Conditions Due Largely to Sex-Linked Genes Found Mostly in Males (cont .)
Dystrophia bullosa (formation of swellings, absence of all hair, etc.)
Epidermal cysts (skin cysts)
Glaucoma of juvenile type (increase in fluids of eyeball)
Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenate deficiency
Hurler syndrome (dwarf stature, generalized disease of bone, etc.)
Hypochromic anemia
Hypoplasia of iris with glaucoma
Ichthyosis (scalelike skin)
Keratosis follicularis (thickening of skin, loss of hair, etc.)
Macular dystrophy
Megalocornea (enlargement of cornea of eyeball)
Menkes syndrome (retarded growth and brain degeneration)
Mental deficiency
Microcornea (diminution of cornea of eyeball)
Mitral stenosis (stricture of bicuspid valve of heart)
Myopia (near-sightedness)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus
Night blindness
Nystagmus (rhythmical oscillation of eyeballs)
Oculo-cerebral-renal syndrome of Lowe (cataract, mental retardation, etc.)
Ophthalmoplegia and myopia (drooping of eyelids, absent patellar reflexes, etc.)
Optic atrophy (wasting of eye)
Peroneal atrophy (wasting of muscles of legs)
Progressive bulbar paralysis
Progressive deafness
Pseudoglioma (membrane formation back of lens)
Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy (weakening of muscles with growth of
connective tissue in them)
Retinal detachment
Retinitis pigmentosa
Spinal ataxia
Spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia (short stature, severe hip disease, etc.)
Thromboasthenia (defect in the thrombin, fibrin, and blood platelet formation)
Van den Bosch syndrome (mental deficiency, skeletal deformity, lack of sweat glands, etc.)
White occipital lock of hair