The Mortal Groove

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Authors: Ellen Hart

BOOK: The Mortal Groove
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The Mortal Groove






Night Vision

The Iron Girl

An Intimate Ghost

Immaculate Midnight

No Reservations Required

Death on a Silver Platter

The Merchant of Venus

Slice and Dice

Hunting the Witch

Wicked Games

Murder in the Air

Robber's Wine

The Oldest Sin

Faint Praise

A Small Sacrifice

For Every Evil

The Little Piggy Went to Murder

A Killing Cure

Stage Fright

Vital Lies

Hallowed Murder












This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


. Copyright © 2007 by Ellen Hart. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


ISBN-13: 978-0-312-34945-5

ISBN-10: 0-312-34945-9


First Edition: December 2007


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For Shawna and Bethany,
my muses, my heroes,
my two extraordinary daughters

Cast of Characters

Jane Lawless:
Owner of the Lyme House Restaurant and the Xanadu Club in Minneapolis. Peter's sister. Raymond's daughter.

Cordelia Thorn:
Creative Director for the Allen Grimby Repertory Theater in St. Paul.

Raymond Lawless:
Semiretired criminal lawyer. Jane and Peter's father.

Peter Lawless:
Cameraman/photographer. Jane's brother. Raymond's son.

Siqrid Lawless:
Psychologist. Peter's wife.

Delavon (Del) Green:
Raymond's campaign manager. Randy and Larry's old army friend.

Randy Turk:
Civil rights and poverty law attorney in St. Paul. Ethan's younger brother. Del and Larry's old army friend.

Ethan Turk:
Randy's older brother.

Larry Wilton:
Bartender. Randy and Del's old army friend.

Melanie Gunderson:
Reporter/teacher. Cordelia's ex-girlfriend.

Emily Bouchard:
Randy's old girlfriend.

A. J. Nolan:
Retired cop. Private investigator. Good friend of Jane's.




I shall tell you a great secret, my friend.
Do not wait for the last judgment,
it takes place every day.
—Albert Camus

Late Summer, 1971

hree young men in a northern Iowa field. They could be college kids home for the summer or farmhands taking a break on a hot August afternoon, but they aren't. All three are outwardly good boys. They love their mothers. They don't swear in front of children. They know how to behave appropriately. But one, though he still has the face of sweet youth, is a time bomb
a bomb that has gone off once already, and threatens to do so again.

Within the last four months, all of these boys, now men, have come home from a tour in Vietnam. One is standing, smoking a joint; the other two sit with their backs against the trunk of an oak. All are wearing battered boots, army field pants, and T-shirts. The one standing, Larry Wilton, is watching a crow perched at the top of the tree. The two men on the ground pass a fifth of rum between them.

“I am so
stoked,” says the one called Larry. “The jury acquitted him. We're all in the clear.”

Randy, the blond curly haired kid, the one who invited his two best
buddies up to visit him on the vast, flat, Iowa prairie because he doesn't feel comfortable around his old high school friends anymore, shakes his head. “We'll never be in the clear.”

“Don't be such a pessimist,” says Larry. “Your brother's a free man and so are we. I think that calls for some fireworks.” He leans over, reaches into his duffel bag, and comes out with a semiautomatic pistol, a new purchase. He tells anyone who's interested that he needs it because he just don't feel right if he ain't got no firepower. After a year in hell, a gun is as much a part of his body as his lungs. He fires several rounds into the air, then begins to dance his rendition of an Irish jig. He looks ridiculous and stoned, which he is.

Randy stares at him, takes another hit off the bottle, then hands it to Delavon. Delavon is a black man from Detroit. The biggest human being Randy had ever seen
before Vietnam. Randy believes that his life will forever be defined by two acronyms
B.N. and A.N. Before Nam and After Nam.

Larry lands on his knees in the dirt in front of Randy, grinning like a gargoyle. “Man, I love this life,” he says, taking a deep breath. “I purely do.”

“Nothin' pure about us,” says Delavon.

“You guys fry me. We took care of business, right?”

With his eyes half lowered, Randy considers Larry's hair. Each man's hair is still short, not quite army issue, but Larry has been out the longest, so his has grown the most. Randy tries to decide what color it is. He comes to the conclusion that it has no color. It's anticolor. Like dust.

“That cunt deserved to die,” says Larry.

Randy erupts at him, arm cocked, hand balled into a fist. He wants to annihilate him for saying that.

Delavon just watches from his position by the tree. He wishes he had a cigarette. When Larry and Randy have both rolled on their backs, grunting and sweating like hogs in a pen, Delavon, who fancies himself a preacher of sorts, offers his take on the matter.

“We gotta stop fighting like little kids, you understand me? We gotta become the brothers we always say we are. Like, maybe we do some serious voodoo shit. Cut our fingers and blend the blood in a cup. Or butcher ourselves a snake and swear an oath over it in a graveyard. ‘Cause brothers, hear me well. If one of us ever talks, we be dead men.”

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