The Night Off (18 page)

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Authors: Meghan O'Brien

Tags: #Fiction, #Escort services, #Romance, #(v5.0), #General, #Lesbian

BOOK: The Night Off
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Swept away by how good it felt to make Nat happy simply by acknowledging their very real connection, Emily couldn’t help musing out loud. “Colleen says she’s worried that I’ll be a lonely, sexless recluse after she goes away to college. Maybe I
tell her about you. Assuming you don’t get tired of me after a couple of dates.”

“That hardly seems possible.” Nat moved her free hand to Emily’s face, drawing her closer for a soft kiss. “The more I know you, the better I like you.”

Emily kept her face close to Nat’s, reluctant to pull away from their easy intimacy. “How in the world have you managed to stay single all these years?”

Nat chuckled. “A combination of having an unappealing job and not meeting a girl like you, I guess.”

“I don’t mind your job,” Emily murmured. Perhaps she would feel differently within a long-term relationship, but for now, the knowledge that Nat was so good that women
paid for it
only served as an aphrodisiac. Maybe that made her strange—but it was true. “Not as long as you save your best work for me.”

Their food arrived before Nat could answer. Emily held Nat’s gaze as their waitress arranged the plates on the table, not wavering even when the waitress left with the cheerful instruction to enjoy their meal. Neither of them moved to start eating.

Finally Nat swallowed, looking almost painfully earnest. “I’ve never sold to a client what I’ve given to you. I promise.”

Overwhelmed by the urgency of her declaration, Emily caressed her hand. “I’m not asking for promises.”

“I’m making one, anyway.” Nat’s voice was resolute. “You are the
woman I think about when I’m alone.”

Emily blushed, almost embarrassed by how fantastic that made her feel. “And when was the last time you thought about me while you were alone?”

“This morning in the shower.” Nat moved closer, whispering in her ear. “I jacked off thinking about how wet your pussy gets when I suck on it. How good you taste. And how beautifully red my hand makes your bottom when I take you over my knee to spank you.”

By the time Nat was done speaking, Emily could barely breathe. She just wanted to go back to Nat’s place and fuck. She didn’t care at all about the expensive, delicious-smelling food in front of them. She felt absolutely no need to go through the motions of a normal date. It had been only three days since she’d been in bed with Nat—and maybe only fifteen minutes since Nat last made her come—but Emily needed her so intensely her whole body ached.

Emily pulled back, arching an eyebrow. “How hungry are you, really?”

“For dinner?” Nat’s eyes flashed. At Emily’s nod, she said, “When the waitress comes back I’ll ask her to box up our meals. Why don’t we eat a few bites to tide us over while we wait?”

Emily knew that she had wanted to impress her with a gourmet dinner, so she was pleased that Nat so easily accepted having her plans derailed. She definitely intended to make it up to her once they got back to Nat’s apartment. “Thank you.”

Nat snorted. “Are you kidding? This is the best date ever.”

Chapter Fourteen

They made it back to Nat’s apartment less than an hour later. Nat dragged Emily into the kitchen by the hand, tossed their leftovers into the fridge, then scooped Emily into her arms and initiated a passionate kiss. Her single-minded focus was on getting Emily naked and into bed as quickly as possible. She stumbled across the living room, hands grasping at delicious curves as they continued to make out, then kicked open her bedroom door. As soon as her knees bumped against the mattress, she dumped Emily in the center of the bed and crawled on top of her without interrupting their frantic kisses.

She sat up just long enough to discard her vest and direct Emily’s questing hands to the buttons on her shirt, frustrated by all the damn clothing between them. Then she returned to Emily’s mouth with a growl of satisfaction. Emily’s delicate fingers fumbled open Nat’s shirt buttons, moving swiftly from her waist up over her breasts. Eager to feel bare skin against her own, Nat gathered Emily’s top in her hands, ready to tug it off the next time they broke for air.

Emily succumbed to the need to breathe first. Gasping, she yanked Nat’s shirt off her shoulders, then raised her arms as Nat stripped off her top. They came back together in a clash of teeth and tongues, Nat bare from the waist up and Emily clad in a silky green bra. This kiss lasted a long time and ended only when Nat grabbed Emily’s bra cups and yanked downward, then attacked her bare breasts with hungry, sucking kisses.

Emily dug her fingers into Nat’s scalp, groaning. “Take off my skirt.”

Nat complied without moving from the nipple she was licking, wrestling blindly with the fastening at Emily’s hip for an embarrassingly long time. Emily dissolved into giggles just as she managed to unzip the damn thing. Determined to make this their last interruption, Nat yanked Emily’s skirt and panties down her legs. She tossed them onto the floor, but when she went to move back on top, Emily pressed a hand against her chest.

“Not until you lose those pants.”

Turned on by Emily’s commanding tone, Nat stood and thumbed open the button at her waist. “Bossy.”

“I want to feel your skin on mine.”

Nat stripped off her pants, enjoying the way Emily’s gaze tracked her progress. Normally, the more demanding her partner, the slower she went. But holding back was impossible when she wanted Emily so goddamn badly. As soon as her boxer briefs hit the floor, she scrambled back onto the mattress and pressed Emily’s thighs apart with her hands.

“Nat…” Emily’s plea turned into a throaty whimper at the first touch of Nat’s tongue against her labia. Her hands found Nat’s face, caressing her tenderly. “Please.”

Taking that as encouragement, Nat sampled the juices trickling from Emily’s opening. She was soaking wet—probably had been all evening. Her light flavor was at once familiar and long-lost, and she lapped it with enthusiasm.

“Wait.” Emily closed her thighs on Nat’s head. “Please, come up here and kiss me.”

Nat surged upward, capturing Emily’s mouth in a deep kiss that she returned with equal fervor. Positioning herself over Emily’s body, she entangled their legs so she could rub her swollen clit against Emily’s warm thigh. Instantly they fell into a natural rhythm, rocking against each other in pursuit of mutual pleasure.


The noise registered on the edge of Nat’s consciousness but didn’t distract her from trailing wet kisses down Emily’s throat to the impossibly soft space between her breasts. Only when Emily froze beneath her did she realize what she’d heard was Emily’s phone—and that Emily was most likely trying to decide whether to check it.

Lifting her head, Nat mustered her best mature, understanding smile. “Do you need to get that?”

“I—” An internal struggle played out over Emily’s face, then she sighed in resignation. “Yeah, I probably should.”

Nat rolled off. She understood. Emily wasn’t living the life of an average twenty-five-year-old woman. She had a dependent at home—a teenager, for God’s sake—who obviously demanded her attention. Even, Nat mused, when it was inconvenient. She suppressed a sigh as she watched Emily dig through the purse she’d dropped beside the bed, looking for her phone.

When she found it, Emily navigated through the menu in silence, no doubt pulling up her text messages. Avoiding the urge to glance at the display, Nat studied the tension in Emily’s body as she read something onscreen. At first she betrayed no reaction. After what felt like forever, she bit her lip, met Nat’s eyes, then typed a brief message in reply. Locking her phone, Emily tossed it over the side of the bed.

“Is everything okay?” Nat asked. Though it appeared that Emily hadn’t been called away, her heart thumped as she waited for their idyllic moment to end. “Do you have to go?”

“No, I don’t think so.” Emily took a deep breath. “Apparently she and her friend Kaysi had an argument. Colleen was supposed to stay at Kaysi’s place tonight, but she’s home now. And wondering where I am.”

“What did you say?” Nat’s stomach churned slightly in anticipation of her answer. She hated being Emily’s dirty little secret, but understood why she didn’t feel she should tell Colleen yet. If lying was what it took to get Emily to stay a little longer, she could handle that. For now.

“That I’m working late. She’ll believe it.”

“So you’re sure you don’t need to go?” Hopeful that their evening hadn’t gotten cut off before it really began, Nat stroked her palm up and down the length of Emily’s inner thigh. “Because I do understand, if you need to.”

“No, I can stay for a while. If you want me.”

“I want you
.” Nat rolled Emily onto her back and returned to her position on top before she could change her mind. “Now where were we?” She pressed her thigh against Emily’s pussy, then groaned when Emily mimicked her action. “Oh, yeah. Right here.”

Emily lifted her head, kissing the corner of her mouth. “Let’s see if we can come just like this.”


Hesitant to proceed, Nat waited to see if Emily would react to the incoming text notification. Without missing a beat, Emily rocked her hips and rubbed her slick pussy all over Nat’s thigh. Nat moaned happily. If Emily felt comfortable ignoring Colleen’s messages, she didn’t intend to argue.


Emily screwed her eyes shut, shaking her head in obvious frustration. “No. She’s eighteen years old. She’s going to college in two months. She can take care of herself for a few hours.”

It sounded like Emily was trying to convince herself. With an iron will, Nat stilled her body once again. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Emily took a deep breath and opened her eyes. She seemed conflicted, but resolute. “She isn’t a little kid anymore, and I texted her that I’ll be home soon. She’ll just have to deal with it.” Emily put her hands on Nat’s lower back, pulling her close. “I can’t leave you yet.”

Nat saw Emily cringe slightly at her own words, so she kissed her again to silence her inner critic. That Emily wanted to be here with her so badly meant more than Nat could explain. Even if they hadn’t put any labels on their relationship tonight, she no longer worried that her feelings were one-sided. Emily wanted her, too.

Desperate to feel Emily come, Nat slid her thigh against her pussy, quickly resuming her rhythm. Within moments their mouths came together and their bodies fell back into perfect synchronicity in the silent pursuit of mutual release. The sensation of Emily’s supple body beneath hers was so divine that Nat dreaded having to stop for any reason. She hoped she wouldn’t have to.


This time, Emily didn’t react at all.


Emily slipped her key into her apartment door a little before midnight, only to discover it already unlocked. Frowning at Colleen’s lack of concern for her safety, Emily opened the door and stepped inside. Colleen was asleep on the couch in front of a blaring television—no surprise there. What shocked Emily into stillness were the three empty bottles of beer on the coffee table, one of them tipped onto its side.

it. She stood frozen beside the couch, not wanting to wake Colleen until she decided how to react. Anger, confusion, and frustration warred for dominance as she processed the scene. What would possess Colleen to do something so stupid? She recalled the series of text messages that Colleen had sent to her earlier, while she was in bed with Nat.

Just got home—Kaysi decided to pick a fight and I’m not dealing with her shit tonight. Where are you?

After she had replied that she was working late and would be home in a few hours, Colleen had fired off a few more irritated messages—ones she had ignored in favor of making love with Nat.

Kaysi is a fucking bitch. Glad she’s not going to school with me next year. She’s supposed to be my friend, but whatever. I don’t care. When will you be home? I’m bored as hell.

Emily sighed. Despite the low-level anxiety Colleen’s interruptions had caused, her date with Nat had been phenomenal. So much so that when she’d left Nat’s apartment, she felt like she was floating. But now, Colleen’s decision to drink in
apartment had her rapidly plummeting back to earth. She didn’t know whether Colleen had acted out of anger or boredom, but either way, drinking was unacceptable as long as Emily was paying the bills. Frustrated that her good mood had all but vanished, she bent and shook Colleen’s leg more roughly than she’d intended.

“Wake up.” Emily waited a beat, then smacked Colleen’s thigh. “I’m serious, wake up.”

“Em?” Colleen struggled to open her eyes. “What the hell time is it? Where were you?”

“It’s almost midnight. And you’re the one who needs to explain, Colleen. Are you

Colleen’s uneven peal of laughter answered the question for her. “I’m
, Em. Geez, calm down. I drank a few beers. It’s not like I was slamming tequila shots.”

“You’re eighteen years old!” Resentment for her disappearing good mood consumed Emily momentarily, leaving her struggling not to explode. “I should be able to leave you alone for a few hours without having to worry that you’ll drink yourself into a stupor. How can I trust you when it seems like every time I turn my back lately, you’re getting into trouble?”

“This isn’t
.” Colleen rolled her eyes. “It’s three beers. God! Do you have any idea how easy you have it with me? I’ve always been a good kid. But now I’m getting older, and you have
to let go a little.”

It was true that Colleen had always been a generally good kid. Though she’d had her fair share of emotional struggle—necessitating years of therapy after Emily took custody—Colleen was generally well-behaved. Her indiscretions and rebellions were relatively mild compared to those of many of her classmates. Considering how they’d both grown up, she knew she was lucky that Colleen had never felt the need to really act out. Maybe she expected too much from her sister—maybe she held her to a higher standard than she should. But after everything she’d sacrificed to give Colleen a loving home, it didn’t seem like too much to ask her to stay away from substances.

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