The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead (76 page)

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Authors: Howard Bloom

Tags: #jihad, #mohammed, #marathon bombing, #Islam, #prophet, #911, #osama bin laden, #jewish history, #jihadism, #muhammad, #boston bombing, #Terrorism, #islamism, #World history, #muslim

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"Our primary assumption in our fight against Israel states that the Zionist entity is aggressive from its inception, and built on lands wrested from their owners, at the expense of the rights of the Muslim people. Therefore our struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. We recognize no treaty with it, no cease fire, and no peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated.


"We vigorously condemn all plans for negotiation with Israel, and regard all negotiators as enemies, for the reason that such negotiation is nothing but the recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Therefore we oppose and reject the Camp David Agreements, the proposals of King Fahd, the Fez and Reagan plan, Brezhnev's and the French-Egyptian proposals, and all other programs that include the recognition (even the implied recognition) of the Zionist entity." The Hizballah Program. Translation of "Nass al-Risala al-Maftuha allati wajahaha Hizballah ila-l-Mustad'afin fi Lubnan wa-l-Alam", published February 16, 1985 in al-Safir (Beirut), and also in a separate brochure. In The Jerusalem Quarterly, number Forty-Eight, Fall 1988. Retrieved April 20, 2013 , from the World Wide Web

Matthew Chance, Nic Robertson, Elise Labott and Karl Penhaul. IDF: Hezbollah leaders' bunker hit., July 20, 2006. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web

For a sense of Iran’s practice of continually upgrading its missiles, see: n.a. Iran Missile Milestones. January 2004. Iran Watch. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web
. And George Gedda. Iran working to upgrade missile range. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 12, 2002. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web

For a Sky News video showing these bunkers, see: Israeli Golani Brigade Exposed Bunkers in Southern Lebanon 2006. This appears on the Israeli site ("The 4Law website provides free Internet access to legal and security Internet materials.") Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web

and Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web
. See also: Abraham Rabinovich. Hezbollah trained for 6 years, dug deep bunkers. THE WASHINGTON TIMES, July 21, 2006. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web

Associated Press. IDF has razed Hezbollah bunkers in Lebanon within past 24 hours. September 1, 2006. From the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web

Jerusalem Post Staff. Hezbollah bunkers under UN post. Jerusalem Post, August 27, 2006. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web
. For additional information on Hezbollah’s bunkers, see: David S. Cloud And Helene Cooper. U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis. New York Times, July 22, 2006. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web
=. Seymour M. Hersh. Watching Lebanon--Washington’s interests in Israel’s war. The New Yorker, August 8, 2006.

Matthew Chance, Nic Robertson, Elise Labott and Karl Penhaul. IDF: Hezbollah leaders' bunker hit., July 20, 2006. Retrieved October 14, 2006, from the World Wide Web
. Associated Press. Israeli Warplanes Target Suspected Hezbollah Bunker in Beirut., July 20, 2006. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web,2933,204482,00.html

Chris Tinkler. These are the pictures that damn Hezbollah: Graphic images smuggled out from Lebanon show how Hezbollah is waging war amid suburban homes. Sunday Mail, Adelaide, Australia. July 29, 2006

Retrieved October 14, 2006, from the World Wide Web,22606,19960056-5006301,00.html

Chris Tinkler. These are the pictures that damn Hezbollah: Graphic images smuggled out from Lebanon show how Hezbollah is waging war amid suburban homes. Sunday Mail, Adelaide, Australia. July 29, 2006

Retrieved October 14, 2006, from the World Wide Web,22606,19960056-5006301,00.html

Chris Tinkler. These are the pictures that damn Hezbollah: Graphic images smuggled out from Lebanon show how Hezbollah is waging war amid suburban homes. Sunday Mail, Adelaide, Australia. July 29, 2006

Retrieved October 14, 2006, from the World Wide Web,22606,19960056-5006301,00.html

Ali A. Mazrui. Islamic Doctrine and the Politics of Induced Fertility Change: An African Perspective. Population and Development Review, Vol. 20, Supplement: The New Politics of Population: Conflict and Consensus in Family Planning, (1994), p. 122.

Yousef Al-Qaradhawi and Other Sheikhs Herald the Coming Conquest of Rome. December 6, 2002 No. 447. Retrieved June 22, 2005, from the World Wide Web:

A. Guillaume. The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah. New York: Oxford University Press, 1955
, eighteenth printing, 2004: p. 452.


Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web
. Special Dispatch Series - No. 650 January 27, 2004 No.650 Al-Qa'ida's 'Voice of Jihad' Magazine: Issue No. 9

Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web

Updated: 02:33 PM EDT Al-Qaida Said to Have 18,000 Militants for Raids By BARRY RENFREW, AP LONDON (May 25, 2004)

Osama bin Laden. Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America', November 24, 2002. The Observer. November 24, 2002. The Observer points out that, “The letter first appeared on the internet in Arabic and has since been translated and circulated by Islamists in Britain.” Retrieved November 25, 2002, from the World Wide Web,11581,845725,00.html

Bernard Lewis. At War: Does Iran have something in store? Wall Street Journal Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Bernard Lewis. At War: Does Iran have something in store? Wall Street Journal Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Seif Al-Din Al-Ansari in the sixteenth issue of the online magazine Al-Ansar, dated August 24, 2002, which is affiliated with Al-Qa'ida “Allah Will Torture Them [the Infidels] At Your Hands"An Al-Qa’ida-Affiliated Online Magazine: On the Importance of Jihad as a Means of Destroying the ‘Infidel Countries’ Author: Publication: MEMRI Date: September 4, 2002 URL:

Qur’an, chapter 2,verse 24.

On November 10, 2003, “Usama bin Laden got into the act and
told the mass-circulation Dawn newspaper in Pakistan that his group possesses chemical and nuclear weapons
.” And, “
In a letter dated in May of 1998, bin Laden said: "We call for the Muslim brothers to imitate Pakistan as to the possession of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons."”
November 10, 2001-
Vol. 7, No. 316 in Laden And Al-Qaida Make More Threats By Steve Macko

As long ago as 1983, the Chinese had sold Moslem Pakistan the technology for building atomic bombs the size of soccer balls. Pakistan, in turn, had built facilities for mass producing these weapons and was fully equipped with the ballistic missiles to deliver them. (John Dikkenburg, "'Supermarket' in the Pacific,"
Asia Magazine
, Hong Kong, reprinted in
World Press Review
, September, 1992, pp. 14-16.) By 1993, there were active nuclear weapons development programs in Iraq, Iran, Libya, and several other Islamic states. According to Harvard University's Samuel P. Huntington, "a top Iranian official has declared that all Muslim states should acquire nuclear weapons...." (Samuel P. Huntington, "The Clash of Civilizations?"
Foreign Affairs
, Summer, 1993, p. 46.)


Osama Bin Laden. Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America' Retrieved October 13, 2005, from the World Wide Web,11581,845725,00.html

n.a. Nejad acknowledges diff. btwn Judaism and Zionism. September 24, 2006. Retrieved April 20, 2013, from the World Wide Web

n.a. Iranian leader: Wipe out Israel., Thursday, October 27, 2005, Retrieved April 20, 2013 , from the World Wide Web

The Sword of Islam. David Darlow, producer/director, Brian Park and Fiona Moffitt, research, Rod Caird, executive producer, Granada TV, Manchester, England, 1987.

Osama bin Laden. “Complete Text Of Sheikh Osama Bin Laden’s Latest Message To Ummah May 12, 2004”. Retrieved from the World Wide Web May 14, 2004

Peter Mandaville. Toward a Virtual Caliphate: Al-Qaida is not the only Muslim group harnessing the power of globalization. YaleGlobal, 27 October 2005. Retrieved September 16, 2006, from the World Wide Web

John Keegan. A History of Warfare. Encore Booknotes. C-Span2 BookTV. May 27, 2006.

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I owe this phrase to Richard Kidd, in personal conversation, 2001.

For a brief history of the rise of the protest industry, see: Howard Bloom. Reinventing Capitalism: Putting Soul In the Machine—A Radical Reperception of Western Civilization. New York: Early Draft available from
= or from

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