Read The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead Online

Authors: Howard Bloom

Tags: #jihad, #mohammed, #marathon bombing, #Islam, #prophet, #911, #osama bin laden, #jewish history, #jihadism, #muhammad, #boston bombing, #Terrorism, #islamism, #World history, #muslim

The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead (33 page)

BOOK: The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead
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The South Asia Analysis Group expert who felt that far more than discrimination had triggered the French riots was B. Rahman, a former Indian cabinet member who the American news service UPI calls, “one of Delhi's top security advisers and commentators on Islamic affairs”. The militant Islamic groups Hizb ut-Tahrir, Lashkar-e-Toiba, and Jamaat-ul-Fuqra, Rahman claimed, used their sleeper cells in France to pour oil on the flames. Meanwhile UPI added that the radical Algerian Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (the GSP) claimed credit for the rampage. The long-range goal of the organizations that took the lead in prolonging the French riots, said Rahman is, surprise, surprise—world rule…a global caliphate.


In Washington, the right-wing Center for Immigration Studies set up a panel-discussion between three experts during the last days of the French riots. Like Rahman, the panelists asserted that the extremist Moslem European agenda was even more ambitious than mere Holy War. The speakers, Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies, Frank Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy, and Stephen Steinlight, Fellow at the Center for immigration Studies, said those behind the riots were aiming for a short-term goal of “bantustans” in Europe—enclaves ruled by Islamic leaders and run according to Islamic holy law—shariah. In exchange for these Islamic micro-states on European soil, the Moslem leaders would keep the citizens in Islamic European communities from erupting in further violence.
The riots were allegedly being used as part of a belief-driven protection racket. They were part of a new strategy to take territory.


Said Krikorian, Gaffney, and Steinlight, these Moslem micro-states would be stepping stones to a grander goal—once again, a global caliphate.


Is the notion of a global caliphate a Moslem-basher’s fantasy? When the French riots erupted, the publisher of a thoroughly Islamic, pro-Holy War website,
Jihad Unspun
, wrote bluntly that “global jihad is breaking out. ….
How will we rebuild the Caliphate if we can not work together? …
Brothers and sisters, the time is now for us to rise.”

And does the notion of Islam’s global rule, the notion of a worldwide caliphate, extend to America?
Apparently the answer is yes. Two admitted Islamic “terrorists” appeared on the Philadelphia-based TV show
Your Morning on CN8
and gave a potent sense of the global unity of today’s militant Islam. The first, Walid Shoeblat, a Palestinian from a prominent family who had successfully bombed an Israeli bank, was asked why the privileged son of Arab aristocrats would turn to violence. Said Shoeblat, “"My grandfather was good friends with Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, the grand mufti of Jerusalem. He was called the Fuehrer of the Muslim world. ...It's not like you join a terror organization. People don't understand in the West. They think it's like the Unabomber. You know, 'What goes on in the mind of a terrorist'...It's the collective incitement of millions of children. In school, in the social arena, in clubs, in the mosque, on the Temple Mount, in the streets, in the graffiti." In other words, jihad is taught in some Moslem schools as the norm.


The interviewer clearly did not believe what he heard. He did not believe that Holy War—that violence in the name of Islam—is taught in mainstream schools anywhere in the world. "Are you saying it's part of the culture?” he asked. “Are you saying it's part of the upbringing of the children of Palestine, the children of Iraq right now?" Shoeblat answered, "Absolutely. Absolutely. When I was six years old, I go to school, just before the Six Day War, we sing 'Arabs are beloved, and Jews are dogs'. So you can see it's not just in the Palestinian area, it's in Jordan, it's in Lebanon, it's in Cairo, it's in Syria, it's all over."


But what’s the connection between the culture of Palestine and the three million strong
Islamic culture of the USA? The CN8 interviewer turned from Shoeblat to Ibrahim Abdullah, another admitted terrorist born and raised in Dearborn, Michigan, and asked if similar things are happening in the USA. Answered Abdullah, “Organizations who are funding terrorist organizations all over the country...usually... you'll find they start in Dearborn, Detroit, because that is the home base of many of these organizations. ...As far as cultivating the mentality of the children, that's absolutely truthful. [In Dearborn] It is just like it is in the West Bank. And not just the West Bank, throughout the Middle East, in the Muslim world as a whole."


The interviewer tried to make sure that he understood Abdallah correctly. "So what you're saying, then, Ibrahim,” he asked, “is that right here, in our country, as we are speaking to viewers living here in the United States, you're saying that there are cells of terrorists, young men being cultivated right in our borders?" Abdallah answered, "Right. But what I'm trying to explain to you is that it's not an obscure thing that just started happening. This is part of the culture. You're born and raised with this hatred in your mind and in your heart. I mean for America and Israel. Primarily the Jew and Christian. And that is what the target is."


Which brings us back to an organization we heard from a few paragraphs back, CAIR, the Council for American-Islamic Relations. CAIR is the leading voice of moderate Islam in America. When Islam is accused of harboring violence, spokesmen from CAIR pop up on as many television shows as they can reach explaining that, “Islam is a religion of peace.” But that is apparently not what CAIR’s leaders say when they are in the fold of their own people. CAIR’s chairman Omar M. Ahmad reportedly told an all-Moslem audience in California in 1998 that, "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth."


Jihad Unspun
, the leader of CAIR, and many others were calling for a new form of global superorganism, one run by a meme that was built for top predator status by its founder 1,376 years earlier. As Osama bin Laden likes to say, this “clash is in fact a clash of civilizations”
, a world war that girdles the globe and that has a front line extending, according to Osama to, ““Tajakestan, Burma, Kashmir, Assam [India], Philippines, Fatani [Thailand], Ogadin [in Africa], Somalia, Eritrea [in Northern Africa], Chechnya…Kashmir, Pakistan and everywhere.”
In this battle of memes and of superorganisms of global size, the Moslem mass mind’s ability to think in multi-generational terms and its policy of “competitive reproduction”
may give it an edge over the Western collective intelligence, a mass mind that’s often blind to anything longer than a two-year-plan.




If Indian security expert B. Rahman is wrong and there were no foreign agitators in the French riots of 2005, who were the “ringleaders” of the Paris riots? What mosques did they attend? What doctrines had they been taught?


And what did the following statement in
The New York Times
coverage of France’s Moslem riots really mean?


Immigration analysts say the current segregation is precursor to an inevitable reshaping of European societies forced to reopen their borders to increase the tax rolls and balance their aging, shrinking populations with immigrants.


Could a statement by one Islamic author, Dr. Ali Mohammed Naqvi, provide a clue? “
Islam,” he says, “addresses all of mankind as a single unit. Its system is not for a nation, but for the whole human society. It is the duty of Muslims to fight unyieldingly against every other ideology and school including nationalism, communism and liberalism, politically and intellectually and they should not rest until the school of God [Islam] comes to dominate over the personal, social, political, economic, intellectual and religious life of man.”

The 21
Century Jihad





It is our duty to globalize the world around Islam.”

Saleh Al-Munajjd on Saudi Arabia’s Al-Majd TV


"Western civilization's credibility as the one capable of leading the world to happiness and man to stability - is shaken… Only one nation is capable of resuscitating global civilization, and that is the nation [of Islam]…While the false cultures sink in the swamp… The Islamic message… is to save the human race."

Sheikh Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sudayyis, Imam of the Al-Haraam mosque in Mecca


History is not a spectator sport.” Robert Zubrin


When every chicken knows her place in the pecking order and puts up with her rank, no matter how lowly, there is farm-yard peace. But when a new chicken is tossed into the barnyard and pecking-order positions are up for grabs, all hell breaks loose. The same thing happens when the environment changes. Power vacuums open. Pecking order positions are up for grabs. Among humans, this often leads to conflict…or to outright war.


A radically new human environment has appeared in the 21
century—a globalized environment, an environment radically transformed by computers, by networking, by upgrades in freight transportation, and by the emergence of something we’ll get into in a few minutes—mega-markets and mega-organisms, superorganisms whose cells are smaller superorganisms.


Five pecking order players, five mega-sized superorganisms, are trying to grab top spot in this digitally-and-demographically upscaled new land of risk and opportunity, in this barnyard shaken by new possibilities. The competitors for lead position at the trough are Europe, the United States, militant Islam, India, and China. Which one stands the best chance of coming out on top? Which will be most blessed by the rules of the learning machine?


China’s economy is growing faster than any in the history of mankind, and the rules of the learning machine often favor economic leaders. “He who gets, gets more,” say social learning machine rules, and, “modules the system finds useful gain strength, influence, and allies.” All this promises to put China at the head of the flock.

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