological pattern. One that modern militant Islam has turned from an instinctual response to an overt power ploy. It’s the battle of opposing reproductive strategies that population biologists call “
and “
. The
reproductive strategy involves having lots of kids and gambling their lives…often in anticipation of violence
’s opposite, the
relies on having just a few kids, investing in them heavily, and protecting them mightily. The r and k instincts appear in everything from “bacteria, flies, mice, weeds, and rabbits”
to guppies,
, voles
…and to human beings. In fact, these reproductive tactics sometimes shape the very foundations of human culture.


The battle in America between pro-abortion and anti-abortion forces, for example, is a battle between opposing reproductive strategies. More to the point are the reproductive strategies that may help militant Islam achieve its ancient goal of returning “to Europe as a conqueror and victor.”


The Moslem population explosion is giving Islam’s European community a “youth bulge”, a disproportionate number of young.
A handful of the leaders of Europe’s roughly fifteen million
Moslems very openly want to use these youths to pick up where the conquerors of Constantinople left off. Promises London’s Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohamed about the land in which he lives, Britain, “We will remodel this country in an Islamic image. We will replace the Bible with the Qur’an.”


Surely Bakri Mohamed’s extremist form of Islam doesn’t have a prayer of digesting Britain. Or does it? The British cleric is not just a crank caterwauling in the wilderness. Bakri Mohamed’s group, al-Muhajiroun
is an international organization. [^^is this still true?] It reportedly has, “no fewer than 30 offices across Britain, with branches in France and throughout the Middle East.”
The group also has “offices across the developed world--in Kuwait, France, South Africa, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Syria and Algeria”.


What’s more, Bakri Mohamed’s Al-Muhajiroun has organized yearly celebrations of the Islamic triumph of 9/11 in England, and has put together a conference in London called “The Choice Is In Your Hands: Either You’re With the Muslims or with the Infidels”. Just in case Bakri Mohamed’s calls for Jihad against unbelievers fail to wipe false beliefs like yours and mine off the face of Allah’s earth, the Sheikh is practicing the if-we-can’t-beat-them-we’ll-outpopulate-them reproductive strategy, the
strategy, the “culture of procreation [that] merges with combat”.
. He has seven children.


No wonder a 1997 study of church-goers in London predicted that Islam would become the number one religion in Britain by 2002, with more mosque-going believers than church-going Anglican Christian “idolaters”.
The prediction may have been too optimistic. Britain’s
The Guardian
suspects that the number of Moslems regularly attending religious services in Britain had outpaced the number of Anglicans showing up in church by 2001.


What’s more, the young men and women of European Islam are increasingly shedding their identification with the West.
Even if they were born in Europe…in fact, even if their parents were born in Europe, they are embracing a global Islamic identity. Savage calls this “re-Islamization”
and reports that it is “significantly more pronounced among younger Moslems”. One result:
as of 2004 Europe’s young, middle class Moslems were reportedly more enthusiastic about signing on with radical and jihadist organizations than the youth in Islamic countries.
Or so says Malcolm Turnbull, director of the Menzies Research Centre in Australia.
Claims Turnbull, mosques in Hamburg, London, Marseilles, and even Montreal bring in more jihadist recruits “than any Saudi Madrassa”.


Some of these recruits, in the words of Osama bin Laden
“are competing among themselves for fighting and killing you.”
The killer of Wall Street Journal reporter and peace activist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002 was born and raised by a middle class Moslem family in England.
The bombers of four subways?? and buses in London in 2005 were also kids from solid, middle class Moslem homes.


But more than population strategies are aiding the growth of militant Islam in Europe. W
hen we’re in our teens and twenties, we have a powerful need for idealistic goals…goals in which we sacrifice ourselves for the higher purposes of a superorganism and for the poor and oppressed. Often those transcendent ideals contribute to the advancement of a multi-generational cause.


Peace is one good example of a multi-generational ideal in the West. The purity of Revolution roused the idealism of the young in China’s Cultural Revolution. And militant Islam offers one of the highest ideals a meme can present--the mission of saving the world, of liberating you and me so we can embrace the truth, of giving those of us who live in the darkness of unbelief the only freedom and light that counts, the freedom to live under the god-given laws of Shariah and the “complete system of life” of Islam. That’s a multi-generational project on a grand scale.


The result? In Holland, when two public figures whose views “offended Islam” were murdered—Pim Fortuyn and Theo Van Gogh--
The London Telegraph
reports, “Lawyers, accountants, computer specialists, nurses, and businessmen” fled by the thousands, terrified that a jihad had erupted in their home country.
Some Dutch are afraid that their growing Moslem population will someday obliterate the country’s “polder”
system—its extraordinary mechanism for tolerance and pluralism. Meanwhile, a 2002 report from Holland’s Internal Security Service revealed that, “one-fifth of the 32 state-sponsored Muslim grade schools received financial support from fundamentalist Islamic organizations.”
That’s not a high fraction. But then the Dutch television news program
reported that children in Holland’s Islamic schools were taught “to battle people until they acknowledge that Allah is the only God.'”
This helped generate a mass exodus.


Meanwhile, Germany is headquarters for a global network of radical Islamic organizations richly funded by Saudi Arabia, extremist organizations that have been entrenching themselves in the heart of Europe since the 1950s, when their leaders were expelled from countries like Egypt for their extremism. Under the cover of umbrella groups like the Saudi-funded Muslim World League and the Saudi-underwritten World Assembly of Muslim Youth, these groups have slowly made themselves the official spokespeople for Europe’s mainstream Islamic community.

In fact, these groups have smothered, repressed, outmaneuvered, and outspent more moderate groups. Highly prominent extremist organizations like The Islamic Society of Germany, the Islamic Center of Geneva, the Islamic Center of Munich, and the Aachen Islamic Center
meet frequently with Europe’s prime ministers, politicians, and the press. When they speak German, French, and English, they promote the notion that Islam is a religion of peace. But when they speak in Arabic and Turkish, they declare that “our youngsters…
[will] go back to Islam and make jihad for the sake of Allah” and that their own role is to provide “a shield protecting our fellow citizens from assimilation into barbaric Europe.”


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